We Join The Swingers Club

"This is our first experience at a swingers club. It is the continuation of my story “Our Swinging Neighbours.”"

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 We agreed to join the swingers club that our neighbours Jan and Dan were members of. This followed a very enjoyable first-time swapping partners with them at our home.

Before our first night, we had another meeting with Jan and Dan to find out more about the activities. I also wanted to have the experience with Jan that I had alluded to when we had sex together a few days earlier. Tony wanted to know more about the procedures and the activities at the club.

While Dan and Tony had a few drinks Jan and I retired to her bedroom.

Jan and I talked about what we had done before as we undressed. We discussed our breast enhancements and the surgeons we had used. We both had had reconstruction and are both more than happy with the results and have had no side effects.

After undressing we enjoyed the erotic feelings as we fondled each other’s breasts and kissed.

We were soon on the bed together kissing and cuddling exploring each other. It was something that I thoroughly enjoyed. The feeling of her hands as she massaged me, together with them gently touching the erotic zones of my body was amazing.

I began to return her attention.

As we played with each other I asked her about the women she had been with at the club. Tony and I were also members of the local nudist fraternity, and I might know one or two. The women she mentioned were not known to me.

By now we were both more than ready to engage in the wonderful experience two women can enjoy. We began licking each other in the sixty-nine position. After a few minutes, Jan asked if she could go down on me on her own. Neither of us had cum and the feeling I was having was a sexual delight.

Jan was enjoying similar feelings to me. We both enjoyed being with another woman and doing what we adored. It was her touch that I was enjoying as well as her tongue. The way she licked between my lips and the gentle way she was fingering inside me and touching my clit was most erotic.

I wriggled in a way that showed her I was enjoying what she was doing without saying anything. It was our actions speaking louder than the words that we were conveying to each other.

After some minutes of giving me the pleasure I had been seeking, Jan said, “I think you are enjoying this.”

“I am loving it,” I replied.

“Do you want to cum? I could keep it going and bring you off if you want me to?” Jan asked.

“Ok, let’s do it. It will give me something to look forward to, and then I can do the same for you,” I told her.

Jan knew exactly how to get me to orgasm. It wasn’t long before I came. After I recovered from a most enjoyable orgasm I turned to Jan and began my tantalising of her body.

Jan said, “I have a confession to make to you. When Tony and I were fucking together the other weekend, I really enjoyed it with him, and I wanted him to enjoy it with me. I hope you didn’t mind. The way we fucked together was a bit better than just sex.”

“I am glad you mentioned that as I felt the same way with Dan. The tip of his cock was amazing, I felt that I wanted him to last forever, and he told me it was feeling good inside me. it was the most amazing sensation. I think I told you how wonderful it felt,“ I told her.

“Dan told me later that the feeling he got when he was doing you was as good as doing me. He admitted you were one of the best fucks he has had. It wasn’t loving but a feeling of pleasure that he has never had at the club with other women.”

“I do admit it was a fuck I enjoyed with feeling. Not love,” I commented.

“Agreed,” Jan replied.

“I think it’s time we got started. Are you ready?” I asked.

“Willing and wanting,” Jan replied. Then she lay out on her bed, and I got down between her legs.

I spread her lips and looked into her beautiful pink, wet pink vagina, virtually glistening in the light shining through her bedroom window. Slowly I lowered my mouth to her hairless valley of pleasure. She lifted and spread her legs for me. I then started to lick and suck on her.

Jan was by now very juicy, and I was enjoying taking her juices from between her lips before I slid my tongue into her.

“You will be a hit at the club if you treat every woman like that,” Jan laughed.

I immediately thought of the first girl I did this with, a lesbian called Julia who had shown me the ways of having the best sex I had ever had with girls. I have many memories of my time with Julia and the ways she showed me how to please another woman.

Jan was responding in a similar way to Julia. Both are excellent lovers. I continued to lick and suck on Jan and do all the things that Julia had taught me including sucking her clit out of her sheath and licking the nub of it.

“Do many women get together at the club?” I asked.

“A few, mostly women go with men,” she replied.

It was not long before she was experiencing her first orgasm with me. The first of many I hoped. Her orgasm was something we both enjoyed. I aim to please my lovers be they men or women and Jan left no doubt that I had succeeded with her.

I slid my body up and over hers and we kissed then returned to the guys in the lounge room. We were both still naked.

Both men had been discussing the first night we were soon to have at the swingers. They had also consumed a bottle of wine between them. Dan immediately opened another bottle and gave both Jan and me a full glass.

“Enjoy yourselves?” Asked Dan. You both look happy. I can’t believe how lucky we were in moving in next door to you two.”

Jan said, “There is nothing better than two women together and we have just proved it.”

“You two are not bad either. Don’t forget I want to feel that cock of yours again. I told Jan it was amazing,” I told them.

Dan blew me a kiss.

After I finished my drink I said, “I think I should get dressed.”

“Would you like a fuck before you go?” Dan suggested.

“With you… and your cock, anytime,” I replied

“How about you?” Tony was looking at Jan.

“And miss out on the wonderful cock of yours? Not likely,” Jan replied.

As I stood up, Dan took my hand and led me to another bedroom where we fucked. I could not believe the pleasure that his cock head gave me once more. It felt amazing and I came quite quickly.

Dan lasted a further five minutes which allowed me to enjoy the pleasure of his magnificent cock head inside me. I lay there and enjoyed it as he filled me with his semen. I always feel something special when I can feel a man ejaculating into me.

Tony and Jan finished their pleasure together about the same time and we all met in the lounge after it.

As were leaving, Dan said, ”You two are going to really enjoy the swingers.”

We picked up our clothes and we walked home naked. I was walking on air after Dan had fucked me. I felt just wonderful.


The week after was to be our first experience at the swingers. They have monthly meetings. Dan offered to take us with them. He booked us in as well. We invited Dan and Jan to our poolside on the weekend to discuss the swingers club.

Jan explained a few of the things we should know.

The property where the swingers meet is on a property just out of town. They have a big barn that has been fitted out for weddings and other parties and it doesn’t attract any untoward attention.

The barn and dance floor are used for receptions, parties…. and swinging. It’s all owned by the convenors of the club we had met.

We had to take a bag to secure our clothes and valuables We would be naked, so cameras and phones were banned and left in our bags. Security was paramount. They had thought of everything it seems.

There is a limit to the number of members at each meeting and only fifteen couples can visit at one time. They rarely get all thirty people there at once.

Beds are placed all around the walls and it’s all open to view there is no privacy and they all agree it is the safest and best way for the club to operate. Each bed is numbered, and the women draw a number from a bowl when they arrive and that’s your bed for the evening. You take your partner there to enjoy yourselves. The President and his wife (The Convenors) have their own beds and they invite ‘you’ to participate.

There is a table next to each bed. On it is a basket full of condoms, a tube of lubricant, together with a flask of warm water and two cloths to clean up after each time you fuck. A bin for used condoms is under the bed. There are two towels and a spare sheet just in case. It’s very civilised and controlled. They don’t want any undue disturbances that would draw attention to the place. Members are asked to act with discretion and not mention the location for obvious reasons.

There is a raised platform where the bridal table is usually positioned, and four huge mattresses are placed all together on the floor.

Jan said that this is often referred to as ‘the ring.’ It is only used occasionally. Three or four couples agree to get together and have a group session where everybody does what they want to with whoever is there. It is a form of free for all.

They have several single mothers as members and only two are invited at any one time by the convenors.

Jan said they are popular.

All ‘members’ are ‘partners’ never referred to as husbands or wives. There is some obscure legal reason I have been told. You never refer to fucking somebodies husband/wife, only their partner. You refer to intercourse by one word, ‘fuck.’

They do have a couple of places where it is possible to engage in BDSM and they provide restraints etc. There is a Sybian machine and a wand for women wishing to use them.

Outside there is a big pool that you can use in the warmer weather.

You cannot appear to be affected by alcohol which is also banned.

Fees have to be paid in advance.



Our first night

Jan and Dan offered to drive us to the venue.

“How do you feel?” Jan asked.

I had to admit I was a little apprehensive about being fucked by men I didn’t know. Jan assured me that I would have no problems and the woman did have the right to say, ‘Thank you, but not tonight,” if you don’t want to go with them. That was one rule that must be respected without question. Jan said she has always found the men to be polite and considerate. She has never refused a man yet.

When we arrived, Jan and Dan led us through the registration procedures and the layout of the place. We all undressed, then stored our bags and entered the venue together. A lot of people were already there, and I felt quite comfortable with everybody nude. I looked around and noticed a couple of people I recognised from the nudist club.

Jan introduced me to a few couples they knew ‘personally’ who welcomed us and said they would get better acquainted during the evening; I assumed by having sex with us.

Everybody seemed friendly and being nudists, we noticed the various hair and penis displays were no different. None that I could see had noticeable tattoos. One woman had nipple rings, and these were connected by a chain. She looked nice. One or two women had labia piercings.

We all joined a group standing around chatting where Dan and Jan introduced us to a few of their friends.

One thing I noticed in the group when I looked around was only a few of the men had boners visible. The remainder were all slack. When I mentioned this to Jan, she said, “they are the “V” guys. They take Viagra or some other pill to perform.” She laughed and said, “most of the men enjoy you getting it up for them.”

After a few minutes of introductions, a young guy Jan introduced us to and asked me if he could be my first experience. I was flattered and agreed. He was very well hung, and I thought he would be interesting. He was younger than me by at least ten years I guessed. I recognised him as the local mechanic.

I surprised myself by not being nervous or apprehensive about having sex with him. He was going to be the first of many I expect. I took him to my allocated bed.

“Hi, my name is Mac.” I did know him as he services our cars. He is also the parson’s daughter’s boyfriend that Jan had mentioned.

As I was getting comfortable, he got his cock hard and began by rolling a condom on. Everything so far was all so casual and relaxed. Jan had explained the men use condoms to keep us ‘unspoilt’ for the men who follow.

It had been a few years since I had sex with a guy with a condom on. They had never affected the pleasure I got from a fuck though.

Jan had explained that this would happen and that later in the evening you could have your last fuck bareback. Jan had mentioned that I will be asked many times and for me to pick the guy I wanted early and ask him.

Mac asked me which position I would prefer and from what I could see already, missionary and doggy were by far the most popular in the room. “Missionary please,” I replied.

His cock was uncircumcised, as were many of the men I noticed earlier. With a condom on it didn’t mean much.

Mac was thick and longer than Tony and Dan. I lay back and prepared to have my first fuck in the club. He was the first virtual stranger to ever fuck me. I was looking forward to having a strange man’s cock inside me.

There were no preliminaries, he got straight down to it and immediately pushed my legs back and slipped his cock into me. There was no ceremony or foreplay. He had done this often before. It was my first fuck as a swinger. I had just agreed to be fucked by a man that I had only known for a minute or two apart from him being our mechanic. He was going to be the first of many. I had never allowed any man to fuck me without some serious consideration beforehand. I was a swinger now and I would have to get used to saying yes without any prior consideration.

I felt awkward for a minute or two having a stranger on top of me. No kissing or foreplay. I hadn’t noticed any either. It dawned on me that this was sex, not lovemaking.

He had been fucking me for a few minutes before I got my head around the fact of what I was doing. I had thought about it a lot before we came. What had happened was so matter of fact, fast and so un-ceremonial. Although willing, I was still a bit befuddled by what I was doing and who I was doing it with. Nothing could prepare you for this.

I quickly came to my senses, I realised I was being fucked and settled down to enjoy myself, I felt completely different to what I had imagined. I was enjoying it and doing something I had never imagined before meeting Jan and Dan. It was without any emotion; it was fulfilling a desire to have sex.

I was now having my first fuck with a virtual stranger. A man I had taken for granted, a man who asked me and I said yes without even thinking. I had prepared myself for this and was now doing something I wanted to do.

As I lay beneath him, I realised he was a bit aggressive, and he was only interested in fucking me and cumming, rather than giving me pleasure, something that I found unusual. Most men I have fucked have always asked if I was enjoying it with them.

I realised from the way he was doing it to me that he was not going to cum in a minute or two. I could tell from experience that he was enjoying what he was doing and was concentrating on just the physical aspect of fucking me. I was there for his pleasure it seems, and he could not care less if I was enjoying it or not.

He was quite a nice guy. What little conversation we had was more about my sexual experience. He admitted the only reason he had joined was his girlfriend wanted to and he could see no reason not to. They both enjoy sex, and he was not the first guy to fuck her, and he wouldn’t be the last one, he told me. She loved the variety of men that fuck her here. He told me they both enjoy their time here and believe it has enhanced their relationship.

Two men from her father’s congregation had fucked her. She had made a point of sucking both their cocks as well. She called all his parishioners ‘cock suckers.’ She would have loved to tell her father what the members of his congregation have done to her, and that their wives are cock suckers.

I noticed that the sounds of the joy of sex were beginning to rise as some of the women were having orgasms or showing their appreciation of the experience they were having. I am usually quiet when it comes to sexual expression of pleasure. My idea is actions speak louder than words.

Mac had been fucking me for over seven or eight minutes before he came. I hadn’t. I was still in a state of aroused bewilderment with a virtual stranger fucking me.

He seemed to enjoy me and his orgasm. He said nothing and didn’t comment about me not cumming as he pulled out. He removed the condom, dropped it in the bucket, and wiped his cock with the damp cloth provided. He had fucked me, he had cum, and I had hardly realised it.

As he was leaving, he said, “Thanks I enjoyed it with you.”

I relaxed and lay back on the bed looking at the ceiling. It had been my first fuck as a member of a swingers club. I had been fucked by a stranger with no forethought. I compared it with my first time, and I found both times were devoid of any emotion. I had been more concerned about what was happening around me and listening to Mac tell me about his girlfriend’s love of sex here.

I had done it. I had achieved the reason for joining; a stranger had fucked me, another woman’s man and I felt no shame or embarrassment. I was now a swinger. I didn’t feel any different.

I stood up and looked around for Jan and saw her busy with her guy. Tony was on the bed next to her with another woman and getting into it. Everything seemed so natural.

Most of the beds were in use, however, there were still a few people standing around chatting. There were a couple of guys getting their cock sucked nearby. I had imagined everybody would be fucking.

Things were far more relaxed than I imagined. Nobody seemed that interested in watching anybody. I could see one older guy chatting with a couple that were fucking, possibly his partner (wife) as she had grey hair. He was casually masturbating as he watched. Everything was so casual and relaxed. It was so different to what I had imagined swinging groups to be like. I thought I might see people engaged in all forms of sex all over the place. As in an orgy. This was anything but, and I was enjoying myself immensely.

I joined the group and listened to their conversations, interested in learning what went on here. One or two of the men were playing gently with their cocks. It wasn’t long before another guy approached me and asked, “Would you mind?”

Everybody was so polite. I gave him a quick look over and could see he had a good body and cock.

I replied, ”Nothing would be nicer.”

“My name is Bob,” he said casually.

“Julie,” I replied.

I could still not believe I had just agreed to fuck another stranger.

He smiled and as we walked to my bed, he began to stroke his cock. He soon had it hard and protruding straight out in front of him. It looked like Tony’s. I felt I was going to enjoy it.

I got down on the bed and prepared for him to fuck me. He was rolling the condom on. I could see why condoms were acceptable. When Mac came, he had filled the condom he had on. I would still be full of his cum when this guy went in. I enjoyed Mac and the condom did not detract from my enjoyment.

Once Bob got down, he held me by the ankles and slipped his cock into me without any ceremony. It was as if there was nowhere else for it to go. I was getting accustomed to the fact you were here for pleasure and for men to have sex with you and for you to enjoy what they are providing. There was no other reason.

While Bob was getting into his stride above me, I lay there thinking.

There was no doubt, and that is what everybody was here to do. You were devoid of any emotion but to enjoy the exquisite pleasure of sharing your desires and bodies intimately and enjoy the feelings that will eventually bring you to the climax of the union.

There was no romance or love in what you were doing, it was a purely physical pleasure and a wonderful experience. What made it more interesting and pleasurable is that you were sharing the joy of sex with several different partners who provided a variation in the way they had sex and used their cock inside you.

With Tony, I not only want him to make love to me, but I also need him to make love to me.

I have and will continue to enjoy Dan’s amazing cock, but it will be like I am experiencing here, it’s just sex and good sex, so far. I enjoy what we are doing but I don’t love the man I am doing it with.

That feeling is quite different to those I feel when these men are giving me similar physical pleasures and delights in their own way. I realised quickly I didn’t have any ‘feelings’ for the guy only the feelings of our bodies joining and working together to provide ultimate sexual satisfaction.

So far nobody had referred to the fact it was my first night, it was a situation normal for everybody. Then Bob asked me,

“You’re new I believe? Enjoying it?”

I replied, “You are only my second partner, I have a few to go I believe,” I chuckled. “How long have you been members?” I asked.

“We have only been here for a couple of months. We returned from Holland where we found the lifestyle there was called ‘Free and Easy’ or in Dutch, ‘Gratis en Makkelijk.’ We were introduced to the lifestyle by friends we made at a European spa and could not believe how free and easy it was. You invited a couple to your home and had a meal and casual sex with each other at some stage. Not necessarily all at the same time. I might take his wife while he was helping Beth in the kitchen, and they got together, if not before, then later. You fucked and that was it. There was no big deal, it just happened when you felt like it. It was a celebration of friendship, a way of life, nothing more.”

I was fascinated, laying there with a man’s cock inside me chatting. I was completely relaxed. He was getting his ‘Free and Easy’ but paying for it through the membership fees.

Bob went on, ”I was given Jack’s name by a friend in Holland, and we contacted him and here we are. We are enjoying ourselves. Jack and Jill,” the convenor and his wife, “were wonderful and we have had nothing but pleasant times since we met them. We had two experiences with them before our first night here just to make sure we knew what we were letting ourselves in for. It is far more organised here than we were used to. Over there it was just two friends going off to a bedroom having sex and re-joining the party. Nobody said anything or treated it as anything but normal. We found it is not organised or a group like it is here. Prostitution is legal and they have brothels but it’s not like here. I would never use those women.”

“That is fascinating,” I told him.

Bob continued to fuck me and chat. “Beth limits herself to three men each night and is more than happy. We have an interesting conversation in the car on the way home talking about the people we shared ourselves with.”

“Three?”  I inquired, “Why only a few?” I asked.

“She says quality before quantity.”

I asked, ”What will you tell her about me?”

“I fucked a wonderful woman on her first night here and enjoyed it with her,” he said.

As he said it, he began to get more physical with me. He began thrusting his cock into my body harder creating a slapping sound, which added to the chorus of others around the room.

As Bob was fucking me, I was enjoying the feeling of his cock inside me. I realised I was becoming more accustomed to being with different men. Every man that had fucked me had his way of doing things. It was interesting and the variety enjoyable. It was far more casual than I imagined.

Bob and his partner had adapted to the differences here. Obviously, the two of them enjoyed good sex and believed they could also enjoy it with other people who had similar feelings but were not ‘friends’ in a conventional way.

I had a feeling the convenor and his partner had helped convince them it was something that they could enjoy in different circumstances. They certainly made Tony and me feel far more comfortable about having sex with virtual strangers.

I was now far happier in my mind that I was doing the right thing. We had joined a like-minded group of people who found sharing sex with different people was just another form of social intercourse. It was not for everybody but those that were here were enjoying the experience and the variety.

Any reservations I may have had at the beginning were now behind me. What I had experienced and what I was seeing and hearing around me convinced me that we had made a good decision. Bob and his partner were like us. What they had experienced overseas was not unlike what has developed between Dan and Jan with Tony and me. I would not hesitate to have sex with Dan at any time and I believe Jan would not hesitate with Tony either which makes our partnership most desirable.

Tony and I love fucking a lot but it’s always the same. This has been more than interesting. I realised that having sex with different men could be most satisfying.

I enjoyed it with Dan and that I think helped me decide I could manage it here. I realised sex is an enjoyable and physical experience and not necessarily like the lovemaking that Tony and I enjoy.

As Bob was fucking me, he shifted me into a lot of unusual positions and helped me achieve the uniqueness of it. I had never had a man’s cock inside me in so many unusual positions. He was in and out of me half a dozen times, I could have qualified as a contortionist in a couple. I was enjoying it and it was fascinating seeing how other people enjoy sex. Since becoming interested in casual sex he has certainly studied the ways and means of achieving satisfaction.

As we continued to fuck, I realised the longer he was doing things with me the more I was enjoying it. I had not enjoyed a cock inside me in so many different ways ever before. He was good. His cock is about average in size, but it was giving me sensations I had not had in ages. The unfamiliar ways he was getting into me were fascinating, because of the angles he had to get his cock into, to get his cock into me. I hadn’t realised it, but he had aroused me, and I was on the verge of cumming.

“Give it to me… hard,” I begged. “I am cumming.”

Bob managed to get me to cum by using his wonderful cock in a unique way. I had my first orgasm at the club with a man that had fucked me in a variety of different but enjoyable ways. I was more than happy. He helped me through it by fondling my breasts, something I always enjoy.

After I had cum, I lay there for a minute or two and Bob recognised my situation and used his cock slowly inside me. I was coming down off my high slowly and appreciating what he had done for me. He was my second fuck here and my first orgasm. He had achieved what I came for and not realised how different it would be getting fucked by different men I had never met before. I hoped there were more members like him.

I was happy and could not remember being fucked in so many distinct positions at one time. Bob was a master of position fucking. Bob continued to fuck me slowly until he could see I was ready for him to get more active. I enjoyed it in the scissors position. Few men are good at it like that.

He often played with my breasts as he thrust his cock between the cheeks of my ass into my pussy as he referred to it. It wasn’t quite doggy, but it was similar. He was in and out of me so often, and I can’t remember any man pulling out and then re-entering me as frequently as he was doing. It always felt good when his cock went back up into me.

I was enjoying him as a companion and as a man who I enjoyed fucking with. I could see why his wife enjoys only three men. I couldn’t remember being so physically driven and fucked in the various positions he got into me. It reminded me of the time Tony and I tried to copy the Kama Sutra positions. Bob had me in so many ways and I enjoyed feeling his cock going into me from various directions. We were both sweating with the exertion and room heat which was very warm.

I think I would be agreeing with his wife. We fucked for over half an hour before he came. He took quite some time getting me into the position he wanted me in at times, his hands were all over me, but I didn’t mind, it was nice to feel another man’s words and hands directing and guiding me into positions before putting his cock into me. At times it may have appeared we were having a wrestling match.

 I didn’t mind because I was more interested in what he was doing with me. It was the first time for me to do it in as many ways as he did me. I was beginning to see why Jan and Dan enjoyed themselves here. Another thing he did was ask me to remove his cum filled condom and wash his cock. I almost took it into my mouth, but I was a bit hesitant. He kissed me on the cheek before he left me.

“You are good. I will keep my eye out for you in future.” That was two compliments. I must be doing something right.

I thought the same. Bob would be on my list for future nights. I thought I would invite him to be my last fuck of the night at a future meeting. I would like to see what it’s like without a condom with him. During the time he and I were together, he had changed his condom a couple of times as it slipped off inside me a couple of times.

I looked for Tony and Dan. Jan was on a bed two away from me and completely engrossed in a conversation with the guy fucking her. I could see this was a very sociable affair, not just a fuck and suck experience. I had been fucked twice and liked the guys and the fucks.

I took a break even though I had only been fucked twice. It had been a bit of a marathon with Bob. I joined a group standing chatting. One of the women recognised me as a ‘newbie’ as she called me.

“How are you finding it?” She asked.

“Two good ones so far, I can’t believe how civilised it is, everybody is so nice,” I commented.

Then Jan appeared beside me and before she could say anything one of the men approached her and said, “I couldn’t come and not have some fun with you. Can you fit me in?”

Jan took him by the hand and led him to her bed. “Talk to you later,” she said as she went off with her new fuck mate.

I remained with the group of people. A couple of the women appeared to be waiting for somebody as they kept looking around.

Another woman looked at me and asked, “Are you new here, I don’t think I have met you?”

“It’s the first night for us.”

“Enjoying yourself? “She asked.

“I have not enjoyed myself like this for years,” I replied.

“How many so far?” She asked.

“Two,” I replied.

“Don’t overdo it the first night, you might find it a bit uncomfortable if you do,” She said before telling me, ”I have to go, my second is ready for me, enjoy yourself.”

In the time I had been chatting, a couple of women had left and others had joined. It seems that you hung about until asked. A couple of the men were slowly stroking their cocks as we chatted getting it ready for their next experience I gathered. It was obvious you took your time, and the men chose you when they were ready.

From my experience, men always need a few minutes to recover after they cum and there was no lack of opportunity here, it appeared there were always a few women standing around and there was no rush.

In looking around, I noticed most couples were older than I imagined. Most were in the early middle age bracket as we were. I would have imagined them to be younger. Only one or two were in their twenties like Mac and his girl.

Bare bums were busy bobbing around as were the legs of the woman beneath them, doing their thing all around the room. It was an amazing sight.

It took about five minutes for another man to approach me. I accepted his invitation and returned to my bed. I liked it when the men sought you out and you took them to your position. I was learning the unwritten rules quickly.

I saw Tony getting ready to service another woman and I waved. We would have some interesting notes to compare in our bed tonight. He must have been making his pick-ups somewhere else, I never saw him in the group I was mixing with. Everybody appeared to have an agenda and was in no hurry to achieve it.

This guy, like the previous one, commented he had not seen me before as he also commented, “I don’t think I have had the pleasure before.”

“No, it’s my first night.”

“My name is Jack and I assume you are Julie? I heard one of the women use your name.”

Whilst his name was Jack, he wasn’t the convenor.

“How is it going? Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked.

“I am I have enjoyed two good men so far. You will be my third this evening.”

“Well let’s see if I can keep you happy. Do you have a preferred position?”

“I haven’t done doggy yet, could you help me out?” A asked as I smiled at him.

”Woof woof, I would love to. Could you help me out? After two cums, I am not as hard as I would like to be.”

I didn’t hesitate and I took his cock in my hand and stroked him a few times and his cock didn’t move much. I bent forward and took it into my mouth and gave him a lick which did the trick. I continued to suck his cock which I was enjoying as much as he was.

“Would you like me to finish you off like this?” I asked.

“If it’s your pleasure, I would enjoy it.” He said. “I hope you swallow?”


He was standing next to the bed, and I was sitting with his cock in my mouth. I have been sucking cock for longer than I have been fucking. His was no different. I sucked him for about five minutes before he came. I swallowed his cum. It was obvious he enjoyed the sensation of me sucking him as he ejaculated. He was my first blow job at the club. I was beginning to realise that I was enjoying my whole evening here and the men were so polite and accommodating.

“You are my first blow job here. I am beginning to enjoy this,” I told him.

“Would you like me to return the pleasure? You have been using condoms, haven’t you?”

“Yes, both guys had used them. I thought it was compulsory.” I told him.

“It is supposed to be but those women who don’t, have to tell their next partner. Some guys don’t mind, others like me are fussier.”

I then positioned myself and he got down and his tongue licking me. As with my earlier partners, he was confident and competent. He immediately got into me with his tongue. I have been licked out by more than a few women who are always better than men, but he was as good as any woman who has satisfied me.

He knew what women liked and after giving me the pleasure of a good lick and suck he concentrated on my clit, and I came strongly, and I climaxed perfectly, and he kept his mouth on me until I had finished and enjoyed myself. Two orgasms so far. I was more than happy.

His face was covered in my juice as I had made quite a bit after two fucks and his suck.

“I must remember you. I have had two firsts with you here,” I told him.

“I will look for you as well. You do everything well,” he replied.

“Thank you, it’s nice to be appreciated,” I added.

He was not the sort of guy I would have sought out for a special occasion, but I had enjoyed everything we had done together. The men that had fucked me were good, but I was preoccupied with the fact I was getting fucked in public, not that anybody was interested, and I was having it with men that I did not know.

He wiped his face with the warm water and cloth and then wiped me clean. Something a man has never done for me before. It was another new experience for me.

After he had cleaned both of us up, he said, “Now for the main event.”

He took a condom from the basket and rolled it onto his attractive cock. He had hardened while he was sucking on me.

It was about seven inches long, thick, circumcised and had a curve up to the left. I had noticed a few men were similar here. I have never seen as many hard cocks before. At the nudists, they are all slack. I hoped he fucked as well as he sucked.

As I lay there waiting for him to penetrate me. I was thinking, I have a naked man between my legs who I had never met before who I had just sucked off and swallowed his cum and I could not be happier.

I wondered who his partner was and what she was doing. I hope she was getting as much pleasure out of her guy as her husband was giving me. She was a lucky woman.

I was having the time of my life. I was having sex with numerous men willingly as a married woman. I had been fucked by our neighbour, the first man to fuck me after I married Tony, allowing for a few before I married him. Now I was making myself available to any man who asked for sex, and I was willing and enjoying everything I had done so far.

My husband was doing the same. This was a life I never envisaged but I was beginning to enjoy it, albeit starting late. The variety of pleasures I have had so far has convinced me that I would be attending the club regularly providing Tony has been happy. Everybody is so pleasant. I have never been treated so well by men other than by Tony and Dan.

The guys I have been with all seem to appreciate the fact I am letting them enjoy themselves as much as I am. As I lay there and he was warming me up, I could see Tony and the woman who looked like the parson’s daughter, sucking his cock. She was the youngest looking woman here.

We would have a few things to compare together discussing the fun we have had here.

I returned to enjoying Jack’s endeavour to make me happy. He began to fuck me doggy as I had suggested. It was my first doggy fuck here as was every other position I had achieved. Bob had done me in so many ways that had me doing contortions to get into the positions he desired. It was fun.

Now I was on all fours and doing what I had noticed a lot of the other members were doing or had been doing. Doggy and missionary were the most popular positions.

While Jack was fucking me, I was just relaxing and enjoying his performance. I was not attempting to do other than just enjoy having him fuck me which he was doing perfectly. He has had a lot of experience I would say. My tits were swinging in time with his thrusts, and I was gently moving back to greet his thrusts so that both of us were involved and enjoying the feeling of his cock slipping back and forth inside me as he thrust and withdrew so far, slowly, and gently.

I looked around the room and almost every bed had a couple enjoying themselves and the sounds I could hear indicated that all the women were enjoying what they were doing. I saw Bob across the room doing to his partner what he had done with me. She was giggling and I know how she felt. It was fun.

I felt comfortable with everything I had encountered and witnessed so far. I looked at my watch and could see I had been here for over two hours and the time had flown. Maybe Apple could introduce a fuck setting on the workout app. I was surprised I had done so much in so little time. With Dan and Jan, we had taken all afternoon to accomplish almost as much as we had here.

The time I had been fucking had flown. I was not concentrating on anything other than being fucked it was so relaxing and enjoyable. I now began concentrating on enjoying Jack’s cock inside me and the way he was fucking me. The feelings I was achieving from his actions were as good as you can have, and I was thoroughly enjoying what we were doing and how we were doing it. This was the epitome of having sex with a man. Bob and Jack were two completely different experiences, both great.

I was enjoying everything about what Jack was doing. I returned to concentrating on being fucked and quickly realised that I was about to cum. The sensations I was enjoying had overshadowed the feelings of just being fucked, but his cock had stirred up everything and I was almost ready.

I said, “Go harder, go harder,” using an urgent tone and he knew exactly what he had to do. He grabbed me with both hands and increased the speed and the force of his thrusts, the slap of our two bodies meeting would be heard all around the room. Then I heard him begin to grunt as he held my waist tightly and gripped me harder with each spurt. The both of us had cum together. Without a doubt, it was an experience we were both enjoying.

After we had both expended every ounce of effort enjoying cumming, he withdrew. It felt like he had pulled a cork out of me as I had been enjoying the pleasure and sensations of his cock inside me.

I got off the bed and faced him. He had removed the condom and dropped it into the bucket.

“Jack, I have not enjoyed a fuck like that for ages. You did me a great favour by asking me to go with you. I will be looking out for you at future meetings. I want to experience that again with you.”

I think I had told all the men that. I was having the time of my life.

“Thank you, Julie, I must admit I enjoyed it with you too. You were so relaxed, and I felt that I was having a wonderful time with you myself. I have been with many women here and have not enjoyed anything like that for a while. I will be telling my partner all about you. Do you enjoy being with other women as well?”

“I do,” I replied.

“I shall tell her and the two of you can enjoy yourself as you have enjoyed being with me. I will introduce you if we have time tonight and you can look out for her next time.”

We both then cleaned ourselves up. I didn’t suck his cock as it had softened. He left me to go off in a different direction.

As I was walking back to the area that had become the regular meeting place for me, another man approached me. I could not believe I was doing what I was as willingly, and as often as I had with men I had never seen in my life before.

He asked if he could ‘entertain me.’

I looked at him and he had a beautiful body, firm and slightly muscular and a good long cock. His smile was enough to convince me that I was not going to say no.

“Please do,” I replied.

“Hi, my name is Tim.”

“I am Julie.”

He went on to say, “Time is running out. They will call time shortly to finish what you are doing. I would like to be with you for the finale.”

I remembered Jan had mentioned the last fuck of the night was condom free. He wanted to fuck me bareback. Nobody had asked before him, so I agreed.

“I think I understand, this is my first night here, I believe you don’t require a condom.”

“That’s correct, I was waiting for you to finish with Jack, and I know how good he is, my girlfriend – oops, partner – always looks for him.

Would you mind if we finished the evening in an established way? Would your partner mind?” He asked.

“I would be extremely happy to finish off that way. He wouldn’t mind, I am sure. After what he has been doing tonight, I think he will be doing the same.”

“Thank you.”

I returned to my bed, and we talked for a minute as he worked on his cock to get it hard.

“Can I help you; would you like me to hurry It up?”

“Thank you, after three good fucks it becomes harder at the end to get it up again, but I am always assured of some help.”  I sat on the edge of the bed and made it obvious I was going to suck his cock.

He moved forward and I took it in my hand and immediately felt a stiffening beginning. I put my lips over the head of it and it raised itself to firm but not hard. Within a minute of my tongue rimming his glans, he was ready.

“Would you like me to finish it this way?” I asked.

“Not particularly, I would prefer to do it the way we discussed. Maybe next time.” He replied.

I took my mouth off his cock, and I got up onto the bed and said matter-of-factly, “Do want it missionary or would you prefer Doggy.”

“Missionary please, I want to see your face as I fill your cavity.”

“Oh, I gather you are the dentist?” I asked.

“Correct, my reputation must have preceded me.”

I remembered what Jane had told me about filling his nurse’s cavity.

By now we were both in the position to enter me. I raised my legs and spread them for him, and he put them on his shoulders and immediately slid his cock into me.

I was getting used to this now, this being my fourth experience with a different man. I enjoyed each time the men fucked me and when I sucked Bob’s cock. Not once have I considered myself to be immoral or depraved. I have enjoyed sex all my life, and the men I had fucked tonight had all been like Tony, polite and gentle in having their way with me.

Tim had his cock inside and had begun to fuck me. I had not noticed any difference between his bare-skin cock and the condom-covered ones. All had fucked me, and I had enjoyed it as much as I usually enjoy it with Tony, and he has never used a condom.

Tim had settled into a regular rhythm, as he was doing me. I was a bit surprised as he was pretty ordinary, nothing as exceptional as the three men before him had been. It was a fuck and that was about all I could say. I gathered his ambition was to cum and enjoy himself and take it for granted that I would too.

I lay there and thought this was nothing special. In fact, it was pretty ordinary. It was a fuck, and I was not feeling anything. His cock was in me but giving me no satisfaction.

“How long before you cum?” he asked.

“Let’s see,” I replied

I wrapped my legs around his waist and began to raise my ass to meet his thrusts. Things began to happen. I was now fucking him. I could feel my orgasm rising and the feelings inside me increased. I increased the pressure on my thrusts with my legs. I was feeling nothing. Our bodies began to slap with our bare flesh meeting, but something was missing, I was working hard at getting to my peak, but his cock was not doing anything for me.

I turned to see Jan standing beside me. She was watching us, but I didn’t acknowledge her.

I worked a little harder as I could now feel his cock deep inside me. A few seconds later he came, and it was only now I could feel the difference between a condom-covered cock and his bareback cock. He was filling me with his cum. I had tried to cum however the feeling of his lubricated cock inside me had lost its effect on me. I fizzled out. I hadn’t reached the epitome of my orgasm. Somehow, I had failed to cum.

Tim pulled out and said, “Thank you. That was most enjoyable.” As his cock dribbled cum onto the floor.

I didn’t have the heart to reply in the way I had considered what he did with me was only a very ordinary fuck.

 I kept my opinion to myself and said, “Thank you, Tim. I enjoyed myself and the fact you filled me. It does make a good climax to the evening.”

He took me by the hand and said, “You were great. I enjoyed being with you.”

I saw his partner approaching. The night’s fun was over, and everybody was preparing to leave.

Jan said, “Oh, I was coming over to tell you about the final fuck being condom free. I can see you have already enjoyed it.”

I gave Jan a look that indicated that I was not happy.

Jan waited until Tim was out of hearing range and said, “I have a feeling you were not over-excited about him?”

“I have had four fucks, three were fantastic. He came fifth. It was very ordinary.” I admitted

“I haven’t had him yet, and I won’t be in a hurry from what you have told me,” Jan commented.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom to clean myself up a bit. He had left me in a mess. Jan waited for Tony and Dan. I returned to find the three of them waiting for me inside the venue.

“I hadn’t realised it until I hit the fresh air. The scent of sex in here is overpowering,” I said.

“What do you expect after three hours with everybody fucking?” Jan concluded.

While we dressed, I commented “Well, that’s my first night. It has been fantastic, even after Tim, I could not be happier,”

On our way to the car park, I met Bob and his partner. They were parked near us, “I believe you have enjoyed your first night,” Beth commented.

I replied, ”With a bit of help from Bob.”

I had to explain in the car Bob was a contortionist. I then explained my experience with Bob to them all.

“Jan told me you thought Tim the dentist was only fair, I fucked his nurse, and she is good,” Dan commented.

“He was hopeless,” was all I said.

“My best one was the parson’s daughter. I can’t remember her name. She puts everything into it,” Tony added.

“I had her last meeting, I agree,” Dan commented.

“I think you know who I enjoyed most,” I added.

“I haven’t been with him yet, I must look out for him next time,” Jan added.

On our trip home Tims’s cum was soaking my pants reminding me of one of the most interesting nights of my life. It had proved that I could and did enjoy having several different men share my body – except for one. Overall, the night had been a tremendous success for me and proved that I could manage it and would look forward to many more. There were a lot more men – and their cock – that I wanted to experience.

There was no doubt that Tony and I had both enjoyed our first-night swinging and that there would be many more to come. I had satisfied myself that the variety will now become a way of life and that sex with Tony would become even more special.

It was quite different from what I had imagined swinging was like before meeting Jan and Dan. This was far more organised and not what I had seen on the net where everybody was in a heap and doing everything at once. This was far more enjoyable, and you had some form of control over what you were doing and the guys you were doing it with. I am now looking forward to my next experience, as I enjoyed myself and realised how interesting and enjoyable fucking somebody new and different can be. It is a physical rather than emotional experience.

One thing I have learned. I am married to Tony, and he will be the love of my life forever. Everything else will just be a fuck, even Dan with and his knobby-headed cock.

Having sex with strangers is interesting, I enjoyed it, however, there is nothing better than doing it with your husband.

I will discuss inviting Bob and Beth over with Jan and Dan. He was not only a good partner he was interesting. Beth, it seems is just as interesting. I had learned they enjoyed nudity and the lifestyle in Holland as we do here. Their experience overseas could add some variety to our gatherings.

I showered, flushed vaginally, cleaned my teeth and went to bed and cuddled into Tony. I was an incredibly happy woman. Believe it or not, I am looking forward to making love with Tony in the morning.

Love and sex now have two different meanings and feelings to me.

Published 3 years ago

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