Victoria’s Future

"A willful Victorian maiden receives a painful education."

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Victoria’s Future

London, 1806

Henry was scolding. “That little love pat was nothing. When I really spank you, I will place you across my lap with your drawers down to your ankles, your dress and petticoats, if you’re wearing any which is doubtful, up to your neck. I will spank your bottom without mercy from your knees up. You will scream and cry, sob and beg, tell me how sorry you are and how you will do better, but I will keep spanking until your cheeks are the color of a ripe plum. Then I will put you into the corner with your skirts up high and your bottom on display while you whimper. After that, we will have a nice long talk about consequences.”

“Why are you trying to frighten me?”

“Because I want you to begin to think about how you can be a better little girl, one who cares about her future. Every other day, you will be spanked on your bottom. The other days, you will receive other punishments. But, for the next year, you are mine, and you will learn to obey me without question, and you will work on your future. Do you doubt it?”

“I hate you.”

“It’s that kind of childish reaction I plan to change. You do not hate me. You barely know me, but that’s about to change, eh?”

Victoria tried to pull away from him, but he had a firm hold on her wrist.

“It’s not proper for me to remain in your bedroom although I have your father’s permission. Actually, he’s very pleased to turn you over to my care since you have absolutely defied him in most every way possible. You will report to my home tomorrow; my butler will pick you up. You will wear this dress with absolutely nothing under it. You don’t need to pack anything. I will supply your needs. This charming dress which you chose because it so clearly shows your charms will suffice. Most of the time, you won’t need clothes.”

The dress itself was charming, but the material was thin, summery. The top was so tight that her high, firm breasts were prominently displayed, round though small. Perfect. Although the skirt was full, the material draped in such a way that when she half turned on her small feet, her perfectly round, pert, little bottom was also clearly outlined. He thought it about the prettiest, most spankable butt he ever saw. The rest of Victoria was pretty, but her ass and breasts were spectaclar. Her natural blond hair looked like a bounding river of silk, running down her back almost to her hips. Her eyes were blue and tipped with dark lashes. Her skin was pale and clear. He thought she was a vision of lovliness, until she opened her sassy mouth.

The following day, at 10.00 a.m., Mason, the butler appeared to remove Victoria. He brought two housemaids with strong arms with him for his master had told him what to expect. Sure enough, Victoria had tried to defy him by wearing other than the dress he had ordered. In a short time, the two maids had bared her completely and she was ordered to provide the dress. When she refused, they covered her, all but her bottom, and placed her across her bed, her legs hanging off the sides of the bed. Mason then began to spank her naked bottom smartly with an oaken paddle, thin, shiny and very stingy. While it made no bruises, it sunburned her butt to a very dark red shine. Victoria was only too happy to don the dress after a very thorough paddling during which she screamed and cried, to no avail. She was one thoroughly paddled lady as she was bundled into the coach and taken to the master’s home. On her arrival, Henry met her at the door where he turned her around smartly, lifted her dress and saw her red and tender bottom. “I see that you didn’t want to wear your dress. As you can see, it is not what you want that rules here, Victoria.” He dropped her dress, and she was taken to her room, his words upon her ears. “At 4 p.m. today, you will receive your first spanking from me. Because of your naughtiness, it will be done upon a very sore bottom. You have no one to blame but yourself.”

Precisely at 4 p.m., Henry entered Victoria’s chambers. She was sitting in a chair, staring into space, looking both distressed and shocked. “Now, my dear. We shall begin to get acquainted. Take off your dress.”

Victoria crossed her breasts with her arms, shrinking back into the chair as much as she could. She said nothing.

Henry walked over to the chair, reached down and hauled Victoria to her feet. He brought her face up to his, requiring her to be on the very tip of her toes. “You cannot avoid me, my dear. I am much stronger, and I am in control here.” He began to unbutton her dress and got it off despite her squirming and kicking. Henry reached down and swatted her butt four times, hard. Victoria yelped and then stood still. “Now, we shall go down to the basement where I have prepared a room for your punishment. Every day, we shall enter that chamber, and we shall not leave for two hours. In that two hours, you will learn many lessons at my hand.” Pushing Victoria ahead of him, he took her out of the room.

“Please, someone will see me. She tried to cover herself, but he grabbed both wrists and held them above her head.

“What if they do. They have been told why you are here, and they will not interfere. You are not the first unruly maiden that I have educated although you are the most beautiful. If they look, they will get an eyefull of disobedient minx. But we will work on obedience, indeed we will.”

They reached the special room. Victoria took it in with frightened eyes. The wall was covered with implements hanging on hooks. There were several paddles, straps of all sizes, and other items she was not familiar with and didn’t want to be. There were tables and benches of all sizes, some padded, some not. There were hooks in the ceiling and along the walls. It was a scene from hell in Victoria’s eyes.

Henry forced her to mount a spanking bench. At one end, a large piece of wood was shaped in the form of a large ‘C,’ the open ends facing up with the body of the ‘C’ on the floor. Extending from the ‘C,’ at the bottom, was a long, wide piece of wood, about six foot long. Another section made up the end, just a simple cross bar. Victoria was forced to straddle the long piece, barely able to do so but only by stretching her legs extremely wide. Her hands were placed on each side of the ‘C’ and tied there securely. Straps were placed around her knees, forcing her legs to the side of the long bar. Her breasts hung freely although her nipples almost touched the long bar. Her butt was predominantly displayed, open totally to all her charms and pointing toward the ceiling.

“No sound can be heard from this room upstairs, such is it’s structure. You may yell and scream all you want. You are securely tied and may squirm all you want, but not one blow will miss it’s mark which is your beautiful ass.” He rubbed her butt cheeks roughly, running his fingers down her butt crack until he reached her pussy. He did not enter it but cupped her mound and slightly squeezed. “As you can see, you are helpless. Let’s begin.”

He walked to one of the walls and removed a long, thick strap which had been oiled so that it was very flexible. It was about six inches wide so that even one stroke would cover a lot of territory. He ran his hand up and down the strap, finally holding on to one end that was narrowed a bit and fit into his hand easily. He stood to Victoria’s side and measured the distance in his mind, from his hand to her bottom. Satisfied, he brought the strap back and swung it into Victoria’s bottom, hard. She yelled as the lash landed square in the middle of her ass, seeming to sink into her butt only to spring up and be ready for the next swing. “That must really smart.”

She said nothing but whimpered as he readied for the next strike. This one landed on her upper thighs and she cried out. Henry then began to strike her randomly on her back side, from her knees to her waist, moderately hard strikes. He didn’t say much during this phase of her punishment, just struck, once every five seconds. Soon Victoria was wailing with the pain of it, but she did not beg or make promises. He was impressed with her endurance, but he had all day if he wanted to get her pleading cries. He did not stop strapping her until every inch of her backside was a deep red, looking swollen and painful. “I am sure that was unpleasant on an already spanked butt.” He put the strap back on the wall. “I am going to give you a little break, but we are far from through here. He walked out of the room, leaving Victoria to cry helplessly.

She moaned and whimpered and wished she were off the bench. Her wide-spread legs were aching from their forced parting. The skin on her rump felt so on fire that she longed for an ice bath. Her voice was hoarse from her continual wailing as he strapped her. Despite all that, she could feel the wetness between her legs and prayed that he had not noticed. She realized that she hated the pain, the spankings, but loved the dominance. ‘God help me,’ she thought. In what seemed like no time at all, Henry returned. He walked to the wall again, and she felt frantic. She didn’t think she could take another strike on her defenseless backside, but she was wrong. She would take many more before this session was over.

Victoria could not see what implement Henry had chosen. He put it down on a table next to the spanking bench and went to a cabinet on the wall and retrieved a good-sized jar and brought it over to where her butt still perched skyward. He opened the jar and scooped out something with two big fingers. He then applied the goop to her bottom hole. As she gasped, since she had never been touched there since she was a toddler, he pushed the gel into her using first one finger, then two, stretching her unbearably. While it hurt, it was not unbearable, but she was mortified. “What are you doing?” she shrieked.

“I am preparing you.”

“For what? Are you depraved.”

“Not really. I am preparing you for my rod, well not my bodily rod, but my rod, my wooden one.” With that, he picked up the object from the table and showed it to her, tears still dripping from her chin. “This is my rod. The first six inches are wooden, five inches around, highly polished and slick with lacquer. You won’t believe how this feels. The other two foot of it, yes two foot of it, are made of some rubbery substance, one inch round, firm yet pliable, not likely to damage tender tissues. I am going to slowly, very slowly, inch this along inside of you until the entire thing is engulfed in your bottom. The last six inches, being so round, will hurt your tiny hole like the dickens. You will feel more than impaled, little girl, when I am done.” With that, he put the slender tip of the implement into her anus, using his fingers to jiggle it and scootch it into her, a tiny bit at a time.

She screamed at him to stop, but the thing just inched into little by little. Sometimes he had to twist it, pull it back out a bit and then re-push. Sometimes, she felt cramping. He would pause, rub her belly firmly until the cramp passed and then continue. After what seemed like hours, he reached the last six inches. She began to scream when he pushed this firmly into her. Her anus stretched obscenely around it. When it was firmly implanted, he took the ties attached and tied them around her legs, then her waist. There was no way to expel the rod. She was impaled. He pushed the heel of his hand against it while she cried even more.

He watched her cry for a few moments as she adjusted to the feel of the rod in her as much as she could. He then untied her from the bench, lifted her and carried her to a low table and put her on her back. He retied her wrists to one end of the table, one on each leg. He brought her ankles up to her shoulders and tied them there, one on each side. Her bottom was displayed, and the end of the rod showed plainly from her stretched and tortured anus. He then went to the wall and retrieved a thick, hard paddle. It was at least 3 ft. long, but it was only about two inches wide. It was quite thick and heavy, more like a stick than anything, a thick, heavy stick. With this paddle, he paddled her bottom by hitting the edge of the rod hard, one strike after another. Each stroke made the rod ache inside her until she was hysterical with the pain and jolt of it. “You are going to wear this rod for a while, at least a week. Each day, I will remove most of it, re-lube it and push it back in you. I will spend some time pushing it in and out, in and out. It will soon feel like a part of your body, there for my use and pleasure. There are many, many ways to punish a disobedient girl, Victoria.” He watched her sob as he continued to paddle the rod.

When he finally tired of paddling her bottom, he untied her and sat her up on the hard table. He made her draw her knees up to her chin and hold them with her arms, thus placing all her weight on the rod against the hard table. “Now, Victoria, we shall talk of your new life here and the consequences of your behaviors. You should listen up because much of what happens to you will be because of your own behaviors. You shall receive lessons from me in deportment, arts and sciences and the like. My cook will teach you about food preparation. When you are not being punished, you will sleep, eat and study. After each punishment session, you will tell me your thoughts on the punishment, on your studies or whatever I require of you. Except for your time with the cook, you will be nude. When with her, you will wear your only dress. If you are rude to her or to me, if you don’t do your lessons well, if you fail to learn, you will be punished severely, in addition to your 4 p.m. sessions each day. Do you understand all I have told you?”

“In other words, I am a slave to be beaten and tortured, with no rights at all.”

“I suppose so, for one year, when you will be reintroduced to a normal life, albeit as a much-changed, very obedient little lady, perhaps to marry or take care of your aging father.”

“No decent man will have me now since I have been touched, tainted by you. My life as I knew it is over. You are a cruel, brutal man. I hope you burn in hell and are consumed by worms. As for my father, he is now dead to me. Do what you will. Why should I care any longer?”

“This is why you should care. It will determine how much pain you suffer. Now I shall punish you for the hell comments, so unladylike.” He drug her off the table by her hair and placed her back on the C bench, butt up, legs stretched, once again ready for the lash. He got the original strap and gave her 50 lashes on her thighs and bottom cheeks. She was nearly unconscious when he finished. “When the year is up, you will be certified a virgin by a doctor. I will do many, many things to you, but your virginity will be intact, if not your innocence.” He untied her, picked her up and took her over his lap where he spread her legs and inserted his fingers in her pussy, only about an inch but enough to embarrass her. He played with her clit endlessly for more than an hour, but not allowing her to come. She squirmed and begged him to do something, she didn’t know what, but there had to be an end to such delicious torment. He stopped, never satisfying her and took her to her chambers and tucked her into bed. “Sleep my lady. You will need it.”


Victoria had been with Henry for three months. Her days had been filled with pain, learning and long discussions with Henry or one of his staff. Sometimes she was spanked. Sometimes she just endured his fingers in her ass or her pussy or even her mouth, rubbing and seeking she knew not what. She never had a moment alone except when she slept. This morning, she was eating breakfast with Mason, the butler when Henry stroke in. “Mason, please get the carriage ready by noon. I shall be taking Victoria to visit her father.”

“I don’t want to visit my father. I told you, he is dead to me.”

“You not only will visit him, but you will be kind and gracious. You will show off your better obedient nature and explain to him how well your lessons are going.”

“And if I won’t?”

“Well, then, when I bring you home, I will punish you severely every day for a month. There will be no lessons, no pianoforte, no art, no wonderful meals, nothing but punishment from morning to night. You will be one sore, sorry girl.”

“I’m already one sore, sorry girl. That will be nothing new.”

“Assuming all goes well, I will ask your father for your hand in marriage.”

“What! You wish to marry me? Why?”

“I have grown quite fond of you. You are so sensitive, responsive and submissive that I could not bear to lose you. I look forward to having you in my bed completely. I will plant a baby or two to keep you busy when you are not bent over for my pleasure or punishment.”

“What would be the advantage for me, this marriage?”

“You will get all the spankings you need and the dominance you love, beautiful clothes, good food, entertainment, anything your heart desires.”

“Except freedom.”

“You don’t want freedom, Victoria. That’s plain everytime you whimper when I spank you or lock you in your room or worse. And you would never have had freedom anyway. No woman as lovely as you would ever be free. You were made to be fucked, loved, spanked and more. Those lips were made for kissing and for being wrapped around a man’s penis. Now, shall I tell you how I plan to punish those beautiful breasts after we return from your father’s house?”


While Victoria did not insult her father, she did not attempt to please him either. She heard him pronounce her fate when she left. She would be wed to Henry within the month, and he would receive a large dowry from her wealthy father. He did all but brush his hands of her.

“I must have really disappointed you father, you are so happy to be rid of me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I love you, but you are like your mother and need a firm hand to steady you. Henry is just the man, and he is rich and connected to the throne. You are lucky he has chosen you for his bride. I look forward to a grandchild or two after Henry has tamed you which I must admit I never could do. I am quite pleased with your progress and demeanor.”


At precisely 4 p.m., Henry and Victoria entered the punishment chamber, and Victoria was divested of her dress and other garments until she was nude except for her stockings and garter belt and shoes which Henry insisted she keep wearing. He drew her over to a table that was made like a doctor’s bench. He removed the ever-present rod from her anus. Before she could sigh with relief, he took her to sit on a large penis-shaped dildo that was taped to the table, and he forced her to sit on it with her legs spread widely, feet overhanging the edges of the table. It was 12 inches long, four inches round and unforgiveingly hard.

A large, round padded bolster, much like a firm pillow was placed in the middle of her back. Her elbows and wrists were brought around it and tied securely which caused her breasts to jut out in front of her. The table end was leaned back and she had to rest her weight on her elbows, and the dildo was deep into her bottom. He then took a long piece of cloth and tied it around her forehead and pulled her head down as close to her elbows as it would go. Her breasts were at his mercy, and he began to fondle them, pull and pluck at her nipples until she moaned with the caresses. “Now, my dear. The fun begins.”

He went to the wall and retrieved a small, round rubbery strap, like a razor strop but only about an inch around. It was about two foot long, only a little flexible. With this strop, he began to lash her breasts, right on her nipples every blow. It did not take long before she was wailing in pain. She could not move her breasts out of range, and he struck over and over and over. After a few minutes of this, her nipples swelled to twice their size and they were exquisitely tender and sensitive. From time to time, he would stop to rub and pinch them, suck them and lick them, but soon he would return to the strop and begin again. Before the punishment was over, Victoria was nearly hysterical. He finished by wrapping her breasts in tight cloth bondage with her impromptu bra filled with small, sharp pieces of wood. She was then forced to lie belly down with her breasts pressed flat against the table. He strapped her to the table very tightly. The dildo was removed, and the rod was slowly and painfully re-inserted with much in and out action during the process. For a long time, Henry rubbed her back, pushing down hard to further torment her very sore breasts. The two hours passed slowly this day.


Henry and Victoria were wed. Sure enough, within the year, she bore a beautiful girl when she named Henrietta. She was punished during her pregnancy but in psychological rather than physical ways, after about the 4th month. Henry seemed to never get bored with embarrassing her or surprising her with new ways of torment, and she seemed never to get bored with him. No one but Mason knew of the extent of her subjugation as he was now often called on to assist. Her punishment time now lasted from 4 p.m. until bedtime when her wifely duties began. She blossomed under Henry’s attention as a good wife should.

Published 16 years ago

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