The air conditioning inside the club didn’t help. Her nipples stood out quite clearly, despite Martin’s paintwork.
Finally, the time came for the doors to open. A wave of apprehension swept over Victoria; part of her wanted to run into the back storeroom and put on her coat to cover her almost-naked frame.
It was then she caught a glimpse of herself in the bar mirrors. Her petite body appeared clothed, her pert 34B breasts didn’t swing about as she moved and the painted shorts nicely accentuated her arse. Also, the masquerade mask was an added bonus!
Victoria’s confidence came back and she smiled as Mike walked by to open the doors. He unbolted the locks then took another look over to Victoria. Mike was amazed that she’d agreed to his plans, even if they superseded what tonight’s patron had requested.
As Mike opened the doors, there were only two gentleman outside. But it was early yet and no doubt the club would fill up later. One of the pair was the night’s patron.
“John, always a pleasure,” said Mike with a huge smile. “I’ve set everything up as you requested.”
“Good evening Mike, thank you. The place looks great.”
As John looked about the club he saw the glitterball, the various drapes and, when looking towards the bar, something attracted his eye. “That’s a bit dull isn’t it, Mike? Shirts for the bar staff? I asked for bikinis at least. I wanted my guests to have a night to remember! Are the dancers going to wear duffle coats?” he spat with disgust.
“Would you care for a closer inspection?” asked Mike, still smiling as he led John towards the bar.
“Victoria, sweetheart, would you be a love and get Mr Tarbey a cold Becks?”
“Certainly.” Victoria smiled.
As John approached the bar he studied Victoria’s uniform. Something didn’t quite seem right and in the dim light of the club he couldn’t work it out.
Then, with Victoria squatting to get a beer on the bottom shelf, John blurted, “Bloody hell, she’s naked!”
Victoria’s face flushed; she’d heard the remark, even over the music which had begun in the background.
Mike’s voice cut through the noise. “Not quite, but my top server here has agreed to make this evening special for your guests, as you requested. I do still have the artist here if you’d like him to paint duffle coats on the dancers?”
Mike’s humour made Victoria smile broadly as she served John Tarbey his drink. He viewed Victoria’s body up and down relentlessly until she could almost feel the weight of his gaze.
Eventually, Mike led John towards the VIP seating area and the club continued to fill up. Victoria could not remember it being this busy before, and it wasn’t even eleven o’clock.
By the time the first dancer made her way onto the stage it was standing room only. Victoria knew this was the time to pop out from behind the bar to collect glasses. She picked up a large tray, held it with one hand and moved out into the heaving room.
Victoria moved swiftly around, collecting the glasses until the tray was full. She made her way back towards the bar. On the way, her path was blocked by a group of guys, all in masks. They were staring at the dancer, who was down to her final thread of clothing and sporting body paint covering her back, arms and legs as if a tiger was draped over her. Yet her ample breasts and rosy nipples were free from decoration.
One of the guys noticed Victoria and pulled his friend to one side to allow her to pass. Victoria had to raise the tray above her head as she slid through the gap. As she did, one of the guys in front lost his balance, his bottled beer fell to the floor and the beer sprayed out – splashing over Victoria’s chest.
Victoria dashed to the bar, placed the tray by the sink and looked into her reflection on the shiny work surface. Some of the paint had washed off, especially on her left breast where the darker skin of her areola had only a thin covering of paint left. And her nipple was completely visible.
Victoria called for Mike. “I’ve had a little accident, is Martin still around?”
“No love, sorry. Martin left about an hour ago.”
“Oh! Erm… what can I do about this then?” Victoria turned to show Mike her exposed left nipple.
“Ahh, I see. Well it’s not so bad love, most guys in here are too drunk to notice and, besides, you’ve got lovely tits, so I shouldn’t worry too much. We’ve got about another hour and a half till we start clearing this lot out. Can you hang in there for me?”
Victoria looked at her reflection again, the paintwork was a mess. The painted shirt had washed down into the shorts. She wasn’t happy with it at all. She looked a mess.
“I’ve got an idea, but I might need your help,” said Victoria.
“Okay, what’s your plan sweetheart?”
“I need you to use that bar towel to wash off the rest of the white paint.”
Mike felt a twitch in his trousers. Could this be real? Did she actually just say that? “So you want me to wash all the paint off?”
“Yes please, but only if you don’t mind.”
“Sooo just for clarity… ” Mike paused as he tried to formulate his sentence despite his excitement. “You are going to work the bar in a thong and heels?”
“No, I was hoping you’d let me wear my work shorts, and the nipple cups.”
“Oh yes, I see. Yes, that’s fine love, but this towel’s not going to cut it to get the paint off.”
Mike looked deep in thought, then – as if a lightbulb switched on in his head – his expression lit up and his normal smile returned. “I’ve had an idea. Wait here, continue serving as usual. I will send someone to take over from you, then come and meet me backstage.” Mike disappeared into the crowd.
Victoria stood there, confused, until she noticed one of the masked customers waving a twenty note at her to get her attention.
She tried to push those thoughts to the back of her mind as she carried on with her job.
Moments later a soft voice came from behind her. “Hiya Vix, I’m Jade. Mike’s sent me to cover the bar for you. He’s waiting for you in our changing room.”
Victoria turned as Jade spoke. It was the tiger painted dancer, although now she dressed in a leopard print bikini and black short skirt combo.
“Thanks, Jade, I appreciate it,” said Victoria as she started to move out from behind the bar.
Victoria now faced a decision: she could go the long way round, keeping to the less lit areas of the club, or she could go the most direct route, passing between the stage and the VIP section. Her thoughts shot back to how she felt knowing one guy was looking at her. Without another thought she headed in the direction of the stage.
John Tarbey by now was quite drunk, yet he still managed to see Victoria approaching. He saw the paint on Victoria’s chest had run – and he wanted a better view.
“Excuse me, love,” he called out.
Victoria stopped and turned to face him. The movement meant her left side was illuminated towards John and her nipple clearly showed, as did the shape of her pert breasts.
“Er… um… wow, er… just wanted to say thank you for your hard work this evening,” John stammered.
“Thank you, and you’re most welcome, Mr Tarbey,” replied Victoria and turned to head to the stage side door.
On her way she heard an unidentified voice say, “Did you see that? She had a fucking lovely pair of tits. Would love to see her on stage.”
Victoria smiled inwardly. Although hardly eloquently expressed, the stranger’s comments stirred her arousal again. Backstage, she made her way to the dancers’ changing room. The smell of hairspray was almost overwhelming, yet inside she saw only two dancers, one changing into lingerie to head out onto the club floor, the other with headphones in, wearing what appeared to be a mermaid costume.
Mike waved to Victoria from the rear of the room where a door led into a small bathroom. Inside there was a sink below a large mirror, a toilet and a shower.
“You can use the shower to get the paint off. Call me if you need anything,” said Mike as he left.
Victoria turned on the shower, went to secure the bathroom door then realised there was no lock. The shower was warming up, so Victoria stepped out her heels, peeled off her thong and got into the shower.
The warm water cascaded down Victoria’s body, taking most of the paint with it. She washed her chest and down over her stomach to her groin.
When her fingers brushed her clit, she felt a tingle of excitement. Unintentional it may have been at first, but Victoria started rubbing her clit in ever-increasing frequency and intensity, until she felt ready to burst. She struggled to hold in her moans, but it was no use and, as she reached climax, she became more vocal, louder.
Mike rushed into the room, a worried expression on his face. “Vix, you okay?” he called.
Victoria almost jumped out of her skin. She had to think quickly.
“Erm… sorry to ask, but could you rinse the paint from my back? I can’t reach.”
Mike graciously agreed and, taking a small face cloth from the pile by the sink, he ran his hand over Victoria’s shoulders, down her spine, over the tattoo on her lower back and he stopped just above her naked buttocks.
“Do you mind me going lower?” Mike asked.
“If you wouldn’t mind. I’m sorry but I can’t tell if there’s any paint left behind me.”
Victoria’s face flushed as she felt Mike move the wash cloth over her naked arse. He used a circular motion, and then she felt his bare hand grasp her hips.
“Could you possibly lean forward a touch, love, and sorry to have to ask, but also open your legs a little for me,” Mike said half jokingly, half serious.
Victoria said nothing; she bit on her lower lip. Her clit was still tingling from moments earlier; now there was every chance Mike would be able to see her most private of areas. She leaned forward, probably more than was needed, but she wanted to be sure to please Mike. Next, she shuffled her legs apart, and felt the warm water wash over her body and down over her clit.
Mike had been around beautiful women most of his adult life, working in and running various clubs, and the female form was nothing new to him. But there was something about Victoria asking him to touch her body, and following his commands without question, that really turned him on.
As Victoria bent forward, Mike moved his hand up the inside of her thighs to wash the paint away, his other hand still on her hip. He raised the cloth higher, higher still, until he felt the soft, warm flesh of Victoria’s pussy lips on the back of his hand.
Victoria felt Mike’s touch, closed her eyes, and bit harder onto her bottom lip. She hoped she wouldn’t let out any embarrassing moans.
Mike kept his hand there, for a few seconds longer than he should, but Victoria didn’t protest. Finally he washed away the last of the paint. “All done sweetheart. I’ve left a standard uniform on the side for you, there’s some towels by the sink. Come back to the bar when you’re ready.”
Mike left the small bathroom, his thoughts racing, wondering how Victoria might react to more direct instruction. Maybe he’d have to find out sometime.
Victoria dried and looked at her reflection in the mirror. A cheeky grin formed as she thought about all that had happened in this small room. She’d enjoyed Mike’s hands on her body and she wanted to experience his touch again.
Without more pondering, Victoria slipped the standard bikini top over her breasts and she placed the paint-covered thong into the rubbish bin before pulling on the Lycra shorts.
Then she strode back to her bar.
To be continued