Victoria’s Punishment Part 4: Climbing toward the descent

"Schoolgirl climbs into more trouble and parents meet the familiar cause."

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Victoria climbed the Assumption High School’s southern-most stairs up to the 3rd floor on her way to Mr. O’s office, which was located in the outermost wing of the school. It was such a pain to get to.

As she walked, the student looked once again at the main office reporting slip with the 15:45 appointment time written on it as it if would suddenly reveal some new clues about why she had been summoned to meet her history teacher. It didn’t.

She had no idea what the meeting was to be about.

The class earlier today with Mr. O, which was the first one since her…punishment, had gone fine. This was especially relieving considering how awkward it could have been after what happened last time right there in his classroom. Yes, she had some trouble making eye contact at the start of class this morning, but things eventually seemed to return to normal by the end of the lesson.

So, she wondered, why did her teacher schedule this meeting with her?

Her only theory was that he wanted to apologize for going too far with his disciplining of her. If so, she had a plan to get in, get the apology, offer no drama, and get out. Then things would get back to normal and completely forgotten.

That is, she thought to herself, what she wanted…wasn’t it?

At exactly 15:45, Victoria knocked on Mr. O’s office door while noticing from the singular nameplate – Mr. Osmundsen – that he appeared to have his own private office.

Being the head of the history department must have its perks, she thought.

Victoria responded to her teacher’s inviting voice by entering the office, closing the rather heavy door gently behind her, and quickly taking refuge in one of the three comfy-looking faux leather seats next to the super large wooden desk that dominated the room.

Mr. O smiled warmly from his chair with his back to a large bay window that overlooked one of the school’s more secluded courtyards below. His sharp green eyes and fresh-looking clean-shaven face appeared welcoming under the warm backlighting of the late afternoon sun. It, however, turned a bit serious as he began to speak.

“Thanks for coming, Victoria. I only have a few minutes before the parent-teacher meeting starts, so I will be quick.”

Victoria smiled to hide the fact that she had completely forgotten that her parents had long since been scheduled to attend the semi-annual parent-teacher interviews after school today and that Mr. O was on the meeting list.

“I have something you should hear,” the teacher continued as he opened his computer tablet, pressed a button on the screen, and then placed it on the desk in front of his sixteen-year-old student who was now fully perplexed.

Victoria didn’t recognize the image in the video as it was just some random floor tile, but she did recognize the voices. It was her and Sean, her boyfriend, talking in muffled but audible tones. She froze as she suddenly remembered the recent conversation.

It was them last week, about halfway through their…conversation, talking about naughty things and fooling around in an obviously sexual way under a school stairwell last week. There was talk of tiny innocent-looking panties, a wet pussy, and reference to an unidentified “him” and “he” with a big cock. Most alarming was the talk of Sean doing and saying things that would eventually end in making his younger girlfriend have an orgasm right there in the school. Victoria started to feel dizzy and began drifting out of this surreal moment.

Mr. O was taken somewhat off guard by just how distressed Victoria now looked. Her pretty face, with bold blue eyes, a pronounced but feminine jawline, and eyebrows, not to mention the full expressive lips, usually projected a strong confident presence in his classroom. Now, however, it looked impossibly delicate.

The teacher switched to a soothing tone as he continued with the unfortunate news.

“Victoria, I’m sorry to say that it is clear from the audio that you and your boyfriend, Sean I believe, were having sex under a school stairwell last Friday after you left my classroom.”

The word sex snapped Victoria back into the moment.

“Not sex,” she exclaimed with a burning red face, “just…fooling around.”

Mr. O ignored the irrelevant semantics and continued in a gentle tone, “And I don’t mean to infringe on you and your boyfriend’s privacy, but I’m pretty sure that is against school rules. In fact, it is likely illegal.”

The words suspension and expulsion and criminal record ricocheted painfully inside of Victoria’s brain, and she was now far too stressed by the trouble she and Sean were in to let her embarrassment get in the way of a hurried and pleading response.

“Please don’t bring Sean in on this…it…it was my fault, Mr. O.” She looked up at the clock and continued, “And please don’t tell my parents. And please don’t tell the school, Mr. O. I promise I have never done something like that before. I…”

Victoria paused as she looked directly into her teacher’s eyes and realized even before she spoke where her next sentence might land her.

“There has to be a way to avoid getting others involved, Mr. O. Please. I’m so sorry.”

Victoria studied her teacher’s face looking for any clues as to her impending fate, which was clearly in his hands. He, however, remained silent with a thoughtful look that gave away nothing.

The young student wasn’t sure exactly what she was suggesting by her last vague plea for a solution, but as his silence extended, she felt a strange type of thrill shoot through her as she realized that she might actually have the power to negotiate with this imposing man, her teacher.

Mr. O pressed pause on the tablet but continued to consider his young grade 11 student sitting before him looking so prim and proper in her high school uniform. He noticed her dirty blonde hair was no longer braided into pigtails as it has been the last time she had last tried to flirt her way out of a school punishment. Nor did she appear to be wearing the same tight-fitting style of blouse and flimsy lace bra she had on last time, which had combined to highlight her ample chest against the backdrop of her slender athletic frame.

The teacher finally began in a sincere tone, “Victoria, I think we can keep this between us. I honestly don’t want to cause you or Sean or your parents, whom I will see tonight, any problems that I don’t have to.”

A wave of relief immediately spread over Victoria as the anxiety of getting suspended or kicked out of school or worse – and the ramifications this would have for her getting into a top university – drained out of her body. She felt an urge to hug him in gratitude but merely thanked him.

And then he said it. Somehow part of her knew he would.

“But,” Mr. O continued, “you must know that you will still need to be punished for this serious breach of school rules.”

A new type of anxiety flooded into Victoria’s body as she felt herself climb once again on what was continuing to be a rather stressful rollercoaster ride of emotions with this teacher.

“What punishment?” she asked quickly with just a hint of panic in her voice.

Mr. O rubbed his square chin in thought before eventually replying. “Similar to last time, I would think. But perhaps something stricter to fit the severity of your latest… crime.”

Victoria could only nod at this judgment. Any feeling of empowerment that had emerged from the possibility of bargaining completely out of her impending trouble vanished as quickly as it had appeared. She felt once again like a passive participant in events beyond her control. She didn’t know what to think let alone say. Her mind swirled with images and conflicting emotions from her last punishment at the hands of Mr. O.

She knew her perverted teacher enjoyed giving her a spanking, but how could he be bold enough to do that to her once again? And what the hell would she say to her boyfriend…again? And what did he mean by stricter punishment? And why was she just nodding like an idiot and agreeing to his offer of an alternative punishment… again?

“I guess I have no choice,” she finally heard herself saying to her teacher, but perhaps more to herself.

Mr. O smiled at his student’s easily-surrendered agreement with a flicker of relief at the quickness of this first victory. He pressed home the advantage.

“Meet me in this office tomorrow at five pm. And, when you get dressed for school in the morning, I want you to wear the exact same clothes you wore last time you tried to charm me out of your detention. Just to be clear, I mean the same style of hair, blouse, and bra, and length of kilt and…the rest. And wear it all day at school. Do you understand?”

Victoria felt her face flush red at having her previous strategies for avoiding punishment being so obviously busted by her teacher, but she remained silent as Mr. O continued with his directions.

“But this time, Victoria, I’ll give you a choice for your underthings, either panties or school uniform pantyhose, but not both. And please don’t disappoint me,” the teacher warned as he nodded to his tablet on the desk.

“Yes,” Victoria agreed numbly as she stood to leave. She wasn’t fully registering the instructions, but rather remembering with some embarrassment that Emilie would be tagging along with her parents tonight to the PTA meeting.

And as if he could read her mind, Mr. O called out as she walked to the door, “Oh, and I can’t wait to see your mother and father again.”

“Stepfather,” Victoria quickly corrected as she turned back to face Mr. O. She immediately regretted how sharp her voice had become in fixing her teacher’s mistake.

“Oh. Excuse me. Stepfather,” Mr. O quickly corrected himself. “John was introduced to me before as your father. My mistake.”

Victoria forced a smile and a nod in response as she exited the room.

She scolded herself as she made her way to the stairs. Victoria had never previously called her father stepfather or by his first name, John. It wasn’t even an option. Yes, mom had gotten pregnant when she was far too young with the other… guy, whom she never actually married. But he left, or was kicked out according to some relatives’ whispers, soon after Emile was conceived. And Victoria was only five at that time and couldn’t even remember the other guy’s face. In fact, she couldn’t even remember the wedding with mom and…John. John was dad and always had been. There was no other dad and there never had been in her mind and experience.

So why she wondered, would she snap at her teacher about this of all things? Was she trying to get back some control of the situation with her teacher that seemed to be hurting out of her control once again?

Fak my life.

The walk home from school, despite being under the same sun-filtering leaves as the last time she left Mr. O’s one-on-one company, was now altogether different. Instead of a Zen-like calm that she had eventually reached, she was now experiencing all-too-familiar anxiety about what tomorrow would bring. Just when Victoria felt like she was getting a handle on these newfound experiences and emotions, she was suddenly back to square one again. And square one was full of questions.

Would she tell Sean about this new impending punishment? Would he be as forgiving and unexpectedly excited as last time or rather think she was becoming a slut for – once again – submitting her body, well at least her bottom, in order to get out of trouble at school? And if this type of perverted punishment by a teacher turned her boyfriend on, did she even really want that to go further down that road? And why did her teacher give her a choice of what underwear to put on for the next…meeting? Was he trying to force her into his perverted mind by having to imagine what he would like Victoria to wear for him…so that he wouldn’t be disappointed? And why was she going along with this strange punishment once again?

The last question had an easy answer. She had no choice, she told herself. But it also created more complicated thoughts and feelings.

Did some part of her want to feel the same naughty – dirty, even – but intoxicating thrill of being spanked by her hot teacher again?

She then suddenly stopped on the sidewalk as her mind replayed a comment that her teacher made as she was leaving his office.

What did Mr. O mean about meeting her parents again and having already been introduced to her father? Her parents had never met Mr. O before at any PT meetings. She was sure of that much since her mom, such an unapologetically fun flirt, would have commented on this handsome teacher. So what the fak was Mr. O talking about?

While Victoria was taking the long way home to sort out her thoughts, she realized the rest of her immediate family was likely arriving at school for the PT meeting with Mr. O.

When Victoria’s parents came into his office for the parent-teacher meeting, Mr. O felt just a touch of nervousness about how awkward the meeting might become considering their last encounter over two years ago. But that faded when Samantha, Victoria’s mom, strode confidently toward him and gave a quick hello hug.

Samantha’s voice was sincere, “Nice to see you, Mr. Osmundsen,” but tentative when pronouncing his family name.

Mr. O returned the greetings and suggested, “Please, call me Jack or even Mr. O, like the kids do. They have a problem with Danish names,” he explained. “I think its ongoing punishment for my ancestors’ Viking-era misbehavior,” he added as he looked over the smiling parents.

Victoria’s mother was just how the teacher remembered her: a gorgeously tall drink of blonde water with legs that went on forever and tits that could stop all conversation when she entered any room, even now when she must be in her early thirties. And this statuesque woman, whose body dripped with ripe sexuality, had the face of a hot lawyer or librarian. Those masculine dark glasses she was wearing combined with her blonde hair up in a bun only added to the too-sexy-to-be-a-professional contrast he found so mesmerizing. God, he was happy fate had brought her back into his life, even if it was for a short PT meeting.

“John!” Mr. O finally acknowledged enthusiastically as he turned and shook hands with Samantha’s husband, who only smiled in return without any sign of familiarity.

“And this must be another daughter,” the teacher confirmed as Emilie finally trailed into the office behind her parents’ wake.

Emile sprang between the adults like the ballerina she was.

“Please to meet you, sir O,” she offered with the confidence of a prima ballerina. “I’m Emilie….Victoria’s smarter sister.”

“Indeed,” the teacher laughed. “The pleasure is mine, Emilie.” I see by your uniform you go to our sister middle school, St. Anne’s.”

“Yes, sir. But I’ll be enrolling here in two years.”

“Which of the uniforms do you prefer? The girls are always arguing about which one is better,” Samantha asked the teacher with a smile as she and her husband sat down in two of the three chairs directly in front of the office desk. Emile didn’t take the third chair, but instead danced to the back of the large office where she flopped down on the small sofa there and pulled out her iPhone and earbuds. She had done her good daughter deed for the day. It was now me time, she concluded.

Mr. O gave a quick political answer, “Well they are rather similar and both look professional.” He then considered the question in earnest.

Both schools’ uniforms featured white oxford-style button-up blouses, with different school emblems, of course. But instead of the blue-green tartan kilt of his high school, the middle school uniform had a gray-blue shading. The colours of the stockings and knee-high socks were reversed at St. Anne’s, he noticed. The middle school had blue knee highs and white stockings or pantyhose as options for the girls’ legs. The black penny loafer shoes were the same.

“I see you are wearing a version of it yourself,” Mr. O mentioned as he sat down next to the parents on their side of the desk and let his eyes boldly take a close-up inventory of the lovely mother’s outfit. Her white professional-looking blouse, short but proper gray business skirt, and white pantyhose made her look both entirely professional but also somewhat playful and open to a wicked adventure.

“Purely coincidence,” she half laughed in response.

The majority of the meeting then proceeded as expected with pleasantries about how great of a student and school athlete Victoria was blossoming into, and how much she was looking forward to her senior years at Assumption and then a top university.

But as the discussion seemed to be wrapping up, Mr. O leaned in closer to Samantha as he made a passionate statement about Victoria’s amazing potential. As he did so, he innocently placed one of his large hands on her stocking-covered thigh, just above the knee. He didn’t move it away while he continued to talk. Neither of the parents directly acknowledged the hand, but it was clear to all the adults that the temperature in the room had clearly risen.

Samantha’s husband finally broke the teacher’s grip on his wife’s leg and the tension in the room by asking if Mr. O had time to give Emile a quick tour of the school. He did.

“We’ll be back in fifteen minutes,” the teacher announced with a smile. Please feel free to look at some of the history books Victoria has been studying this year.” He motioned to a bookshelf and left with Emile for the tour.

As soon as the teacher and Emile departed the office, Samantha turned to her husband with a mischievous smile and nodded downward to where Mr. O’s…

Published 3 years ago

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