VY: A Beginning And An End – Chapter 9

"Settling In And The Complete Story Is Revealed"

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Chapter 9: Settling In And The Complete Story Is Revealed

Two years later, and things were finally starting to settle down into a more predictable pattern with Braedon, his wives, and his rapidly growing family from the first two years of pregnancies that had come to fruition. For Braedon, that first year had been a complete blur between finishing construction of the home, the constant demands placed on him to impregnate over 1,300 wives, and ten months later being present in the meetings for confirming names of the children he had with the wives. There were more than a few times that he found himself just wanting to end everything and give up, he had been so mentally and physically exhausted beyond belief.

Savannah might not have accepted it as truth that he didn’t know if he could keep up with the demands of the house, if it weren’t for her husband appearing like a zombie on the precipice of passing out from lack of sleep. Dr. Beccy Owens had done everything within her authority to ease the burden on Braedon, requesting additional training for new reproductive medicine staff, many of which were wives of his, ordering mandatory rest periods for him where he wasn’t to be disturbed, prescribing stimulants to make the most of when he was performing his duties, and sleep aids if he ever got a chance. It was all taking a toll on him, and it pained Savannah to see her husband becoming more emaciated as the first several months went by.

After the house construction had completed, Dr. Beccy had trained a minimal staff of about forty wives who could take semen deposits from Braedon, clean them, remove the immobile, and poorly developed, or immature sperm and prepare them for implantation in wives awaiting impregnation. While the process was laborious and time-intensive, it did seem to provide enough of a reprieve to allow Braedon to begin recovering his health. Of course, if just having the stamina, fluids, and sperm to impregnate all his wives was the only problem, things might be considered easy with the Reproductive Medicine Clinic, but there was still the matter of numerous wives who were simply physiologically incapable of mating with him.

For this, Dr. Beccy Owens re-assigned a few of her newer wife staff members to a new Vaginal Assessment and Acclimatization Program, or VAAP, proposal for which she also put in a requisition to the Family Directors, and the ICPD administrator. It had taken about six months with all the red tape and more urgent matters they had to address, but she had finally gotten the approval, and the funding was provided in the following months. Contractors repurposed part of the Art Gallery for the new facility, which actually worked out well since they were able to just move some of the homemade artwork to the new room. After four months, Braedon, and the Family Directors held the ribbon cutting ceremony for the VAAP facility.

Amaira followed the navigation lights to the door marked ‘VAAP’ as directed, then knocked softly. A woman’s voice from within called to her to enter.

Opening the door, she entered the brightly lit medical room. Dr. Beccy looked up from her screen and surveyed the nubile young woman who had just nervously walked in. Given her light caramel color and features, she was obviously of Indian extraction, and was an undeniable vision of beauty. She was elegantly tall, probably around five-foot nine-inch, with long, shimmering black hair which flowed seemingly forever to just above her shapely rump.

Her selection had been a distinct departure from Braedon’s ‘usual type’ – in his psychological workup at processing he had demonstrated a strong preference for mostly Caucasian and Asian women with very large breasts, but this young woman’s slender frame suited her, and a perky chest that practically begged to be teased.

Though her breasts were small compared to his normal preference, they had the advantage of not being weighed down so mercilessly by gravity, and so were quite perky and were topped with the most beautiful, dark brown chocolate nipples, surrounded by the most lovely milk chocolate velvety smooth areolae.

Beccy’s gaze traveled downward, to the juncture between Amaira’s legs. Her sparse pubic hair had been precisely trimmed into an enticing landing strip above her mons, and a bright blue sapphire glinted in her belly button. Beccy gulped and subconsciously licked her lips. “Please, take a seat here,” she said, indicating a chair next to her by the desk.

“Thank you,” Amaira replied. Her voice was like honey with only a hint of an accent. She sat down and crossed her long, shapely legs.

Beccy turned to face her and smiled. “Well, hello Amaira. By the way, what does ‘Amaira’ mean?”

Amaira laughed. Her laughter was delightful. “It means ‘The one who is forever beautiful’. I think my parents had hopes for me when I was born!”

Beccy’s eyes widened. “I think they chose very well. You really are very beautiful indeed.

“Anyway, let me explain what this is all about. We have something of… an issue. To put it plainly, as you may have heard, or maybe seen, Braedon, our husband has… how shall I put this, a cock endowed such that it would put a god to shame.”

“Yes, I have seen him walking around. He was certainly impressive in stature, even flaccid,” Amaira confirmed.

“The issue we have had has been this. Nearly all of Braedon’s new wives have had no sex for six to twelve months, or even longer, due to over-demand from having only one man with which to service over a thousand women. So, in the vast majority of cases, their vaginal openings and birth canal have closed up to a great extent, which means that full intercourse with Braedon will either be impossible, or very painful for both him and the wife. 

With so many women to service, he doesn’t have the luxury of being able to spend lots of time focusing on foreplay with each woman, getting her prepared, as might have happened in the past, Pre-VY. Obviously, we can’t risk Braedon getting hurt in any way, or even sore, for that matter. We need him to be in 100% working order, all day, every day.

“May I please ask you a personal question, did you have many sexual partners, before virus?”

Amaira teared up slightly. “I only ever had coitus with my husband… who is now gone, of course… when we were trying for children, we were very traditional” She looked into the distance, a wistful expression on her face.

Beccy pressed on. “I’m so sorry to press you further on the topic, but I have to ask this… How big was he… down there?”

“Well, about… normal, I suppose,” replied Amaira, stammering slightly.

Beccy swiveled in her chair and picked up a plastic case. She flicked the catch and opened the lid. Amaira did a double take when she saw the contents. For nestled inside, set into molded foam, were a set of five lifelike, penis-shaped dildos made from various colors of silicone. The one on the left, a pink finger vibe looking dildo was quite small, maybe two inches long and half an inch in diameter. The next one, neon blue in color, was around four inches long and one inch in diameter representing the smaller side of average.

The next one, commonly referred to as the green monster by the wives, was slightly longer at around six inches, but larger in diameter, around one and a half inches, she guessed. The second to last one a black dildo was sized to be on the larger size of average – at least eight to nine inches long and probably two to two and a half inches in diameter. Then there was the final one which put all the rest to shame, a plasma purple behemoth by any stretch of the imagination, so long and thick that it actually had to be disassembled into two pieces to fit in the box and had the simple name of “OMG!” above it. It looked to be about a foot in length, an anal destroying three inches in diameter, bristling with rippling throbbing veins and a head that resembled a Portobello mushroom cap.  

Proffering the case to Amaira, Beccy asked, “Can you tell me which one matches your late husband the best, please?”

Amaira studied the case for a moment, half drooling at the thought of being invaded by the largest of them, then pointed to the second one. “About that, I should think,” she admitted. “Are you trying to tell me that Braedon is… like that?” she asked, pointing at the fifth fake cock.

“Well, don’t let some of the women fool you with their bragging about him, but yes he is generally between the fourth and fifth dildos in size,” answered Beccy. When I was with him when he was fully erect, he was like this.” She bent her arm at the elbow, made a fist, then put her elbow on the desk, fist upward. She indicated with the index finger of her other hand, tapping her knuckles, then the crook of her elbow. “There to there, and about the same thickness. That’s what you need to accommodate when he is fully erect.”

“Oh my!” was all Amaira could muster.

“Which is why,” continued Beccy, “we have founded the VAAP initiative. It stands for ‘Vaginal Assessment and Acclimatization Program’. Basically, we need to assess your vaginal tensile strength and plasticity, and based on a ranked level of unsuitability, train you to accept his penis. Otherwise, if you are too small, it will be impossible for you to get pregnant through traditional intercourse.

“Which would only leave us with one option, which is AI – artificial insemination, which as you can probably imagine has an exceedingly long wait time for appointments which can lead to having no children and hence debarment from the house. The choice really is yours. If you want to be included in the group of wives approved for having sex with him, are you willing to be examined, and if needs be, trained as required?”

Amaira thought for a few moments, blinked back a couple of tears, then nodded. “I don’t want to face debarment and even if the sex was always supposed to be strictly for procreation… the thought of never being with a real man again is… quite depressing,” she said sadly, looking at her hands in her lap. “So, I consent.”

“That’s a good start,” said Beccy. “Please wave your wristband over the tablet, just here.”

Amaira did as she was asked, and the band flashed green-green-green.

“Now, please come over to the couch here. Lay on your back with your bottom at the end, then insert your feet into the stirrups.” Beccy guided Amaira, then secured her ankles into the stirrups with a set of velour lined straps. She then pressed a couple of buttons on a panel. Motors whirred quietly, and Amaira’s ankles were pulled up, backwards and wide apart. Her instinctive reaction was to lower her hand, to cover her flagrantly exposed pussy. 

Beccy flicked on an overhead light and moved it, to brightly illuminate Amaira’s vagina. She gently moved her hand away, saying, “This is no time for modesty… I need to examine and assess you.” Snapping on purple medical gloves, Beccy used her thumbs to part Amaira’s outer lips as if spreading the petals of a blooming flower. She was delighted to see a tiny ring had been pierced through her clitoral hood and couldn’t resist running a gloved finger over it.

“Oh, I do declare, that is so pretty,” she exclaimed, as she continued gently rubbing. Amaira gasped lightly as Beccy’s finger teased the little ring. Beccy was fascinated to see that Amaira’s clit was engorging quickly and was soon protruding half an inch out of her hood. “Oh, you have a lovely big clit… that is, I mean to say… you have a very well-developed clitoris,” in an attempt to return to medical parlance, as she gently rolled her swollen nub between her gloved finger and thumb.

Amaira gasped again feeling very flustered and more than a little embarrassed, yet so incredibly turned on right now. One hand strayed to her breast and started squeezing it. The other traveled down to her mons, pressing her fingers just above her slit. Pulling upwards slightly stretched the skin and exposed her clit even more, to the wonderment of Beccy, who couldn’t resist leaning forward and flicking the tip of her tongue over Amaira’s swollen bud. Amaira’s hips jolted upward, as if she had had an electric shock, and she groaned out loud.

Beccy pointed her tongue and ran the tip up and down Amaira’s clit, flicking at the little ring at the top of each stroke. Amaira was soon writhing on the couch, in response to Beccy’s ministrations. Suddenly, Amaira grabbed the back of Beccy’s head and pushed her mouth hard into contact with her clit. “Oh, for the love of Allah, suck it… hard! Please!” she urged, as she drove her hips up to meet Beccy’s probing tongue.

Beccy was only too willing to oblige. She sucked Amaira’s engorged clit in between her lips, then rasped her tongue up and down it, faster and faster. Amaira was viciously twisting both of her nipples as her passion rose. Moments later, her whole body went rigid, as she cried out and lifted herself clean off the couch, shaking and quivering as her orgasm crashed through her. She finally flopped back down on the couch, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her face and chest covered in beads of sweat.

Beccy rocked back on her heels and gazed at Amaira’s beautiful, open pussy. Her pussy hole was twitching, a small pool of white, creamy liquid gathering at the bottom of her opening.

“I normally have to use some lube for this next procedure,” said Beccy. “But it looks like you might not need it. At least you’re nice and relaxed now,” she added with a smile.

With that, she put two fingers together and slid them gently, but firmly, into Amaira’s luxuriously wet pussy. She could feel her vaginal muscles twitching and contracting with the aftershocks of her orgasm. After thrusting them in and out a few times, she slipped them out, before adding a third finger. She felt more resistance this time but succeeded in driving them into the knuckle.

“That’s it… relax and open up your pelvis for me… welcome the intrusion,” Beccy urged, as she started to pump her fingers in and out, twisting and squirming them inside Amaira’s slick cunt. Before long, three fingers were joined by a fourth, and Amaira cried out as Beccy forced them through the tight ring of muscle around her opening. 

After giving her a moment to get accustomed to the feeling, Beccy started rhythmically pumping them in and out, faster and faster, all the while, making sure to apply pressure to Amaira’s G-spot, whilst grazing her swollen clit with the pad of her thumb. Amaira was groaning and humping her hips against Beccy’s hand, which was now disappearing in as far as her thumb joint. Beccy briefly thought about tucking her thumb in, and forcing her entire hand inside Amaira, but then decided that might be too much for a first session. Besides, she savored the prospect of another appointment with Amaira and her delicious pussy.

So, she continued ramming her four fingers in and out of Amaira’s soaking cunt, which was making the most delightful squelching noises, as her abundant juices welled up inside her. Suddenly, Amaira arched her back and went rigid again. Her vaginal muscles contracted violently and Beccy’s hand was suddenly ejected from her, followed by a gush of clear liquid, which shot out of her vagina, spraying Beccy’s face, and pouring down over her heaving breasts.

Amaira finally collapsed down on the couch, her hair matted on her face, gasping and panting for breath. “I’m… so… sorry,” she gasped. “I’m so embarrassed!”

Beccy, who looked like the cat which had got the cream, lifted one breast after the other to her mouth, and licked Amaira’s cum juice off them, before leaning forward and gently running her tongue all round Amaira’s swollen pussy lips. A huge pool of liquid had gathered on the couch under Amaira’s ass and was now trickling over the edge onto the floor.

“No need to apologize, my dear. You just squirted! I’ll have to mark that up on your file. We love squirters here!” assured Beccy.

“Now, while we’ve got you nicely turned on, I want to just see what you can comfortably take.” With that, she picked up the number three dildo and presented it to Amaira’s cunt hole. With a little pressure, Amaira’s pussy gaped, and the plastic cock slid in. Amaira exhaled slowly to force her muscles to relax, and Beccy moved up in size to the number four lifelike cock, which put up a fight going into her. With some effort and some stimulation from a rabbit vibe, the number four finally slid most of the way in, visibly gaping Amaira’s lips to their limit. Beccy could feel that it had bottomed out when there was about seven inches of it in her. After sliding it in and out a couple of times, she noted the maximum depth it would easily reach, then withdrew it.

“That’s great! You’re doing really well. I think that will do for today,” Beccy said, as she pressed a button to return the stirrups to the home position. As she undid the straps round Amaira’s ankles, she said, “I’ll make an appointment for you to come back in seventy-two hours. In the meantime, I’m going to give you some exercises to do.

“When you’re ready, clean yourself up with tissues, then go and sit down over there again, please.”

Amaira grabbed a handful of tissues from a dispenser and wiped herself dry. She shakily got to her feet and walked, slightly unsteadily, over to the chair.

In the meantime, Beccy opened a cupboard and selected a couple of items from it. Sitting down opposite Amaira, she showed her the items. The first was another silicone cock. Beccy had selected one which was an inch or two shorter than the one she’d pushed into Amaira. But it was the same, or slightly greater in girth. The main differences were that this cock was flesh-colored and had a protruding, flanged base. Above the base was an indentation, where the diameter was reduced slightly. The second item was a bottle of high quality, silky, water-based lubricant.

“Now, Amaira. This is what I want you to do. You’ve done really well today, but in three days, I need you to be ready for that big guy there,” she said, pointing at the case, with the monster-size silicone dong.

“So, I need you to insert this into your vagina and keep it in there as long as you can. Ideally the whole time. That will help your muscles to stretch and relax.

“Also, I’m going to issue you with a medical waiver. As you know, we have a House Rule which prohibits solo masturbation. But for the next seventy-two hours, I want you to use this device to the max, hence the permission note.”

Beccy took the bottle of lube and squirted a generous quantity over the silicone cock. “Now, Amaira, please bend over the couch.” Amaira looked slightly aghast. “It’s OK, it’s not going in your ass… maybe another day,” she laughed.

Amaira dutifully bent over the couch and Beccy worked the tip of the lubed dildo up and down between her pussy lips, until the tip engaged in her cunt hole. Then, applying a steady, firm pressure, she eased the entire length into her pussy, satisfied only when the base was right up to her outer lips. Beccy gave a few moments for Amaira’s vaginal muscles to grip into the indent, then instructed her to stand up.

“There. How does that feel? Can you walk comfortably?” Beccy asked.

Amaira took a few tentative steps, then agreed it should be OK. Beccy tapped a few things into the tablet, then said, “Wonderful. Follow my instructions and it should all be fine. See you in three days.”

With that, Beccy gave Amaira a hug, delighting in the feel of her hard nipples against her chest, and on impulse, smiled and kissed her on the lips. As Amaira turned to leave, Beccy placed a playful smack on Amaira’s sexy ass.

… … … … … …


As the sun began to set, casting an eerie confluence of tangerine, fire red and marigold on the Egyptian cotton sheets of Braedon’s Master Bedroom bed, Amaira awaited the arrival of her husband with a palpable nervousness and anxiety.

The last two times she had been reserved a position during a group mating session with Braedon and multiple wives, she had failed to accommodate his sizable head, let alone his substantial girth. Because of this, twice now she had to swap with another wife for a reproductive assist position in the group, complicating the scheduling and operations. Even worse, she had been advised the last time that if she failed a third time, the ICPD Administrator could force her out of House Owens as Unsatisfactory. No pressure.

Amaira’s family back in Bangladesh had put together practically their entire life savings to send Amaira to America so that she could join the Repopulation Program, else she would likely be denied a suitor, ending their family line. She couldn’t let them down, she must succeed, proving she was worth the faith the family placed in her.

As the second hand on the clock above the doorway ticked by, the thunderous echo of her past failures echoed in her thoughts of the past two months. It seemed to be taking forever for her husband to arrive. Had the Family Directors abandoned her to her ultimate fate and cast judgment already? Did her husband no longer desire to have her as one of his harem? As the clock was about to strike 8:00 PM, she had resigned herself to the reality that her time here had come to an end.

Amaira dejectedly rose from the side of the bed, intending to pack her belongings, when she was startled by the door handle turning. Her heart was now beating as if it were a bass drum as the door slowly opened and in walked Braedon, a furrowed look to his brow as if he were about to deliver the bad news she was filled with terror over. Amaira’s face had turned pale, and her hands clammy, as he approached her seemingly in slow motion.

Braedon hadn’t spoken a single word, he didn’t need words to communicate the sorrow he felt for her predicament.  Ultimately being responsible for selecting all candidates and approving all applications sent to him from women seeking marriage to him, he had been made all too aware of her unique circumstances.  The decision to approve her application had not come without a lengthy debate with the Family Directors. She and her family could offer no wealth or resources to bolster the independence of House Owens, and being raised in a culture that simply put, severely devalues the life of women, meant her cultural integration would be challenging at best.

As Braedon started raising his hand to caress her sculpted, but gentle cheek bones, Dr. Beccy and Bernadette entered the room. “Oh god”, Amaira whispered in hushed tones as Braedon sh-shed her. Amaira desperately struggled to hold back the tears as her fears became an unremitting maelstrom, boiling just below the surface.

Still without saying a word, Braedon slid his hand from her cheek, his fingers gliding gently behind the lobe of her ear and sliding down the side of her neck, his palm having cupped slightly to scintillate the extremely fine hairs on her neck eliciting goosebumps down her entire body. “Why must he tease me like this?”, she shook on the inside with confusion.

His hand continued its descent over her slender feminine shoulder, moving so slow, yet gracefully down her spine, sending waves of euphoria through her, every vertebra his fingers bumped, bringing with it a rush of sweet pheromones laced with a special perfume provided by Dr Beccy earlier today. It had felt like an eternity already, but it could only have been mere seconds as she hadn’t moved an inch.

Braedon continued moving his hand down, reaching the small of her back as he rotated his hand to coax Amaira’s body to come into contact with his own. Amaira was already putty in his hands, unable to offer any resistance. Completely at his mercy, she turned her gaze to meet his majestic blue eyes with their captivating amber ring surrounding his pupils. She begins to feel faint as her head leans in.

Braedon leaned forward, as their lips came in contact, the sexual tension in the room flowed through both of them like electricity. Amaira’s knees threatened to buckle under the emotional onslaught. Try as she might, she found it impossible to hold back the rumblings of an oncoming first orgasm. “Please, oh please, don’t happen now, this is too embarrassing”,  her mind frantically fought to regain control.

As her body betrayed her, and her vagina wept with passion, she quickly sought to cover her shame with her left hand, but Braedon would have none of that. He felt, just as before, that each of his wives individually, as well as collectively ought to be proud of their bodies and never feel shame again. In an act of this doctrine, he moved her hand aside and traced the labium majus, driving her inner passions even further out of her control. Pushing her even further over the edge, his fingers traced upward along the outer edge of her delicate labia, up to her mons before descending again to her clitoral hood.

Amaira was by now completely drunk without even consuming a single drop of alcohol, and she was completely, and with no hesitation, ready to submit to everything her husband had in store for her. The final straw would be drawn as he moved his fingers slightly back up to the frenulum of her clit, before plunging his fingers into her sloshy, hyper-sensitized and superheated vaginal canal, completely drenching his fingers in her waiting cervical mucus.

Feeling that she was nearly ready, he extracted his fingers and gently lay her on the bed. “Please, my husband, take me now, so that I may take my place proudly among your many pregnant wives”, she begged out of breath. As much as he desired to completely fill her, he knew that now was not the time for primal urges, instead her former difficulties required a more compassionate sensual approach.

He gently spread her legs and lifted her feet to have them rest on her shoulders. As he positioned his engorged semi-hard head at her opening, he noted that the treatment Dr. Beccy had prescribed appeared to be working remarkably well. While Amaira was still going to be a tight fit, he was more confident he could insert himself without causing her tearing if he proceeded with care.

He shifted his hips forward to touch the tip of his bulbous head to her moist opening, sliding it up and down to thoroughly coat the head in her lubricating juices. Then satisfied he was ready, he placed his head at the opening, but held it there for a moment.

Closing her eyes to mentally prepare herself, Amaira gave one more attempt to relax her pelvic floor… “Okay, I’m ready, husband.” Braedon slowly began pushing his head against her opening. Then, after about another minute of their combined heat and passions, it finally happened. His head slipped inside her, at least just past the corona of his glans. It wasn’t a lot, but he at least achieved a foothold on the beachhead of her most sacred place.

Over the course of the hour-long session that Braedon, Dr. Beccy and Bernadette had reserved for this trial demonstration of the VAAP, Amaira experienced multiple orgasms, two of which resulted in her gushing past his cum plug. Shortly before the time was to expire, he thrust forward, positioning himself right up to where Dr. Beccy suspected, during her training of Braedon’s technique, would be the back wall of her cervix, adjacent to the opening to her uterus, and flooded her hungry womanhood with a sea of new life.

Having completed his task, he extracted himself and backed off to allow Dr. Beccy to confirm successful insemination. Inserting a gloved finger into her vagina, she removed her finger to reveal a copious amount of the mucus and semen. She first wafted the scent of the concoction before offering Bernadette a taste. Both of them nodded in approval to each other.

“Congratulations Amaira!” they all cheered as they leaned over to give her a hug. It would only be a few days before pregnancy would be confirmed. Amaira was here to stay, which she communicated to her ecstatic family. Their gamble had paid off and their family’s legacy would continue on for many generations to come.

Later that summer, the joint CDC/WHO team investigating the origins and timeline of VY released their findings to the public.

Years after VY was first identified The world governments have completed their investigation into the origins of VY by identifying patient zero as well as the individual who engineered the virus and a radical feminist group that funded and directed the viral engineering work.

A CDC virologist had been dating a man for several years and one day he proposed marriage to her, to which she said Yes. When her fiancé was at his bachelor party, a friend invited by his best man slipped him a last day as a single man cupcake. The friend however didn’t tell anyone that he was playing a practical joke on the groom by having put cocaine in the icing. The bachelor party was a blast during his cocaine-fueled stripper surprise.

The next morning the groom wasn’t feeling so hot, but didn’t know why, though he chalked it up to a hangover from the booze. Within days though, with the marriage ceremony only a few days away, the groom couldn’t control the withdrawal anymore and went to the ER who confirmed that he tested positive for cocaine.

Recognizing that an addiction to cocaine could destroy his impending marriage before it even began, he sought out a Narcotics Anonymous group and was assigned a sponsor to guide him through managing the addiction so that he could get on with his life. However, he was incredibly embarrassed by this whole ordeal and stopped communicating with his bride-to-be, causing her to think that he was either having last minute doubts or worse, an affair.

As the day of the ceremony came and went with the groom not showing, she became infuriated. As it happened, one of her friends from med school had started getting involved with a radical feminist group and upon hearing about what happened, invited her friend from the CDC to a group meeting on Zoom.

With her current distorted frame of mind, she was captured by their message and offered to help them with their goals of destroying the evil authoritarian framework of the destructive masculine machine. The groups leadership devised a plan to have her engineer a virus that will target men by attacking the Y sex chromosome, leaving all women completely safe.

She agreed and the group began utilizing their membership to purchase and transport the equipment and supplies to perform the work in the privacy of the CDC virologist’s home. Having the appropriate credentials to not arouse suspicion, the virologist ordered the biologic samples she needed in the name of the CDC, but had them delivered to her home instead.

Being a brilliant scientist in her field and having the good fortune of having desired outcomes more quickly than average, she was able to finish the work on the virus within a few months. Meanwhile her fiancé had been continuing to go to NA meetings and work with his sponsor, never once having an affair as it turns out later.

The week before the group coordinated for the release of the virus on a public tour of the Capitol Building, the groom reached out to his fiancé finally, apologizing for missing their wedding, not speaking to her and disappearing for months. He came completely clean with what happened at the bachelor party with the cupcake and everything since then. Hearing the confession, she realized the terrible mistake she made and secretly began the procedure to destroy all the samples of the biologics.

What was not evident to her though was that containment of the virus was a problem because of a manufacturing defect in the glass enclosure where the samples were analyzed and manipulated. As it turned out, there were hundreds of microscopic holes completely perforating the glass from pockets of gas trapped in the molten material.

During the course of the engineering of the virus, thousands of virions managed to escape the enclosure, depositing themselves on the lab equipment as well as on her body and clothing. This went unnoticed because as intended from the start, the virus would specifically only target the male chromosome. This had the unfortunate impact of resulting in the woman infecting her fiancé without her knowledge as they embraced each other. His face pulled close against the collar of the coat, the virions only had to travel microns to reach his eye, the engineered vector.

Days later the groom was feeling unwell again, this time though calling to let his fiancé know as they agreed after their long conversation. When he got to the Immediate Care facility, they assumed it was a simple sinus infection and prescribe antibiotics. The next day, he was feeling like he was on death’s door where he didn’t even feel well enough to drive to the hospital. He texted his fiancé an update that he was going to the ER and that he would keep her updated and that he loved her.

He called 911 to have an ambulance come and pick him up and when he got to the ER forty minutes later, the ER doctor was completely perplexed by what was making him ill. The ER doctor noted reduced body temperature, morose in demeanor, incoherent recognition of his surroundings and his personal information and an unidentified source of a reflective effect in the central anterior part of the eyes.

Twenty-four hours after admission, her groom suffered organ failure and brain death occurred. The ER physician immediately contacted the CDC as they were unable to identify the cause of death in an otherwise healthy male with no apparent injuries. The body was placed in quarantine and placed in refrigerated storage in the coroner’s office. When the CDC arrived on site and performed their autopsy, they identified lesions on the pituitary gland and the testes were undergoing rapid necrosis and break down of tissue as never seen before.

Another forty-eight hours passed before the CDC released their findings to their headquarters that they had identified a new virus which they believed to be responsible for the man’s death. It wouldn’t be discovered until years later that the virologist had engineered the virus to enter the host through the eye, where it would be isolated from the body’s primary immune defenses. Then it would utilize very precisely engineered protein coating to specifically infect the melanosomes in the iris, which would then produce new viral proteins, some of which would pass along the optic nerve to infect the pituitary gland in the brain. The proteins would disrupt the function of the gland, shutting it down, causing the testes to cease production of testosterone.

Simultaneously the viral proteins would travel through the bloodstream to infect melanosomes in the skin, hair follicles, heart, lungs, liver, brain, and central nervous system, all of which would begin producing more viral proteins rapidly overwhelming the immune system and resulting in complete organ failure.

Continued in Chapter 10: Family Reunion Between House Owens and House Redle

Published 3 years ago

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