The silence is deafening. All the board members still left were now dreading the high heel clicks coming down the hall. They all knew the confident stride of “Holly the Hatchet”, and were wondering if they still had a job this Friday afternoon. She regularly turns confident men into cowering boys; as always, she makes a grand entrance.
“Gentlemen, I’m already running late for my flight so I’m going to make this short. Congratulations, you’ve survived phase one. I believe everyone left here has the potential to become one of the leaders I need to transform this division. With your help, we have already moved up two spots from last place in monthly numbers. Keeping in mind that motivated employees are our greatest asset, I need detailed plans from you to transform your departments. Sue will be calling you Monday to schedule times to meet with me individually when I get back Wednesday. Enjoy yourselves this weekend. You’ve earned it. When I get back, we have work to do. Meeting adjourned.”
Holly is having a tremendously hard month. This Chicago location is by far her biggest challenge. It’s so bad she’s practically starting from scratch with firing lifelong company workers and reorganizing the whole production floor. She’s literally showing bosses how to lead, the ones she thinks might have a chance. This last week has brought out the worst in her, truly earning her reputation. It’s been so frantic she hasn’t even been able to go out and have some fun; she has to force her daily runs into her demanding schedule. She desperately needs someone else to be in charge for once. She is so looking forward to having a break, to her weekend at home with her parents.
At O’hare airport she rushes. Running behind as always, to the terminal only to find that her flight is delayed, probably canceled. The more she tries to find another flight, the more flights get canceled. Midway airport is just as bad, and 2-hour cab ride to Rockford doesn’t look promising.
“Can this day get any worse? Screw it. I need a drink.”
Aaron looks out of the window of the VIP lounge at the airport, and mumbles under his breath, “Can this day get any worse?” The lake effect snow and freezing rain grows from a mere annoyance into a flight canceling storm. He contemplates getting a room as he sees the flurry of workers battle against the ice on the planes. His flight is not for another four hours, but there’s nowhere else to be. He was supposed to be celebrating his victory. Now he’s alone.
For the moment the bar is empty enough. A couple of people are talking at the far end of the lounge, but he is left alone to be with his misery. Nursing his drink, he recalls the day’s failure. How he lost a big bid with a major customer. Trying to figure out what went wrong is killing him. Was it that off-color joke? Was he not understanding? Too aggressive?
His aggressive reputation has labeled him “the wolf”, and got him several multi-million dollar contracts. Promoted twice in eighteen months, he is the man everyone has their eye on. A lot of hopes are riding on his shoulders. How is he going to recover from this and regain his reputation? The more he ponders this, the more alone he feels. He dreads flying back and facing corporate on Monday.
As the flight cancellations start increasing, the lounge starts filling quickly. Still, he uses his broad frame and body language to keep his distance. He looks up from his phone and glares at whoever sits too close. Through force of will, he isolates himself from and ignores the rest of the world. That all changes when she enters the room.
With a powerful click of her high heels, she commands a presence even he can’t ignore. She’s a taller, Italian looking woman, dressed to the nines and strutting in like she owns the place, suitcase in tow. Her ruby lips, olive skin, and a platinum necklace holding a big dark green emerald, are a sharp contrast to her all-black outfit. Her dress is strictly business, but accentuates her shapely curves, and shows just a hint of her ample cleavage. With a black coat draped over her arm, she scans the lounge disapprovingly. She struts toward the bar as she mumbles under her breath, “This will have to do.”
She sits not far from him and asks, “Your flight canceled too, fucking storm?”
“Probably. I got here early to avoid the traffic. “What are you having?”
She gives him a quick once-over. He is huge. He sports the shoulders of a linebacker, and is hunched way back as his long legs isolate him from the bar. His dark brown Armani suit and power tie are matched with a gold Rolex and exotic hide shoes. Looking him in the face his Milano skin, and warm hazel eyes melt the annoyance of her canceled flight.
“Rum and Diet Coke.”
She’s drawn to his silent magnetism as he calmly whispers to the bartender, and orders the drinks. With a sarcastic grin and a huff, he hands over her drink.
“Where were you headed?”
“Back home. I need a break from this crap town. You?”
“Same. I had to hold the hand of a major client.”
“Oh yeah? What do you sell?”
The conversation spirals from there. As the snow drifts and whaling sleet gets worse, they drift closer and closer together. The talk shifts form polite fake talk to bragging over their six-figure lifestyles. They now ponder why they look so familiar to each other. Perhaps a layover in L.A., a conference in Madrid? It doesn’t matter.
Complaints about worthless meetings and making time to work out give way to a competition of one-upmanship. He brags that he has won the “Tuff Mudder” the last two years in Atlanta. She raced in an Ironman triathlon in Hawaii. He took the Polar Bear Challenge, she climbed Mt. Everest. She has a timeshare with spots in London, Corfu, Rome, and Hawaii. He owns a vacation condo in Fiji.
The chaos and panic of cancellations and new travel plans are ignored. There’s a buzz growing at this corner of the bar. With laughing and banter at a sickening high, she scoots dangerously close. They are now practically in each others lap. She whisks her hair off her shoulders and brushes his arm to feel his muscles. Stealing glances of her sexy legs all night, he now rests his hand on her bare stockings. He gets no resistance, or even a hint of shock.
Without warning, he caresses her cheek with the other hand and steals her breath in a kiss. He stops long enough to say, “I’ll get a room.” A phone call is made, and he has just bumped someone out of the best room in a hotel about a mile away.
“Come on let’s get out of here.”
She is quick to respond with a smile, hopping off the chair before he even finishes his sentence. She stumbles a little causing them both to burst into laughter. He’s quick to steady her, and hold her by the waist for support. Walking like he’s been her man for years, he guides them outside to hail a cab.
Out side of directions to the cabbie, no words are spoken. He holds the door for her, opens the taxi, and casually puts her suitcase in the trunk. He barely sits down before she jumps in his arms. He immediately goes in for a deep, wet kiss; the kind that leaves her breathless. Heavy kissing continues as their arms are all over each other. His fingers are stroking up under the dress stroking the wetness under her panties. She starts moaning loudly, unzips his fly, and starts milking the pre-cum inside his silk boxers with one hand. Twitching and squirming she starts her high pitched screaming as the smell of her sex fills the cab. Arron notices how vocal she is.
Arriving at the hotel, he clears his throat and stiffens as they quickly break to make themselves presentable. Wiping the lipstick off his lips, he habitually fixes his tie, pants, and vest. She reapplies lipstick and fluffs her curly chestnut hair. Although it’s not needed he opens the trunk and commands her.
“Now Holly, best behavior until we reach the elevator.” He takes her hand, despite the fact that she’s able to walk on her own.
At the hotel check-in is flawless, and he’s the perfect gentleman walking them to the elevator, rolling her suitcase behind him. No sooner do the doors close, than he attacks, making her shriek and laugh. Kissing her madly, he undoes her blouse buttons and messes up her hair. She wraps a leg around him and giggles as the pace increases. Without warning, the elevator opens and he returns to his aloof demeanor as she buttons her blouse.
Rushing in their room, they take the briefest second to admire the room. There’s a lit fireplace overlooking the hot-tub and full window view of the storm outside. A bar is fully stocked with one shot bottles of every booze imaginable, with cans of soda and juice in a fridge next to it. The illusion is romantically complete. Tonight belongs to these two lovers.
Coats and vest are instantly dropped as the necking continues. He possessively strokes her wetness through her soaked undies. Moaning loudly, she can barely contain her excitement. She takes his hand and spins for the bedroom. Before she can even take two steps he grabs her wrist and spins her back in his massive arms.
Smiling tenderly he sternly says, “I wasn’t done.”
She relents, now almost limp under his control. He tenderly grabs her backside and lifts her torso to his chest. As they kiss, she wraps her legs around his back. He unzips her dress as he walks them to the bedroom.
Gently placing her on her feet, he swoops the dress off her shoulders and lets it fall. He pulls her close by the neck to inhale her essence deeply as he unclasps her bra. Setting her on the bed, he adores her body in every way. Every curve, every line is kissed and caressed as he tenderly undresses her one article at a time, starting with her shoes and ending with her necklace.
“Ah, perfectly shaved, the way a good girl should be.”
Avoiding her hips and breasts he learns her other pleasure spots, tickle zones and places that make her melt somehow even more. By the end of this, she has goosebumps all over, is panting in heat, and is screaming again. She’s begging him to fuck her. He stands up and simply commands,
“Suck Me.”
She rushes off the bed as he undoes his belt, rips his pants to his ankles, and grabs his hardening shaft by the base. As she sucks his tip, he reserves enough composure to remove his shoes and shirt. He reveals his chiseled torso, and her eyes go wide with desire. She rubs her hands over his six-pack as she licks him from balls to tip.
Digging his fingers into her scalp, she instantly obeys his unspoken demands. Taking him deep in her mouth, she struggles with his size and girth. He’s by far bigger than she’s ever had, but prides herself on outperforming. He pushes on the back of her head as she struggles to take more of him in.
Tearing up and out of breath, she continues to lick his shaft until she nearly passes out. She starts massaging his balls as she retreats barely long enough to breath. He pulls her back with her mouth open wide. Her world spins faster and faster. A few quick moments and he’s shooting stream after stream down her throat. She’s so enthralled by pleasing him that she comes as he does. He continues to throat fuck her mouth as she comes out of her fog.
She thinks to herself, “How is he still hard?”
Satisfied for now he pulls his erection out of her and grabs his belt off the bed. He uses it to make a make-shift choker around her neck. Pulling her to the table, he tugs on the belt telling her to sit down.
“Don’t move. Not a word, understand?”
She nods her head in compliance. Grabbing her stockings and panties he ties her wrists behind her back and ties the belt to the back of her chair. He goes off in search of more supplies. He returns with a bathroom cup, her suitcase, and gloves, and his pocket knife. He cuts the cup and folds the gloves to make a “ball” gag in her mouth and is tied with the other stocking. Between her underwear and a pillowcase, he immobilizes her hands. Soaking the chair, her heart rate pounds in fear and anticipation of what he has planned.
Opening her long suitcase he frantically searches for what he suspects to find. A side pocket reveals nipple clamps, lube, and a thick vibrator with a wide base and suction cups. He grabs her toys, her wooden hairbrush, and her hairdryer and places them on the shelf of the closet. With hunger in his eyes, and anticipated fear in hers they share a glance as he rushes toward her.
He unties her from the chair, and then drags her and suitcase to the closet. “Put your sexy body under the hanger rod and face me.” Her pussy is still dilated and dripping from his teasing and then blowing him. Her toned supple breasts are inviting; nipples are erect. As the storm rages outside, all she can focus on is the building heat within her. Breathing heavier than normal, she does as instructed. Without warning, he uses the suitcase to pry her sexy legs apart. Stretching them further apart than they want to go she bends at knees and still feels the burn as her inner thighs stretch to accommodate the strain.
With his belt, he stiffens her up and ties her to the rod at her sweet spot. More than an inch lower she starts to choke. More than an inch higher her thighs begin to hurt too much. Her hands and arms still tied behind her back. She is indescribably mouth watering. The smell of her anticipation is flooding the entire room, driving him crazy with desire. He barely keeps it in check while preparing her for more torment. She is his plaything.
“If ever this gets too much you rock your ears as close as you can to your shoulders for me to stop.”
She nods yes yet again. Grinding his cock against her stomach, he resumes his evil tease. Licking that spot on her collarbone she drops until the belt constricts around her neck. Tickling her rib-cage her thighs begin to burn all over again. Her eyes go wide with lust as she fully realizes how fucked she is. He just smiles.
Cupping her breasts, he sucks each one hard. Like a thirsty man in a desert, he sucks the life out of each one in turn. Nibbling, biting and pulling on her nipples for an eternity. He’s relentless. Moans are quickly replaced by muted screaming. Her head shaking yes the whole time, her nipples are clearly protruding now. One last suck on each tit before he clamps them down. Her throat is sore and her cheeks are pink from all the exertion.
His hands on the small of her back. His tongue slowly, ever so slowly, traces her torso. At a snail’s pace he drags his hands to her thighs as he licks the sweat off of her protruding hamstrings. She’s a panting mess as he massages her quads delectably moving ever closer to her gaping wetness. As he licks from the star of her asshole to the tip of her clit, she’s jerking everywhere. The pain on her hips and throat just make it that much more intense. Somehow her sore vocal cords find a way to keep a constant muted screaming as he finally brings her to another orgasm.
Sticking three fingers in and sucking her clit hard, she erupts into his eager mouth. The shaking is as relentless as he his.
An eternity later she begins to slow down. This is when he reaches for the vibrator. He ties the hair drier to its base and shoves it into the hilt.
In a stern voice he commands, “Don’t let this drop!”
Her well-trained muscles squeeze onto it for dear life as he turns it on full blast and leaves the room.
In the den, he casually makes himself a drink and checks the news about the storm. After a few minutes, he hears the screams have stopped, and checks to make sure she’s not passed out. The smell of sex hits him like a sledgehammer. The suitcase is forever drenched in her juices. Exhausted and sweat pouring out of every pore, she’s limp and barely breathing, barely able to stand. He sees her give him a begging look as tears run down her face. The vibe is humming on the floor beneath her. She knows she is in trouble. Still, she refuses to give him the sign to stop.
“You’ve been bad. Prepare for your punishment”
He quickly undoes the belt and grabs her hairbrush. Her eyes go wide again. Walking them out of the closet, he flicks her nipple clamps at a freakish pace. Well past overtired, even her well-trained body can’t handle the strain. She collapses her knees on the floor as she nearly passes out. Seeing her at her breaking point, he is growing hard again as he now straddles her to the corner of the bed. He casually throws the clamps on the floor, and then he spanks her ass until it’s pink. Too horse and tired to scream, she goes from jolting and moaning from the spanking, to shaking as he slaps her clit.
He undoes the belt and fucks her raw. Every stroke of his is met with her ass violently quaking from his heavy thrusting. Ripples travel up her sides. Her pussy is forced to stretch more than it ever has to accommodate his massive dick. He’s hitting her urethra with every stroke. Despite her wetness, her stretching is painful at first. After a couple of minutes, the pain subsides and the pleasure starts to build again.
Her tightness is amazing; it spurs him to go harder and harder. Grabbing her at the tied elbows, she has never been so filled, so used. She finds a fifth wind and squeezes her vice grip walls on his every in-thrust. The orgasms bleed into each other and she leaves all space and time.
Eventually, she hears him grunt as the pace only increases. She can’t believe it. After she feels him shoot his load, he doesn’t stop, or even seems to tire. Long after his time to stop, his hard-on keeps pumping in her at such a frantic pace. Her eyes roll into the back of her head as the stretching and pleasure are unimaginable.
Finally, an eternity later, his thrusts get short and his breath gets quicker. In her amazement, he’s about to come again. The room is filled with his animistic grunt. Her ears are ringing with the sound of his final release. His pumps slow down and he eventually stops. Even his massive monster is beginning to shrink. He’s finally spent and collapses on her, convulsing.
Moments later, after they have caught their breath, he playfully strokes his semi-erect dick in and out. He undoes her gag as she begs.
“Oh please, I can’t take anymore.”
He rolls off her and undoes the rest of the ties and kisses her with all the passion of Cupid himself. “Alright baby let’s get under the covers.” They fall asleep in each other’s arms immediately.
He awakes on his back. Her chest is dug into his, and her mated hair is all around his face. He sees the sunlight from the window and knows the storm has passed. The combined aroma of her shampoo and perfume are intoxicating.
He can’t help but gaze at her beauty. Her shoulder blades expand and contract a little with her every breath. They outline her slender back as they form curves and ridges. He sees her spine and ribs give, as she moans from his light caress. Lifting her curls he sees the contented gleam of someone that hasn’t rested in weeks.
He wakes her by romantically kissing her neck and earlobes. With a smile you can’t wash away, she smothers him with a kiss of her own. He tenderly massages her breasts, as they share an endless kiss.
“Ride me baby!”
Still under his spell, she slides down and sucks him long enough to make him fully erect. She slides back up his torso to slowly fill herself with his manhood. For an hour they fuck like rabbits. She screams herself hoarse again, and he finally goes limp underneath her. There’s barely enough time to shower before checkout. They shower together but only to save time, and grab lunch before heading back to the airport.
During talk over lunch, real life is returning. They solidify flight plans as they each take off a shoe and play footsie under the table unnoticed. Plans to meet again meet conflict with busy schedules. As they resume small talk over what’s left of their separate weekends, they realize that there is less and less to talk about. She offers to pay for lunch if he could get a cab.
Once again nothing is said save directions to the cab driver. Not wanting reality to sink in they silently hold hands in the ride back to the airport. Numbers are exchanged in vain. Back at the VIP lounge where it all started, there is one last hug and kiss before running to their respective terminals.
Little do they know that they meet again six months later at an Anthony Roberts seminar in Fiji. They spend the week at his condo instead, but that’s another story.