Valentine’s to Remember

"For once I had a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day."

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(This is a true story while some small details have been changed to protect the “not so innocent”.)

February 14, 2014

Valentine’s Day and I’m stuck working a 12-hour shift. I look at my watch and start counting down the hours until my break. I’m just dying to check my phone.

This is my first Valentine’s Day that I actually could have plans. If only I could check my damn phone.

I can’t wait any longer. I lie and tell my boss I have to pee. I practically run to the stall and don’t even bother locking the door before whipping my iPhone out of my pocket.

“Liam Robert Text Message” glows on the screen. I rush to put in my password screwing it up several times in my haste. Finally I read what he’s written.

“Got the place to myself for the night. Wanna come over for a cuddle?”

I frantically type my reply. “Don’t get off till 10. Will have to swing home and pick up some clothes for tomorrow. Be there at 11:30.” SEND

My heart is pounding restlessly. I try to regain control of my breathing before returning to work.

The rest of the day goes by pretty uneventful. The typical Subway drama. “Sorry ma’am we’ve run out of white bread.” “No sir we don’t have chicken salad.” Boring and not the people I really want to see. But it puts gas in the jeep.

Finally it’s 10. I make sure my stuff is cleaned and I nearly run to the time clock. I just can’t get out of there fast enough. I hop in my jeep and start driving home. It’s not until I’m about ten minutes from home that I realize just how much I smell like Subway. It’s in my hair, on my skin, covering my clothes.

I text Liam and let him know I need a shower and won’t be there until 12.

He says I can shower at his place. I remind him that none of my stuff is at his place. He says that I can just grab some stuff from my house and bring it over. We argue back and forth until I finally put my foot down and say I will be there at 12.

I get in the house and am assaulted by my lovely girl Sierra. The most lovable useless guard dog on the planet. She barks letting my mom know I’m home.

She asks from her room how my day was. I give her the usual “It was fine,” response.

I rush into my room and grab my Vera Bradly backpack. It’s my go to overnight bag. I rush around my room trying to find socks, a bra, and pjs. I then rifle through my bathroom to find my travel shower stuff.

As I’m getting in the shower I yell to my mom that I’m taking a shower then going to the gym with some girlfriends. She asks when I’ll be back. I mumble something about tomorrow night since I’m working another 10-hour shift.

I throw on the hot water and step under it after shedding my grungy work clothes. The warm water feels so good. I grab my Malibu Heat body wash and start to scrub away the layer of grime and grease that I can feel sinking into my pores. I shudder as I rinse the scented foam off my body. I quickly grab my 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner trying to make this a quick shower.

I can already feel my heart beating faster at the thought of what “cuddling” would mean tonight. My hands travel over my 38Cs and down to my usually shaved pussy. I feel just a little bit of stubble and decide to take the time to rid myself of all of it. After all it is Valentine’s Day and I want to look perfect.

As soon as I finish removing the last of my unwanted hair the water runs cold and I muffle a silent scream so as not to wake my mom. I quickly jump out of the shower wrapping my robe around me to get warm quicker. I grab a towel to wring the water out of my shoulder length purple and red highlighted brown hair.

I return to my room and shuffle through my panty drawer looking for my new VS thong. Not being able to find it, I settle for a pair of Lacie Cheekinis in black. I check my phone to see the temperature outside and decide to be lazy and put on my snowflake pj pants. I throw my bra in my bag and pull on my pj shirt. Remembering it’s supposed to be below freezing the next morning I grab a warm jacket. I make sure that my work clothes are in the bag along with some shower stuff.

I hop back in my jeep and text Liam that I’m on my way. I turn on my cd player to S&M and start singing along. By the time I arrive at his apartment the song has ended.

I take a moment to steady my breathing. Grabbing my bag, I lock the Jeep and head towards his apartment. Almost slipping on some ice I make it to his front door. I’m about to knock when he opens the door smiling at me in my jammies.

Standing at almost 5′ 7″, his head can rest atop my 5′ 2″ stature. I look up at him and into those brilliant blue eyes. And I just melt. I shiver a bit and he pulls me into the apartment shutting the door before quickly grabbing my face with both hands and giving me a passionate kiss.

I’m left standing there breathless and in total lust. He suggests we head to the bedroom and I follow behind biting my lower lip while staring at his ass leading me up the stairs.

We enter his room with the California King bed I’ve come to love and as I drop my bag beside the bed he closes the door. I turn to sit on the bed only to find him there ready to pounce on me with another passionate kiss.

I fall backwards onto the bed and moan into the kiss running my fingers through his hair and down his biceps.

We come up for air. “Missed me?” I giggle as I pull at his boxers.

“Very much,” he groans as I take his cock into my mouth.

I let his cock fall from my mouth with an audible pop and he pulls his boxers back into place. I pout not liking my favorite toy being put away.

He pushes me back on the bed and starts to run his hands up my sides under my shirt. He kisses me again with such passion that our previous sessions have lacked. I realize he really has missed me.

He gets off me and moves to turn off the lights. I whimper at his absence even for a second. I don’t pout for long when he’s back on top of me kissing me and tracing my neck to my collar bone. His hands again roam down beneath my shirt and up my sides. I throw my arms above my head to allow him better ability to take off my shirt. It’s thrown to the floor and my pants are soon pulled down my legs and left around my ankles till I kick them off.

He stands to take off his boxers and I lick my lips as even in the dark I can still see the outline of his cock protruding from him. He shuffles around for a condom before rejoining me on the bed.

With the condom securely in place, he spreads my legs open and bends them at the knee knowing this has become my favorite position. My breathing shallow and even for the moment I ask if he’s going to fuck me good.

“Do you want it good baby?” he whispers in that sexy voice of his.

I just nod my head rapidly and barely bite back my moan as he pushes into my private chamber.

It’s been so long since we’ve been together. I’d forgotten how full he makes me feel. My moans and whimpers start out quiet but are soon growing in volume. His one hand reaches towards my neck as a sign to keep quiet. It only serves to turn me on more but I do as he asks and try to muffle my moans.

His pace increases as his other hand is playing with my clit. I can feel my orgasm building and he knows the signs of my impending release.

“Do you wanna cum baby?” he murmurs to me while maintaining pace and concentration.

“Oh , yes please, honey. Make me cum for you. Let me cum all over your cock.” I breathlessly let out trying to control my orgasm.

“Cum” he orders and my body instantly obeys. Bucking and twisting my body against his hard cock still buried inside me, I open my mouth to scream my release and am met with a pillow being thrust into my face. I scream into the pillow careful not to wake the neighbors.

The final waves pass over me and he’s still going at my pussy.

“You ready for a second orgasm?” He gives me an evil grin as I nod my head.

“Don’t you dare cum without me my slut. Understand?”

I nod my head and answer a demure and breathy “Yes Sir.”

I hold on to the pillow that was previously thrust in my face biting on it to keep my moans under control. His pace is frantic as he moves towards his own release. Spreading my legs wider and holding onto me by my hips. I squeak each time he bottoms out loving the feeling of his thick cock in my tight pussy.

His thrusts become slower as he insures that we both climax together.

Through gritted teeth he asks me again, “Do you wanna cum slut?”

“Please, Sir, let me cum with you,” I pant and try to thrust my hips towards him.

He thrusts in me one last time and presses his body to mine. He kisses me hard and passionate as we experience our combined orgasm. We lay there conjoined by our sexes for what seems like hours but was really only minutes.

He withdraws and moves to the bathroom to discard of the fully used condom. While he fumbles around for his boxers, I search for my discarded tshirt. He turns the light on and helps me find it. Pulling it over my still heaving breasts he opens the window to let the room air out and cool down. Turning the light out again he rejoins me in the bed.

I snuggle up to him resting my hand over his heart. I can still feel it beating fast against my tiny hands.

“That was way better than chocolates and flowers,” I say with a smile as I close my eyes.

“And way cheaper,” he jokes as he guides my chin towards him and we share a final kiss before sleep.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, darling,” I sigh as I snuggle up to him for warmth.

Published 11 years ago

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