“I have missed you, Uncle Tom!” He had been gone for a year on business and during that year his niece had on into a fine young woman…very fine. He puts his arms around her has he feels her large DDD breasts press into his chest, he tries hard to keep from getting hard, sure she’d feel it with her body against him as it is.
She lets go of him and takes a step back smiling at him. He can now look her over and its difficult to contain his composure. She has perfect curves and a tight round ass under her black pants. She can’t help but show a good amount of cleavage with her black tank top and he can see her red bra traps the thin straps of her tank top cannot cover completely. Her white skin is smooth and soft, her black hair has gotten longer nearly reaching her ass and her dark eyes are mesmerizing. He’s always loved her lips, full with a perfect arch…perfect for sucking, he thinks to himself.
“How was Japan?” She asks him and he can’t help but realize how much sexier her voice had become, not like the teenage girl who just melted his heart with a whimper and a pout. No, now he melts her with her looks and that voice…
“It was great. I admit I’ll miss it but it is good to be home. Look at you, you’ve grown so much.”
“You look amazing. I see you’ve kept up your workouts.” He feels his knees shake. She thinks I look amazing…this twenty year old niece thinks my forty year old body looks amazing…He clears his throat.
“I never miss a day. Let’s get inside so I can greet the rest of the family or else we’d be out here all day. We have a lot to catch up on, you and I.”
“You better make time for me then.” She smirks playfully.
“I’ll always make time for you.”
They go inside where his mother snatches up the first hug from him. His sister, Lilly’s mother is there, as well as his brother and his nephew. It’s a small gathering as it usually is. Of course everyone has questions about his trip and he answers them willingly. His niece however, he notices that she is awfully quiet sitting there listening, still with a smile on her face and she can’t seem to keep her eyes off of him.
“No, no more long trips for me. The company finds me too much of an asset here now that the deal in Japan is done. I will go back to visit though, that is for sure.”
“Lilly has been learning to speak Japanese since you left.” His sister informs him and he looks back over to his niece. “You probably know more than I do.”
“I’ll have to test you sometime.” He gets shivers down his back.
The family moves into the living room from the dining room and Uncle Tom escapes outside for a cigarette. Soon after Lilly appears and walks over to him.
“Can I borrow your lighter?”
“Since when did you start smoking?” He lights her cigarette for her.
“Just before you left for Japan. I just never did it in front of you.”
“You should quit now then.” She grins, though she means it to be evilly, it’s actually quite sexy.
“I will if you will.”
“Oh so you’re going to play that game, huh?” He throws his cigarette and begins to tickle her and in turn she drops hers.
She collapses onto the ground in a fit of laughter as he continues, now on his knees. She turns causing him to fall onto her though he stops himself with one hand on the ground and some how his other hand lands on her breast.
He pauses and looks at her as she looks at him. Her smile doesn’t fade but once the shock wears off he quickly removes his hand and sits up.
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes nervously as she too sits up.
“Don’t be.” He feels her hand grab his crotch which startles him yet arouses him at the same time. She gets up and walks into the house, leaving him stunned on the front lawn.
He isn’t sure what to make of it. His niece had become a sexual being, a dominating sexual prowess that he had not seen in her before and he couldn’t help but want to see again.
“Why don’t you come stay with us for a few days while your apartment is getting set up. That way you can rest and it’ll give you and Lilly a chance to catch up.” His sister offers and so he looks to his niece who is bouncing in her seat nodding at him excitedly. God, looks at those breasts…
“Sure, it’d be nice to spend time with two of my favorite people.”
“Hey!” His younger brother exclaims and the whole family laughs.
All kinds of thoughts are running though Uncle Tom’s head as he drives behind his sisters car to her house. He can see the top of his niece’s head in the passenger seat. How he’d love to see the top of her head while she sucked his cock, he thinks. Wait, this is his niece! This is crazy! But he can’t help it. Feeling her breast, her hand against him, that seductive voice…
He takes his hard on out of his pants and begins to stroke. If only this was her hand…He strokes faster now. With a little moan, he brings his hand up and licks his fingers and wraps them around his cock again…her juices will feel so good. He feels the build up, he grabs a tissue and just in time as his cum squirts out and he gasps. He wants her and from the feeling over her hand on his crotch, she wants him too.
He gets his belongings situated in the guest room which just so happens to be located next to his niece’s. He joins his niece and sister downstairs but his sister is frantically looking for something.
“What’s going on?” He walks into the living room seeing his niece sitting on the couch, her left leg up and over the arm of the couch. If only she didn’t have clothes on, he could walk right over and fuck her just like that.
“I’m trying to find my pager!” His sister calls out which takes his attention from his niece. “There it is.”
“Emergency at the hospital?” He can hear Lilly ask and his sister nods.
“I’m sorry, bro but I’m going to have to go. This could take a while so I’ll probably take a nap there since my real shift starts a eight and I’ll be home for dinner tomorrow night.”
“That’s alright. I’m sure Lilly and I can keep each other company.” He can see his niece smile widely from the corner of his eye.
“She can quiz you on your Japanese.” His sister says with a wink before grabbing her purse and keys and walking out the front door. “Don’t stay up too long!”
The door shuts and for the first time, Uncle Tom actually feels nervous. He turns to Lilly and smiles awkwardly.
“I’m hungry, does pizza sound alright?” He nods in response. “Do you still like pepperoni and mushroom?”
“Of course I do, that’s always been our pizza!”
Usually she begs him to order it but without hesitation she grabs the phone and calls it in. While he had hoped to hear that sexy voice of hers beg him, he can’t help but admire how grown up she’s become. She isn’t a shy teenager anymore but he admits to himself that he’ll miss that about her.
Minutes pass and she finally begins to ask him questions regarding his trip and he discovers that she hasn’t only studied the Japanese language but their culture as well, she even knew things he didn’t.
“You should go with me to Japan some time.” She sits up straighter which causes her breasts to thrust forward.
“Really, do you mean it?!”
“I’d never say anything to you that I didn’t mean. Of course, you’ll have to do something for me in exchange since I’ll be paying.” Her smile fades slightly.
“What will I have to do?” His mind begins to wander as he tries to pry his eyes from her breasts.
“I’m sure we can think of something.” She nods and smiles again.
“Can you pay for the pizza, it’ll be here any minute but I have to go upstairs really quick.”
She hands him the money after he agrees and watches her leave, his eyes fixed on her perfect round ass. She is right, no sooner had she left the room did the pizza man knock at the door. He pays for the pizza and waits a few minutes but he hears nothing.
He decides to make sure she’s alright so he climbs the stairs and goes to turn to the bathroom, thinking that’s where she went, but then sees her bedroom door is cracked open sending a stream of light onto the hallway floor.
He quietly walks over and peers into her room and his heart jumps at what he sees. She’s on her bed, pants and undies are off and with her ass on the corner of the bed, legs bent and knees spread apart, she rubs her clit and fingers herself wildly. He can’t take the pressure in his pants anymore so he takes out his cock and strokes nearly as fast as she’s pounding her fingers in and out of her. He closes his eyes as he feels himself ready to cum and a light moan escapes his lips.
“Don’t let that cum go to waste.” Where he as ready to cum, her voice suddenly speaking stops him in his tracks instantly. He opens his eyes and looks at her. Her hands are propping her up but her legs are still spread. “Cum on me Uncle Tom.”
He watches in awe as she strips off her shirt and bra, her breasts look even bigger now and her nipples are erect. He can feel it again, he’s ready. He walks over as she lays back down, his cock in his hand.
“Cum all over me.” He grins at her command and he begins to stroke himself in front of her standing in between her legs as she rubs her clit again. She moans as she’s ready to cum, not taking long since she was already on the verge before she noticed him there. He sees the pleasure on her face and can last no longer. He pumps out his cum all over his niece’s stomach and breasts.
She smiles and sits up, his softening cock in her face. It won’t be soft for long as she takes it in her mouth, working it with her tongue, tasting the last bit of cum off the head. He moans and feels his knees shake at the sensitivity so she stops briefly to get him on the bed. He lays on his back and she straddles one of is legs, humping his knee slowly back and forth as his dick becomes erect once again and her lips wrap around it.
He’s been thinking of this moment since he set eyes on her earlier but even his fantasies hadn’t prepared him for the real thing. He moans at the feeling of her tongue ring, she knows exactly how to make it work for her and the sensation is amazing. Her mouth engulfs him entirely in its warm wetness as he tries to imagine how good her pussy will feel.
“I’ve wanted you for some time, Uncle Tom. Are you ready fuck your niece?” All he can do is moan as an answer as she moves her body up, stroking his cock as she lowers her pussy closer and closer. He feel her slip the head in just barely before taking it out again causing him to moan in slight frustration as she uses it to circle her clit. Before he knows it, he feels her sweet juices, the tight walls of her pussy…so very tight. Is she a virgin? The tightness is no match for her though or his throbbing cock. He juices lubricate him well and she doesn’t hesitate, pushing herself down on him making him go in deeply until he’s disappeared inside of her.
She screams in pleasure and pain and begins to ride him. Her tightness massaging cock which is coated in her slippery goodness. He feels her hands on his chest, her nails dig in slightly which sends him thrusting his hips upward pushing him hard into her. She moans as her head tilts back and he sees that she likes this. He won’t last long doing this though, not with that sweet pussy of hers and her breasts bouncing as they fuck.
Luckily she’s ready to cum…as if she can’t get any tighter, she does and the contractions make it hard for him to contain himself. As she leans forward slightly, her hands holding her top half up, he’s able to lean in and suck her nipple as he grips her breast, his other hand on her ass. She screams as she orgasms, her body trembles in pleasure. He wants to fuck her now.
She lets him slide out of her as she gets off the bed and stands. She twitches a finger in his direction to summon him over to her so he obliges. Once he’s standing, she bends over he edge of the bed, her ass sticking out, he can see her pussy still expelling juices that drip down her leg. He doesn’t need further instruction.
He gets behind her, his cock still nice and wet, with one push into her he slides into her. She moans as her back arc’s and he grabs her hips as he begins to pound hard into her.
“Fuck me, Uncle Tom!” She screams out and he grunts at his efforts. She feels so wet, so warm, so fucking tight! He stops pumping his hips and thrusts once deep into her and holds it there as he cums. Feeling his cock spill his seed into her sends her into another orgasm, constricting his cock as if trying to get every last drop. He moans and the both of them go nearly limp at the same time. He slides out of her and sits on the bed as she kneels on the floor, resting her head on the bed and she looks up at him.
Those big beautiful brown eyes and her smile…he places his hand on her cheek and she stands as he pulls her into him, kissing her deeply in the most passionate kiss he’s ever experienced.
Dressed again, they go down stairs to enjoy their pizza and to his amazement, they talk as though nothing had changed except for the bond that was already created becoming stronger. Suddenly his cell phone rings.
“Hello?” He’s surprised to hear his brother on the other line.
“You fucked her didn’t you?”
“What?” He isn’t sure what to say or how he could possibly know…
“I can hear it in your voice. She does that to me too, takes my breath away.” There is a pause. “Yes, Lilly and I have fucked too. She’s great isn’t she?”
“More than great.” It’s the only thing he could manage to say.
“She really wanted you, you know. I just happened to be there when she was upset after you left. She’s not a virgin but I showed her how sex could be the best way to express yourself, your feelings, and relieve stress.” His brother sighs. “She couldn’t wait for you to come home even having me when she wanted. Maybe she could have us both sometime.”
He isn’t sure why, but the thought of his brother fucking Lilly made him jealous and turned on at the same time. He wanted this moment, he wanted Lilly to be his, only his. He’s not gay in anyway but him and his brother fucking her…his hardening dick presses against his pants.
“Think she’ll go for it?” His brother has him put Lilly on the phone.
“Uh huh…yeah. Are you serious?” Uncle Tom listens as she talks and he tries to shift to get the pressure to let up a bit. She notices this and smiles. “Since I can tell Uncle Tom is up for it, sure.”
She agreed? He can’t believe it.
“You don’t have to do this for me.”
“Your a big reason why I’m doing it. I see how hard you are at the thought.” She smiles. “Besides, I’m wet just thinking about it too.”