
"A soccer game leads to wild sex"

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It was two weeks before Christmas and Mike weaved his way through the throng at the German market. Stalls with mulled wine and sizzling food from Mexico to Thailand were tempting his taste buds but he still had his sister’s present to buy. Though a few hours away, he was conscious of the clock ticking toward England’s quarter-final clash with France.

It seemed odd having the Soccer World Cup in December. A multiplicity of objections against Qatar hosting the event had generally faded as the football took centre stage. Mike knew it was going to be a tough match and his hopes weren’t high, but he didn’t want to miss the game.

He paused to listen to a Salvation Army band and was tipping a few coins into the collection when there was a scream and a commotion behind him. He turned to see a young guy hotfoot it down the street with a handbag, which had been torn from the owner. Mike acted on instinct and sprinted after the scrawny youth and caught up with him on the next corner. Mike tripped the robber and pulled the bag from his grip. The robber jumped up and attempted to retrieve his booty but Mike pushed him hard. The guy looked at Mike angrily and made off empty-handed.

“I believe this is yours,” said Mike, handing the bag back to the girl who was still in shock and was being comforted by fellow shoppers. The girl looked up, taking her property back.

“Thank you so much. I thought it was gone. How…?”

“It was nothing. Unluckily for that scum bag I can do the hundred metres in eleven seconds. You got your stuff back. That’s the main thing.”

“I was just on my way to the bank. My savings for this month!”

The girl spoke with a heavy accent, which complemented her beautiful exotic features. Mike was captivated by her brown eyes and oceans of wavy black hair. She was above average height for a girl but not as tall as Mike.

“Well, right place, right time, I guess. For me, I mean.”

“Thank you. You’re brave. He could have had a knife!”

“I never thought about it. Anyway, are you okay, you look like you could do with a coffee. Do you like chocolate?”

The girl’s eyes lit up with the word chocolate.

“Hmmm… doesn’t every girl? Why do you ask?”

“Just that I know this quaint little coffee shop and they make chocolates on the premises.”

Mike put the girl in her mid-twenties, a good ten years younger than him, but there was something about her that he found irresistible. Even given the circumstances, he felt a bit cheeky offering to take her for a coffee, but adrenaline had taken over his ego.

“That sounds amazing. Please, lead the way!”

“Awesome. I’m Mike,” he said, offering his hand.

“Victoria, pleased to meet you.”

They dodged the crowds and went off the main street down a narrow yard, which was lined with boutiques and gift shops. A whiff of scented candles was soon replaced by the aroma of coffee and chocolate as Mike opened the door to the cafe.

“Oh wow! What a wonderful place!” Exclaimed Victoria as she perused the array of hand made chocolates

“So how it works, you order your drink and you get two complimentary chocolates. You can buy as many as you like of course.”

Victoria nodded.

“This is my treat,” she offered.

“Oh you don’t have to…”

“No, it is the least I can do.”

They found a little leather settee by the window, the last glimmer of the day’s light dwindling as shoppers bustled by with bags of gifts and wrapping paper.

Mike had dismissed any passing romantic ideas about Victoria, which were inevitable. He was heterosexual and she was stunning. Her voice was sultry, befitting of her Latin beauty. He was now just happy to enjoy her company. However, such innocence was short-lived when she removed her leather jacket. Her breasts were hard to ignore beneath her thin pullover. Her figure was just the feminine side of slim, accentuated by her tight jeans, her mouth-watering round ass impossible to miss

“I hope you don’t mind me asking, are you Spanish?” Asked Mike.

“Good guess, but no I am from Argentina.”

“Oh really. You’re a footie fan?

“Am I a footie fan! Yes, yes! I adore football!”

“Excellent. So what’s your chances?”

“We will win of course!”

“You’re confident.”

“No, it is our year. It has to be. But surely you have a game tonight? You are not watching?”

“The kick off isn’t till seven, I’m still good.”

“Oh, I thought it was earlier.”

Victoria bit into one of her chocolates, the caramel centre running down her chin.

“Oh look at me!”

“Ah the caramel hearts – I should have warned you about those!”

Victoria looked at Mike suggestively, he thought, though he might have imagined it, gathering the sweet centre with her finger and looping it between her lips.

“How did I miss this cafe, these chocolates are divine.”

“Well, it is a bit out of the way. I don’t come into town that often, but when I do I have to come to the Chocolate Cellar.”

“Hmmm… is wonderful. Tell me, Mike, are you married?”

Mike was a little startled by the question. It wasn’t overly personal but it was unexpected.

“No, in fact, I’m not. I never have been. I broke up with my ex just before the lock down.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, it was all amicable and everything. She went to work in New Zealand. And you?”

Victoria bit into a ganache and hesitated as the silky chocolate melted in her mouth.

“I am… that is I was in a relationship with a girl. Julieta and I split last year. I’m sorry, can we talk about something else.”

“Yes, of course, I’m sorry to have taken you to a dark place. Just that as we were sharing.”

“No, no it is me. I am sorry. It’s just that I have never spoken about it.”

Mike was surprised to learn that Victoria had been dating a girl. When she had composed herself she explained to Mike that she had been in love with her girlfriend. Then there was this one party. Victoria had missed it as she had caught Covid, so Julieta had gone alone. Somehow a drunken kiss with another girl had led them to sleep together. Julieta came clean immediately but Victoria’s heart had been broken.

“If it had been a guy, that would be bad enough, but another girl! I couldn’t take it. I came here, found a job working at a bar and we haven’t spoken since. That was seven months ago.”

“It sounds like you were really serious, it must have hurt.”

“Of course. I had two boyfriends before Juileta. Just like short romances, but Julieta was different. We had such a connection and we were good together, you know? I thought she was my soul mate.”

“Yes, but you’re here now. You survived at least. Would you like a top up?”

“A top up?”

“Sorry, another drink?”

“Please… but if I am keeping you away?”

“No it’s good, Victoria. I’m enjoying talking to you.”

“Me too. And more chocolate. I let you choose.”

Victoria smiled warmly and watched Mike walk to the counter. She figured he was mid-thirties. Mature and sensible. And brave.

Mike returned presently with the refreshments.

“Let’s talk about happy things. The football!” Mike suggested.

“Yes, the football! You have France next. Tricky, no?”

“Tricky indeed. I can’t call it to be honest. England are a better team than four years ago, but they’re not the finished article.”

Victoria had clearly not fully understood, from her expression.

“Sorry Victoria, I mean they’re not ready to win the World Cup.”

“Yes, I agree. I think you will. One day.”

“I hope so. But your guys – your year you say?”

“Yes, yes. We will win, we have to win. The last time we were in the final we lost. I was still at school. I cried for the whole day. I couldn’t go through it again. It’s too much.”

“Well, obviously I want England to win, but I want Argentina to win too, for you, if that makes sense.”

“You’re very kind, Mike but you have to support your team.”

The two new acquaintances sipped their coffee and there was a brief awkward silence as they realised they were both studying each other.

“I say that because I know you’re hurting and I want you to be happy,” Mike continued.

“Oh we will win! When we win! Oh I will be so happy. I will celebrate! I am so horny when we win. I will want to party. I will want to fuck!”

Mike gulped and laughed nervously.


“You’re shocked?”

“Shocked is the wrong word.”

“Doesn’t the excitement of football make you want have sex, Mike?”

“Not normally. Well not until now anyway.”

“You got me two more caramel hearts?”

“Yes, I wanted to watch you eat them.”

“Hmmm… Mike. That’s very oh …presuntuoso. I don’t know in English.”

“Sorry, that was inappropriate.”

“It’s not inappropriate.”

“So, assuming you win, who’s the lucky guy?”

Victoria looked round.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe him over there. Who do you think!”

Mike didn’t speak.

“You saved me today, Mike. My knight in the shining armadura… in armour.”

“Okay. But only if you win?”

“Yes, only if we win, but we will win.”

“Well I hope you do now.”

Victoria laughed.

“No, you must still want for England,” Victoria said earnestly, holding a hand to her heart. “It was nineteen sixty-six. It is a long time.”

“I know but between winning the World Cup and making love to you…”

Victoria’s expression changed.

“Making love, Mike?”

“Whatever the word. I know which I’d choose.”

“Because you’re a man.”

“No, not because I’m a man. Because you are a fantastic, beautiful, sexy woman.”

“Thank you, Mike. But only if we win.”

It would have been easy for Victoria to jump into bed with Mike. He was everything she liked in a man, but it wouldn’t have meant anything. She was still hurting after her break up and she needed closure. If she slept with Mike it had to be in the glorious moment of triumph when La Albiceleste lifted the trophy. If she went all the way with Mike only for her team to lose, it would leave a bitter taste. It would be empty and meaningless.

“I think I get it. Where were you planning to watch the final, assuming your team is there?”

Victoria explained that she was sharing a flat with an Italian friend and her partner. They had no interest in soccer and were planning to leave for Rome the following week after handing back the keys to the landlord. This would leave Victoria homeless until she departed for Buenos Aires to spend Christmas with her folks. Where she was going to watch the football was a good question.

“I have a spare room. You’re welcome to come to mine for a week or whatever it is.”

“Really!!! If you’re sure?”

“Of course, I can’t have you wasting your money in a hotel.”

“Thank you, Mike. I’m so happy I bumped into you.”

“Maybe it’s fate.”

“Maybe. I would love to watch the final with you, Mike.”

“And if Argentina lose?”

“Then I will be a difficult guest. I will cry till I’m sick. ¡Pero no perderemos, es nuestro año!”


It was a week before Christmas. As the Christian world was preparing to welcome the Messiah, the whole world was celebrating the greatest football tournament on the planet. Despite all the misgivings, it was turning into a classic World Cup. England had been knocked out at the quarter-final stage. Argentina had had a tough game against the Netherlands, winning on penalties but had strolled past Croatia in the semi-finals.

Victoria had moved in with Mike a couple of days earlier. In that time she and Mike had seen little of each other. She was out after tea time to do her bar work and back late, they were the proverbial ships that passed in the night.

On the Sunday, Mike went for a run to clear his head. Even during the two days that she had been under the roof, the fleeting moments, Victoria was unintentionally tantalising him. She didn’t need to do anything provocative, her very presence was driving him crazy. Mike couldn’t even begin to describe his feelings. Saying that she was hot, didn’t do her justice. There was something more than that – a profound understated sexiness. The way she spoke, the way she walked. And her body. He had not seen beyond her dressing gown, but the brief views of her cleavage, the shape of her bum; she was an adult playground.

He was making breakfast when she padded down the stairs. It was the first time they had spent any time with each other since their first meeting. Victoria was still in her pyjamas. It wasn’t that they were revealing, but they hugged her body in a way that Mike found extremely alluring.

“Hope I didn’t wake you this morning. It was really late.”

“Morning Victoria. No, I was well gone. I’m a deep sleeper.”

“Good, what are you doing today?”

“Biting my fingers probably. There’s some fresh coffee in the pot.”

“Ah, you are excited?”

“I’m not sure excited is the right word.”

Mike followed her every move as she walked between the toaster and the table, her hair a torrent of molasses.

“For the game?”

“Yes, and that.”

“Ah. Don’t worry, Mike.”

“I’m not worried, I’m just… I don’t know what I am. You know.”

“Yes, I know. So you are going to stay in?”

Even first thing in the morning, with not a splash of make-up she was like a siren. Her natural radiance, its own cosmetics.

“Yes, I have some reading to catch up on. You?”

“I’m going to go for a long walk. I need to think. I’ll be back way before the game. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Mike smiled pleasantly.

“Of course. I’m good.”

Victoria was acutely aware how Mike felt about her. For all his masculinity, his bravery and his sense of humour, he was like a little boy. She felt it. She sensed his pain, the pain of unrequited intimacy. She wanted him to be strong. In another lifetime she would have jumped into bed with him already, but it wasn’t right. Not for her.

It had been a roller coaster year. Splitting with Julieta and now just about coming to terms with it. She hadn’t looked for anyone else, she wasn’t a rebound kind of girl. She had planned to watch the World Cup, do Christmas with her folks and see in the New Year back in Argentina. Twenty-twenty-three would be a new chapter and she could move on. That was before she met Mike; he had complicated everything. A little ripple in her pond. If the unthinkable happened and her team lost, she would be devastated but she would just go back home and Mike would become a memory. She didn’t want that.

Mike managed to while away his time catching up on some reading. The kick off was mercifully early at least at 3pm. He heard Victoria come in from her walk around two and go straight up stairs.

With half an hour to go Mike turned on the TV, the pundits were going through the teams and doing some pitch side interviews. It was already beginning to get dark outside and he pulled the blinds shut, the light from his wide-screen TV providing sufficient illumination along with the dimmer on low. The noise from the crowd was building as the two teams entered the pitch to warm up.

Mike sat down, wondering where Victoria was, when he heard her voice, singing a little melody. Her voice came closer and then she went quiet as she entered the room. Mike looked up and instantly his jaw dropped. She was wearing the blue and white top of Argentina, clearly with no bra. Her breasts jiggled as she walked, her nipples poking through the fabric. Below instead of shorts she had put on a heart-stopping set of black stockings and suspenders. She sat next to Mike, putting her arm around him and gave him a peck on the cheek. Her hair shone like polished jet and her perfume pervaded Mike’s soul, his dick stirring involuntarily.

“Victoria, you’re torturing me.”

“I’m not. I’m preparing you.”

She looked into his blue eyes and ran her hands over the just-growing bristles on his chin.

“Everything will be okay.”

Mike looked down at the exposed flesh of her legs and then up to the outline of her breasts. His eyes finally settled on her face. He just wanted to kiss her. Before he could summon up the courage to make a move, Victoria diverted his attention to the TV where the match was about to kick off. He took a couple of bottles of beer from a big bucket of ice as the game got underway.

It was a tense few minutes, but Argentina soon settled into their game and took the lead with a Messi penalty and then made it two after 36 minutes with a shot from Di María into the corner giving the French goalkeeper no chance. Victoria celebrated both goals with over-the-top celebrations jumping up and dancing, revealing her black silk panties. Mike was rather more reserved in his reactions but punched the air and hugged her after every goal, delighting in her femininity.

The second half was more competitive but with ten minutes to go, France had had no clear shot on goal, Argentina containing them without extending their lead. When it seemed that the result was in the bag, in the 80th minute France were awarded a penalty. The gifted Mbappe converted from the spot. A minute later he scored a second.

“No no no!” Shrieked Victoria as France’s second goal went in, the tears streaming down her face.

Mike held his head in his hands as Victoria’s euphoria was doused with reality. The remainder of the second half played out and the game went into extra time. The first half was fairly even but there were no goals, Argentina clearly shell-shocked after coming so close to winning in normal time. Three minutes into the second half, Messi scored a third goal for Argentina. This time Mike joined Victoria with her celebrations, as he was caught up in the moment . But with just three minutes on the clock, France were awarded another penalty. Mbappe stepped up and scored, securing his hat-trick.

Victoria burst into tears, holding onto Mike for support, her elation turning to despair.

“It’s not over, you can still win this baby!”

“I can’t believe it, we were so close,” she sobbed.

The remainder of the match was intense with both teams attempting to avoid penalties and there were chances on both sides, but the referee blew the whistle on one hundred and twenty-five minutes and the dreaded spot kicks were on.

“Oh, Mike! Not penalties. I can’t take any more!”

Mike consoled her, imploring her not to give up.

The referee tossed a coin to decide the ends and who would shoot first. Victoria sat close to Mike and put her arm around his, barely able to watch.

Both teams got off to a good start, both scoring, but suddenly Argentina were in the ascendancy, Martínez saving France’s next effort and France’s third flying over the top of the goal into the crowd. Mike held onto Victoria, her body trembling with nervous energy. Argentina were yet to miss, and France scored their fourth spot kick. Montiel stepped up to take Argentina’s fourth penalty. If he scored it was all over; a save by France and the game would continue. He spotted the ball nervously. He didn’t look confident. Mike had a bad feeling about this. The right back seemed to take forever to take his run up, Mike couldn’t watch, but Victoria jumped up, nearly taking him out.

She whooped and howled with joy, dancing and jumping, all her tension released.

“Yes! Yes! Nosotros somos victoriosos! Mike! Mike! We won! Larga vida Argentina!!!”

Mike joined her, holding her tight by the waist. She was still shivering with nerves but her body was hot and Mike held her tight.

At last Victoria began to calm down and looked at Mike. Then she did something that Mike had wanted her to do since she had moved in with him and gave him a kiss full on the lips. It began friendly and playful, but as she moved his hands from her waist to her bum, she pressed her tongue into his mouth.

Mike traced his hands inside her top, stroking her ass and thighs, as he ground his erection against her sexy mound. He was super aroused.

“Mike, calm down,” she whispered.

“Victoria, baby, I want you so much!”

“I know I know, but just slow down or you’ll explode.”

Mike kissed her neck when she had spoken, as his right hand slipped inside her sheer black panties. Victoria traced her fingers along the outline of his erection, which was straining against his shorts.

“Let’s get you sitting on the sofa, babe and we can do this properly. But first… these will have to come off.”

Victoria pulled down his footie shorts, and his penis sprang up. He was uncircumcised and Victoria made a little gasp of delight when she saw his seven inches of throbbing arousal.

“Okay, that’s hard! You’re nice and thick, baby. He’s pleased to see me, yes?”

Mike kicked off his shorts and then she pulled his T-shirt off, revealing his well-sculpted torso, a fine carpet of hair on his chest. Victoria rolled her shirt up over her head, revealing her breasts. They were the perfect teardrop shape of the classic female form, her areola a shade darker and her nipples beguiling Mike’s desire. She leant towards him, rubbing her boobs over his face, the soft flesh massaging his nose and lips. He cupped them, drinking in her sweet perfume. As she moved her body, she adjusted her position so that his cock pressed against her panty gusset. Mike groaned and she murmured her appreciation, as the tip of his cock repeatedly furrowed the groove in her knickers.

Mike kissed and sucked on her nipples, as he peeled down her panties, his hands finding her hot sticky bum crack and her increasingly moist pussy. He fingered and stroked her pussy lips as he nuzzled her neck. Victoria eased her panties off, kissing Mike deeply and sensuously until his cock began to twitch. She could have let him take her there and then, but she had a little treat in store for him. She teased him some more, almost but not quite letting his cock part her labia as Mike’s tongue circled each nipple. Her nipples soon became erect and sensitive to his touch making her pussy ache for him.

Victoria suddenly took control, but it was a gentle, irresistible domination. She kissed him again and then kissed his neck and his chest, moving down his body inch by inch. Mike shivered as she planted kisses around his navel and then little smoochy pecks around the top of his legs. Victoria looked up at him and smiled wickedly before licking the tip of his cock. She rolled her tongue in slow laps of his shaft, as if it was an ice lolly. Mike watched as she took a piece of ice from the bucket and popped it in her mouth. She allowed the little chunk of frozen water to gradually melt in her mouth and with a little giggle she closed her mouth around his swollen glans. His response was immediate.

“Unngh! Ooooh fuck!”

Her icy mouth seemed to burn his cock, it was a sensation that toyed on the borders of pleasure and pain. She sucked him slowly and as her mouth warmed up, she took another piece of ice, again drawing cries of ecstasy from her man. It was a beautiful torture, his cock throbbing and his heart pounding with an arousal he had never experienced before. Her lips enrobed his phallus teasingly, feeling his pulse in her mouth, but her desire for his cock was now too much.

She sat up and returned to her original position, giving him a deep French kiss. As they kissed Victoria clasped the base of his cock, teasing the tip towards her pussy without allowing him to penetrate. Mike ran a hand along her spine as he kissed her, his other hand caressing her breasts.

“Victoria, please.”

“Hmmm…? You want me baby?”

She put a hand between her legs, pushing three fingers into her soaking wet cunt and then ran the same fingers across Mike’s mouth.

“Taste me, Mike, tell me how much you want me!”

Mike’s body needed Victoria like he needed oxygen. The scent of her pussy was like jasmine and honey and drove his already mad desire to new heights.

“Tell me, Mike. I wanna hear it.”

“Oh I want you, Victoria.”

Victoria kissed his neck as she lowered her body and guided his cock into her furnace. Mike cried out as his dick entered her, Victoria whimpering as she received his girth and then eased herself down until his balls were smushing against her ass. Victoria began slowly drawing every ounce of pleasure from his raging hard-on. As she built up the momentum, she sat up and thrust her hips back and forth. She yowled with pleasure as she rode him, savouring the pleasure in her pussy as Mike held her hips. In their raw energetic fucking Mike slid along the back of the sofa until she was on top of him.

Their new position allowed Mike to take the initiative and thrust into her as her breasts bounced on his face. At the same time her waist-length hair was everywhere; in his face, tickling his chest. Victoria moaned helplessly as he pounded her pussy, his ball sack slapping against her bum. He eased off, sucking and kissing her breasts as his orgasm began to build. Victoria’s body was a flutter with the sensations of sex. The sensations in her pussy seemed to spread around her body like a tangle of Christmas lights about to blow a fuse. Victoria abandoned all inhibitions as she was lurching towards the best orgasm of her life, like she was falling off a cliff into a sea of ecstasy.

She kissed Mike deeply as he fucked her, their bodies a union of bliss, his orgasm building past the point of no return, as her own was now beyond her control like an endless toppling of dominoes. Mike groaned loudly as his body stiffened, Victoria reaching her climax simultaneously, her shrill cries of pleasure the last thing Mike heard as his cock exploded with wave after wave of hot cum.


They lay together, cuddling as Mike kissed her face, rolling the ends of her hair around his fingertips. Mike had had his moments, but Victoria was just something else. She was everything he dreamed of. He didn’t want to let her go, but he knew he had to.

“Damn it, Mike!”

“What? What’s up, baby?”

“We missed the handing over of the trophy.”

“I recorded it. I figured you’d not want to miss that.”

“Oh, Mike. You’re a darling. Can we watch it now!”

“Of course!”

Mike pinged on the TV but found himself getting hard again as he looked at her.

“Ooh Mike, you’re horny aren’t you!”

“It’s not me, it’s you.”

Victoria giggled and kissed him lovingly.



“Have you ever been to Argentina?”

Published 2 years ago

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