My day off. Piles of washing begging to be dealt with… not a pleasant thought. I decided to procrastinate with a bath, but quickly put a load of underwear on before moving to the ensuite. I turned on the water, squirting in some tropical oil and bubble mixture, drinking in the sweet aroma as I slowly undressed in front of the wall of mirrors. I traced my hands gently over my thighs and cupped my breasts, enjoying the freedom of being alone, a lady of leisure for the moment. As the bath became deeper, I slipped in and sunk beneath the intoxicating slippery bubbles. I dipped my head under, the silence engulfing me, feeling myself suspended and allowing the warmth to flood every inch of my nakedness. As I surfaced, I closed my eyes and opened my legs – adoring the sensation of liquid caressing my rosebud. My hands again found my breasts, large and swaying gently in the water. I circled my nipples firmly, allowing a moan to escape my lips as I lifted my pelvis out of the bath, breaking the surface and enticing the water to lap at my clit. The lovely sensation was making me rock, so I increased the pressure on my nipples, squeezing them to match the now rhythmic motion on my pussy. I held my breath and tightened my whole body, ripples of pleasure sucking at my curves.
The phone rang. Loud and intrusive. I intended to ignore it, but suddenly realised it could be the electrician who was coming to service the house sometime today. I jumped out of the bath, almost slipping over from the oil soaked into my feet, and grabbed the receiver…
“Hello?” My abrupt, annoyed voice.
“Hope I’m not disturbing you Mrs Wright” A deep friendly voice.
“Ohhhhh….ummmmm….”. I had to focus!! He laughed.
“Still on for today then Mrs Wright?”
“Oh yeh, sure Mike, what time?”
“In about half an hour if that’s ok…?”
I could hear the smile on his lips. How could he know what I was doing?! No, that’s ridiculous. Get a grip!
“Yes! Umm.. that would be fine. See you then”. Click.
The tension in my body had not been resolved, in fact, the phone call had made my pulse race even more. I guess I should get dressed… then I remembered, the washing! I had no underwear left, but it was a fine day and should dry quickly. So I heaved the load into the basket and stepped out the back door into the sunshine, walking carefully down the path to the line. I started pegging out the panties; black crotch less lace, tiger striped g-string, red satin bows, white burlesque frillies, and all the rest – like pretty flowers floating in the breeze.
So now, as I stood naked and aroused in full view of their window, I was thrilled at the idea of being watched by these handsome, probably hard, blokes. I continued my display however, as if I had no idea. Turning back to the line, I clumsily dropped some pegs and bent over provocatively to pick them up – slow and sensual, rotating my hips to expose my perfect pussy to their gaze. I stayed in this position for a minute or two, adding to the display by running my hands over the back of my taut legs and opening my legs just enough to let my lips spread invitingly. As I turned back around (slowly, so as not to frighten them away) I stared openly at the window and ran my tongue over my lips, deliberately leaving my mouth a little open and allowing a loud sensual groan to escape. Now I could see them (yes, all three!) pressed up against the window like fat kids in a candy shop. I waved and smiled happily, waltzing brazenly back to my door, feeling their eyes follow my every footstep. As I got back inside, I lay on the couch and took a moment to collect my thoughts. That was fun, but where to go from here?… Oh!! The electrician, that’s right. I should really get dressed…