When my wife died, my stepson was still at home. I took care of Brad the best I could for the two years before he went away to college. By then his real father had reestablished contact with him and had agreed to help with tuition costs, which I wasn’t able to do.
I got a chance to meet Doug at Brad’s graduation. It was hard to imagine my wife Cindy being married to him; he was so different from me. He had that kind of macho swagger you see in some business executives, you know? The kind of guy who acts like every female is a potential mate and every male is probably jealous. I’m glad he didn’t raise Brad; he grew up a lot more like me: kind and considerate of others, male or female.
Then, when the recession hit, I was pretty badly affected. I lost my job and the house. By then Brad had been out of college for four years and was well established in his career as a software engineer, unaffected by the recession. So he invited me to move in with him until I could get back on my feet. He had recently purchased a “starter home,” a small suburban house with two bedrooms, one bath, and a den. “Stay as long as you like, Bill,” he told me, using my first name instead of ‘Dad’. “It’s the least I can do, considering how well you took care of me after Mom died.”
So that’s how I became his cook and housekeeper. It was a role I was surprised to find I enjoyed. It was so much easier now than when he was a teenager and I was working full-time. Now I had the time to really make his home as warm and welcoming as a home should be, and enable him to focus on his rising career. I loved having a meal ready for him when he got home from work, and hearing all about his busy day as we ate our dinner together. After dinner he would catch up on his emails while I cleaned up from dinner and did the dishes. Then we’d usually watch some TV, usually sports, or we would stream one of the series or movies he liked.
Not surprisingly, Doug was pretty derisive when he heard about our arrangement. He thought it was funny. He sent me a frilly apron with a note about a woman’s place being in the home. I was only mildly embarrassed; I’m sure he wanted to shame me. For whatever reason, I kept it; I put it away in one of the kitchen cupboards and forgot about it.
After about six months as his homemaker I confessed to Brad that I had stopped looking for a job – it’s hard when you’re over fifty – and he admitted that he wanted to keep things just as they were. “I’m spoiled now. I really don’t want to do my own cooking and cleaning … not to mention the shopping, laundry, yard work…” he smiled at me and added, “The landscaping looks really great, by the way.”
“I’m so glad! Really I am,” I replied. “You have no idea. I never would have thought it would be so fulfilling to be a…” I was going to say ‘housekeeper, but that struck me as inadequate. “ … to be a housewife,” I joked. It suddenly seemed quite comical how much my life mirrored the old 1950s stereotype.
Brad totally got the joke. “Lucy! I’m home!” he cried out in a Desi Arnaz voice.
“Oh, Ricky!” I falsettoed. We both laughed.
It’s odd how a passing thought can linger and grow, especially when it’s been shared out loud. After that day, I couldn’t get the housewife idea out of my head for more than a few hours at a time. I wondered if it had struck Brad as strongly as it had me. It seemed unlikely. But I couldn’t help thinking about it. It reminded me of Cindy, and how she had done all the daily housework and cooking.
She had worked, but only part-time, and although I helped a little, I knew how it felt to be taken care of. And there was the other dimension that was missing now, as I thought of her. Not just the sex – I certainly missed that – but just the day-to-day physical intimacy and affection I had taken for granted. I had almost forgotten how hard the first months – the first couple years, really – had been, and how much I had missed that closeness after her passing.
I admit that from early on I had started to feel less masculine, being dependent as I was, having to rely on Brad for support. Sharing the joke, if that’s what it was, with Brad helped me realize that by throwing myself into the housewife role I had saved myself from what could have easily turned into a severe depression. I was so grateful, but I also felt guilty. Brad should have been out there dating, looking for a real wife. Wasn’t it selfish of me that I wanted him home with me instead?
I had become an excellent cook and housekeeper, but surely a healthy young man had other needs! I ruminated on it while doing my chores around the house over the next couple of weeks. Soon I began to fantasize about the housewife role, imagining myself as a “little wifey” who could attend submissively to her man in many other ways as well.
My self-image became so dissonant with the reflection I saw in the mirror that one morning after Brad had gone to work I shaved off my mustache. It was a pretty dramatic change. I had worn either a full beard or at least a mustache for over thirty years, so my face looked almost like a stranger’s. My lips were much fuller than I remembered. They looked soft, kissable, I thought. I examined my reflection, turning my head this way and that. I fluffed out my shaggy gray hair – I hadn’t had a haircut since I lost my job – giving myself a more androgynous look. I wouldn’t pass as a woman like this, but I definitely looked more like I felt, having erased a lot of the overt masculinity.
That’s when I remembered the apron Doug had sent me. I tried it on before cleaning up the breakfast things. From then on I wore the frilly apron almost daily, at first just when doing housework, but after a while I started wearing it whenever I knew I’d be alone in the house. I liked the way it made me feel.
“Wow, you shaved off your mustache!” was what Brad said when he got home that evening, stating the obvious. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without one.” He looked at me appraisingly. “You know, I might not even have recognized you if I passed you on the street!” He then smiled kindly and added, “It looks good, though,” sounding a little sheepish. Like it or, not, I wasn’t going to grow it back; I was pretty sure of that. In fact, soon I went further and started shaving all my body hair, too. I loved how I looked and how it felt to have no pubic hair, with smooth legs and hairless chest and underarms.
I think it was more than just my new role in life that prompted these changes in me. Maybe it was part of the natural aging process – lower testosterone, or whatever – but I was definitely feeling that my masculinity was waning. Seemingly by contrast, I became more aware of Brad’s maleness. He had grown up tall and broad-shouldered and now, at twenty-five, his boyish charm had developed into a manly confidence that made his gentle kindness to me all the more attractive. The idle housewife fantasy I had been entertaining in my solitary hours began to intrude into other times, making me feel self-conscious and a little vulnerable around Brad.
This heightened awareness of his masculinity led me to thoughts and actions that would have been unthinkable before. I noticed the odors he left behind, especially in the bathroom we shared that I cleaned weekly, and in the clothes hamper. I started doing the laundry more often because I liked the smell of his dirty clothes. I was especially attracted to his underwear and would hold them to my nose and inhale deeply. That never failed to give me an erection. There were three distinct scents to be found in his boxers. There was the warm musk of his balls; I liked that best. Then in front there was often a sour tang of urine, which for some reason I also found alluring. And third was the back side, where there was often a spicy sort of smell, the scent of his asshole. Lord help me, that was delightful too.
As these habits and habits of thought became routine and even a bit obsessive, I gave no thought to how peculiar they were. It didn’t occur to me that I might be gay, for example. No, I think I was so absorbed in the housewife persona I had put on, that it seemed completely normal to me. If Brad noticed the changes in my appearance and behavior, he didn’t say. Even when I started wearing the apron to serve him meals, he didn’t say anything, but his demeanor towards me was changing too; he seemed less boisterous and more solicitous; he started to help more with outdoor chores, especially if any heavy lifting was needed.
Then something happened which was to have major repercussions. One afternoon when I was starting to prepare dinner, I heard the front door open. I put down the raw chicken and was giving my hands a quick wash, when I heard Doug’s voice.
“Hello, Bill? the door was open so I…” He entered the kitchen to see me drying my hands on the apron. “Well, now, don’t you look pretty?” he said sarcastically, eyeing me up and down.
I blushed crimson and said nothing for several beats, and then I said, “Doug! What are you doing here?”
“I was just in the neighborhood and…” he paused. “You look quite the hausfrau!” He grinned and winked. “I always thought there was something about you … Are you putting out more than just meals for my son?”
“I … I don’t know what you mean,” I protested, lying shamelessly while blushing shamefully.
“Sure you do, honey. I bet you’re a sweet little cocksucker, too. Giving Brad some much needed relief after a long day at work.” His eyes twinkled mischievously. “Is that it?”
“No! I never…” I replied all too hastily. I was mortified, but also a little aroused, and not with anger.
“No? Well, maybe it’s time you did!” He grabbed his crotch obscenely. “Maybe you need some big daddy dick, huh? Is that what you want, sweetheart?”
Maybe it was the way he called me sweetheart. Maybe I just wanted to call his bluff. Or maybe, just possibly, it was the phrase ‘big daddy dick’ that made me say it. But, what I said was, “Oh yeah? Let me see it.”
He stepped up really close, opened his fly and tugged out a thick, red cock that flopped out and hung down, it’s purple head swinging loose, with a tangle of dark black hair at the root, bristling from his wide open pants. I saw all of it at once, although at an emotional level it seemed to happen in slow motion, as if it were a movie scene crafted for maximum impact. I think I gasped.
“Yeah, baby? You like that?” Doug inquisited. “Maybe you need a closer look!” He grabbed me forcibly at the shoulders with both hands and pressed down, making my knees buckle and hit the floor. He grasped his thickening snake and thrust it in my face. “Open up, doll-face. I know you want it.”
I let him force my head toward him with his other hand as he pressed his cock against my lips. My mouth opened and let him push that big angry cockhead inside. My tongue receded compliantly with an exploratory caress, as if to welcome the invader. I was astonished. My lips and tongue seemed to have a mind of their own; I was simply a spectator. It was evident that they liked their new friend; he fit right in! And they joined him in a joyous game of mutual stimulation. My lips were tingling from their stimulating friction against the stiffening shaft; and my tongue danced around the swelling head, exploring its shape and texture. The taste was oddly satisfying and the scent emanating from the hairy nest in his pants made my head spin. My whole mouth was reflexively participating, sucking on the fat plum inside it.
“Good girl!” I heard Doug say as I surrendered to his assault. I felt a rush of euphoria. Was I pleasing him? He certainly seemed to like it. Was I a cocksucker now?
He grasped my head in both hands and forced his cock in deeper. I gagged. He paused, relenting, while I swallowed and blinked away my tears. But I didn’t protest or try to evade him as he renewed his assault. “Easy, girl … that’s it,” he coaxed, as I managed to take the head of his cock past the gagging point. I tried to relax as I felt that big plum stretch my gullet. He held my head still and let his cock rest there. I took deep breaths through my nose and managed to quell the panic that had occurred on his first attempt. There were a few involuntary spasms, but Doug seemed to like that. “Yeah, baby, that’s the way!” I felt a grateful sense of accomplishment.
Then he started fucking my face. There’s no other way to describe what he did. Gently at first but with increasing force, he thrust his pelvis forward and back, driving his cock in and out of my throat while he clamped my head immobile between his strong hands. His cock was thick, but fortunately not too long, maybe six or seven inches, but even so, that thick shaft sliding in and out between my taut, sensitive lips and stimulating my tongue that pressed hard underneath it in my earnest sucking, was a sensation I could never have imagined. But the fullness in my throat that came and went, and the sensation of his cockhead popping in and out through my pharynx, gave me intense pleasure. I could just imagine how good it felt to Doug!
When his tempo slowed and his thrusts became more forceful and erratic, I knew he was about to cum. He pulled my head in tight to his belly and thrust deep, deeper than before. All was still for a second or two. Then, I heard a deep groan of satisfaction, I felt a seismic pulse through his cock, and his cum began to spurt into my throat, each spurt an expanding pulse of the dickhead in my throat. I felt helpless – he was holding my head so tight against his body – but I also felt victorious, as if making him cum had been a hard-fought goal.
He released my head. I didn’t pull away, but sucked on his softening cock as it retreated, savoring the bitter-salty taste of his cum, until it popped audibly out of my mouth and he tucked it away. I was still on my knees. I looked up at him. His expression was sheepish, almost apologetic, but there was also an edge to it, as if he were challenging me to dare to complain.
I looked down, embarrassed. “Thank you,” I said quietly. Doug had unwittingly confirmed the direction I felt my life had already been heading.
“You did like it then,” he said triumphantly. His swagger was back. “I knew it! I knew you were gay. You like being the hausfrau, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do, Doug.” I tried to reclaim some dignity. “But I’m not gay. I’ve never done anything with a guy before.”
“Well, Billie, that’s not true any longer, is it?” he asked condescendingly.
“No, I guess it isn’t. Are you going to tell Brad?”
“So there’s really nothing going on between you two?”
“No, and I really don’t want…” I started, but I really didn’t know what it was that I did, or did not, want. Except this, “Please don’t say anything. Please.”
“I won’t. I’m not prepared to explain what happened here to anybody, believe me!”
Needless to say, I was greatly relieved. Doug left, but not before saying, “Are you serious? You’ve never sucked cock before?” shaking his head in wonder.
I managed to pull myself together, not without some difficulty, by deciding not to think about what had happened until later; I had dinner to prepare. A glance at the kitchen clock forced me to change my plans. Instead of roasting the chicken whole, I cut it up, browned the pieces, added a jar of marinara sauce, and made chicken cacciatore in about half the time.
I was grateful that Brad was oblivious to what had transpired between Doug and me, but it had definitely pushed the envelope, rapidly accelerating what up till then had been a very gradual process of emasculation. It felt like I was a whole level deeper into what could be called feminization for lack of a better term. I felt it in my interactions with Brad that evening as I served him dinner and during our time together later. It seemed that he too was acting different, but that was probably just his reaction to my behavior.
Things settled down for the next couple of weeks, until my birthday, when Brad insisted on taking me out to dinner. We ate at a very good restaurant and shared a bottle of wine. We talked a lot about his mother, my wife, and he told me how withdrawn he had been for years after she died, during high school and in college. He told me that he finally started dating for a while in college, but gave it up after his girlfriend dumped him. I listened as empathetically as I knew how. I really understood how he felt, having gone through the grieving process myself. It occurred to me that this was the first time – after ten years! – that we had seriously discussed our grief over Cindy’s death. It brought us closer. It also shed a lot of light on his disinclination to go out with women.
When we got home he said he had a present for me. I waited on the couch in the den while he went to get it. He came back carrying a small box and sat down beside me. “I thought you might like something pretty,” he said tentatively, handing it to me. Inside was a thin gold chain necklace.
“Oh, Brad, thank you! It’s…”
“It’s like the one Mom used to wear all the time,” Brad said, interrupting me. “I wanted you to have one too.”
“Yes, it’s almost identical,” I said wistfully. “It was her mother’s, your Grandma Joan’s. It went to Aunt Sarah. I didn’t know you liked it so much.”
“Well, I miss her,” Brad said, his voice thick. “I miss her all the time, but not as much since you moved in.” He picked up the necklace. “Let me put it on you.”
I turned toward him as he picked up the necklace. He unfastened the clasp and put his arms around my neck to refasten it in back. His face was so close, I couldn’t resist. I kissed him on the cheek. He gave me an awkward hug around the neck, pressing his just-kissed cheek to mine.
“Thank you, Bradley,” I whispered breathily in his ear. “It really means a lot to me.”
He got up quickly, somewhat clumsily, and said, “You’re welcome, Billie.” Then he blushed and said “Goodnight,” and turned to go. I sat for a long time with an erection that didn’t subside for a good while, and then I finally went to bed too.
The next day, while Brad was at work, I went shopping. I bought a tube of lipstick and I browsed through a thrift shop till I found a housedress that looked like it would fit. It was a pastel blue plaid; I thought it would look nice under the apron. Then I stopped in at a hair salon and made an appointment for the following day. When I got home, I tried on the dress with the apron and practiced applying lipstick – not as easy as it looks. I was so pleased when I saw myself in the full-length mirror, that it was hard to get back to my regular look before Brad came home. I wanted to wait until my hair was done before trying my new look on Brad.
I was very nervous about my trip to the salon, but the hairdresser was very welcoming and made no reference to my being a male or to transgenderism or anything else that would have made me uncomfortable. I told her I just wanted to make my hair neater and more presentable. She showed me some styles on her tablet and helped me select a short but stylish cut. I thought it was really cute in a not-too-feminine way, a sort of modified pixie cut with a long section that flowed across my forehead and over my right ear, giving my face a soft sort of frame. I liked it a lot.
When I got home, I changed out of my male clothes and put on the dress and the apron. I decided right then that I needed to buy new shoes and underwear. And stockings. Things being as they were, though, I decided not to wear any underwear and I put my tennis shoes back on. That would have to do for now. I put on my lipstick, brushed my hair, and went to cook dinner. I had timed it just right.
When Brad came in the front door, he called out, “Billie, I’m home,” like the joke we had shared. It made me smile.
“I’m in the kitchen, Bradley,” I called back.
I heard him entering the kitchen behind me as I plated his dinner. “I made you a steak tonight, I’m just going to have some salad,” I said. “Go ahead and sit down,” I added, turning around with his plate in hand. He was standing stock-still in the doorway, staring at me.
“Please, sit down, Brad, everything is ready,” I said.
He sat in his place at the table and I placed the plate in front of him. Still standing beside his chair, I bent forward to reach for the salad bowl so I could add a little salad to his plate. That’s when I felt his hand on the back of my thigh just above my knee. I was pleased and flattered as much as I was surprised.
“Did you shave your legs for me?” he said in a tone of wonder.
“No, silly, I shave them for myself,” I answered coyly. “Why, do you like it?”
“Yes, feels nice!” he said, his hand moving upward, reaching my ass unimpeded. “You’re not wearing underwear!” he blurted out upon making contact with my soft cheek. He squeezed it affectionately.
An “Oh!” escaped my lips before I explained, “That’s just because I didn’t have anything suitable.” I was still leaning forward as I was serving him the salad.
“We’ll have to do something about that,” he said, his hand lingering, feeling my ass, as if assessing its properties of compressibility and resilience “Ooh, you feel good!” he murmured. A fingertip grazed my sensitive anus, sending a shiver up my spine.
I straightened up and brushed his hand away. “Not now, Bradley, it’s dinnertime!” I tried to sound indignant, despite knowing full well what I was implying.
Brad shifted his attention to the meal before him. “That looks delicious, too. Thanks. Billie.” I liked the way he always called me ‘Billie’ now. It sounded like a girl’s name.
As usual we talked about his day at work. I was a bit distracted. I congratulated him on the news that he was being given the leadership role on a software enhancement project, but I kind of lost the thread when he went on about dev ops and continuous deployment, whatever those are. He kept looking at me when he thought I wouldn’t notice and at one point he said, “I’m glad you’re wearing the necklace.”
“I never take it off, Bradley,” I replied demurely. He blushed.
After I’d cleaned up the kitchen, I joined Brad on the couch in the den. “What’re we watching?” I asked.
“An old movie – supposed to be a classic.”
It only took about thirty seconds for me to recognize “The Graduate,” the 1967 classic depicting a young man fresh out of college in a torrid affair with a woman old enough to be his mother. Well, this is interesting, I thought. Not his usual fare. “Is there a reason you chose this?” I asked archly.
“Looked interesting is all,” he answered, turning toward me. We stared at each other for a moment, neither of us knowing what to say next. I was going to imply that he chose it for the May-September subject matter, but he spoke first. “I’ve never kissed a girl with lipstick on,” he said tentatively.
I blushed, but I took the bait. “Do you want to try it now?”
He leaned in and pecked me softly on the lips. I closed my eyes and held still, my lips still puckered. His lips pressed mine again, firmly this time, lingering. I relaxed my mouth and let his lips devour mine. I felt his tongue, too, not just tasting my lipstick, but seemingly wanting to explore my tongue and the mouth beyond my lips. I felt his arms around me and I surrendered to his embrace, my arms going around him too, my hands gently stroking his lean, muscled back and his neck, his hair…
“Oh, Billie…” he said, breaking our kiss and looking into my eyes. He sounded a bit shaky. “Thank you for doing this … for being…” He was at a loss for words.
“For being womanly?” I asked, unsure if that was a good word for what he meant, or even for what I felt.
“Yes! For that. For all this.” He gestured, waving his arm over the length of me, sitting by him so close.
“I had to do it, Bradley. It’s how I feel being your housewife,” I tried to explain. “I’m just so grateful that you like me like this!” I added with emphasis. “You might not have. You might have been repulsed.”
“No. Never!” he replied. “Without you, it was just so awful … I was getting seriously depressed. You saved my life!”
“Oh, Brad, that’s just so sad,” I responded, pulling him toward me and kissing him. “I don’t want you to ever be sad. I just want to take care of you. Can I take care of you, Bradley?” I felt such a need for him. “I want to be a woman for you, if that will make you happy.”
He kissed me again, long, deep, and breathtaking. Then he pulled away and looked at me. “Your lipstick is getting smeared,” he observed. “But that might be my fault,” he chuckled. And then, in a mock-curious tone, he said, “What’s this? That’s not very womanly.” He pointed to the tented skirt of my dress, my erection having created a bulge sticking up from my lap.
“I know. Not sure I want to change that.” I grinned sheepishly. “It just means that I like you, you know,” I added.
“Yes, and I like you too,” he said sweetly, taking my hand. He then placed my hand on the big bulge in his lap. “Can you tell?”
I squeezed his cock hard. “Yes. It feels so big! Don’t you need someone to take care of it for you?” I started to unbuckle his belt. He took over when I had trouble loosening it.
I slipped off the couch onto my knees before him as he opened his jeans and stood up to pull them down along with his boxers. I couldn’t resist. I put my arms around his thighs and buried my face in his crotch, kissing all around his hairy balls and breathing in his familiar scent. His hands were in my hair, petting me. He groaned.
I released him and gave him a gentle shove to seat him back down. His long cock was pointing up, straight as a flagpole. “You just relax and let me take care of you,” I said before I put my mouth on his knob and took his full length inside me, lowering my face down into his lap. He gasped and gripped my head, bucking slightly from the unexpected intensity of my tight gullet. I sucked furiously and then, almost as soon as we’d started, it came to a violent conclusion. He jerked violently and his cock began to pulse. It pulsed and pulsed … I don’t know how many spurts, but I swallowed a lot of cum, I can assure you.
I was lost in the euphoria of cocksucking nirvana, deliriously happy. I heard as if from a distance, “Oh my God, Billie, Oh, Oh, Billie…” and I looked up into Brad’s astonished face. “How did you do that?” he blubbered. “That was amazing! I’ve never come so hard in my life!” He pulled me up beside him. “Or so fast,” he added apologetically.
“That was perfect,” I told him, licking my lips. “Just perfect!”
“But what about you? It was over so fast…”
“No, I got exactly what I wanted,” I assured him. “So perfect. Thank you!” I smiled conspiratorially. “Don’t worry about me. I’m sure there’s more where that came from.”
He grinned. “For you, yes. Just give me a few minutes,” he said eagerly.
“Well then, I’ll just go get ready for bed,” I announced, surprising him. “I’ll be in bed in thirty minutes. Will you join me?” I said, with what I hoped was a very inviting smile.
“Thirty minutes? I’ll be there!” he enthused.
I got to my feet to go, but he grabbed me, pulled me onto his lap, and kissed me. I wondered if he could taste his cum on my lips. Then he let me go and said, “Thank you, Billie, this has been the best night of my life.”
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” I quipped as I turned to go.
So it was that a half-hour later, he got into my bed. And I spread my legs for him, hoping that he would find my virgin hole every bit as warm and welcoming as any man could want.