Unexpected Result Of Deceit

"When senior staff and a prefect at school are intentionally deceitful, they get something rather different to what they expected"

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Myla and Willow were both still very annoyed as they looked at their classmate, form teacher, headmistress, and governor, all of whom were fully naked standing with their hands on their heads, red-eyed and with tear-stained faces, and stinging bottoms each with twelve raised welts painted across them, there in the headmistress’s study.

Myla and Willow were both seventeen and just a couple of weeks away from leaving the sixth-form school and going to university. The school had arranged a trip to the concert of both girl’s favourite band, and they were amongst the first to apply. However, they were both given a detention which was due to be held at the same time as the concert, and so their tickets were taken away from them. That is what got them both so annoyed.

The detention was given by Briella who was a prefect, and their classmate. She was also seventeen, but a few weeks older than Myla and Willow.

Myla and Willow appealed against the detentions because there was a method of appeal at the school. In the first instance the appeal was heard by both the form teacher, Miss Kate Brent, who was in her mid-thirties, and the headmistress, Mrs Veronica Palmer, who was in her sixties. Both listened to what Briella said as to why she gave the detention, and whilst both Myla and Willow knew it to be untrue, and said exactly that, both Miss Brent and Mrs Palmer confirmed the detention.

It was only by sheer luck that Myla and Willow were standing in the corridor but out of view of Miss Brent and Mrs Palmer as they walked close by and heard Mrs Palmer say, “I think we got away with that, and I know that Mrs Jones will be delighted that their two tickets will now go to her daughters.”

Miss Brent was laughing as she replied, “Well it’s only a detention so not the end of the world. Anyway, we know that Mrs Jones will be very good to us when our next pay rises are reviewed. So I guess we all win, well, except for Myla and Willow of course.”

That was what got Myla and Willow so annoyed. They were given the detentions just so Mrs Jones, who they knew was one of the school governors, could send her daughters to the concert instead of them.

Myla said to Willow firmly, “We are definitely going to make them pay for that.”

Willow replied, “I would certainly like to make them pay, but it will just be their word against ours.”

Myla had a smirk on her face as she held out her phone to Willow and said, “Not at all, because I recorded what they said just now and everyone will recognise their voices if we played it back.”

Willow was ecstatic, and said, “So cool, Myla. Do you think we’ll be able to go to the concert still?”

Myla had a determined look on her face as she said, “Maybe.”

Myla then walked quickly and caught up with Mrs Palmer and Miss Brent, and said, “Please, Miss, we want to appeal to the governor. I think that Mrs Jones is here, isn’t she?”

Mrs Palmer and Miss Brent looked at each other and then back at Myla, and Mrs Palmer said, “You do realise that if you do appeal and it is turned down, you will be getting three strokes of the cane for wasting our time. Are you sure you want to take that risk?”

Myla replied, “Yes, Miss. It’s just that we know we shouldn’t have the detentions and we do want to go to the concert, so we do need the appeal to be heard this afternoon.”

Mrs Palmer replied, “I’ll have to ask Mrs Jones to change the meeting she is about to attend so she can hear the appeal.”

Myla replied, “Please can you, Miss, because it is very important to us.”

Mrs Palmer replied, “Actually, if the meeting is arranged that quickly and we have to change our diaries, then it will mean six strokes of the cane and on your bare bottoms. Are you sure you want me to tell Mrs Jones the meeting is so urgent?”

By then Willow had joined the discussion and she was the one that replied, “Yes please, Miss. It is worth the risk of six strokes to us because the concert is being given by her favourite band.”

Mrs Palmer shrugged her shoulders and said, “Okay then, girls, come to my study in thirty minutes. We will hold the appeal there at that time.”

Myla and Willow both said, “Thank you, Miss. We will be there.”

Once out of sight, Mrs Palmer said to Miss Brent, “Well, I know how that’s going to go, Kate. I know two girls who are going to get six strokes of the cane across their bare bottoms within about an hour. If you like, you can do one girl and I’ll do the other. Briella can watch, and I guess Mrs Jones may also want to watch.”

Kate replied with a smile, “Whilst I know it’s unfair on the girls, Veronica, I have often wondered what it would be like to cane one of them.”

As the headmistress and teacher walked away, Miss Brent knew that she had often wondered what it would be like to cane one of the girls. She saw the cane as a serious deterrent in schools and quite fancied being a headmistress herself for that reason.

Myla and Willow went into one of the classrooms and played back the recording. When agreeing to six strokes of the cane if their appeal was turned down, they knew they were taking a risk because they hadn’t heard if the recording had come out clearly enough. However, they were so relieved when they did play it back and knew that there could be no question which two teachers had been speaking.

At the pre-set time, Myla and Willow walked into the outer office of the headmistress’s study and saw that the Secretary had already gone home. So, they went up to the door to the study and

knocked on it, because at that stage they still needed to show respect to everyone who was inside.

The two girls heard the instruction, “Enter, “and Myla opened the door, both walked in, closed the door behind themselves, and then walked to the headmistress’s desk. As they did so, they saw four sets of eyes glaring at them. Mrs Palmer was sitting behind her desk, whilst Mrs Jones, Miss Brent, and Briella were sitting on chairs around the desk. The two girls stood obediently in front of the desk. They looked worried when saw the hook-ended cane on the desk, as though the decision had already been made, and given what they had heard in the corridor, both girls knew that was the case.

Mrs Jones, who was also in her sixties, was the first to speak and said, “So this is an appeal against your appeal which was refused, about the detentions you were both given. I will ask Briella to repeat her reasoning, and then I will ask Mrs Palmer and Miss Brent to explain the reasons for refusing the appeal. After that, I will ask for your reasons to appeal, and I must tell you they had better be good ones. Is that understood?”

It was agreed by Willow that Myla would take the lead, and rather than agree, she said, “I think you will find, Mrs Jones, it will be quicker if we state our reasons for appealing first.”

Mrs Jones was clearly annoyed at that, and said, “That is particularly disrespectful of both of you, so I can tell you that if I refuse your appeals, you will now receive twelve strokes of the cane.

Myla swallowed hard, realising that Mrs Jones could still override their evidence, particularly as the tickets were going to be taken by her daughters so she was incentivised to do so. However, there was no going back now, and so Myla replied, “Agreed, Mrs Jones.”

Mrs Jones scoffed and said, “Okay, girl, what have you got to say?”

Mila immediately got out her phone and pressed the play button and saw the looks of horror on the faces of Mrs Palmer and Miss Brent. Briella also looked very concerned because she knew that she was part of the lie. Mrs Jones, on the other hand, looked at Mrs Palmer with disdain, and then back at Myla and demanded, “Give me the phone, girl.”

Myla knew why Mrs Jones wanted the phone and pointed out, “Just so you know, Mrs Jones, I have uploaded the file so even if you delete it from the phone, I will still have the evidence. If Willow and I aren’t at the concert, then I will be circulating the file to all of the governors and all of the teachers and to lots of the parents and lots of our classmates so that they can see just what the four of you have done.”

Mrs Jones was clearly thinking hard, looking again towards Mrs Palmer and Miss Brent, maybe for inspiration, and then even at Briella for the same reason, but none of them had anything to say.

Mrs Jones knew that the voices on the recording were all too clear, and, not just that, her name was specifically mentioned. So, reluctantly, she first looked at the other three and then back at Myla and Willow and said sounding annoyed, “I can see that we don’t have any choice. My decision is therefore that the appeals are allowed so you will be going to the concert. That is the end of it.”

Myla and Willow nodded to each other, and then Myla looked at the other four and said, “That isn’t the end of it. If we had lost the appeal, we were going to get twelve strokes of the cane on our bare bottoms. However, we didn’t lie whereas the four of you have. Therefore, we are setting a punishment for each of you, which will be a bare bottom spanking for lying, and twelve strokes of the cane for losing the appeal. Only then will I delete the voice files.”

There was a flurry of objections in panic-filled voices.

“I am a school governor, so you can’t,” said Mrs Jones.

“I am the headmistress, so you can’t,” said Mrs Parsons.

“I am a teacher, so you can’t,” said Miss Brent.

“I am a prefect, so you can’t,” said Briella.

However, Myla held up the phone, and all four gasped.

Myla and Willow kept straight faces as they heard the gasps and saw the looks of panic on the four faces looking at them. They could easily imagine what was going through their minds, which would be pretty similar to what went through the minds of their classmates who were given double detentions and therefore automatically got the cane. They would be thinking about the humiliation of having to raise their dresses and skirts and push them and their knickers down and then bend over to be caned, and then the pain of the cane strokes themselves. Maybe they were also wondering if there was any way around this, but they were bound to work out pretty quickly that there wasn’t one.

It only took a few more moments before four very worried faces were looking at them, clearly understanding there was no way out for them.

Taking the silence as their acceptance, Myla then instructed, “You will address us both only as ma’am until released from your punishment. Understood?”

They all said immediately and in unison, “Yes, ma’am.” It showed that all four knew there was no way out for them because if what they did went public it could mean Briella could be expelled and the other three sacked.

Myla saw the submission to her and Willow’s authority and ordered, “Obviously you will need to be undressed for your punishment. So, get undressed right now.”

Again, all four said immediately, “Yes, ma’am,” which everyone saw as the unquestioned transfer of control to Myla and Willow.

Myla knew that if the four of them undressed it would add to their humiliation, and she didn’t see anything wrong with that. She even got excited when she saw them start to get undressed. Briella was slipping off her school dress which, like Myla and Willow was a short-sleeved green and white check gingham dress, as well as her regulation green knickers, and white bra, and she even took off her white ankle socks because, after all, that was needed to be undressed. The three other women were each wearing blouses and skirts, which they also undid and took off, followed by their bras and knickers. They each had bare legs so that left all three of them naked as well.

As soon as all four were undressed, Myla instructed, “You will all stand there with your hands on your heads.”

‘Yes, ma’am,” was again repeated as they put their hands on their heads.

By now all four of them had given up any hope of avoiding their punishment and told themselves they would have to do as they were told, or risk increased punishments. After all, that was the threat

commonly given by the teachers, so they were used to that as a mindset.

Myla and Willow looked at the four distraught-looking faces, all fully naked whilst the two of them, the teenage schoolgirls, were fully dressed in their school uniforms and were the ones in control.

Myla then instructed, “I will be spanking and caning Jones and Brent, and Willow will be spanking and caning Palmer and Briella.” She deliberately didn’t add Mrs or Miss as she fully intended to put them all in their place which was clearly as those who were going to be punished rather than give them any suggestion that they had any say anymore in what was going to happen to them.

In fact, it was exactly how Mrs Jones, Mrs Palmer, and Miss Brent were thinking. This was something they had never experienced nor had ever thought they would experience. Being naked in front of two fully dressed teenage schoolgirls was humiliating beyond belief, and the thought or indeed reality of being spanked and caned by them was too unbelievable for words. Yet that was what was going to happen to each of them.

All four stood with their hands on their heads like naughty schoolgirls in detention, horrified that they were going to be spanked and caned by these two schoolgirls, as unbelievably humiliating as that was going to be.

Myla and Willow savoured the sight of the four naked women, well, three women and a classmate. They saw the differences ranging from fleshy with bat wings and large breasts through to slim and well-toned. They even saw that Miss Brent had a clean-shaven pussy which both girls rather liked the thought of having themselves.

Myla and Willow both felt excited at the prospect of spanking and caning these very naughty women. They didn’t know if Briella was pressured into co-operating but that hardly mattered now as she like the others had nearly cost them the concert tickets.

Myla and Willow knew that now was the time to start the punishment process and Myla instructed, “Right. I will spank Jones and Willow will spank Palmer, then we will deal with you two others.” She glared at all four to see if they would object, but none of them did.

Myla and Willow sat on the two guest chairs next to the headmistress’s desk and Myla ordered, “Right, you two, get across our laps.”

Both Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer obeyed, saying a respectful, “Yes, ma’am.”

As the governor and headmistress did as they were told Willow smiled as she thought how Mrs Palmer and Mrs Jones must be well into their sixties just like her granny was, and reckoned they must hate the thought of being spanked by a teenage girl. Good, Willow thought to herself, and it served them right. In fact, there wasn’t anything wrong in that as it was Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer who were in the wrong and shouldn’t have any say in who punished them.

A few moments later, Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer were across the two teenage girls’ laps and felt further humiliation with such a close-up view of their upside-down legs. Just as bad was seeing Miss Brent and Briella’s upside-down bare legs just a couple of feet away, and their own legs dangling under the far side of the chair. They could also see the legs of the other one across the other lap and even the girl’s hand rubbing the bare bottom across her lap in circles. All very well if it were one of them with the teenage girl across their lap, but this was still unbelievable in their eyes, although knew and understood it was happening because they had lied to get the concert tickets for Mrs Jones’ daughters and so fully deserved what they were about to suffer.

Myla and Willow exchanged glances and nodded their heads and immediately raised their hand and brought their palms down with a loud thwack on the bare bottoms across their laps. Both nearly climaxed with excitement but why shouldn’t they enjoy giving the spanking, they told themselves.

As the girls proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks they did glance up at Brent and Briella and loved the fact both were looking transfixed at the bottoms being spanked. Good, thought Myla, at the clear concern the two of them were no doubt feeling as they watched the other two being spanked.

As the girls continued to spank the bottoms across their laps, they loved how the fleshy bottom cheeks surrendered to their hands at each spank and heard the gasps coming from the two older granny-aged women. They had seen others being spanked and knew this was common, except these two were much older than any of those they had watched being spanked, just as they were so much younger than any of those who gave the spankings. Nevertheless, the girls happily progressed to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, and then to spanking the backs of the two women’s legs. They knew that was standard for a punishment spanking.

The spankings went on for several more minutes and Miss Brent and Briella continued to watch wide-open-eyed still with looks of wonderment on their faces. In fact, they could see how the two girls were giving very hard spankings and so knew they would be gasping as loudly and squirming around as much as Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer but were increasingly reconciled to it happening.

Miss Brent and Briella remained standing with their hands clasped firmly on their heads and their eyes glued to the two bare bottoms being spanked. As they watched the two women squirming around on the girl’s laps, letting out louder and louder gasps, they were still worrying about how difficult it would be for them to cope, but also reckoned that they both deserved to be spanked and Miss Brent in particular knew that she would have happily sent any girl in her class to the headmistress if they had lied in the way that she had done. That didn’t stop the two of them still seeing that Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer were finding it so hard to cope, and they knew that this type of punishment would hurt when it was their turn.

Once she was happy the spanking hurt both women enough Myla ordered, “Okay, both of you get up and go and stand with the other two, turn to look at us, and make sure your hands stay on top of your head.”

As Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer got up from the girl’s laps, they said respectfully, “Yes ma’am,” to show their continuing respect as though the girls were the ones in authority, which right then they were.

Myla glared at Miss Brent and Briella and ordered, “Right, you two, it’s your turn to get across our laps.”

Miss Brent and Briella both winced as they replied, “Yes, ma’am,” and went and stood next to Myla and Willow and both also glanced at the sobbing Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer who were standing facing them obediently with their hands on their heads, knowing that they were going to look like those two very soon. They then looked back at the laps they were going to go across, and eased themselves downwards until their bottoms were perched in just the right position to be spanked and were the highest parts of their naked bodies.

Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer were both feeling very sorry for themselves as their bottoms stung, knowing that as much as the stinging caused tears to fill their eyes, the cane was going to be far more painful.

When Mrs Palmer gave the cane to the students, she relished the gasps she heard as soon as the cane bit into the naughty bottom she was caning. Even as she stood there watching Kate and Briella being spanked, she certainly wasn’t looking forward to the cane herself.

Myla and Willow were now landing very hard spanks on Miss Brent and Briella’s bare bottoms and even enjoyed the fact that the headmistress and one of the governors were watching with their own bottoms now stinging. They even saw a benefit of having an audience watch as a spanking was being given because that was an added humiliation to the person who had earned the spanking.

None of this prevented Myla and Willow from giving Miss Brent and Briella a very hard spanking, and they certainly didn’t sound as though they were enjoying being spanked given the loud gasps they were making and the way they were squirming around on their laps.

Myla and Willow again took several minutes to spank both bottoms turning them deeper and deeper shades of red as well as the backs of both sets of legs. They even discovered how spanking the sit spot just where the bottom cheeks met the top of the thighs drew even louder gasps. That was cool, they told themselves.

Once satisfied with the spankings they had given Miss Brent and Briella, Myla ordered, “Get up and stand by the other two with your hands on your heads. You will now all be caned.”

Once all four of them were standing facing them, with their hands on their heads, and the older two each had red tear-filled eyes whilst Miss Brent and Briella also had tears running down their faces, Myla glared at Mrs Palmer and instructed, “We will need a second cane. Go and get one that is exactly like the one on the table.”

Mrs Palmer winced as she knew that the cane that she had got out was a senior cane so one that would give the greatest amount of pain. Had she known the cane was going to be used on her own bottom, then she would certainly have picked one of the lighter ones, but she knew she wouldn’t get away with that right now. So, she went to the cupboard where she stored all of the canes and picked up another hook-ended senior cane, brought it back with her, and put it on the table next to the other one.

Myla saw that the headmistress’s desk was reasonably clear and quickly removed everything else before ordering, “Right Jones and Palmer, bend over the desk and clasp hold of the far side with your legs well apart. Each of you at opposite ends of the desk. Get ready to be caned.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they both said.

As much as Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer had hated being spanked, they knew this was going to be far worse as they did as they were told and went to each end of the desk, bent over, stretched their arms to the far edge and clasped hold, parted their legs, and waited, staring at the surface of the desk inches from their face.

Mrs Palmer knew that she had made students do this time and again and had enjoyed watching them get themselves into position, knowing the thoughts going through their heads was going to be those of the pain they were about to suffer. She was now experiencing the same thoughts but did manage to reconcile that because she deserved to be caned, it wouldn’t stop her caning students in future who were sent to her for misbehaving or getting a double detention.

As both Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer heard two swishes of each cane and then both felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across their bottoms, they looked up and saw that both Kate and Briella were now standing just a couple of feet away, their hands on their heads, totally naked, their faces streaked with tears, and both women did feel humiliated themselves knowing that the other two were going to see their faces creased with the pain as each stroke landed. That was another humiliation that they were going to have to live with, dreading the thought of seeing them walking around the school, each knowing that the other had been spanked and caned in front of them whilst they were all fully naked.

Similar thoughts were going through the minds of Miss Brent and Briella, because whilst they were about to watch Mrs Jones and Mrs Parsons be caned, they knew that straight afterwards would be their turn and they would be the ones being watched, although they did sort of smile to themselves thinking that actually their vision may be far too blurred with tears following their caning to actually see them being caned properly. Then, as the first stroke landed and they saw the pain in both women’s faces, they told themselves they weren’t going to enjoy watching this at all, and no doubt hate even more being caned themselves.

As Myla and Willow landed the second stroke on each bare bottom staring up at them almost begging to be caned, they saw the red welt start to develop from the first stroke. They had to admit to being rather excited at that, and as they landed subsequent strokes enjoyed just as much watching each red welt develop. They even enjoyed aiming each stroke to land just below the previous one, and so paint a whole set of parallel welts across each bare bottom.

Both girls had already seen the results of caning on the bottoms of their classmates as it was quite normal for the girls to meet up with their friends after a caning, and to lift their dresses up above their waist and lower their knickers to show off the red welts painted across their bottoms. Of course, they were acting like heroes, and brave ones at that, albeit invariably they still had very red eyes even after having been to the toilets and washed their faces and so cleared away the tear streaks. They both wondered whether Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer would like to show anyone their welts but doubted it.

Both Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer were struggling as stroke after stroke bit into their bottoms. Each time they heard the swishing sound telling them the cane was being brought down, then the loud thwack as it bit into their bottom followed immediately by the excruciating pain which made them yelp. Mrs Palmer was used to caning naughty bottoms and Mrs Jones knew the cane was used regularly, and both felt good about it, but now they really did understand how much the students struggled with each stroke. On the other hand, both women told themselves that with this as the penalty, and the amount of pain suffered, there was no doubt that the cane was a massive incentive to all of the students not to misbehave.

By the time both women had received the first six strokes of the cane they were on the verge of crying, then the seventh stroke landed, and they both started to sob and after the eighth stroke, both realised their eyes were filled with tears. After the ninth stroke they were gasping and yelping and after the tenth stroke, they knew tears were dribbling down their faces. After the eleventh stroke, those tears flowed more quickly and after the twelfth stroke, tears literally flooded down their faces as they were crying. How could they cry, at their age, but of course the most strokes that Mrs Palmer gave any girl was six strokes over their dresses and knickers, and enough girls were crying freely after that, so why shouldn’t they as adults be crying after twelve strokes on their bare bottoms?

After all, the threat to give Myla and Willow more than six strokes was intended to stop them appealing. Mrs Palmer wasn’t sure what she would’ve done had she had to give them both twelve strokes, particularly as neither deserved any. However, that situation didn’t rise, although maybe in the event she would’ve preferred that to what had just happened to her given she was crying, and

her bottom stung unbearably.

Having given all twelve strokes, Myla ordered, “Right you two, you can get up and go and stand where Brent and Briella are with your hands on your head and watch them being caned.”

As the four of them changed places, Myla and Willow enjoyed the sound of Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer crying, but also, they realised that Brent and Briella were groaning, knowing that they were about to suffer the most awful pain.

Myla ordered, “Right, you two, bend over the desk.”

As Miss Brent and Briella said a respectful, “Yes, ma’am,” and bent over the desk, they both even wondered whether it was better or worse going second because they had witnessed just how much pain the first two had had to struggle with. They decided that it was worse, but they couldn’t do anything about that because that wasn’t their choice to make. So, as they too were stretched out, their faces inches from the desk, their legs parted and their bare bottoms unprotected and already stinging from the spanking, they heard the canes being swished and then felt the canes being rubbed from side to side across their bottoms and knew exactly what to expect.

As the first stroke bit into their bottoms, both Miss Brent and Briella yelped, and realised that this hurt much more than they had expected. They supposed that shouldn’t be a surprise, but both wondered how they were going to deal with eleven more strokes.

As the cane strokes continued to bite into their bottoms, both realised they had heard the swishing sound as the other two were being caned, as well as the loud thwack as the cane landed, but the difference now was the huge amount of pain that followed. It wasn’t as though it was just once or twice or three times, but they were getting stroke after stroke, and they reckoned that Myla and Willow were very focused as they were caning the other two and presumed that was the same now they were the ones being caned.

Neither Miss Brent nor Briella had been caned before and both had wondered what was going through the minds of those who were being caned. Now they knew and could not believe how the pain escalated, so they told themselves that it was a powerful deterrent against misbehaving and would still send misbehaving girls to the headmistress to be caned.

Mrs Jones and Mrs Palmer watched the other two being caned, their own bottoms stinging horribly, and still told themselves that the cane was very much the right implement to use, so there wouldn’t be any change there, and saw it as the huge deterrent to misbehave that it was. Maybe that was a good lesson they had learned today, as well as not doing anything so bad again because they were effectively stealing tickets to the concert from these two girls and were paying the right penalty.

On the other hand, they were very conscious of the humiliation of being spanked and caned by two teenage schoolgirls and in front of a teacher and a prefect, all from the same school. That feeling would stay with them forever, they knew.

Myla and Willow knew that they were getting to the end of the punishment for all four of them but kept on caning Brent and Briella really hard. Both of them were crying by the ninth stroke, but still made sure the tenth stroke was a hard one as was the eleventh stroke, and then particularly made sure the twelfth stroke was the hardest of them all. After that, they savoured the sight of all those parallel thick red welts painted across the two bottoms and told themselves that they had done a really good job on all four naughty bottoms.

Myla then instructed, “Right you two, stand up and go and join the other two and face us with your hands on your heads.”

Miss Brent and Briella were both relieved that their punishment was over but were both conscious of the feeling of humiliation of being caned at their age. Miss Brent thought in particular, how many teachers got spanked and caned by their own students? Not many, if any. However, at least it was over, except for the lasting memory.

When the four were looking at them, Myla demanded, “What do say to us?”

The four were sniffing back tears but managed to say pretty much in unison, “I are very sorry, ma’am, and thank you for caning me, ma’am.”

Myla and Willow savoured apologies and the tear-stained faces, and the submissive stances of all four of them with their hands on their heads, fully naked, still sobbing, and, hopefully regretting what they had done. It was clear they were all contrite, looking at the floor sniffing back tears, and full of regret.

Myla and Willow left the headmistress’s study telling the four of them that they could get dressed and leave, and just two hours later were at the concert loving every song. It had been quite a day for both of them, but it was worth all the risks to get to the concert, and they didn’t regret anything that had happened.

Published 1 year ago

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