Walking Encounters – Part 2 – Savannah

"Savannah gets spanked again, but has a surprise for Mark just a week later!"

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Part Two – Savannah Surprises

Hearing the door close behind him, he looked out carefully to see that no one was out and about and feeling safe he continued his walk without music as his mind was filled with the fresh memories of Savannah and the new ones hopefully to come.

So many thoughts going through his mind, not the least of which was that he’d just had a married woman for the first time; someone else’s married woman! Was he a cheater, or was it just her as he wasn’t married? He decided it didn’t really matter when considering what he’d done with another man’s wife. He rationalized it by throwing much of the blame on Evan leaving a beautiful, sexy woman like Savannah alone for weeks at a time.

Though not reconciled in his mind, he let his thoughts go to the memory of what they’d just done. He loved the way she’d gradually seduced him and was excited about getting spanked since it took so long for him to catch on. That anticipation would build over the rest of the day; a long day considering how early they’d started. He was glad they agreed on a couple of hours later for tomorrow.

Tomorrow! A year-long drought of nothing but his own hand spanking him would finally come to an end. That length of time wasn’t unusual when he thought about it honestly, as it wasn’t easy finding someone with whom he could cultivate an interest in spanking if she didn’t already have one; and those already with an interest were rarer still.

Always one to prepare, he realized that they hadn’t agreed on any scene or role play and would be winging it as they had today. Perhaps she’d devise something as she was the one in charge this time.

He took a different route home to avoid passing her house again partly to avoid arousing suspicions with nosy neighbors, but also not trusting himself to go back for more without knowing whether it was safe to do so or not. Once home he set about his day consciously trying to avoid thinking about tomorrow and being mostly unsuccessful.


The door closed behind him, and she went to the front window to watch him walk away openly smiling as her stinging bottom and sloppy wet crotch conjured up arousing, and affectionate thoughts about him.

She’d gotten spanked! A real spanking! An oh-my-God-that-felt-so-good spanking across his knee, which her sore, red butt was even now reminding her of. So much better than she imagined, she wondered when it would happen again. When she’d have that intoxicating feeling of his bare hand smacking her desirous, upturned, naked ass and faking her meek acceptance of his punishing hand!

Then a bit of sadness crept into her thoughts as she realized it would be at least two weeks until she’d have another chance. Evan was due home Thursday or Friday until Sunday of the following week, and even now her red bottom would need a few days to completely shed any sign of the delicious torture it had received, so even if she could arrange a mid-week rendezvous (which schedule-wise was almost impossible) she couldn’t risk still showing the signs of this extraordinary pleasure when her husband got home. Especially because when he did get home they were usually in bed within minutes of his arrival; a thought that still pleased her, she was happy to realize.

Tomorrow would be her last chance, but they’d agreed he would be the one nursing a painful, sore bottom when they were done. She wondered if she could convince him to spank her again instead. After all, he’d done this many times, but this had been her first time and she wanted to repeat it as quickly as possible. So stuck on this idea, the thought that a second spanking in as many days might be hard to take didn’t initially occur to her and when she did realize this potential problem, she dismissed it thinking or rather hoping that it would make the pain even more savory.

He had barely turned the corner from her street when in her mind it was decided.  Somehow, she had to turn the tables on Alex tomorrow, so she’d get a replay of her punishment and all the enhanced sex that went with it. Now she had the rest of the day to figure out how to do it without diminishing in any way his interest and enjoyment of it.


Alex woke early as usual and, remembering what was in store for the day, wished he were taking his walk at his usual early hour. Now he had several hours still to wait to see Savannah again. Such a sexy creature, thoughts, and images of her in his mind immediately stirred up stimulating feelings in his shorts. The fact that she’d been a spanking virgin made the whole encounter that much more surprising.

He remembered a statement he’d often make to an unsure spanking prospect, that he’d never met someone who thought they might like spanking and didn’t. Savannah had jumped in with both feet and embraced every aspect of it even when it repeated in their lustful scenes.

This thought suddenly puzzled him, because in his experience someone who enjoyed it that much usually wanted to repeat it as soon as possible. The ASAP aspect of it was more complicated given her husband’s imminent return and the fact that a shower did not wash away the evidence of a good, hard spanking, but still …

He decided that if given even the smallest opening to reverse today’s events he would do so and have her across his knee again. The decision came with a measure of disappointment as he now had no idea when he’d get his share of this enticing punishment, but Savannah being such a willing and encouraging recipient was certainly a compensating factor.

He went about his morning routine, taking a shower and getting dressed just before it was time for him to leave. As they hadn’t agreed on a scenario, he wasn’t sure how to dress. He certainly wouldn’t be wearing his walking/exercise attire and sneakers, but what should he wear? Deciding on something flexible he put on casual work pants, a polo shirt, and deck shoes, thinking he could turn that image into a college boy bound for the headmistress’s office as well as a boss dealing with his lazy secretary.

He set off walking to arrive on time, feeling almost immediately the Florida heat that this clothing exaggerated. He crossed the boulevard with anticipation building when her minivan came into view once more. Looking nonchalantly around to see if anyone was watching, he turned to walk past it and up to her concealed front door and knocked.


Waking not as early as Alex, Savannah was rushing around preparing to execute the plan she’d devised last night, while also having a simple breakfast, tidying up her bedroom, and showering.

She’d greet him at the door in nothing but a short, silky robe so when they’d inevitably hug and as his hands discovered the feeling of her nakedness under the robe, she’d whisper in his ear that she’d been ‘so naughty’ and deserved to be put back across his knee for another long, hard spanking. She was a little unsure of the long and hard part but felt anything less may not be enticing enough.

If he needed further convincing, she’d tell him about a surprise outfit she’d put on that she was sure he would like and fit into the proceedings nicely. If he still weren’t convinced, she’d promise him the best spanking he’d ever gotten the very next time they got together.

Getting out of the shower, she checked her bottom in the mirror both surprised and a little sad that the remains of yesterday’s red glow was now only a medium shade of pink. Hoping that would enable her to take all he had to give today, she wondered whether she’d see the same thing in the mirror tomorrow but doubted it.

Going through her mental checklist she thought all was ready and looked forward to showing Alex the outfit that was now lying on her bed. Satisfied that everything was in place, she slipped the pale pastel robe over her shoulders and was tying the sash when she heard the knock on her door; a sound that put both her pussy and ass on high alert.


The door opened as if by itself and Alex walked in only seeing Savannah in her sexy robe when the door closed, and she was leaning against it. Their eyes connected and after a brief pause, they fell into each other’s arms, at first just holding tight, but shortly their hands began exploring as an affectionate kiss turned extremely passionate. The thin fabric of the robe did nothing to conceal her nude body underneath from his probing hands and she laid her head on his shoulder, holding him tight, but also enjoying the test of her nudity.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Alex!” she said softly.

“Mmm, and what I nice way to show it!” he replied.

“I’ve been so naughty, Alex!” she whispered with as much desire in her voice as she could manage.

“I had a feeling you would be. You know I’ll have to spank you again, don’t you?” Lifting her head off his shoulder, she looked at him with a surprised and grateful smile.

“Yes, sir,” she said after giving him a gentle kiss. “I’ll go get ready then, okay?” He nodded and watched her walk away, her robe short enough that just a little of her exquisite cheeks jiggled below the hemline.

He congratulated himself on his correct belief that she’d really want another tender bottom and resigned himself to getting spanked the next time, which she’d later promise over and over again that ‘it would be such a good spanking’!

Walking into the dining room where he’d seen a chair obviously made ready for someone to be taken over a knee and spanked. On the table, in addition to her little leather paddle, was a sizeable hairbrush perfectly suited to the task for which it was intended, but he wondered if she knew how painful it would be, especially on a recovering bottom. He’d leave it to last if he used it at all, when he had a better idea of just how much she’d want or be able to take.

He had just half sat on the table when she appeared in the hallway in a super sexy schoolgirl outfit. About halfway between a real uniform and the common slutty Halloween costumes she wore a plaid skirt several inches below her crotch, a plain white blouse buttoned almost to the top, and white knee socks leading to chunky heeled black shoes. All the more enticing, it was probably a Halloween costume from years ago as both the skirt and blouse were very tight, the buttons of the blouse straining to contain even her modest tits. Completing the look her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wore nerdy black framed glasses putting more emphasis on ‘schoolgirl’ than ‘naughty’ as that part was implied explicitly.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” she asked with her hands behind her back and her body twisting in a cute imitation of a naughty schoolgirl.

“Yes, Savannah. Come in and have a seat,” he replied motioning to the chair. He moved to stand a few feet away in front of her as she sat and proceeded to scold her for her behavior in some imaginary class, commenting as well on the fact that she’d just been punished the day before and wondered whether she had any idea what proper behavior was.

“You’re not going to spank me again, are you sir?”

“Yes, I am, Savannah, and considerably more severely since this is the second time you’ve been sent here in as many days.”

“But you spanked me really hard yesterday and my bottom is still so sore!” she whined.

“Perhaps not hard enough as it didn’t help you to remember it today, did it?”

“No, sir,” she replied dejectedly.

“Stand up,” I said taking her hand as though to help her up and rotating us sat in the chair, patting my knees. “You know what to do, Savannah!”

Never tiring of seeing a naughty girl place herself across his knee, he felt his hardness pushed against her tummy as her weight fell fully on his lap. Lifting her short skirt, he was treated to the always arousing sight of really tight, white panties stretched across a deserving bottom that’s about to get smacked.

And so, the spanking began with the first few dozen spanks carefully finding the point at which they hurt again. Savannah truly enjoyed being spanked again on her already pink cheeks, and before they were done, she’d bent over the table for paddling, and went back across his knee for a short hairbrush spanking, after each enjoying the sensual rubbing that resulted. She was surprised at how much she’d taken, although probably wanting but unable to take more.

In between they did all the sexy things they’d done the day before including quite a while with her dripping pussy stuffed in his mouth, smeared on his face, and riding him until she was left quaking and gasping on the bed from the ensuing orgasm, the slightest touch of her pussy like an electric shock to her body.

His disappointment at not getting his butt spanked was forgotten even when they were saying their goodbyes, Savannah having apologized and explained her rationale for not wanting to wait as much as two weeks to have her bottom punished again, but promising she’d make it up to him the very next time. Happy that there would be a next time, they kissed and parted.


There was no walk to continue this time, so he just headed home with fresher memories of Savannah and her sex-crazed body! Thinking of how long it would likely be before he saw her again, if he saw her again, his disappointment was based more on having to wait to see her again, rather than specifically being taken over her knee.

They’d taken a little time to talk today and filled in some details about each other; Alex, understanding her schedule better, but most helpful, their likes and dislikes. If he was to get spanked next time, he felt she knew both what to do, but also being new to it, how to do it. She now knew that his favorite scenario was no scenario; just a long, sexy, and painful spanking offered or asked for and delivered.

He made it through the following week thinking often of Savannah but felt it inappropriate somehow to do so once he knew that Evan was home. He still struggled a little with the cheating aspect of this relationship, though one based purely on sex and spanking had another appeal as well. No expectations to call or write loving emails or texts. No formal dates, dinners, or dancing; just sex! The only downside to this facet of it was having to wait for her to initiate it.

Alex treated Sundays as a lazy day, dressing very casually and comfortably, with no expectations of completing chores or work tasks, indulging in guilty pleasures of various sorts from binge-watching some series on TV to digging for the best porn on the internet. He got up later spending time in bed reading stories from his reading queue on Lush Stories but eventually got up to take a wake-up shower and have some breakfast. It was early afternoon, and he was still deciding what ‘nothing’ to do today when there was a completely unexpected knock on his door.

It was with a mixture of concern and pleasure that he saw Savannah through the window standing on his doorstep and an internal struggle raged in his mind between worry and excitement before even opening the door. The war was still raging when he unlocked and opened the door.

“Savannah! This is a surprise!” he said realizing she hadn’t known where he lived other than ‘up the hill’.

“A pleasant surprise I hope?” she asked, having some idea how he might react to her unexpected arrival as she stepped inside.

“Definitely pleasant!” he said, assuming her response left nothing to worry about, he reached for a hug, his hands going right to her scrumptious bottom. Separating, he held her at arm’s length to take her in. Her hair was down cascading over her shoulders in waves framing her lightly, but perfectly made-up face which was sporting that ‘pirate smile’ he’d seen before. A simple, light-colored dress buttoned up the front (all the way this time) with short sleeves and mid-thigh length flattered but didn’t show off her sensuous body.

“Look at you! You look like you’re ready for a Sunday afternoon picnic in the park!”

“Well, I don’t know about the ‘park’ part, but I’m definitely hoping to eat … and be eaten this afternoon,” she said as half come on, half question.

“Then I guess it’s lucky I haven’t had lunch yet!” he said, giving them both relief from their mutual worries about this surprise visit. “Come in!” he added, leading her to his living room and seating them on the sofa.

“Nice room!” she said commenting on the great room architecture with high ceiling and second-floor loft.

“I have to ask … how did you find me?” She looked at him with guilt on her face, though he wasn’t sure if it was genuine or an act to provoke.

“I guess you didn’t see me, but I saw you walking up the hill when I was taking Andrew to daycare, so I pulled over to see where you’d go and sort of … followed you. I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind?” she asked knowing it might feel a little like stalking.

“I’m so glad you did!” he said, putting her fears to rest but there was another obvious question burning a hole in his brain. “And um, what about … Evan? Didn’t he come home a couple of days ago?”

“Yes, he did,” she said looking guilty again, “but he’s gone out fishing with his buddies. He’ll be gone all day!” She finished with a big smile, stood up, and started opening the buttons on her dress, but keeping it closed, he couldn’t see anything until all the buttons were open and she pushed it back off her shoulders for an amazing reveal.

“Wow!” he simply said as he took in the black corset and matching panties!

“You like?”

“I love it! I feel so underdressed now!” he said commenting on the simple gym shorts and T-shirt he was sporting.

“You won’t be wearing them too much longer,” she said coming over to him and taking his hand, pulling him up and holding him by his shoulders, their faces just inches apart. “Now … would you like me to spank you? Hm? Take you over my knee for a spanking?” she asked, playing out the non-scenario they’d talked about.

“Yes, Miss! Please spank me?”

“No Miss, just Savannah … just a really good friend who’s going to give you a really good spanking! Take me to your bedroom,” she finished taking his hand and leading him in the general direction and then allowing him to lead her down the hall.

Standing at the end of his bed, they kissed before she quickly removed both his shorts and shirt, leaving him naked with his flagpole fully extended. She sat on the bed, spread her legs, and patted her left thigh.

“C’mon, you’re gonna get spanked!” she said pulling him down by his left arm, his cock pressed hard against the middle of her thigh as he lowered himself fully. Exploring his now sensitive flesh, her fingers flowed all over the curves and cleft of his ass getting him squirming and moaning right off.

“Spank me, Savannah! I want to get spanked!” he begged but didn’t have to wait long for the first smacks on his lifted cheeks. “Oh yeah! Feels so good! Spank me!” he cried and thought ‘it’s been way too long since I’ve felt this’ and planned to get every swat he could.

Using the lessons she’d learned from her own spankings, she spanked on and on, surprising them both with how strong she was and the length of time she could continuously smack his cute butt both hard and fast, the way he liked it. Following some of the standard patterns, but also random spanking, the color of his cheeks was quickly changing.

“This is fun!” she said when she took a break, caressing both his sore buns as well as between his legs. “I like spanking you! This is going to be a really long spanking!” she cried emphasizing certain words with good, hard smacks. Just as he did, she also found the repeated use of the word ‘spank’ arousing.

“Mmm, I love the way you spank me,” he moaned as she resumed building to a crescendo with repeated spanks on each cheek, aiming lower for his sit spots. Wiggling energetically, his cock ground against her smooth thighs building to a climax while she increased both the tempo and intensity of the spanking, his hips grinding in smaller strokes as his body stiffened just before cumming with a loud gasp, spewing on her thigh and the bed, and collapsing like a wet towel.

“Ooo, you do like the way I spank you,” she commented as she ran a finger through the cream that landed on her thigh.

“Oh my god, Savannah! That was the best!” he complimented as he got up to kneel on the floor between her legs.

“I’m so glad but now I think I could use some thanking for the spanking!” she smiled at her rhyme as she pulled the crotch of her panties aside inviting him to his picnic lunch.

First taking her knees in each hand, they then slid up the smooth expanse of firm flesh to surround, but not touch her shiny, wet lips; they were reserved for his tongue. Tongue extended, he reached in and grazed her sensitive lips with just the tip, teasing her for a minute or so, and then plunged it deep into her slit doubling the volume of her groan. When his fingers found the tight elastic of her panties, she instinctively lifted her hips to allow him to take them off. Up and down her flooded slit his tongue lapped at her precious pussy but suddenly stopped, her eyes popping open in surprise.

“I have a better idea!” he exclaimed, getting up and laying on the bed next to her with his legs dangling over the edge of the bed as well. “Sit on my face, Savannah!” That great smile showed again, she turned quickly to get on the bed and lifting her right leg over him, sat on his chest, and moved forward to place her slippery, wet pussy right on his mouth gasping loudly as his tongue went immediately to work. Smooshing her meaty lips onto his face he was soon glistening with her juice as much as she.

Planning to make her cum more than once he wasted no time on slow build-ups and going for the prize from the start, his tongue slithered up and down her slit, slipping inside her at the bottom and flicking her clit at the top. With his hand pinned at his sides by her legs, he could only use them to hold on to her ass to keep her movements limited as he chose where his tongue was aimed, and soon that was concentrated on her clit.

Fighting against his hands holding her in place she squirmed as his tongue licked, flicked, and sucked on her stiff, little nub until her body stiffened, and with a loud gasp she came, her pussy still quivering in his mouth while her cum drained onto his face. Doubling over, her tits grazed the top of his head as she held his face just to have something to hold on to.

Not letting her off the hook yet, his tongue went back to work, this time letting go of her ass allowing her to join in the action, and after bolting upright, her hips rocked back and forth crushing his face with her crotch, providing all the movement this time. His chin, nose, mouth, and tongue became a scratching post for this wanton pussy as she strove to come again and exploded suddenly, drenching his face again before she fell to the side in a spasmodic climax.

“Fuck Alex!” she screamed as soon as she had enough breath to speak, “That was fucking amazing!” She was still lying at his side while her body calmed. “Oh fuck!” she said almost in complaint as another shivering wave passed through her.

“I keep hearing the word ‘fuck’?” Alex said in a questioning tone with eyebrows raised. She looked at him with an exhausted smile, but taking his ready dick in hand gave him her answer. Slowly, she got up on her knees and turning her back to him, bent over offering him her dripping wet cunt for penetration.

Moving into position behind her, he teased her again with the tip of his cock sliding up her slit all the way to her ass and down again. She jerked when he smacked it down on her tight rosebud between her sumptuous cheeks. After repeating two or three times, he finally eased into her eager slot as she pushed back against him; her body coming back to life. Slowly they worked in rhythm pushing against each other, only gradually increasing the energy they put into their mutually building climax.

Random cries from each of them signaled the end was near while he held on as long as he could, finally spurting on one hard thrust and she followed shortly after. They fell sideways on the bed still ‘engaged’ and gently touching each other as a serene calm slowly took over.

Eventually turning to face him, they looked into each other’s eyes failing to find words to describe what they’d done.

“Wow!” she finally said, as the only thing that came to her.

“Yeah … wow!” he repeated not being able to add anything meaningful.

“How does your bottom feel? I don’t have to ask if you liked your spanking since you came in my lap!” she said smiling.

“It feels good! Still a little stingy,” he said hoping she’d pick up on the ‘little’ part.

“Only a little?” she asked as an accusation, “It should be stinging a lot more than just a ‘little’! I think you need to get spanked again! I’d paddle your bottom good if I’d brought my little one with me!”

“Bottom drawer,” he said, his eyes pointing to the left side nightstand. She got up and got off the bed with a devious smile to explore what turned out to be his toy box.

“Ooo, what have we got here? All sorts of things to smack your bottom with!” she said as she held up various implements of destruction. “Which is your favorite?”

“You pick one!” he said looking forward to an element of surprise and just lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling while she rummaged through his toys.

“I like this one!” she said holding up a large oval leather paddle. He looked to confirm happily she’d picked one of his two favorites but didn’t see that she’d also taken two other items from the drawer hiding them under the sheet. “Yeah, I can get your whole butt with this one!” she said loudly, masking her other sneaky activity.

A smile the only indication she’d made an excellent choice, he knelt on the bed, gathering three pillows and stacking them in front of him, laid over them with his bottom raised high ready for paddling. She circled the bed slapping the paddle against her palm as he fidgeted into position.

“Is there something you want to ask me?” she queried assuming he’d still want to talk about it as before.

“Please give me another spanking, Savannah? A good paddling on my bare bottom!”

“Yeah? You want to get paddled, Alex?” She climbed up on the bed and knelt beside his prone body. “You’ll get a good paddling! … good meaning hard!” she threatened and made good on the threat with a hard swat right on top of both cheeks, enjoying his initial yelp of surprise.

She got many more yelps out of him as she punished him relentlessly, enjoying how quickly his cheeks changed color. She paused a few seconds more between swats than before when she’d spanked him, eventually changing his reaction from raising his bottom to meet the paddle, to pressing it into the pillows as an avoidance maneuver. Taking this change as an indication he couldn’t take much more, she paused, laying the paddle on top of his red buns.

“Hurts, doesn’t it!?” she asked as a challenge and was surprised when he accepted the challenge with a slight nod and an upraised bottom, clearly asking for more. “Mmm,” she cooed as she quickened the pace with his acceptance for maybe the first ten, but he was pushing into the pillows again with loud gasps on each swat.

“Ohh, poor baby! Your bottom really hurts, doesn’t it?” she said laying three extra hard swats on his near cheek. He nearly jumped out of the bed when she scraped her long fingernails across the damaged flesh. “You like that, don’t you?” she said as she repeated the process with four swats on the other side getting a slightly stronger reaction and short staccato breaths as she continued the delicious torture with her sharp fingernails. One more time with five swats across both cheeks and two hands scratching him to ecstasy, so much so that he got up on all fours briefly before collapsing back into position across the pillows.

He hummed gratefully as she softly caressed his angry red ass, her fingers straying between both his legs and his crack for additional stimulation. He hadn’t felt this good after a spanking in an awfully long time and accepted her soothing hands for as long as she would be willing to give them.

His face turned away, he didn’t see her reach for the items she’d hidden in the sheets before. The first clue that she was moving on to something else was the feeling of something cold dripping on the tight hole between his cheeks and he understood what it was when he heard the cap on the bottle of lube snap closed. ‘Oh my god, I hope she …” his thought began when he felt her finger sliding through the lube both directing it to his anus and coating her finger in it. At the first feeling of pressure from her finger, he lifted his hips in invitation to finger his tight hole.

His reactions to everything she’d done made her feel like the sexiest woman alive and this reaction was as good as any. Slowly her finger fucked his well-lubricated hole getting loud groans and moans of appreciation. This was new to her, but she took to it as a pro ready to move to the next unexpected intrusion.

Reaching with her left hand for the other item she’d hidden, she held it up to examine it better. About six inches in length, a little thicker than her finger and getting even thicker down the hard shaft in smooth steps, she timed its penetration with the removal of her finger and quick replacement with the anal dildo.

“Holy shit!” he exclaimed, noticing, and loving the change immediately! Sliding it in and out slowly at first, she stepped up the pace as he responded appreciatively, and before long, she was fucking his spanked bottom much as he’d fucked her earlier. Taking notice of his red bottom again, she used her free hand to both rub and spank his cheeks, which had him getting up on his knees, inviting more of everything she was doing.

As his body responded with ever more frenetic motions, she changed hands using her left to shove the rigid plastic shaft into his ass and with her right, reached around to take hold of his stiffer-than-ever cock. Such was his arousal that it only took nine or ten strokes before he erupted with long streams of semen landing on the pillows below him.

Not wanting or able to support himself, he fell on the bed after pushing the soiled pillows out of the way and reached for Savannah to join him. Falling into his arms she could feel how heavy his breathing was and felt proud of what she’d just made him feel. Kissing between labored breaths, they just enjoyed the feeling of their bodies pressing together.

That was the most amazing feeling, Savannah! Thank you!” he whispered in her ear.

“You’re welcome,” she offered simply and then added, “I suppose you’ll want to do it again sometime?”

Some time? Every time!” he replied enthusiastically.

“Maybe next time with a strap-on?” she offered upping the ante and turning to look at his face for a reaction.

“Mmm, definitely!” he replied, and they just lay there for quite a while replaying their shared experience in their minds.

“I’m sorry, but I have to go soon,” she finally said clearly sad that she couldn’t stay but didn’t have to explain why. “I really should take a shower first?” she asked.

“May I join you?” he asked with a big smile, getting his answer as she got up and pulled him up with her. Thankfully, the shower heated up quickly and they wasted no time before washing each other in the most enjoyable ways. He could feel her pussy getting wet and slippery again and she could feel him getting hard, so they took turns kneeling to take the other in their mouths for a final loving climax.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish!” she accused as he ran his hands all over her naked body while she was trying to dry her hair and he settled for just holding her from behind. Her hair dried, and she got dressed, making sure everything looked okay; nothing out of sorts, before heading for the door.

“I hope you’ll continue taking your morning walk?” she asked as she fell into his arms for a goodbye hug and getting an affirmative answer added, “Good. See you then!”

He opened the door for her and watched her walk out with her looking back at him with a smile that was both happy and sad at the same time. He felt the same way as he watched her car back out of his driveway and disappear down the street.

Published 2 years ago

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