Sometimes black and sometimes brightly hued
Days cold, my soul safely shriveled in its cup
I need you more than ever to keep me glued
Feet planted, purple painted toes dug into the earth
I feel, hear the wind blow through trees bleak, so cold
My mind often like a ship out at sea, it just needs a berth
Some say I was born this way, a soul that was already old
Your rough hand holding mine, they’re cold and so small
A sweet kiss, a whisper, just the gesture means so much
Warm breath, tickling my ear, vibrations, you cause them all
I feel your coarse hair in my fingers, curling at the touch
Wondering why winter has such an effect on me
Wrap your arms around my heart, take me to bed
Closed off from the rest, I can lay my head, feel free
Smiling when your hand steers me, I let myself be led
Remove my clothes quickly or leave them in place
Hurry, I need to feel your heart beating next to mine
Close to your body, joining it soon, I feel my pulse race
Vibrations stronger spreading out, not only from my spine
My center humming, a throbbing ache only you can ease
As we become one is the time I feel centered, safe and sound
I do all that you like; you return the favor in kind, eager to please
Colors, vibrations take over my body and heal, they swirl around
Silly man, you chose, picked me, the girl, not the best choice for you
All I can commit is to share, even my grey, dull no-colored days
Thankfully they don’t last; brilliant, bright shades fill me again like they do
I shine and twirl, the one who is loved and loves in so many ways