There, not five metres away stood four people; three men and a woman. There was a red blanket on the woodland floor, and the quartet stood around it chatting and laughing enthusiastically in the afternoon summer sun. The woman was smiling and nodding before finally the tallest man in the group handed her an envelope. She opened it and inspected the contents before placing it in her black handbag and nodding in approval.
What on earth are they up to? Sophie mused silently as she let her pink varnished finger nail absentmindedly chip at the bark of the old tree.
By this time the three men had moved away from the red blanket and seemed to be talking jovially amongst themselves. There was some laughter before the shortest of the three men finally moved to a nearby tree stump. He sat down and began to inspect a camera he had been carrying about his neck, his expression suddenly serious and full of intent.
Sophie’s attention shifted back to the beautiful woman. She was now standing in the centre of the blanket and seemed to be waiting patiently for further instructions. Sophie guessed she was at least twenty five, possibly a little bit older. Her feet were currently bare (Sophie could see her discarded sandals to the left of the blanket near the handbag) and her toenails were painted a vivid red. The woman was wearing black leggings and a sky blue vest top, in many ways it looked to Sophie as if she’d just gone out for a run … apart from the sandals. The woman’s hair was red and curly and wild, and tied back with a scrunchy into a loose ponytail. She was slim and tall.
Suddenly and without warning the tall man spoke, his voice commanding, but too distant for Sophie to hear.
The woman had started to get undressed.
Sophie gasped almost falling into the undergrowth. She quickly clapped her hand over her mouth and steadied herself, her eyes bulging in disbelief. Her gut reaction was to run. But, fascination had gotten the better of her and she was now inexplicably tied to her spot behind the oak tree. She shuffled from her position, her calves becoming uncomfortable, finally kneeling in the dirt and edging just ever so slightly closer the scene in the clearing.
The vest-top was the first item to be removed. It was tugged quickly over the woman’s chest and head before being thrown unceremoniously on top of the sandals. The middle-sized man applauded dramatically causing the short man with the camera to laugh nervously. She smiled at the applause and cupped her naked breasts playfully before bowing.
Her breasts were large and milky white, the nub of her nipples pink and hard in the cool outdoor air.
The tall man lit a cigarette and leant against a tree. He watched silently, his face calm and serious.
Without thought, Sophie’s left hand cupped her own small breast through the fabric of her crisp white blouse. She squeezed it a little, feeling her bra press against the sensitive skin underneath. Her eyes fixed on the woman undressing in the clearing.
The short man had taken a picture with his camera and he was now examining the image carefully on the digital display, his back to Sophie.
The woman hooked her thumbs into the elastic of her leggings before rolling them down her hips unsteadily. She hopped on one leg for a moment before dragging them over her foot. Sophie quietly nodded knowingly to herself – it was difficult to look sexy taking off tights or leggings in any situation.
The woman wore white knickers. Sophie wasn’t entirely sure, but they seemed to be silky and see-through at the rear.
The tall man finally extinguished his cigarette and stepped forward onto the blanket. He stood next to the woman and whispered into her ear. His right hand was around her throat, but she seemed calm and at ease with the situation. He let his left hand cup her large breast for a moment, before pinching the nipple causing both Sophie and the woman’s mouth to open to form a perfect O.
The woman nodded obediently before kneeling on the blanket and looking up at the tall man.
The middle-sized man walked around the blanket like a dog in heat, his eyes never leaving the tall man or the woman. The short man stood at a distance feverishly adjusting his camera.
The tall man quickly unbuckled his trousers letting them fall around his ankles. He placed his hands on the woman’s head guiding her towards him. The woman leaned forward and dragged his dark shorts down to his ankles.
Sophie held her breath.
As a girl of eighteen Sophie had seen a penis before of course, but not in real life.
Charlotte Kale had invited her over to her house one night. They’d drunk some of Charlotte’s mum’s wine and looked at pornographic videos online all evening. Sophie had tried to hide her embarrassment, mainly because she’d always been so keen to impress Charlotte. They’d talked about boys and future plans before finally falling asleep as a result of too much wine and overexcitement.
The tall man was huge! His penis was long and erect. The head was purple and swollen. Sophie licked her lips as she examined it from tip to base. His balls hung heavy between his legs and he seemed to have not a single hair on his body.
The tall man used both his hands to guide the woman forward. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth allowing her full, ruby red lips to envelop the tall man’s swollen member. He let out an audible groan as the woman began to slowly bob her head onto his penis, taking him deeper with each motion. Her hands were holding his hips as he began to slowly thrust, meeting her lunges as his panting became more audible
Sophie knelt in the undergrowth. Her mouth was still open in disbelief. She was only just aware that her right hand was between her legs, under her skirt; her middle finger applying pressure to the mound between her legs. Dreamily she let her fingertip press against the cotton fabric of her knickers, the hardening nub of her clitoris sensitive to her touch.
The tall man held the woman’s head still with both hands as he thrust with greater resolve; his heavy testicles swinging wildly between his legs.
The middle-sized man started to get undressed his eyes never leaving the couple, not even for a moment.
The short man continued to busily document the unfolding events with his camera.
Sophie pulled her knickers to one side, the dull ache between her legs building exponentially.
After a minute or so the tall man dropped to his knees dragging the woman roughly with him. She fell forward onto all fours, her bottom pointing skywards accentuating the beautiful curves of her body.
The middle sized man strolled behind her and began talking, patting her bottom through the see-through fabric of her white knickers. He was naked and massaging his own hardening penis in his left hand.
“Look into my eyes!” The tall man shouted.
Sophie jumped her fingertip dabbing the wet opening to her body, snapping her back to reality for a moment. It had been the first audible words she’d heard since she’d come across the people in the clearing.
The woman looked up at the tall man with doe eyes as he began to rock his heavy penis back and forth between her lips. Her mouth was now greasy with saliva, and Sophie could see a long string of spittle dripping from the base of the tall man’s penis.
Sophie slid her finger gently inside herself.
The middle-sized man tugged the woman’s knickers down her hips. Sophie heard the fabric tear a little. He left her panties around her thighs before spanking her exposed right buttock. The woman jumped and yelped, causing her to jolt forward taking the tall man’s penis even deeper.
“Spread your legs,” the middle sized man demanded loudly.
The woman did as she was asked and the middle sized man mounted her.
Sophie moaned softly as her middle finger eased sharply in and out of her vagina. Every fifth stroke, she would let her finger leave her body before tracing up her slit, circling the fleshy nub of her clitoris and then return it to her wetness. She barely blinked as she watched the two men, both panting and sweaty as they pumped enthusiastically into the pretty young woman in the clearing. Sophie considered how like animals they seemed, and that thought seemed to make the aching between her legs even worse.
The woman continued to stare up at the tall man, her mouth still tight around his penis, her full breasts swinging heavily beneath her.
The middle-sized man’s groans suddenly increased, and Sophie watched as he ceased his thrusting and pulled his slick penis free of the woman. Quickly he staggered to his feet and stood shakily behind her, his fingertips still working his slippery, hard length.
“Fuck!” he panted, his head rocking backwards.
A long ribbon of semen spurted from the tip of his shaft onto the woman’s lower back. The middle sized man visibly shuddered as a second and third struck the crease of the woman’s bottom, dribbling towards the blanket in milky white globs.
Sophie sighed, her eyes dilating, her finger rubbing her wetness with more vigour and purpose.
The tall man continued to rock his penis steadily between the woman’s lips. His eyes locked on hers.
Sophie pulled her knickers back into position and wiped her fingers on her skirt. It was time to go. Very slowly she edged backwards through the undergrowth on her hands and knees, her eyes never leaving the tall man as he began to quicken his pace.
Sophie slowly looked over her shoulder.
There stood the short man.