Unexpected Romance

"Unexpected changes can bring unexpected love."

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Waking up under a bridge not knowing where you are, is a pretty damn scary feeling. 

All I remembered was having a terrible argument with Tim which had turned into a knock-down drag-out fight. I’d thrown a beer bottle at him — then damn if he hadn’t thrown something back at me. Or was that when he kicked my fat ass out the door? 

Whatever, I’d finished under a bridge in some nasty ass clothes with ratty hair, hungry as hell but with no money, no ID, no smokes. No nothing, in fact. Not even a damn pair of shoes.

Hell, if things could possibly get worse, I couldn’t even remember how I got to be sitting in sand under that bridge. I guessed that I’d walked there and then passed out. Unless someone had dumped me there. Hell, I didn’t remember shit. 

I tried to stand, but fell back down. Every bone in my body hurt. After a few minutes, I tried again and held on to a post. It might have been part of an old building. Broken down just like me.

Tim owned the house where I’d been staying. We were FWB — you know, Friends With Benefits. Well, I guess he’d tired of my benefits and found himself a new FWB. 

Anyway, when I’d arrived home from work that particular day, the place was full of smoke and a bunch of crazy drunk people. 

And there she was, setting up house. 

I’d grabbed a beer and asked her politely who the fuck she was when Tim walked up behind me and popped the back of my head. “Don’t talk to my girl like that,” he snapped. “Show some damn respect.”

“Your girl?” I screamed. “Since when?”

“Ever since you decided you didn’t want to share that nasty pussy of yours anymore.”

As you can tell, it wasn’t a good conversation. And so the serious drinking had started. First beer, then the hard stuff along with some herb. And, if I staggered into the right room, I found white powder laid out. That shit makes anyone crazy.

The party had got louder and the three of us tossed a few barbs about. I knew shit would start once we’d downed a few drinks. And I guess that’s how I ended up getting my ass thrown out of the house. How I’d ended up under the bridge was a mystery to me.

Suddenly, I heard my name being called and turned around — almost falling again. I thought I recognized a chick from the party. 

“Hey Billie, you’re awake. How you feeling? You weren’t doing too well last night after Tim tossed you out.” She stood in front of me. “You hit the ground pretty hard and I thought he might really hurt you so I got you away from him.”

“Okay,” I said — but it wasn’t. I was confused and didn’t know the woman. Nor did I know if she was telling me the truth. Except my body felt pretty sore. ”So, who are you?” I asked. “I mean, what’s your name? You seem to know mine.”

“Yeah, sorry… I’m Kate. I was a friend of Tim’s but things got pretty heated between us after he threw you out the door.”

“Well, sorry about that.” I glared at her. “Tell me, was the chick he was with last night another girl from work that I seem not to know about?”

“That’s Lori.” She paused, gazing into my face. “They’ve been an item for a while. How could you not know that?”

I shrugged. “Well, needing a place to stay, I became Tim’s friend with benefits. I guess the benefits ran out a while ago. He said something last night about me not giving him my pussy anymore. Hell, he was never home.” I gave a derisive laugh. “Guess I now know where he was.”

Kate handed me a coffee. It might help ease the pain in my head and body.

“Damn, I’ve no idea where I’m gonna stay now. Wonder if he’ll give me any of my shit.”

“I’m sure you can get it,” Kate said. “That’s if there’s any left.”

“What do you mean?”

“Tim tossed everything into the yard after he threw you out. I wanted to get you away before he hurt you, so I didn’t have time to get your clothes. You’re better off without him, Billie.”

“So, you brought me to this bridge?”

“No.” She shook her head as I sipped coffee. Hell, it was bitter. “You actually pulled away from me and came here yourself. I just followed to make sure you were okay.”

I sat down again on the sand and look around. ”I guess this is gonna be my new home.” I felt tears trickling down my face. “My mother said I’d end up on the streets with nothing and nobody.”

“No, Billie, that’s not true. Everyone runs into hard times. But you can come with me. I have a spare room. You can get cleaned up, have a decent meal and at least have a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow you can think about all of this and what you want to do.”

“Thank you.” I was grateful but surprised. I shook my head. “But you don’t even know me,” I said. “You have no idea who I am. You know nothing about me.”

“I know you’re hurt and need a friend right now. That’s what I am trying to be for you, Billie. Not everyone is bad or mean.”

Kate sat beside me while I cried, blubbered and sniffled. When I’d finished spilling tears, she stood and put out a hand. “Please, Billie, come with me for at least today and tonight. Eat something, have a hot shower, put on clean clothes, and have a sleep. If you want to leave in the morning, I won’t try to stop you.”

After a minute or so, I took her hand. What choice did I have? After all, had it not been for her I might have been badly hurt. Maybe killed. Tim could be pretty mean and he had a vicious temper.

I was suddenly startled by a loud rumbling noise from overhead. ”What the hell is that?” I yelled.

“Oh, it’s the tram that runs along the bridge taking people across the water. There’s a ferry down a ways if you want to take a car across.”

“Hell, I didn’t even know this was here.” 

I smiled at Kate but I was still really hurting. Not just my body, but my heart, too. And it wasn’t only because of Tim. I thought about the terrible fight I’d had with my mom when I last saw her. “You’ll never amount to anything,” she’d said. Damn, was she right?

I walked up the embankment with Kate and we took the tram to the other side where her car was parked. Getting into the car, it seemed like every bone in my body was aching. Kate had said I’d landed pretty hard. Guess I was lucky that nothing had been broken.

In a short time, we’d pulled up in front of an old but classy apartment building. It looked like a miniature castle. Luckily, she lived on the second floor so I didn’t have many stairs to climb. 

When she opened the door, I was amazed by her apartment. It was nothing fancy but looked really comfortable and had a fresh, inviting smell. It was nothing like I’d been used to. 

Kate and I were about the same size and, after I’d showered, I dressed in clothes she’d left out for me and then was amazed to discover she’d fixed a meal and set the table for us both. That was something I definitely wasn’t used to. Growing up, it had been everyone for themselves — nobody set the table or ate together.

“Hi Billie, I hope you’re feeling a bit better.” Kate gave me a warm smile. “It looks like the clothes fit you. Come, sit down, you must be starving.”

I slowly walked into the little dining area and pulled out a chair. Everything looked delicious. 

“Please, help yourself. There’s plenty.”

At Tim’s we hadn’t really eaten. We’d drunk and smoked — and I don’t mean cigarettes — and occasionally snacked. But now I greedily had seconds of everything while chatting with Kate, getting to know each other a little better. She was actually a very nice girl, something I wasn’t used to in my ring of so-called friends.

Helping her clear the table, Kate told me about a steam ferry she’d inherited from her grandfather and dad. She’d virtually grown up on the ferry, working on it all through her school days. When her grandfather passed away, she took over the books and helped her dad run it. There wasn’t a day the ferry didn’t run. 

“All the years that my grandfather ran the ferry, he dressed in the same manner as he did on the very first day. And,” said Kate, smiling, “to this day, we still wear that same style.” 

“I’ve never seen the ferry,” I said. “Honestly, I didn’t know there was such a thing. Think I could see it?”

“Of course you can. In fact, you could go to work with me tomorrow. Who knows, maybe it could give you a new start in life. What I mean is, if you like it and you’re interested, I could get you a job on the ferry.” Kate put a hand to her mouth and shook her head. “Oh dear, listen to me getting ahead of myself.”

I laughed and, after we’d finished in the kitchen, I lay on a couch to watch TV. I woke with a blanket on me and Kate was sitting in a chair across from me. She was very attractive and I lay for some time just looking at her. Long curly brown hair cascaded around her face, hung over her shoulders and down to generous breasts. Beautiful hazel eyes sparkled and I wondered why I hadn’t noticed her beauty much earlier.

On impulse, I blurted, “You’re really beautiful, Kate.”.

Kate was clearly startled but she recovered quickly and smiled at me. ”Thank you, Billie, that’s very sweet of you. I think I’m pretty plain really but you are very beautiful. With your blonde hair, an hourglass figure, blue eyes that are as bright as the sky above… well, need I say more?”

I truly believed that Kate was my guardian angel, that she’d saved my life. Had she not followed me from Tim’s, there’s no telling what would have happened. We talked for hours until we realized it was two in the morning. Kate had to work the next day so we said goodnight. But, as she headed for her room, I said, “Kate…”

She stopped and turned. “Yes, Billie, you need something?”

“In a way, yes.” I suddenly felt shy, unsure, and became tongue-tied.

Kate broke the silence. “What is it?”

“Can I give you a hug?” I felt tears on my cheeks. “If it hadn’t been for you, I don’t know where I’d be right this moment. Thanks to you, I’m safe and warm and I know someone cares about me.”

Kate walked to me, holding out her arms. I collapsed into a hug and the tears of a lifetime flooded out. “Shush, shush,” she whispered into my hair, “you’re okay here. I think you should stay with me tonight Billie. In fact, stay as long as you need to. I want you to feel safe and secure.” 

Arms around each other, we walked to her room and climbed into bed. I felt secure. I was warm and, for the first time in a long while, I wasn’t hungry or high on drugs. It all felt so good and within moments I was asleep.

The morning seemed to come too soon but I was thrilled about going with Kate to her work. I’d never seen a ferry but that wasn’t the only reason I was excited. Hopefully, I might land a job, a real job.

Kate didn’t say much as she drove but there was a gleam in her eye that told me she was eager for me to see the ferry. I had no idea what to expect — and my jaw dropped as the gleaming white boat came into view. 

“Oh my lord, Kate. That’s really yours?”

“Yes, all mine. My grandfather had it built to his personal design. The Kingston is one of a kind, that’s for sure.”

I had to agree. Calling the Kingston a ferry was like calling a peacock a mere bird. Built with three decks, it looked more like an 18th century steamboat. Intricate railings lined its sides and a light plume of smoke rose from the single stack. 

“Not what you expected, is it?” 

“How could I expect anything like that?” I said. “It’s amazing.”

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet. Grandfather was a genius and the Kingston is full of surprises that you might not see even on a ship built today.”

I was speechless as we drove aboard. It was like going back in time: the crew wore clothing from years gone by.

“I love the costumes, Billie, and I have just the thing for you to wear if you take the job. You’re going to look incredible. Please say yes.” 

“Kate, I have no clue what the job entails. What would I do?” 

Looking around, I suddenly questioned whether I was ready to exchange my party lifestyle for… well, whatever this new life would be. Was it what I really wanted? But why would I want to continue partying, staying drunk, and fucking some guy for a place to stay? And then get my ass thrown on the street when he got pissed or found a fresh piece of pussy. The big question was: would I really take this chance to turn my life around and, maybe — just maybe — prove my mother wrong?

Kate began showing me what I would be doing. It didn’t seem like anything I couldn’t do. I’d help with lunches and, generally, be available to look after the passenger’s needs. Yes, this business was about ferrying people and their cars across the waters, but there was so much more to it. On the Kingston it wasn’t simply about the crossing, it was an experience unlike anything you might imagine. It was like being back in the 18th century. 

When passengers drove off the ferry, they’d experienced something they’d talk about for some time. I understood why Kate had kept this ferry after her father died and I soon made my decision. 

“Yes, Kate, the answer’s yes. I would love the opportunity to work on this lovely ferry and get to know you better and become someone I can be proud of.” 

I embraced Kate. She was giving me the chance of a meaningful life. 

In her office, Kate handed me an outfit and I went into the bathroom to change clothes. At the same time, I felt something in me change. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I saw myself for the first time in years. I saw me, a person who could be somebody. It was exciting.

When I walked out of the bathroom, Kate’s mouth dropped open. “Oh my word, you are beautiful. The costume fits you perfectly. Not only your figure but your gorgeous beaming personality. Your entire demeanor is fabulous and the customers are going to love you.” 

We embraced again. This time a little tighter and a little longer and, when we let go, I knew we would be friends a long time.
I stayed at Kate’s while adjusting to my new life and job. She had a spare room and I paid a share of the costs. I’d never had a friend like Kate and we became inseparable. We worked together, ate together, and she boosted me when she thought I was down or thinking about the past. Kate made it easier for me to believe in myself.

After a while, I thought I should probably find my own place. I didn’t really want to move — I loved being at Kate’s — but I thought it was time she had her privacy back.

I looked at different places but I didn’t feel any excitement about the prospect of getting my first apartment. In fact, I was sad, rather depressed and I didn’t understand it.

One evening when Kate arrived, she came up behind me and put her arms around me. ”Billie, what’s wrong? You seem very distant. Is it something I did?”

“Oh no, Kate… you could never do anything wrong. I… I… I went looking at apartments today —“ 

Kate cut in, ”Why? What’s wrong? Are you not happy here?”

”I’m very happy here; that’s why I’m sad. I love being here with you but-.”

“Then why are you looking at apartments?”

“Well, when I came here, it was only supposed to be for that night.” I wiped a tear from my face. “Now it’s been over three months. You must want your privacy.”

Kate grasped my waist ”That’s where you’re so wrong, Billie. I love having you here. In fact, I love you. I don’t ever want you to move. I know three months isn’t that long, but I know what I feel, and I’ve known it since I brought you home from Tim’s.” Kate paused and gazed into my eyes. “I knew I would never want you to leave. I suppose it sounds strange to you, but it’s a fact: I love you. If you want your own place, I understand. But don’t leave because you think I want you to go.” 

“Oh, Kate, I love being with you also,” I gasped. “And I think I love you too —”

Kate pulled me close, her lips brushing mine as we looked deeply into each other’s eyes Then our lips met again and her tongue darted into my mouth and twirled with mine. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Sure, I loved Kate — but was it this kind of love? 

I certainly thought the world of her but I’d never been physical with a woman. I wasn’t against it: just never thought much about it. I’d always been happy with a nice cock inside me. Was I now ready to try something new? Hmm… aren’t all women curious?

It seemed I’d been trying new things since Kate followed me to the bridge and invited me into her home. And I was only looking for an apartment because I thought I’d outstayed my welcome. But this was a major step and I had to be truthful.

I pulled away from our kiss. “Kate, I have to be honest with you, I’ve never been with a woman.” I took a deep breath. “I can’t promise you anything. I know I care a lot for you. Is it love? I don’t know. Love has always been just a word to me because I’ve never been in a decent relationship. Truly, I have no idea what one of those is… or, for that matter, what love really is.” 

I held Kate’s hands. “All I’ve ever really had is friends with benefits. If you’re willing to let me stay and see what happens in our friendship, of course I would love it. I’m not looking to being alone in a rundown apartment somewhere. I feel you’ve brought me out of that and I want more for my life now. Deal?”

Kate exhaled and I sensed her relief when her shoulders relaxed. “Oh Billie, I probably shouldn’t have said anything but, when you mentioned moving out, I had to let you know how I feel. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want.” A sparkle now came into her eyes. “And I hope that’s forever.”

Holding hands, I gazed at Kate. She was beautiful, no question about that, and a caring person. Did I feel more for her than I thought?
I felt closer to Kate with each passing day. I watched her all the time and I never wanted to be apart from her. So, did that mean I was falling in love with her?

When our six month anniversary came around, I wanted something special for Kate. I wanted her to know how much I loved her. Finally, after all these years, I thought I might know what love is. And that was being with Kate. I wanted to spend my life with her — and I needed her to know that.

I ensured I had that day off while Kate worked. I planned a candle-lit dinner with champagne and soft music, a night she would never forget. 

When Kate came home, I met her at the door wearing a silky blue dress that clung to my breasts and flowed down my body. It was a perfect color for my blue eyes and I left my hair down, just how Kate liked it. 

“What’s going on?” Kate asked. “Look at you; you look beautiful. Did I forget something?”

“It’s been six months since that night under the bridge. Six months since my life began, six months since you became so important to me and a very big part of my life.” I took a deep breath. “So, I thought it would be nice to celebrate and show you just how much…” I looked down at the floor.

Placing fingers under my chin and raising my head, Katie said, ”Show me what?”

“Show you how much I really do love you… how much I want and need you in my life.”

Kate kissed me with a love and passion that I’d never experienced before. It continued for a few minutes before I broke off and, slightly embarrassed, laughed, “Hmm… I’ve cooked dinner to celebrate.” 

Kate hugged me again and she whispered, “Will it keep warm for later? You’ve no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words from you.”

I switched off the stove and Kate took my hand, leading me to her bed. She lifted my dress over my head and let it fall to the floor. Kate had seen me in bra and panties many times but this was different. Her gaze and hands flowed down my body. On the way back up, she unclasped my bra and released my breasts. 

I felt her fingers tracing the outline of my breasts until they reached my nipples. With fingers and thumbs, she manipulated them from a wrinkly state to hard buds. They were so sensitive and when she gently licked over them I closed my eyes and groaned, suddenly aware that my pussy was dripping with juices beyond my control. I felt my panties sticking to my swollen lips and my clit was humming the song, ‘I need you’. 

She left my breasts and gradually kissed down to my belly, stopping to tongue fuck my navel button. I’d never had that done before and next I felt my panties being pulled down my legs. As I stepped out of them, my hands on her shoulders, her head went between my legs and her tongue licked my open flower till she arrived at her prize. 

Taking my clit in her mouth, she sucked hard and I just about lost it at that very minute. She quickly pulled her lips off with a pop and slid her fingers into my wet juicy cunt. Again I moaned and wrapped my fingers in her hair, not wanting her to stop. I thrust my pussy at her mouth and murmured, “Please Kate.” 

With her tongue flattened against my petals, she lapped upward and sucked my clit back into her mouth. She put fingers inside and fucked me, sucked ravenously on my engorged nub, and I rapidly lost all control. I was shaking, my legs quivering, heading for a glorious climax when, unexpectedly, I squirted over Kate’s face and I screamed. 

The orgasm was so strong, I’d closed my eyes and wasn’t even aware that I’d slumped onto the floor. When I opened them, Kate was by my side and I looked into the most beautiful brown eyes I’ve ever seen and I saw her hair was wet with my juices. 

Rolling onto one side, I firmly kissed her succulent lips and our tongues intertwined once more. I put a hand on a perfect breast and felt a nipple that stood out like a strawberry. When I sucked, it tasted so sweet and I spent several minutes feeding on them. They were just so superb I didn’t want to leave them and Kate’s increasingly loud moans, along with her heavy breathing, encouraged me even more to suck, lick and nibble.

Eventually, I moved away from her glorious orbs and wandered down her delightful curves. I stroked her hairless mound and ran fingertips between her sweet puffy lips. Her juices had already seeped and her slit soon opened like the most amazing pink flower. And then I found her swollen pink clit and gently ran my fingers over it. Slowly, her hips lifted off the floor. 

“Not yet,” I whispered.

I took that prized possession into my mouth and made love to it. Slow and easy. Soft and gentle. Spreading her legs wide, I looked upon the sublime beauty that she had hidden away between her legs. It was mine now to enjoy, to feast on.

Sucking and biting her clit, I held onto her legs, desperate for her to experience more than one orgasm. Finally, she lost control and I actually lost track of how many orgasms rippled through her writhing body. But, when I finally let her legs down, she was exhausted. 

Holding her in my arms, we wrapped our legs around each other — and our cunts were in a sensational position. Slowly we rocked, cunt rubbing against cunt, creating the most sensuous if tender friction. It didn’t take long before we both came again, in unison this time.

I’d never felt so loved and contented in my life. I think it was a night neither of us will ever forget. Somehow, we managed to climb into the bed and then slept, snuggled together. 
It’s now two years since the night Kate saved my life. We’re talking about marriage and my life really has turned out like a fairy tale.


Published 5 years ago

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