She was sitting just mere inches away from his face and still couldn’t see any trace of Andrew Lippincott. Without warning Andrea leaned forward and gently placed her lips on Simone .When their lips touched a bolt of pure desire shot through Simone’s body, she felt her nipples tingle and her panties heat up.
As the kiss ended and they separated Simone allowed one of her hands to gently caress one of Andrea’s breasts, they felt very real.
“This is unbelievable.You look so hot,” Simone whispered.
“Thank you. You’re not disgusted by my secret?” Andrea asked.
“Not a bit, in fact it is a total turn on. How long have you been doing this?” Simone asked.
“Since I was a teenager. I have always had a fascination with sexy lingerie but never had the chance to indulge until the year that I got caught in a thunderstorm and headed to my friends house since it was closer. She got me out of my wet clothes and into one of her full slips and panties and I was hooked.”
“When I decided to dress as a streetwalker for Halloween she provided all the clothing,” he continued.
“Now my parents lost their minds at my costume choice and I was forbidden to attend any party dressed like a female. I was even forced to lie and say I purchased the clothing at a second hand store when they asked where I got them. I didn’t want to get my friend in trouble.”
“So on Halloween night I left my house in a boring costume and instead of staying at the party I headed to my lady friends house and told her what had happened. She was upset and as a reward for keeping silent she dressed me and did my makeup.”
“That was the first Halloween that I dressed as a female. Soon I was spending a great deal of time with her and learning everything about dressing and make up. What you see here is the result of many years of practice.”
Andrea noticed that Simone’s smile drop a little and guessed what she was thinking.
“How often do you dress?” Simone questioned.
“Almost every day. Under those Armani suits that you say look great on me I am usually wearing sheer pantyhose or panties. The full transformation is reserved for the weekends.”
“Have you ever dressed for a girlfriend?”
“Just once. She accused me of being a sick and twisted fuck as she stormed out the door. She broke up with me the next day.”
Simone embraced Andrea again and this time the kiss was longer and more intense. She felt Andrea’s hands gently rub her breasts and she moaned as her hands went to Andrea’s breasts.
“They feel so real,” she commented.
“The best that money can buy,” Andrea responded.
“So when you asked where I had purchased my skirt it was because you wanted to buy one?”
“Did you?”
“No. Unfortunately they were out of them when I went to that store,” Andrea admitted.
“Would you like to try on this one?” Simone asked.
“Very much.”
Simone stood up and unzipped her skirt and Andrea assisted her in stepping out of it. At the sight of Andrea sliding her skirt on Simone became even hotter.
“How does it look?” she asked as she did a pirouette.
“It looks better on you than on me.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“I love your lingerie,” Simone stated.
“Thank you. You don’t you own anything similar items?”
“Only a few pieces, but nothing like yours.”
Andrea took Simone by the hand and led her to a back bedroom. The dresser drawers were crammed with the hottest looking lingerie she had ever seen. The closet was filled with blouses, skirts and silky dressing gowns of various lengths and materials.There were dozens of pairs of heels and boots on the floor.
“Dress for me,” was all Andrea said, kissing her before leaving the room.