Walking in the Fog of Passion

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Come awake,
Shake it off,
After so much time
Lost in dreams that never came true.

You have spent your senses 
In words to the air,
Throwing your reason
Into the dust bin
Of your consciousness.

A cleansing rain of honesty
Washes away
The fog of besotted lust
Unmet and unreturned.

Words have power,
As you full well know,
And playing with them 
In ascending 
Stairways of verbosity,
You sampled fruits
That you plucked from the firmament,
The heavens,
You gazed into the eyes of the angels
And their glittering tears of fervor and favor
Fell upon fertile soil,
But turned to weeds 
In your heart.

Breathe a breath of freedom,
The fresh scented odor
Of sensibility
Once more.

Bring an end to sleep walking,
To drifting in day dreams,
To feeling false passion,
You did it yourself,
You have no one to blame
Except the one
In the mirror
Reflecting your face of foolishness,
Rebutting your own faith,
Your regrettable vision
Of love and lust
So unearned and still unrequited,
Your fault.

Now is the time
To give thanks
That you 
Have friendship and fondness, 
Have tenderly sought and gently felt
The touch of true love
Within reach
When you fully awaken 
From the dreams of soul mates,
To be found.

Still out of reach.

Still out there,
It is all a dream.

The one you have,
The one you have always had,
The one you have always known
Is there,
Is not a fantasy,
But brings fulfilling quenching 
To sustain you,
To feed you and fill you
With a true wonder. 

And ecstatic
In the end.

Awaken from the walk 
In the fog of passion
And simply accept
The happy bounty
Freely proffered
And now
In your arms
Pressed tightly to your heart.

Published 10 years ago

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