You’d have to agree that cookies are bloody fantastic. So many different shapes, flavours and textures and full of sweet, sweet sugar ;o) . Now if you found the one perfect, best tasting, mouthmelting, senfukensational, ultimate cookie in the world, it would be fair to assume that your appetite would be satiated and you would be happy dipping that one ultimate cookie in your coffee forever, to the exclusion of all others, right? Not so, my friend. Variety is the spice of life, and I – Ruby Wright – like my cookies SPICY, please.
So here I am with Paul (my ultimate white choc chip macadamia cookie) and Mike (my tasty little butterscotch melt – on the side if you please)… and they are both at my mercy – if i chose it to be so. And I do. So, its time for Ruby to take charge and get what she needs. I turn my eyes downwards in mock contriteness and concern and say;
“Paul… I have been such a norty, norty girl today. I sucked Mike’s cock like it would save my life, and then drank his cum greedily. I loved every second of it Paul. It made me want to fuck him so bad. I think I need to be punished for having such lustful thoughts about another man.” Paul caught on readily, remembering the conversations we had had about my fantasy of being disciplined or dominating someone. In fact, little did I know, but Paul had secretly gone to a special shop and purchased some ‘tools’ for us to play with, for this very purpose. Mike, on the other hand, was not aware of this, and I was al little worried at what his reaction might be to our role palying. But I figured, what the hell! If it freaks him out, he can always go home. And if he DOES dig it, then we could have many more enjoyable escapades ahead of us.
I could not see Mike’s face, but his hardness remained firm against the back of my head as I looked to Paul. “Do you think I need to be spanked Paul?” “You most certainly do Ruby. Now get up and take your pants off this instant!” Paul was authoritive and not smiling, but I knew I could trust him to know what I needed, and to make sure I got it. As I took off my shorts and stood wating for my instructions, to my suprise, Paul turned to Mike and said “You too! Off with those pants Mike. You need to be punished for being obsessed with wanting to touch my Ruby” After a tense moment of staring each other out, to my even greater suprise, Mike capitulated and, eyes downcast, began to remove his khaki shorts (for the second time in less than an hour). Mike’s cock bounced out of his shorts and stood to attention. Paul smiled appreciatley at it. Mike was certainly big and longer than Paul by a few inches. But Paul’s cock was a monster, so wide that I struggled to fit it in my mouth at times (oh but I did love trying!). Anyway, COOKIES.
Paul instructed us to wait whilst he went to the bedroom momentarily and came back with a medium size paper bag – from the ‘special’ shopping trip, I suspected. He handed Mike a black velvet box the size of his palm which Mike opened curiously. Inside were two peg like vices with thin chains draped from one to the other. Mike seemed to recognise the items and came to attach the nipple clamps with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm. The fact that not only was Mike staying, but that he was participating with relish, made me want to suck his cock again. But it would have to be later, for I was pulled – literally! – from these thoughts by Paul, tugging at the chains and making me jerk forward and cry out in shock. The sensation was quite overwhelming, every minute tug seemingly connected to my rosebud and eliciting a quiver from between my thighs at every jolt. Paul manouvored me with the chains and pulled me down so that I was bending completely over the end of the leather couch.
“Mike! As servitude for the dirty little lust session you and my wife just had, I sentence Ruby to 50 lashes from your cock, onto her ass. For each stroke, I will pull on theses chains, so she will feel equally the pleasure and pain of her betrayal” Mike stood still, either not understanding or not believing Paul’s bizarre instructions. So Paul commandeered him by putting his hand on Mike’s cock and slapping it (gently at first) against my ass cheeks – and tugging on the nipple clamps as he did so, making me wince.
I turned my head around, desperate to watch, but Paul sharply yanked on the chains again. “Ruby, you will not watch. You will look at the floor and feel every slap and tug that you are delievered” he commanded. Paul sat on a chair in front of me, my head between his legs. he moved my hands to rest on his thighs and held the chain firmly in his hand, nodding for Mike to begin. Mike started banging his erect dick on my ass, working his way up and down the cheeks, as Paul dutifully pulled the chains and counted each whack aloud. At 20 strokes, I was beginning to feel the sting on my cheeks and the weight of the nipple chains.
“Harder Mike!!” Paul raised his voice as Mike responded with a few grunts and a whole lot more force. The slapping was echoeing around the room now… BAP, BAP, BAP … as we hit 30, Mike’s cock got even harder and hotter and my nipples were being stretched downward toward the ground with alarming gravity. It was unusual and yet terribly exciting pleasure. The sting on my cheeks was turning into a delicious throb and Mike started yelling “”ahhhh… ahhhhh!” louder and louder with every slap of his red rigid cock.
Sitting in front of me, my head in his crotch, Paul undid his jeans and dropped them, his dick springing our and hitting me in the face forcefully. The aroma of his sex was driving me CRAZY and I went to grab it with my hands, ready to shove it into my mouth, but Paul pushed my hands back and said in my ear “No Ruby, you may not have me until I have finished punishing you” I was frustrated beyond belief! I had never in my life wanted something so despereatly and been denied. Mike was up to 45… BAP, BAP, BAP… and I could feel some of his juice running down my crack, mixing with my own wet excitement. As Paul continued to pull achingly on my chains, every tug sending ripples of mirth to my tingling clit, he held the base of his shaft and slapped my face gently but firmly with his immaculate cock. I kept trying to open my mouth and catch it as it passed, my teeth grazing the top on numerous occsassions; but Paul held my chin to close my mouth, a cruel punishment indeed! His juices were oozing out of his swollen slit, which he relished rubbing around my cheeks, my chin, my nose – the smell, the delicious fortaste, driving me WILD with desire.
The last 5 lashes were inconceivably tortuous as Mike thudded his massive rod onto my open pussy hole, making me yell out;
“PLEEEEESE, SOMEBODY FUCK MEEEE!!!!” I was overcome with the outrageous throbbing emanating from deep inside me, my juices streaming down the inside of my thighs, Mike’s cock finally resting in between my ass cheeks and Paul’s cock, laid across my now closed mouth.
“Now Ruby” Paul intoned. “You are going to suck my cock longer and harder than you ever have in your LIFE”
“Mmmmmmm…..” I gushed, my tongue darting out to lick the wetness from his hole. “Yes Paul.” LICK! ” Anything you say Paul” my teeth nibbling on his head.
“No Mike. You may not fuck Ruby’s pussy. That belongs to ME.” A ripple of fear wavered in my chest as I continured to follow Paul’s orders. What did he expect Mike to do then?… it didnt take long for Paul to give the answer.
“You will put your cock in her asshole”. My mind was reeling. I had only ever mucked around with Paul and rimming, not been fucked up the ass! Being an anal virgin was not the problem, I was open to the idea and believed i would enjoy it. It was the SIZE of Mike’s cock that terrified me! I looked up at Paul, gulping and panting “Paul?…” I murmered, a question mark in my eyes. Mike hesitated, his dick pushing gently at my asshole, which Ii held closed. Unsure… Paul held my face gently in my hands and lowered his mouth to my ear. “I love you Ruby – you dont have to do anything you dont want baby” he whispered. The fervency in his voice, the deepness in his gaze as he pulled his face back in front of mine, realeased a flood of emotion inside of me. I felt safe, comfortable… what better way to experience something new, than in this place, with my lover? “It’s ok” I smiled ” I DO want this”.
Still bent over, my legs together, I glanced over my shoulder at Mke, who’s face had broken into a relieved smile at my words. “Do what Paul tells you to do” I encouraged, smirking and opening my legs, presenting my ass to him. Paul reached into his bag of treats and pulled out some oil, handing it to Mike with a wink. I turned my attention back to Paul’s cock, taking the shaft in my hands and stretching it downward to make it stand up dead straight. I slid my lips all the way down to my fingers and up again, over and over again, my tongue licking up its length with each storke. Paul removed the nipple clamps and began to massage some oil into my aching tits, rolling his palms gently over my red blazing hot nipples. Mike’s hands were on my ass, smearing oil all over my cheeks and my hole, rimming me as I gently pushed to open myself up for him. His entry was cautious, probing the head of his cock in about 2cm. The sensation was strange and yet wonderful, a deep buzzing in my pussy making me moan quietly onto Paul’s cock. Mike slipped the end of his dick in and out like this for a few thrusts and I could feel his body shaking a little.
“Oh Ruby, uits so tight and luvly in there!” he mumbled. He was gripping my hips now and drawing me onto himwself, a little deeper each time. The animalistic moans escaping my mouth were making Paul even hornier. He reached over and ran his fingernails down my back, his scratching making me arch my back and nibble on his cock furiously. I retrieved some oil from my tits with my fingers and tucked it in between Paul’s legs, sliding up to that place under his balls that he loved to be touched. My oily fingers tapped his asshole firmly, causing him to spread his legs and buck at my face.
Mike’s cock was pushing in deeper now, as I concentrated on trying to relax, somewhat unsuccessfully. The fullness of my ass was a glorious yet incredibly overwhelming feeling, making me grunt and growl, my stomach muscles contracting involuntarily and squeezing him HARD.
“Let me help you relax Ruby” Mike offered, as he put his hands low on my ass cheeks and spread my lips (his cock still embedded in my ass), He slipped both thumbs into my pussy and twirled them around, eliciting a loud “Yes!!” from my mouth. At the same time, Paul reached under my tits and his fingers found my nub, hugely swollen and pulsing with expectation. My mouth still on Paul’s cock, I was totally encapsulated in the moment, every orifice of my body being filled and stimulated beyond belief. Mike was able to pump my ass freely now, my total abandonement to the building pressure having opened the pathway to extreme pleasure. We were all getting pretty noisy now. A fucking frenzy of maximum carnality. Paul grasped my head and drawled incantations into my ear;
“You need to be thoroghly fucked Ruby my dear… and when he’s finished with your ass, I’m going to claim your pussy too. It’s MINE”
His growling, his hot breathing through my hair, was driving me to rock and shake as Mike tensed up and stopped.
“Aaarrrrrrrrr!” he yelled and withdrew quickly, making me gasp loudly. His sopping wet cock landed with a thud between my ass cheeks and slid up to expel his load on my back. I turned my head to watch his cum dumping all over my skin and grinned as he leant on my back and kissed my ass
“Beautiful… just beautiful” he mumbled incoherantly.
By this stage, Paul was ravenous. He moved abruptly to the couch and sat down, dragging me on top of him, his face buried into my cleavage.
“Ride me my Ruby!” he exclaimed “I can NOT wait another second” I joyfully mounted my lover’s cock, just as desperate as he was to satiate my desire. With no thought to Mike, in total obliviion to our imminent climax, I pumped on Paul’s fabulous fat cock, one arm draped around his neck and the other reaching behind my ass to his balls, stroking them consistently and firmly. Paul pushed his face into my hair, licking my ear and biting the lobe, one hand groping my tits and the other moving down to my mound. His fingers slid into my inners lips and found my engorged clit, rolling the wetness over and over it and pumping my pussy with his cock. A tidal wave of rapturous sensation erupted from my entire body, my pussy clamping on his dick and pulsing with a mindblowing orgasm – finally!! relief… the spasms of my pussy sucked at Paul’s quivering cock causing him to explode deep inside of me, both of us screaming out in ecstasy. We collapsed into each other, the throbbing of our entwined sex creating waves of pleasure we wanted to savour. After a few moments of silence, bar the ragged panting of Paul and I, Mike’s voice broke in from behind me.
“Im jealous!” he joked. Paul groaned and laughed as well. Still attached to Paul, I leant my head and chest backwards playfully, stretching out to grin at Mike – upside down as it were! – and the frivolity of the scene made us all burst out laughing again.
“I’m hungry” Paul stated loudly.
“WHAT?” Mike’s voice dripped with sarcasm “You’re STILL not satisfied Paul?!”
“No!…” Paul answered “I mean, I really AM actually hungry. I want some of Ruby’s cookies”
“Mmmmm” agreed Mike “I could do with a nice fresh batch of home cooking myself”
I gazed at these two incredible, still naked men, sitting before me… and smirked my face off.
“WELL guys… ” I drawled “Unfortunatley I don’t have time to bake cookies today. You see, I really do need to do some washing!!”