We Remember

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When I am ashes upon the shelf
Will you remember me

When you feel your skin tingle
Will you remember me

When you sense a breath in your ear
Will you remember me

When you see my toothbrush by the sink
Will you remember me

When you see my pictures
Will you remember me

I saw your name written in a book
And I remembered

I inhaled the scent from your clothes
And I remembered

I pulled the photos off the wall
And I remembered

I cried countless times
And I remembered

I tried to explain to others
And I remembered

Remembrances are not enough
I now remember why

Apologies are not the answer
I now remember why

Changed behavior on the horizon
I now remember why

New memories don’t replace the old
I now remember why

The past is not gone it waits for us
I now remember why

Making new memories strengthens us
I know what to remember now

Continuing our journey together
I know what to remember now

New beginnings and new places
I know what to remember now

Old wounds, scars and bad memories
We can forget now

Starting again, love does not die
That’s all we need to remember now

Published 8 years ago

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