Weekend At Estelle’s

"Mix a horny young man with a hot sexy mature woman and the fucking fireworks begin!"

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My story begins in 2003. I married the love of my life one year after I enlisted in the Armed Forces. I will keep much of my service a secret, I don’t want my buddies, if they read this, to know who I am. So, my name is Randy. Married life was fun, both of us wanted to be child free so I elected to have a vasectomy to make sure it never happened. Sylvia and I were both animals in bed, we fucked every night and sometimes multiple times on the weekend if I wasn’t working. Sometimes we invited a woman into our bed for threesomes, sometimes Sylvia had two men to satisfy her carnal desires. We met other couples and started swinging. We would rent a cottage or hotel suite because we didn’t want to be caught by the base authorities. The UCMJ has an article that makes adultery unlawful. I would guess swinging falls under that article since everyone’s fucking everyone else.

Life was great until my unit was called up for duty in Iraq.

Sylvia cried everyday. We talked about where she would stay while I was gone and her parents decided that she should stay with them. Sylvia and I agreed. The next day we made all the arrangements for the move back home. The day my unit left the base, Sylvia and I said our goodbyes. She was crying, no, it was more like she was sobbing. She didn’t want to let go of me until we were signaled to mount up to travel to the base airstrip. I kissed her one last time, “The year will fly by and I will be home sooner than you think. I love you and thank your parents for me.”

“Be safe and come back to me, I love you,” she said between sobs.

The bus ride to the airstrip was very quiet. The married guys and any guy that left a girlfriend behind just stared out the bus window, deep in their own thoughts. The flight over was long and noisy. Noisy because military planes are built for service not comfort so we were very uncomfortable the whole trip. I won’t go into any details of what we did or how we did it while in Iraq. War is not a pretty picture.

I received a letter, sometimes two, every week from Sylvia. Mom wrote often and so did some of my cousins that I was close to. About six months into my tour the number of Sylvia’s letters became less and less. I wrote my Mom and asked her, ‘if she was ok’? Mom wrote back that she had moved out of her parents home and was living on her own. She had a job as a cocktail waitress at one of the lounges in town. Other than that she knew nothing because Sylvia wasn’t communicating with any of the family, her own included.

I wrote to Sylvia and asked what was going on and why had she moved out.

Three weeks later at mail call I received a letter from her explaining how she couldn’t live at home anymore because she felt the parent/child relationship reared its ugly head. Her parents were watching her every move and it made her uncomfortable. It was also in this letter that she dropped the divorce bomb on me. She wanted out of the marriage, she had met another man and was living with him in his apartment. She met him while waitressing and she just couldn’t hold out without any sex anymore. She said, ‘I don’t love him, I won’t marry him, I just fuck him.’ She also informed me that the divorce papers were being drawn up and all I had to do was sign them and it would all be over. Needless to say I was stunned and hurt by the news.

A couple weeks later the divorce papers arrived and I signed them and mailed them back. Sylvia didn’t want anything from me. All our household goods were in storage and would be mine when I returned back to the states. There were no outstanding loans or bills from our marriage. She did take the car and that was ok with me, it wasn’t long for this world anyway. I agreed that she could drop my last name and she would resume using her maiden name, that was fine with me. A two months later I had in my possession the final decree and I was single again.

My tour finally ended and I was shipped back to the states, to a base in Texas. I was near San Antonio and I spent many weekends in the city. There were plenty of bars and lounges to go to. The guys would always be hitting on the younger chicks and ending up broke and maybe one or two would get lucky for the night.

Not me, I learned from an old sergeant who told me, “Let the young fools spend their hard earned money on the young ones, they will be going back to base lonely. Lock eyes and smiles with an older gal. Let her know that you are available to her and she will take care of you.”

I took Sarges advice to heart and it worked well. I always let the older gal know I was interested in her, by giving her a big smile. If she didn’t come to my table right away, I would go to hers, usually her table friends would hit on me also. When her friends hit on me she would then turn into the cougar she was. I would invite my quarry to dance. After we danced awhile I would invite her back to my table. I mean they wanted to talk, drink, dance and have a good time, I obliged them.

I liked the older women, they were always ready to fuck and they taught me a lot of techniques about sex. This was fun! I didn’t need any money to spend because they spend their money. Of course they wanted me to stay with them the night either at their place or at some hotel. I wasn’t a total whore though, I was picky about the women I slept with. They had to appeal to me with both personality and looks. I would give them my youthful energy when I fucked them, which I did often and hard. Very seldom did I have a repeat ‘date’ with any of my conquests. I was a fuck em and leave em kind of guy.

I have a decent sized cock, about eight inches long and fairly thick. I never encountered a woman who went apeshit over it, most didn’t care, they just wanted a young guy to fuck them and to fuck him back.

The oldest woman I laid was in her fifties. We were at a motel our first night together. She was probably the best piece of ass out of all the women I slept with. She was pretty, still had a fine body, her tits were a B cup so they didn’t really sag. I was sure she was a gym rat because her belly was as flat as a teenage girls and she was in great shape. She told me she was a widow and her name was Estelle, Essie for short. It was her pussy that really got to me, it was as fine to look at as my ex-wife’s was. Essie did not wax or shave though. I went down on her for hours, well it seemed like hours, in a good way. We fucked hard, she cum twice before I cum. She was still hot and horny and wanted to go again right away. She understood it took awhile for me to be ready again. For some unexplained reason I liked her and wanted to fuck her again.

She asked me, “What are you doing this coming weekend? Can you get a weekend pass? I like you and I would like to do this again.”

I told her, “I had this coming weekend free and I didn’t need a pass anymore because of my rank and I too would like to be with her again.”

“You have not told me your name, is there a reason?”

“Sorry, my name is Randy. Would you mind if I said something to you about tonight?”

“Honey, tell me anything you want.”

“OK, I’ve been with many mature women since I returned from Iraq and you are the one that stands out as the best of the best. I enjoyed tonight immensely, you are beautiful, youthful and of all the ass I’ve had in my life, you are the best! Is this coming Friday night Ok?”

“Sweetie, Friday is fine, meet me at the same bar at 7 and be prepared for a weekend of bliss!”

The week went by fairly fast, we were kept busy with training every day. Friday afternoon we knocked off early. Most guys were anxious, Wednesday the Eagle had shit, to spend their money and maybe get laid in town. I took my time, enjoying a nice long hot shower. I spent a bit more time preening myself. Essie is one fine broad and I wanted her to be proud of me wherever we went or whatever we would be doing. I packed a sackpack with an extra pair of jeans and extra underwear. My toiletries were packed too. I looked in my mirror, I looked sharp with my cowboy boots and hat. I wondered what Essie would be wearing, something sexy I hoped.

I arrived at the bar at 6:50, took a quick glance around just in case Essie was early. She wasn’t here yet so I sat at the bar where I could see people who were entering. I didn’t even have my first drink served when I spotted her walking in. I waved to catch her eye and she saw me. She walked over to me smiling all the way. I was happy to see her and smiled back. The lady was dressed to kill, totally western. Her clothes were impeccable, only what a very rich woman could afford. Her jean shorts fit her like a glove, tightly encasing her slim upper thighs and tight ass. Her western cut shirt was unbuttoned enough to show she was braless, her hard nipples poking out. She was topped off with a beautiful custom made cowgirl hat. She was turning heads as she walked over to me. She sat on the stool next to me then leaned over and gave me a kiss. She was marking her territory, namely me, and I was happy for her to do it!

The bartender came over and took her drink order.

“Have you eaten dinner yet?” She asked.

“Not yet,” I replied.

“After this drink lets go grill some steaks at my condo. How does that sound to you?”

“Sounds great,” I replied. “My god, you are beautiful and so sexy. We might not make it out of the parking lot!”

“Bottoms up, let’s get out of here. I want to work up an appetite at my place.”

Essie didn’t have her car so she played navigator and guided me to her condo. About twenty minutes later I drove into a driveway that went down to a parking garage below some very expensive condos. Essie reached into her purse and pressed a button on a remote and a door opened and a security guard walked toward my car. I rolled my window down.

“Hi Charles, Essie Ward here. My friend Randy and I will be here all weekend.”

Charles looked into my car and saw Essie in the passenger seat.

“Howdy Ms Ward. Nice to have you here, I need your friend’s full name, please.

“I’m Randy Dunbar, Charles,” I said, noting that security was tight.

“Thank you sir and have a nice evening.”

The garage door opened and Essie directed me to a parking space next to her car. She pointed at the wall, “Remember the number Randy, this will make it easier next time you come here. That’s if you want to drive back to be with me.”

“Essie, I’ll be here anytime you want me to be.”

We left the car and she held my hand as she led me to the elevator. She slipped a card through a slot and the door opened. We entered the car and it automatically went to her condo. When the door opened I was treated to a very large expensive living room. I was really impressed to say the least.

“Come, let me show you around. I want you to feel at home here, can you do that for me?”

“I’ve never been in such a nice home. I’m at a loss for words to describe what I am seeing.”

“You don’t have to Randy, this condo is for you and I to play in. I bought it a month ago because traveling back and forth to the ranch was tiring. I stay here now when in town.”

Essie showed me each room and I was in total awe at the expansiveness of it all. The master bedroom was huge, there was enough room for what I was sure, was a massive custom built bed, there even was a sitting area with what looked like an eighty inch TV with surround sound and home theater seating for two. There was a couch also in the sitting area. Her walk-in closet was as big as my old townhouse family room, from there she led me into the master bath. All I can say is that I thought I was in the most expensive New York hotel’s bath. I could see that Essie was having fun showing me around. There was a second bedroom with its own walk-in closet and ensuite bath also. Next Essie showed me what she called ‘The Bar’. It was like a real bar with six bar stools. A complete back bar all loaded with top shelf liquor. I don’t know why Essie went to bars, other than to be with her friends, when she had all this here.

“We ain’t done yet,” she said as she led me out through a sliding glass wall onto her private balcony.

The balcony was set up like a landscaped backyard entertainment area.

“This whole area is built as green space,” she said. The landscape designer and gardener did a wonderful job, don’t you think?”

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. Your condo is nothing but beautiful.”

“Here is the barbeque pit. I’m not hungry yet, so let’s go back inside.”

She was still holding my hand this whole time, she now led me back into the condo and straight to her bedroom. I was hoping she would be up for a sexual romp before dinner, I really wanted to fuck this hot woman.

“You wait here for me,” she said as she headed into the master bath. “I’ll be right back after I change into something I hope you will like. Take your boots off while I’m gone.”

I sat down and pulled my boots off faster than a bunny can run. I had a feeling she would be coming out of that bathroom dressed in something that would make my cock hard in a New York minute. After a few minutes she returned and I was right. Before me was the most gorgeous woman a poor man like me could be blessed to look at. She was maybe twentyfive or thirty years older than me, but my cock was standing tall and hurting in my pants. Essie was wearing what is called 1940’s wedding lingerie. Her legs were encased in white stockings that were held up by a white garter belt. Over that were sheer white skimpy panties. Above that a sheer bra so sheer I could see the little bumps on her areolas. Her nipples pointing straight out, trying to break free of her bra. Covering all this was the sheerest silk robe. My cock was leaking precum all over me. This woman had me so hot I was sizzling! How could one woman be so stunningly gorgeous, so fucking hot, so sexy and to top it off, she was all mine! I just could not fathom how lucky I was.

“You like?” She asked.

“Oh, my, god,” I exclaimed. “Essie, you are so…I can’t describe how stunning beautiful and sexy you are! I think I have cum in my jeans you are so fucking hot! How can you be such a hot woman? I want you so to me.”

Essie walked over to me and kissed me deeply. Our tongues were twisting around each other, frantically trying to gain the advantage over each other. Essie unbuttoned my shirt, pulled it up and out of my jeans and slipped it off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. She pulled her lips from mine and started kissing my chest. Teasing my nipples with her tongue while lightly sucking on them. This woman sure knew how to make me the hornyest cowboy in Texas! Essie dropped to her knees, unbuckling my belt, zipping down my fly and pulling my jeans down, all in one swift move. I stepped out and kicked my jeans to the side. Essie slid her hand over my cock and squeezed hard through my boxers. My cock was as hard as a rock! Essie then slid my boxers down over my ass, over my knees and to the floor. She came back up my body, reaching for my cock that was standing at twelve o’clock, it was so hard. Essie had to pull my cock down and away from my belly so she could put it in her mouth.

“Oh god,” I moaned as her wet lips slipped over my cockhead, pushing my foreskin back. With her lips slipping over my glans, back and forth, I felt the beginnings of an orgasm building. “Essie you sure know how to suck my cock! Don’t stop but don’t make me cum yet!”

She removed her mouth from my cockhead, but continued kissing and licking my shaft. Essie worked on my cock and balls for a few more minutes before standing up.

“Take my clothes off, Randy strip me so I am as naked as you.”

I carefully removed her sheer gown and hung it over a chair back. I stood behind her and cupped her breasts with my hands, rubbing my thumbs over her nipples. Essie moaned. Essie put her hands behind my head and slid her head back, alongside mine. I whispered in her ear, “Essie, I going to fuck you tonight within an inch of your life. I don’t think you have ever been fucked like I will be fucking you tonight.”

“Get these clothes off of me…now. I am so hot and horny, my cunt is dripping my juices down my thighs!”

I resumed stripping Essie’s body by removing her bra. Her nipples were to much for me to pass by, I had to suck on them. I tweaked one nipple while I sucked on the other, then I switched nipples. Essie held my head tightly to her breast while I sucked hard and bit down enough for her to pull back and moan, her nipple snapping from my lips. I kissed her belly as I sunk to my knees. When my eyes were level with her pussy I was surprised, she had shaved her pubic hair into a landing strip. I placed my hands on each hip, pulling her panties down with my finger tips. Slowly her pussy was revealed to my eyes. I pulled my head back so I could see better.

“I had my pussy waxed and shaved just for you. I hope you like what I have done.”

“I love what you have done for me Essie. I just hope that I can please you like you have pleased me.

You have a beautiful cunt, so tight and wet. My cock will welcome your pussy lips sliding over its head, the nerve endings sending fireworks to my brain. The warmth of your tunnel on my shaft, your cunt milking my cum from me into you. My cock tightly locked into your cunt, making us one for the moment.”

I stood up now, lifting Essie so easily and laying her down on the bed, her legs hanging over the edge. I knelt between her legs, lifting them up, setting her feet down on the bed edge. I pressed her feet outward, opening her up to me, I was staring at her bare labia. I licked her juices from her inner thighs. Her stocking tops were wet from her leaking so much wetness from her pussy. I licked her outer labia, from top to bottom and I slid my tongue up her slit, stopping under her hood and above her clit. Essie moaned as I used my fingers to spread her open. I licked her inner labia, teasing her vaginal opening by slipping my tongue in and wiggling the tip inside of her.

I licked my way back up until I could surround her clit with my lips. I sucked hard, pulling her clit from under her hood. I licked her clit, top, bottom and on the sides, over and over. Essie was moving her ass, trying to keep her clit in contact with my tongue at all times. Her clit was swelling with blood, just as her labia were filled, her pussy was looking very fluffy. I could tell that Essie was ready to be fucked, her blood engorged outer labia were holding her vagina open, inviting my cock to enter her.

I slid Essie’s ass to the edge of the bed, I wanted my left foot on a firm footing for about what was to follow. I swung Essie’s right leg back and down on the bed. My left hand settled on the backside of her knee and held her leg firmly against the sheet. I swung Essie’s left leg back and my right hand held it firmly on the sheet. Essie’s pussy was now totally exposed to the onslaught that my cock was about to initiate. As I attempted to guide my cock to her cunt, she placed her fingers around it and aimed it directly at herself. I pressed my hips forward, penetrating her, driving my cock deep into her pussy. With my left foot on the floor and my right leg kneeling on the bed, I had the necessary leverage to drive my cock deep into her and to withdraw until I was almost out. I kept my cockhead ever so shallow in her on my outstroke. I then rammed my cock back into her until my pubic bone contacted hers. I started to pile drive my cock over and over, her clit receiving a hit on each instroke.

“Essie’s face was distorted with the sensations of passion she was experiencing. Her throat was emitting guttural moans that at times I thought sounded like she was saying ‘fuck me’. She was very hard to understand. My ability to hold her down as I pounded her cunt didn’t leave Essie the capability to move her ass much but what she could move she did. She was able to move not sideways but up and down. Her movements were timed with mine so when my cock was at maximum depth, her clit would collide with pubic bone.

Soon I heard, “Oh god, Randy, fuck me, fuck me! Drive your cock into me! My pussy is for you to abuse with your cock! Pound me hard, pound me haarrrdd!”

Suddenly she screamed, “I’m cumming, fuck me faster, fuck me harder.”

Her passionate scream stirred my brain to perform like I had never performed before. My cock was driving into her like a engine’s piston, in and out, in and out, never ending. My pubic bone was beginning to hurt from the slamming it was taking from her, which made me fuck her harder. I too like some minor pain as my climax is building within me. Essie came again. I relaxed my hands some to allow her to move her body. She immediately felt what I had done and she knew that I now wanted her to fuck me back. Her ass began to move like she was frantically trying to eject my cock from her cunt and at the same time suck me deeper into her. Our coordinated timing drove her over the edge again and she kept cumming over and over.

I cannot describe the language Essie suddenly started using, I think it would make a salty sailor blush. Some words, that I can repeat here, coming from her mouth were, ‘Motherfucker’ as in ‘You motherfucker, better fuck me into another motherfuckin’ cum better than before’. Another was, ‘This bitch is gonna tear your cock off your motherfuckin’ body’. Or, ‘You better drive your fuckin’ cock so deep that when you cum I can spit your cum in your face’.

Then it happened, she went into a full body orgasm. Her eyes were shut so tightly that her eyelids looked like wrinkles. Her forehead was all in furrows, her cheeks puffed as she clenched her teeth. I couldn’t hold her legs anymore as they shot straight out, her feet pointing the same direction and her toes were coiled tight. Essie was as stiff as a board, her cunt muscles seized, trapping me deep in her, squeezing my cock with pulsing sensations that drove my climax to the surface. I jammed my hips forward, my cock was now deep in her as rope after rope of cum battered her cervix. My cock was throbbing in her pulsating cunt. She was milking every last drop of my cum, from me, into her. Essie returned from her euphoria, she reached up and pulled me down onto her. Her arms encircled my back as she hugged me tightly to her. My cock was still throbbing in her wet pussy as she kissed me.

“My god, you are a fucking machine! My pussy has never been pounded so hard, ever! I’m so glad we hooked up last weekend. That time was nice, but this time is pure fabulous! If you can’t fuck me that hard every time, at least once in awhile would be great.”

“Essie, you are the best piece of ass that I have ever had. My ex and I used to swing and none of those women could ever compare to you, not even my ex. I thought she was a great piece but you are better ten-fold! I want this weekend to be one that you will never forget, nor will I. Now let’s fire up that grill, I need a lot of protein for our next round of sex!”

Essie stripped three or four tissues from the box on the nightstand and placed them in her crotch. “Don’t want your cum messing up my bed,” she said. “Although my juices have made a large spot on the edge.”

Essie headed for the ensuite to clean up. I followed her and together we took a nice long warm shower. Essie took hold of my cock and cleaned me. “Next time I’ll use my mouth,” she said.

After our shower she put on her shorts, nothing else, just her shorts and made me do the same with my jeans. “I like to look at your upper body,” Essie said as she rubbed my chest with her hands.

My answer to her was to suck on her nipples, making them stand out from her tits. Essie has a beautiful body and the perfect tits to set it all off. I think my dick is getting hard again!

Essie and I headed into the kitchen where she pulled two nice thick Porterhouse steaks out of the refrigerator. “It’s nice owning a ranch, I get the best beef and keep it for myself. Chuck, my ranch manager, is an expert at picking the best cattle to fatten and slaughter for home use.”

Essie seasoned the steaks like a pro, this lady knew her meat and how to prepare it. We headed out onto the balcony to fire up the grill. This was no ordinary grill, this was a Texas barbeque pit! The top must have been at least two feet by four feet, two steel doors covering the firebox. “Essie, I have never used a pit like this before, I’ll need your help.”

“Relax and watch me, then next time you can do the honors.”

I said to myself,”There will be a next time, I want to fuck this woman many times,”

Essie started building a fire on one side, no need to fire more, just for two steaks. The girl was an outdoor woman I could tell, she knew what she was doing and soon she had real charcoal burning brightly. Wouldn’t be long and the coals would be sizzling some steaks.

“Let’s get ourselves a drink or a beer while we wait, OK? What would you like?”

I walked behind the bar with Essie who opened a cooler that was loaded with beer. “Your choice of beer or would you prefer a shot?”

Essie had a bottle of Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve setting on a shelf. “I would a shot of that and then a beer while the steaks are grilling,” I told her. “But you need to have a shot with me.”

“Good choice Randy, I am a single malt scotch drinker myself.”

After Essie poured the shots, we looked at each other and she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me gently, “I want to toast you and me, may we always be good to each other and may we always fuck each other like tonight!”

“You bet and I want you to know that you have made a better man of me in the short time I’ve known you. You are one fantastic woman and I’ll be your man whenever you want or need me.”

“Love you, Randy, love you.”

She grabbed two beers and we headed back out with the steaks. I watched a master as Essie grilled the steaks to perfection. Essie drank her beer like a man drinks his, six or seven pulls and the bottle was empty. She burped, I laughed and so did she. We headed back into the kitchen and I sat our plates on the table as Essie retrieved some tater tots from the oven and a big bowl of homemade coleslaw from the refer. We ate in silence, I could see, in her eyes, she was pleased with me. When we were done I helped her clear the table and put our plates and silver into the dishwasher.

“Let’s sit down for awhile and relax,” she said while leading me into the family room.

Essie picked up a remote and soon soft music was filling the room. She went to the bar and filled two cordial glasses with peppermint schnapps. She returned and handed a drink to me. “Something to sip on while we listen to the music.”

I sipped my drink, the alcohol tasted good, it kind of made the full feeling of dinner disappear.

“How come you never ask me about my life?” Essie asked. “I’d like to tell you about me if you want to listen.”

“You tell me your story and then I’ll tell you mine. I didn’t ask because I wanted you to want to tell me your story, I didn’t want you to think I was prying.”

Essie then proceeded to tell me about her life. Essie was born on a ranch, the same ranch that she owns today. Her Great- Great grandfather migrated here when this part of Texas was still Mexico. The Mexican government at the time was awarding large segments of land to settlers thinking that they would end the problems the Apache’s were giving them. That is how the ranch came into the family and has been there ever since. Essie left the ranch while attending Texas Christian University where she majored in Farm and Ranch Management. After receiving her degree she went on and completed her Masters.

While in college she met and fell in love with a man named James “Duke” Overland Ward. They were married and settled down here and managed the ranch for her father and mother until they passed away. Essie being the only child, the ranch was now hers. Essie and Duke built upon the legacy of the ranch and turned it into a very successful ranch. When oil was discovered, the mineral rights belonging to the family, the wealth of the ranch skyrocketed. Duke’s heart was always in ranching and cattle so they decided the oil business would be run by Essie and the ranch by Duke.

Essie did get pregnant and had a daughter named Madison, who is close to my age. She completed college and is now running the ranch. Duke and his pilot were killed when their helicopter crashed during a cattle roundup. Essie has been a widow for about five years. Her friends were always trying to hook her up with some eligible men but she wasn’t interested. She still doesn’t really know why she hooked up with me, it was something and she cannot explain it. She hasn’t regretted it at all.

“Tell me about you,” she said.

I related to her my story. About growing up in Oklahoma on a farm. My mom and dad were still there on the farm, running it with my older brother and sister. Neither of them are married, but living and working the farm makes them happy, they are very close. I have a younger sister also who is twenty years old and still in college. I told Essie of my marriage to Sylvia, how our marriage was open, about the swinging and sexual enjoyment we had with others. I told her about the ‘Dear John’ letter I received while in Iraq and that our divorce had been final for over a year now. I told Essie my enlistment would be ending in seven months and I didn’t know if I would make the military a career. If I did reenlist I would continue my service until I retired but I had some time before making the final decision.

I told Essie how excited she made me the first time we locked eyes. That I wanted her as a friend first then maybe as a sex partner.

“Essie, you have fulfilled my dream of a friend and sexual partner and I don’t think I can get enough of you. I love your beauty but more so I love your personality. You make me feel like a ‘king’ and I hope I make you feel like the beautiful queen you are.”

“Hold me Randy, hold me tight and make me feel good about you and I. Sometimes I feel I’m taking advantage of you and your youth. I feel that you should be with a younger woman.”

“If I wanted a younger woman do you think I would be here, holding you tightly in my arms. That you and I would be making love to each other like we are?”

“Randy, we haven’t made love yet, we have fucked our fool heads off, but we haven’t made love! So far we have just fucked and fucked well! I love fucking you and what your cock does to my wet cunt, the feelings my body gives me when I orgasm, the feelings of your pulsating cock when you cum. Its just been sex so far but that doesn’t mean I do not want to be loved also.”

“Essie, I have wonderful feelings for you, I want to protect you and I want you to rely on me to make you feel good. I know we have only fucked so far, but I want to show you the tender side of me, the loving side of me. Maybe we will make love soon or maybe we will continue to fuck, but whatever it is, I want to be with you.”

I stood up and pulled Essie up with me. I encircled her with my arms and hugged her tightly. I kissed her gently, a soft passionate loving kiss. Essie kissed me back, her lips so soft on mine, I felt her body meld into mine. Her warmth fusing with my warmth. I felt like we were one person, her being my feminine side, me being her masculine side. I released her and kissed her bare breasts. I cupped one in my hand, holding her nipple like it was a sacrifice to my lips. My wet tongue causing her nipple to harden as I sucked on her. Essie’s gentle moaning drove me on, furthering my resolve to conquer her love. I sucked her other nipple and gave it a gentle bite. I unbuckled her shorts and forced them down over her hips until they fell to the floor. I dropped my jeans to the floor also, kicking them to the side. I kissed my was down to her cleft and gently sucked her clit into my youth. My tongue working her clit as I slid three fingers into her very wet pussy. I fingered her pussy while I licked her, I wanted to make love to her.

Essie gently pulled herself away from my embrace, “Stand up Randy, I want to kiss you.”

Essie kissed me while turning me and pushing me backwards until the back of my legs touched the couch. She pushed and I sat down. Essie straddled my legs, her pussy not even close to my cock.

“Scoot forward,” she said.

I complied and then she took hold of my cock, slipping my foreskin back and slipping my cock up and down her slit, our juices making a very slippery lubricant as she lowered herself onto me. The heat of her vagina enveloping my cock as she slid down on me was exhilarating to my senses. Essie started to gently move her cunt on my cock eliciting a moan from me.

“You are lighting a fire within me,” she said. “Please let me make love to you.”

I answered her with a gentle but passionate kiss. I too started to gradually thrust my hips upwards in time with her motions. Bit by bit, inch by inch my cock was penetrating her. Her vulva baptizing my cock with her flooding wetness. My cock spreading the walls within her, bringing ecstasy and euphoria to her cunt, the sensations of being loved. We continued our love making, Essie holding my face between her breasts as I kissed her chest. I tasted the salty yet sweet sweat of her. My hands gripped her hips, holding her tightly down on my cock as I pressed deeply into her, my cock throbbing with the passion of love.

Essie tossed her head back, “Randy, I love you, I love making love to you. I’m ready to cum,” and with that she orgasmed. I felt the walls of her vagina milking my cock, the sensations bringing a tsunami of cum from deep within me, rushing through my urethra and splashing deep within Essie’s interior. She and I as one, one in one, one over one, locked by our genitalia in love’s embrace, an embrace that has endured the ages. I tipped Essie’s head down to mine and locked our lips together. This is how we made love to each other, we didn’t fuck this time and I doubt we’ll ever fuck again, it will always be love that we make.

Published 9 years ago

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