Rachel, who was thirty-eight, had just picked up her daughter, Eden, who was seventeen. She had stayed for the last week at her friend, Pippa, who was also seventeen. She thought about the discussion she had just had with Pippa’s mum, Victoria.
Both Rachel and Victoria were single mothers with one daughter each. They struggled but did get by and provided well for their daughters.
When picking up her daughter, Rachel had asked Victoria, “Was Eden well-behaved? I hope she was.”
Victoria replied, “Oh yes, she was well-behaved. However, I did have to spank them both three times.”
Rachel was very surprised at that and responded, “Spanked her? Three times? In seven days?”
Victoria explained, “I used to get so stressed when Pippa disobeyed me, argued, answered back, and the like. I would tell her off, ground her, confiscate her electronics, and all she would do was sulk and give me the silent treatment. Then, one day, about a month after she had turned sixteen, I told her that if she didn’t stop, I would put her across my lap and give her a spanking. Her reply was, ‘whatever,’ which really wound me up, and so I just told her I was going to spank her. She didn’t even resist when I clasped hold of her arm and led her to the dining table, kept a hold of her as I turned a chair around into the room, sat down, pulled her over my lap, yanked her skirt up and her knickers down, and gave her a really hard spanking.”
After a few moments to see Rachel’s reaction, which was certainly listening with interest, Victoria continued, ” I thought about how Pippa didn’t actually resist. It was as though she was happier being spanked because that time I didn’t do any of those other things like grounding her. The next time she disobeyed me, I simply ordered her to go and stand by the dining room chair, and, after I turned it into the room and sat down, I simply ordered her across my lap and gave her another bare bottom spanking. What I also realised, when I raised her skirt, was that I could see that her knickers were damp. Initially, I thought that she had wee’d herself, but then I worked out that she was actually turned on by being spanked, because each time after that when I spanked her, her knickers were already damp.”
Rachel asked, “Didn’t you question her about it?”
Victoria replied, “I thought about doing that, but realised that there was no sulking or silent treatment so a real benefit to me. I told myself that if Pippa got turned on that didn’t really matter as what was more important was that she got a painful punishment, and afterwards she was actually happy and helpful and well-behaved. I decided the punishment was the primary thing and Pippa certainly cries buckets every time I do spank her and I know she finds it hard to sit down comfortably for ages afterwards. I have upped the punishment and after spanking her with my hand I use a hairbrush to get the uncontrolled crying, but still there is no retort afterwards nor any sulking or silent treatment. It is clear she prefers all of that pain but I suppose she gets the orgasms as well.”
Rachel asked tentatively, “Did Eden orgasm?”
Victoria smiled as she replied, “Not the first or second time but I am sure she did the third time. I also heard the two of them after the second and third spanking in their bedroom and before long they were giggling.”
Rachel was thoughtful as she replied, “Wow, because I have never spanked Eden.”
Victoria was surprised and replied, “Oh, but she didn’t say you didn’t,” then added creasing her face, “Then again she didn’t say she was.” After a few more moments she added, “I am so sorry.”
Rachel forced a smile as she replied, “Don’t be. After all, your house so your rules apply.”
Victoria said thoughtfully, “I spanked them both the day before yesterday and I heard them giggling again afterwards, and when they came back downstairs they even went straight into the kitchen and made themselves supper. When I went in, Pippa told me not to worry as they were sorting out their supper and even asked if I wanted something. I said the same as them and they made enough for me as well. That was so new but fitted in with them being so helpful after the spanking.”
Rachel was impressed and said with a smile, “Another bonus, then.”
Victoria said, also smiling, “When Pippa is really naughty I feel her pussy lips when she is across my lap, and when I can feel she is damp I spank her for a while then finger her properly until she orgasms. Then the rest of the spanking is much much harder and a real punishment, and whilst she cries even more she still doesn’t give me any nonsense afterwards. I think she understands what I am doing and still prefers it as her punishment rather than grounding and loss of electronics.”
Rachel asked, “Does it feel strange fingering your daughter to an orgasm?”
Victoria replied, “The first time I fingered her it was just to establish if she was wet. Then, when I thought about it, I told myself I wasn’t doing it for my sexual reasons, but in order to reinforce the punishment. I thought I could intensify the punishment by getting her to an orgasm partway through, and I can see that worked, she certainly struggled much more afterwards but still normally reached another orgasm. I weighed that up and decided that I would do that when she was particularly naughty. Then, after a few times, I just did it every time.”
Rachel asked, “So, you reckon that Eden was getting an orgasm that third time you spanked her?”
Victoria nodded her head and replied, “I really do think so.”
Rachel was still surprised but it gave her something to think about when she got Eden home.
Victoria then asked in a worried tone, “Will you be raising this with her? I don’t want to put her off coming again as she is a really lovely girl and the two of them get on so well.”
Rachel replied after a few moments of thought, “I won’t be stopping her coming, nor stop Pippa sleeping over at ours. It is just that you have given me something to dwell on as all those things you said about sulking and the silent treatment are what Eden does to me.”
Victoria replied, smiling, “Maybe don’t think too deeply because you will be pleasantly surprised like I was when spanking became the norm. In fact, Pippa even said after one time I spanked her that she didn’t think when she turned eighteen she would be too old, and when I just looked at her she added with a smile, nor twenty or even older. She just turned and walked away and didn’t wait for me to say anything, but I reckoned that spoke volumes all by itself.” She laughed and then said more seriously, “After that, I knew my knickers were damp whenever I spanked Pippa but it wasn’t sexual towards her but just a reaction to the feeling of control I had which meant far less stress for me. I am a bit of a control freak, hence the turn-on.”
Rachel felt she understood that final comment and could see why control could get her excited as well.
So, when Rachel was driving home she asked Eden, “Did you have a nice time there?”
Eden’s response was, “I did, mum.”
Rachel pressed her daughter by asking, “All the time?”
Eden replied, “I enjoyed every moment, mum. Pippa’s mum is so cool. I mean you are as well, but Pippa’s mum is so so soooo cool.”
With that answer, Rachel knew she didn’t have to think too much about using spanking in the future but just how to raise the subject. After all, Eden was seventeen.
As Rachel kept driving she realised that she had worked out the likelihood that her daughter would be happy enough to be spanked, and what shocked her was the realisation that her own knickers were getting wet just thinking about it. She even wondered whether her daughter’s knickers were getting wet and whether she was thinking about being spanked, perhaps even regularly. After all, she knew that Eden got into a right stroppy mood whenever she was grounded or had her electronics taken away. Maybe she wouldn’t get into those moods if she was spanked, given what she had just said about enjoying every single moment, which had to include those moments, or rather longer when she was being spanked.
When they got home, Eden went upstairs and left her case full of dirty clothes downstairs. Rachel decided she wouldn’t put them in the washing machine as Eden knew how to do it. When Eden came back downstairs she said to her daughter, “Can you put your stuff in the washing machine, please.”
Eden replied, “Sure, mum, later.”
Rachel said more sternly, “Please can you do it now, Eden.”
Eden replied, “Whatever,” which was her normal response. However, she didn’t deal with her dirty washing and went into the kitchen, came back out, and asked, “Any supper coming, mum?”
Rachel replied, “I thought you could make it for the two of us.”
Eden said a rather rude, “Make supper and do the washing. Crikey, mum, you are the pits sometimes and the worst mum ever. I really wish you could be more like Pippa’s mum. Is there anything else you want me to do to make your life easier, mum?”
Rachel replied, “Yes. I can take your knickers down and put you across my lap for a spanking as you were spanked three times by Pippa’s mum.”
Eden knew she had overstepped the mark and been rude to her mum which would normally have got her sent to her room or even grounded. She looked shocked as she asked, albeit sarcastically, “Am I grounded and lose my electronics as well, mum?”
Rachel replied seriously, “No. Just the spanking and then you can make my supper and do the washing as I have already asked.”
The response silenced Eden and she obviously didn’t know if her mum was serious about spanking her. However, she knew well enough that Pippa’s mum had spanked her three times, and the third time was when she had answered Pippa’s mum back rudely and Pippa had laughed too much about it. In fact, there was a lot of similarity because she had just been rude to her mum. Maybe getting a spanking wasn’t so surprising given that she knew that Pippa preferred being spanked to all of the other punishments, and maybe she would as well.
So, blushing, she looked sheepishly at her mum and said, “Did you mean it, mum? I mean spanking me?”
Rachel asked, “If you have the choice of a spanking or loss of electronics and grounding, what would you choose?”
Eden blushed a deeper red as she replied, “A spanking, I suppose.”
Rachel asked sternly, “I won’t spank you just the once. If I spank you now then that is your punishment every time from now on whenever you disobey me, are rude, miss curfew, and the like.”
Eden said quietly, “Okay.”
Rachel decided Eden was committed enough and ordered, “Go and stand by the dining table.”
Rachel felt that this first time would work okay with just a hand spanking and wouldn’t delay until she got a hairbrush. That could happen next time.
Eden watched as her mum turned one of the chairs into the room and knew she had been thinking exactly this when on her way home. She even knew her knickers were damp as they had been when given her third spanking by Pippa’s mum and by then she knew she preferred that as her punishment and got excited just as she knew that Pippa did. She just hadn’t expected her mum to spank her, even though she had hoped she would.
Rachel remembered what Victoria had said about Eden’s knickers, glared up at Eden, and ordered, “Put your hands on your head whilst I lower your knickers.”
Eden realised that she was even more excited by the very firm tone of voice her mum was using, and immediately did as she was told. She was thinking about getting another spanking now and the orgasm she hoped she would get, and didn’t notice that, as her mum lowered her knickers and made her step out of them, she saw that they were damp.
Having made the discovery, Rachel was even more confident that spanking would become the punishment of the future. However, first things first, and she took a hold of Eden’s wrist, pulled her lightly, and ordered, “Get across my lap, now.”
Eden knew that it was just two days since her last spanking, but then this was huge in comparison as she had never imagined that her mum would so easily use spanking as a punishment. Maybe it was because she had spoken to Pippa’s mum and been told she had spanked her. If that was the case, then she would definitely have to thank her the next time she saw her.
In the meantime, Eden quickly did as she was told, and bent down across her mum’s lap. She knew from her previous experience how she loved to find the floor just inches from her face, as well as the upside down legs of Pippa’s mum, and knew her bottom was perched across her lap and was there to be spanked. When she felt her mum’s hand rubbing her bottom in circles she was tense because she knew the pain she would soon struggle with, but also felt the excitement as quivers flew around her vulva. That delighted her as she had felt that excitement when Pippa’s mum was about to spank her and now felt the same when her mum was about to spank her.
Rachel focused on her daughter’s bare bottom as she rubbed both cheeks knowing that whilst she had never spanked her before, she could give her a hard spanking as that was what Victoria had given her, three times. She knew her daughter’s knickers were damp and wondered if her pussy lips were still oozing her sex juice now she was about to be spanked again. She knew she felt excited herself, although not with sexual feelings but just excitement at this new method of disciplining her daughter.
Rachel raised her hand and brought her palm down on Eden’s far bottom cheek and proceeded to spank her daughter’s bare bottom on alternate bottom cheeks. The change had started, she told herself.
Eden dealt with the first several spanks relatively easily and knew they weren’t as hard as Pippa’s mum’s spanking, but she supposed her mum realised that as the spanks soon got harder and then harder still. She was even struggling to cope with the spanks and could see herself getting humiliated by crying much sooner than usual.
Rachel had no experience of giving a spanking but quickly realised her initial spanks were far too light as Eden wasn’t struggling at all. She increased the impact of each spank and saw how each cheek flattened more effectively as she spanked harder and harder and each cheek was being turned redder and redder. She kept increasing the strength of each spank until she was happy that Eden was squirming around on her lap, tensing her arms and legs, and letting out gasps with each spank. Even then, she made each spank harder still as she wanted it to be memorable for her daughter.
Once she heard a sob from Eden she stopped spanking and rubbed her bottom and then eased her hand down between her daughter’s legs because she wanted to feel along her pussy lips to see if she was still oozing her sex juice. She was surprised when Eden quickly parted her legs and raised her bottom as though welcoming her mum’s fingers, but that was enough to tell Rachel that Eden was still aroused so she didn’t bother to finger her daughter, but just started spanking her nicely reddening bottom cheeks with even harder spanks, and was rewarded with louder gasps and still had her squirming around on her lap.
Rachel didn’t watch the time but continued to spank Eden’s bare bottom, and then spanked the backs of her legs and saw how her daughter’s gasps got louder as she turned both legs as red as she had already turned each bottom cheek. It was a real lesson for her daughter, but also it was clear one that Eden accepted as she stayed across her lap showing a new high level of obedience,
Eden was struggling much more than she ever had when spanked by Pippa’s mum and started to think being grounded and the loss of electronics was the better choice of punishment for her. However, she realised that whilst the spanks were stinging her bottom, she was still turned on by being spanked and was upset when she raised her bottom for her mum to finger her but she didn’t. Mind you, she found that humiliating but also more of a turn-on as she was becoming a true submissive to her mum. How strange, she thought, as amongst her college friends she was the alpha girl looked up to by them all, and she wondered what they would think if they found out she was spanked as her punishment. In fact, she dreaded the possibility of them knowing, although as the spanking continued and she started to dissolve into tears, she changed that thought and was sure that it would be sexy if they knew, and was also sure that some of her friends would be jealous of her and would prefer to be spanked themselves.
Once Rachel saw that Eden was crying she smiled to herself with satisfaction although kept on landing very hard spanks to make sure her daughter understood that every spanking would have her crying well before the end. She loved how red both bottom…