We Play With Steve.

""See, it's not just your tits I've thought about.""

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Steve didn’t mince his words. “You’re a lucky cunt, Gary.”

Steve and I were on the deck having a beer. We were watching Pat, my wife, pottering around in the garden.

“It’s frustrating,” Steve said.

“What is?”

I knew what he was going to say, or at least the subject.

“The way Pat’s shirt opens, and I can’t quite see her tits.”

“It’s not her shirt, it’s mine,” I corrected Steve.

Pat was wearing one of my old shirts, and a half-cup bra. There was only one button was fastened, but strategically.

“Yes, I can see your frustration,” I said. “Mystic.”

“Mystic?” Steve echoed.

“Yes, mystic, it’s the intrigue of the unknown. The enigma is Steve; you prefer not seeing them. The tease, that’s your enjoyment.”

 “Fuck off. I want to see them.” Steve, still being abrupt.

I put a question to Steve, “Would you prefer Pat to have the shirt on and no bra? The bra on and no shirt, or nothing, her tits naked?”

“Naked.” Steve was swift with his answer. He took a drink. “Being teased is fun. Nah, no shirt, no bra.”

“If that’s what you want,” I said.

“Wait,” Steve gave me another option, “Could I have the tease and see her tits?”

“How?” I couldn’t figure out Steve’s request.

Steve finished his beer. “I’ll get another beer, and then Pat takes her shirt off.”

“I told you, it’s my shirt.”

“Fuck, Gary, it doesn’t matter whose shirt it is.” Steve knew I was winding him up.

“What, then?” I asked.

“The next beer, I take the bra off.” Steve smiled when he said that.

“Whoa, hold your horses. Now you want to undress my wife?”

“Come on, Gary, don’t be so precious.”

Steve laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“Is the bra yours too?”

“Funny,” I said, “But why not, and you don’t have to get the beers.”

I held my beer bottle up. “Pat!” I shouted.

Pat stopped what she was doing and went into the house. She reappeared with three more beers. She handed the drinks out and sat with us.

“You’ve been talking about me, haven’t you?” Pat knows us.

“No,” Steve denied our conversation quickly.

“Yes, we have,” I admitted, “We’ve been talking about your tits.”

“Of course you have. You know you guys annoy me, always talking about my tits, particularly you, Steve.” Steve looked sheepish. “Isn’t my ass worth a discussion? Aren’t you interested if I shave my pussy? Why is it always my tits?”

Steve tried to make amends. “You’re right, sorry, I love your ass, and–“

I cut Steve off, “Steve’s going to take your, I mean my, shirt off.”

“Wait a minute,” Steve said nervously, “I’m confused; weren’t we having fun? Am I missing something here?”

Pat became sarcastic. “Oh great. Now you don’t want to take my shirt off?”

“For fuck’s sake, get it right; it’s my fucking shirt,” I snarled.

“Wooo, touchy,” Pat said.

Pat got out of her seat and stood by Steve. “Go on then.”

Steve’s hands were a little shaky, but he undid the button. Pat eased the shirt off her shoulders and then down her arms. “Here,” she said, “Your shirt,” and threw it at me.

Steve’s eyes glued to Pat’s tits. A small crescent of Pat’s areola peeked over her bra.

Pat sat down. “Is that it, is that all you wanted?”

“For now,” I told Pat, “Go back to your garden. We’ll tell you when we want another beer.”

“Just a beer?” Pat asked.

“Of course not; your bra comes off at the next beer.”

“Okay, be back soon.” Pat got up and went back to her gardening.

“What the fuck is going on?” Steve asked.

“Isn’t this what you want?”

“Yes but. Will Pat take her bra off?” Steve’s voice was excited.

“You heard me. Pat knows her bra will come off the next time she gets our beers. She didn’t, and won’t complain. Steve, it’s only her tits.”

“Only! You’re happy, and Pat doesn’t mind me seeing her half-naked?”

I gave Steve a short explanation. “You’ve only seen one side of us; behind closed doors, we love to play. That’s what we are doing now. Pat will do what I tell her. She can stop the game anytime, but so far she never has.”

“But how far are you willing to take this game?” Steve queried.

I thought about telling Steve I have shared Pat but decided not to. Instead, I said, “To its logical conclusion. I’ll tell Pat to fuck someone and she will.”

“This is. I don’t know what to say.” Steve was shocked.

“Beer!” I shouted.

Pat stopped what she was doing and brought us both another beer. She stood by Steve with her back to him, but Steve didn’t move.

“Steve, don’t be a prick; unfasten me,” Pat growled.

Steve looked at me, and I nodded at him. “Undo my fucking bra,” Pat sniped. “Now how difficult was that?” Pat said when Steve unclipped her bra.

Pat held the cups so her tits didn’t drop out. She stretched one leg over Steve and sat on his knee.

“Now Steve, I’m not young; you can’t expect firm round tits,” Pat warned.

Steve slid the straps from Pat’s shoulders and told her he didn’t. Pat lowered her hands and revealed her breasts. They helped each other to take Pat’s bra off.

“Fuck,” Steve exclaimed. He was staring at Pat’s mature, natural and naked tits.

Pat put her arms around Steve’s neck. “Well?” she asked.

Steve’s vocabulary had shrunk to one word, “Fuck.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Then Pat gave Steve a full-on kiss, tongue and all.

“Back to work,” I told Pat. She kissed Steve and went back to her gardening.

“This is insane,” Steve said, “I wish Helen would do this sort of thing.”

“Do you?” I asked, “Would you be comfortable with me seeing Helen’s tits? What if I said I’d like her to suck my cock?”

Steve looked at me, curiosity in his eyes, “Is that a serious question?”

“Pat, come here!” I shouted.

Pat strolled over, her nude tits swaying side to side.

“Suck his cock,” I ordered Pat.

Pat positioned herself on her knees between Steve’s legs. She unzipped his jeans. “Lift up,” she told Steve.

He must have misheard because Steve stood up. “That works too,” Pat said, and she proceeded to pull both Steve’s jeans and shorts down to his ankles.

Steve’s erect shaft was ready and waiting for Pat when she looked up.

“Oh, nice one, Steve. There’s a good mouthful there.” She grabbed hold of his prick at the base and licked his cock head.

I moved my chair, so I got a better view. Pat licked the head again and then looked at me, smiling. “Yum,” she said, and then she took half Steve’s shaft in her mouth, purring as she did.

Pat wasn’t in a rush. She took her time; she was giving Steve just about everything. Sucking, licking, kissing, swallowing. Stopping now and then to tell Steve how much she was enjoying his prick.

“Wait,” Steve said.

“Are you cumming, babe?”

“No, I just need to sit down.”

“Getting weak at the knees?” I joked.

Steve sat back in his chair. Pat adjusted her position and took Steve’s shaft back into her mouth. Her hands went under Steve’s tee-shirt, and she played with his nipples.

“Holy fuck!” Steve closed his eyes. He looked so content and happy.

I took a drink of beer. “She’s good, isn’t she?”

Steve opened his eyes and looked at me. He didn’t say anything, but his satisfied smile answered my question.

“And Helen, how good is she?”

He frowned and said, “She’s not keen. Helen’s always afraid I will cum in her mouth.”

“She doesn’t like it?” I asked.

It was difficult for Steve to talk. Pat had devoured his cock, but he managed to say, “I came in her mouth once, but she didn’t like it. The salty taste or something. She will put it in her mouth but only for a short time.”

Pat took Steve’s cock out of her mouth. “Silly girl.”

While Pat was giving Steve a bit of a hand job, I said, “Well Steve, tell me what your preference is, and Pat will do it. No fucking though, not today.”

“No, of course,” Steve stammered, “Anything but a fuck. It would fulfill a dream if I could shoot my load in Pat’s mouth and watch her swallow.” He looked down at Pat. “See, it’s not just your tits I’ve thought about.”

“Aww, how sweet.” Pat kissed Steve’s cock. “But I was hoping for something more adventurous.”

“Shut the fuck up, slut,” I told Pat. “Just part of the game, Steve.”

“What does she mean?”

“Why don’t you let Pat take charge?” I said to Steve.

“Go on, Steve, promise you will like it. I won’t get too dirty,” Pat encouraged Steve.

Steve agreed.

“First, take your clothes off.”

Steve stood up and took his shirt off. Pat helped him with his jeans and shorts. “I’ll gently suck you for a while, and then pick up the pace. Feel free to take charge anytime,” Pat winked, “And fuck my mouth.”

“Before you start,” I said, “I’m going to take photos, maybe video. Is that okay, Steve?”

“Helen won’t see, will she?”

“Not unless you want to show her.”

“Okay,” Steve agreed.

Pat got busy with her mouth. At first, she was gentle, but soon she was deep-throating Steve. Pat was gagging herself on his cock. When she came up to breathe, saliva was everywhere. Then when Pat was ready to swallow him again, Steve grabbed two handfuls of Pat’s hair. He thrust his hips forward and his prick into Pat’s open mouth. Pat began to cough and splutter, but Steve kept the pressure up. He was trying to push deeper into Pat’s throat, while he was forcing Pat’s head further onto his shaft. They both moaned as Steve savaged Pat’s mouth.

“Fuck, I’m cumming.”

Steve released the pressure on Pat’s head, and she pulled back, so she only had half his prick in her mouth.

Pat was groaning from her throat because Steve was firing cum into her mouth. When the force of his fluid subsided, Pat slid off his prick. She held her mouth closed while she pumped Steve with her hand, letting the last drops fall on her face.

“That was fucking amazing,” Steve said through his heavy breathing.

“It’s not over yet,” I informed Steve, “Get closer.”

We both hovered over Pat. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth.

Steve’s favorite word resounded, “Fuck, Fuuuck.”

He was looking at his creamy liquid resting at the back of Pat’s throat. Pat closed her mouth and gulped. She opened her mouth, and Steve’s fluid was gone.


Published 6 years ago

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