I looked out of the hundreds of small and big yachts tied to the piers around us. “I have no idea. He said Pier 10 and Slot 5.”
“Ten? I thought you said twelve.”
“No honey, I said ten,” I held up ten fingers.
“Fuck! Okay, back we go,” he grabbed his suitcase and walked past me and I followed.
A few minutes later we found Pier 12 and about half way down I saw Nina standing with a beer in her hand. On her head, she wore a large white hat that she held in place with her other hand. The white long dress bloomed in the wind and showed off her tanned legs.
“There you are. Did you get lost?” she said when we reached her.
“A little,” said Jack and glanced at me.
“Well, you are here now. Please come on board. Max in downstairs and should be up shortly.”
We all walked up the gangplank with me being the last. The water below me was dark and murky, not what I had expected from the Mediterranean in June.
Jack and I had gone through a rough patch during the winter. My mother had passed away and he had had trouble at work. We didn’t see much of each other and I felt he didn’t give me enough support and he thought I didn’t care about his business. We were both wrong of course, but we had fought, screamed and called each other names. At times it was hard to believe that we had been together for almost twenty years, fifteen of those as a married couple.
Jack’s best friend, Max took it upon himself to help. He was one of those self-made guys, and extremely well off. He had traveled the world, opened businesses, sold business but whatever he touched turned to gold.
The three of us had met in college. I was the lost girl from Kansas, and they were the city slick from LA. Come to think of it, I should have married Max; he was more like me, down to earth, and a little bit of a hippie.
Jack is all suits, the best restaurants, expensive cars and all the latest electronic gizmos on the market.
When we graduated, Jack and I went on to graduate school and later got married and settled down. We had two children and had a good life until my mother became sick and Jack had trouble with his investors.
Max left college with a BBA and began his travels, he went off to South America, and then Africa followed by Asia and Europe. We only heard from him spontaneously by postcard and then later by email.
A few years ago he had met Nina, a lawyer for one of the bigger firms in LA; she was more like Jack than Max. Dressed according to the latest fashion, always on social media, and loved the gossip magazines.
When Max found out that we were having trouble at home he told us to ship the kids off to Jack’s parents and come to Greece where he had rented a yacht for a week. The fresh air and open sea would be good for us. At first, Jack didn’t want to, but I thought it was a great idea. We could find each other again, I told him.
When Max showed his head I was surprised to see his new look. He had always had long hair but he had cropped it close to his skull. When the rest of him came out I couldn’t help taking a sneak peek. While Jack was tall and thin, Max was a bit shorter but much more muscular. You could see that the muscles came from hard work, not a gym. He had a few scars on his arms, legs and chest, and that made him even more macho, in my eyes. Honestly, I have always thought that Max was the better looking of them, but Jack had something Max didn’t. He was stable, on time, serious, and planned ahead, which were things I liked more than biceps.
“Good to see you, man,” said Max and gave Jack a big hug.
“Same, dude, where is the beer I am dying of thirst.”
Nina opened a large cooler that stood on the deck and handed us both a bottle each.
“Are you ready to leave?” Max said.
“Ay ay Captain set the sails and we will get going.”
“Jack, honey, this is a motor yacht, not a sailing boat,” said Nina with a grin.
“I know, but I liked to say the words, it made me feel like a pirate.”
We all laughed and while Max went into the pilothouse and turned on the engines Nina, Jack and I sat down in the lounge area of the deck.
I don’t know much about boats, but the one Max had rented was big, at least 60 feet long. And when the engines were idling they rumbled deep inside the hull sending vibrations through it.
“Yes, here we go!” shouted Nina as the large vessel began to glide out of the marina towards the open sea.
As we left the marina Max opened up the throttle and the yacht shot forward. The noise made it hard to talk so Jack moved closer to Nina since they needed to talk a bit about business. She was his lawyer.
I leaned against the railing behind me and closed my eyes. The sun was warm on my face and the drops of seawater that hit me made me giggle. It was so relaxing I felt my eyes beginning to close.
I didn’t want to take a snooze so I finished my beer and got another. When I sat back down I watched Jack and Nina for a while. She had also cut her hair, preferring a shorter style than to the long she had used for so many years.
Nina was a classical beauty, tall, with a well-balanced body where her primary asset was her ass. Her boobs were B cups if I wasn’t mistaken. I remembered the first time Jack had seen her, his eyes were glued to her behind until I elbowed him and told him it was impolite to stare, especially since his wife was standing next to him.
She always wore perfect makeup, I can’t remember a time when I haven’t seen her without it. At work, she wore tailored business suits either with pants or skirt. When she showed me her shoe collection my jaw dropped. It had its own room in their large villa outside LA.
Today she wore the simple white dress, but on her, it looked like she had stepped out of a fashion catalog.
Like I mentioned before, I am more bohemian in my style. I wore leather sandals, a thin long skirt and a blouse knotted below my boobs. My hair was in a thick ponytail and I wore no makeup.
I think my biggest assets are my boobs. At thirty-eight they are still firm thanks to a little saline solution, well, a woman has to stay fit for her man, I think. I also ran almost every day and that combined with eating healthy I have stayed fit.
I saw Max come towards me and after getting a fresh beer he sat down next to me.
“What are they talking about?” he said and pointed with the beer.
This close I could smell the sweat on him. He didn’t wear a shirt only cut off jeans and flip- flops. I didn’t mind the manly smell, it suited him.
“Business I suppose.”
He got up and said, “Guys, listen up. As of now, we are on vacation, and I want you to give me your cell phones and tablets. I will keep them safe until we come back.”
“C’mon Max, I need my phone,” said Jack.
“Hand it over, dude.”
“What about my social media and the photos I wanted to take?” said Nina.
“You can live without it for a week and I have a digital camera you can use.”
With long faces, they handed over their phones and tablets to Max and then he turned to me, “you too, c’mon, give them to me.”
I dug through my purse and handed them to Max.
“Great, what about some lunch?” said Max.
“A quick question,” said Jack and continued, “Who is driving the boat?”
“Autopilot, there is very little traffic this time of year so we will be fine,” said Max and went down to the cabins below.
When he came back up he carried several plastic bags with him. “Nina, get the BBQ going. Jack and Luci, you are in charge of the salad.”
I liked the way he took control; sometimes Jack could be a bit weak. He preferred a democratic relationship where everything was discussed until we both forgot what we were discussing. I wished he would simply do things, and then explain to me why he had done it.
I placed two more lobster tails on the grill and squeezed some lemon over them. Adding a bit of butter I flipped them over and then took a drink from my beer.
Nina was marinating the steaks and to my left stood Jack and Luci cutting tomatoes, onions, and lettuce. Luci ass moved as she cut the onions and my eyes lingered over her narrow hips and round bum. I wondered what she looked like naked these days.
The last time I had seen her in a bikini was several years ago before she had her second child. She had been in her late twenties and her body had been firm and sexy. Ever since college I had thought she was very sensual in her hippie way, all natural and it fitted her personality.
“Honey, I think you should turn them,” said Nina
“What, o shit! I said and quickly flipped the lobster tails before they burned.
I have to pay attention, I thought, can’t get distracted by my best friend’s wife.
“Babe, could you give me another beer,” I said and put my empty bottle in a waste basket under the grill.
“There you go, give me a kiss,” said Nina.
We kissed and I could taste the beer on her lips, or was it my own, I wasn’t sure. What I did know was that my cock came awake when I felt my wife’s tits pressing against my naked chest.
“Oh dear, someone is alive,” said Nina with a smile.
“Mm, he is, but we have to wait. We can’t very well fuck here in front of Luci and Jack.”
Nina laughed and went back to the steaks and tasted the marinade.
“God, the onions are making me cry,” I said and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.
“What do you think I am doing? I am standing right above them,” said Luci.
“Luci, honey, would you mind cutting them over there?”
“Man up, and deal with it,” she said and laughed.
I took my cutting board and the tomatoes and moved away from where she stood. While I cut them my eyes caught Nina where she stood tasting the marinade. I watched how her full lips slid over the spoon and for a second I imagined it was my cock that got the treatment instead of the spoon.
She looked so sexy in the white dress and when I had sat close to her I had seen she didn’t wear a bra. Her boobs were at least one size smaller than Luci’s but they were perky with small nipples. I guess not breastfeeding kept them that way. Not that I minded Luci’s, I loved sucking on them and hefting them in my hands, large, heavy and with big nipples.
Sometimes Nina could be a bit uptight and bitchy, but as my lawyer I loved her. She had come through and helped me with the problems I had had with my investors. She was a true magician when it came to the law.
Privately, she was something different. The little I saw of her made me believe she was quite the boring type, at least in bed. She never made a dirty joke or seemed slutty in any way. The kiss she had given Max was nothing special and even though their bodies had touched, she hadn’t put her hand on him.
I finished the last tomato and went back to where Luci was. Luckily she was done with the onions, and we put them together with the lettuce in a large bowl together with some salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Luci tossed it with two wooden spoons and when she was done, she said, “The salad is ready.”
I was pleased with the marinade. It needed a touch more of honey and then it was perfect. I looked up from the bowl and put down the spoon. Why was Jack staring at me? He had a vacant kind of look on his face, and then I realized what it was. He was looking at my boobs.
I had leaned over the table so not to spill the marinade and my dress had ridden down exposing more cleavage than normal. I quickly stood up and adjusted the front. Cheeky bastard, I thought.
Had he no shame looking at me like that in front of Luci? She was tossing the salad and her tits moved as she did. Why didn’t he stare at them? They were much larger than mine and would make a much better target for her eyes.
I poured some more honey into the bowl and slowly stirred the marinade. I stole a quick glance over to where Jack and Luci stood and he wasn’t looking at me any longer. Instead, he was standing behind his wife, hands on her hips, close, whispering, and then he kissed her.
God, I loved the way Jack would kiss my neck and press himself against me. I could feel his hard cock through his pants against my ass. I knew I was becoming wet, wanting him, needing him to fill me up with his long and thick cock.
I had been with guys before I met Jack. Back in Kansas I used to go ‘parking’ and gave a few blow jobs and hand jobs but it wasn’t until I was seventeen that I was fucked for the first time.
His name was Derek and he was the oldest son of the Hardware store owner. It was summer and my dad had found me a job with them. Even though it was part-time it gave me some extra cash to spend on clothes, movies and a shake or two.
Derek and I flirted through May and June and by mid-July we kissed in the storage room and that’s when he fucked me. I still remember the first time; it was quick, hard and wonderful.
He lifted me up on the sink and pulled up my skirt. Then while kissing me he stepped in between my legs and spread them with his at the same time as he whipped out his cock.
I looked down and saw it standing up, a dark red cock head gleaming in the pale light from a low wattages bulb hanging from the ceiling.
When he pushed himself inside me, I yelped as the pain ran through my body but it drained away while he fucked me. His gasping in my ear, my nails cutting through his shirt, then my legs around his waist and my back hitting the old brick wall behind me, it wasn’t romantic, but it was good and I had needed it.
Ever since I had figured out that rubbing my clit felt good I had waited for that moment, and when it arrived it was as good as I had hoped. Luckily Derek was a good lover and he fucked me for a long time before he pulled out and came over my right thigh.
I looked down at the white liquid and giggled. “Wow, that’s a lot.”
“Yeah baby, it was.”
“Next time, let me know before you come and I will taste it,” I said with a wink.
From that day on until school started we fucked at least ones a day, in the storage room, in his car, by the lake, anywhere and everywhere we could. I wouldn’t say I was in love with Derek, but I loved the way he would fuck me and the taste of his cock.
Then he died. He was on his way home one night from the local bar and had drunk too much. A dog crossed the road and he lost control of the car and hit a tree.
I cried for weeks and it wasn’t really until I met Jack that I got over him, and maybe I never will. They say your first fuck stays with you until you die.
“Baby, you got to stop it, it is not polite,” I whispered over my shoulder.
“God, I am so horny, can’t we just run to one of the cabins and fuck real quickly?” he whispered back.
“No, we can’t. Now stop rubbing your cock against my ass and let’s eat.”
We sat around the table in the aft of the boat. The sun was high in the sky and reflected on the blue water. It must have been the marina that was dirty because out here it looked like it did in the pictures I had seen on the internet. Max had put up a large parasol and as the sun moved, so did we.
The lobster tails and the steaks melted in my mouth and by the time we had finished I was so full that all I wanted was to take a nap.
“I’m going down for a while,” I said and got up.
Max began to clear the table and said, “You and Jack are in the first cabin on your right.”
I left them and walked down the steps to the interior of the yacht. I was standing in a large salon with a leather sofa and a couple of hairs in the same material surrounding a glass table. On a wall hung a large TV and under it a DVD player and a stereo. To the right before the hall that led to the cabins was a kitchen.
The cabin was beautiful with two small windows, a large bed, a private bathroom, and a closet.
I took off my skirt, top, and bra. Then I lay down on the bed in my panties. I quickly drifted off and dreamt about lobster tails cooked by a naked Max.
I heard Max speaking to me but my mind was on my wife’s sexy ass as she walked down the steps. I needed a fuck; it had been a long time. Thinking about it I calculated at least three weeks since we had done it.
“Hey, Jack, pay attention,” said Max.
“What, sorry?”
“I asked if you wanted to do some fishing?”
My mind was far away from fishing. “No thanks, I think I’ll join Luci for a nap.”
“Okay, your choice. I’ll see you later.”
When I walked in Luci was lying on her belly, one leg pulled up against her body. I took off my clothes and lay down naked beside her.
Her skin was soft under my touch and I slowly caressed her thigh moving up to her ass. I loved to kiss it which I did, and she squirmed and turned towards me.
“Baby?” her voice sleepy.
“Sh, relax,” I said and said and let my fingers gently touch her cunt over her panties.
“Mm that feels good,” she whispered.
I didn’t answer; instead, I slid my hand under the hem and ran my fingers through the little tuft of pubic hair until I found her clit. I drew circles around it and she began to squirm and moan a little.
When she opened her legs and rolled over I lay down on top of her and moved her panties to the side. She was wet and hot when I entered her.
I had known he would come to me, and when I felt his touch I wanted him inside so I went along and spread my legs for him.
Jack had a large cock head and it stung when he entered me, but I loved it, it’s like his calling card, I know it is my husband fucking me.
As he slid all the way in I put my legs around his waist and my arms around his back and then enjoyed the ride. He liked to fuck me hard in a missionary position; he said he liked to watch me come, that my face was beautiful when I did.
“Mm, baby, God, you fill me up,” I moaned in his ear.
That made him pound me even harder and as he did I drew closer to coming. I had always been a loud lover and when the first wave of the orgasm began to travel out from my clit to my finger tips and toes I let go of a long loud moan, “yes, yes, fuck me fuck me, make me come, make me come!”
When he was ready he pulled out and jerked off between my legs. I loved to watch him do it; I thought it was very sexy. His juices landed on my tummy and boobs.
“Ah, that was good, baby. I needed that,” he said and got off the bed and went into the bathroom.
I stayed on the bed playing with the drops of cum on my skin until he came back out and then I went inside and washed up. When I walked back out he was snoring naked on the bed so I gave his cock a kiss and lay down next to him.
“What was that sound?” said Max from where he sat in the fishing chair which was screwed to the floor.
“That, baby, was the sound of love.”
“What?” he turned around and looked at me.
“I’m pretty sure that was Jack and Luci having a roll in the bed. Good for them.”
“Yeah? Darn, I didn’t know she was such a loud lover.”
I lowered my sunglasses. “Why would you? I mean it’s not like you have been with her or heard them before.”
He got out of the chair and helped himself to another beer. His skin was shiny from the sun oil he had put on earlier and his muscles played under it. He looked so good, I thought.
“No, but still, the way she is and acts have always made me think she is, you know, quiet, kind of boring maybe.” He sat down again.
“You shouldn’t believe everything you see. Look at me for example, most people think I am a stuck up bitch, which is fine, that’s work. What they don’t know is that I love to take it in the ass and swallow cum.”
Max grinned at me and begged me to come over.
“What do you want?” I said, teasing him, like if I didn’t know.
“I think it’s time for your dessert.”
I pointed at the door leading to the salon. “What about them?”
“Don’t worry, I know Jack, he will pass out after fucking Luci and she will stay with him.”
“Uhu-hu,” I said and slowly got up from the sun chair I had been sitting in. I slowly walked across the deck to where he was sitting making sure I got a good swing in my hips. When I stood between his legs his hands grabbed the dress and pulled it up to my waist.
“Mm, just as I had thought no panties,” he said his voice husky.
He leaned in and kisses my pussy, lingering on the clit for way too long. When he let go I was horny and wanted more so I knelt before him and quickly took out his cock from his shorts. It sprung out hard and ready.
Nina is a master at sucking cock. She has this gift where she can take it far down her throat without gagging and that was what she was doing. My eight inches disappeared into her mouth as her lips touched the base of my dick while one hand massaged my balls. This was just what I needed, a good blowjob after lunch.
I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes, all I could hear was a lonely seagull, the water lapping against the hull, and Nina making wet sounds as her lips ran up and down my shaft. A glorious day, I thought.
The sun had moved and shone in through the cabin’s windows making it stiffening hot. Jack lay snoring next to me while I tossed and turned. After a while, I gave up and put on my bikini. Maybe a swim would cool me off, I thought.
When I walked up on deck my eyes didn’t quite register what was happening in front of me. I was squinting due to the harsh sunlight but when I had put on my sunglasses my jaw dropped and I stepped back inside.
From the doorway, I peered out and smiled as I watched Nina’s head bob up and down over Max. She was giving him a blowjob. Good for you, I thought.
I decided to be a bitch and interrupt, I was too hot to wait inside until they had finished. So I went back a bit further and then called out, “it’s too hot to sleep!”
Then I walked loudly up the steps and when I was out on deck again Nina was sitting in her sun chair wiping her lips with the back of her hand and Max had his back turned to me.
“Hi, I didn’t interrupt anything?” I said with an innocent smile.
“No, what would that have been?” said Nina.
“You look a bit flushed, are you okay?”
“Like you said, it’s the heat.”
I walked over to where Max was sitting and put a hand on his shoulder. “Hi, do you mind if I jump in for a few minutes?”
He looked up and me and smiled. “Of course not, let me reel in the bait and you can go right ahead.”
Luci’s heavy boobs were just inches from my face and when I looked up at her I could see the outline of her large nipples. For a second I had the urge to reach up and touch them. My cock was still hard after the abrupt end to a great blow job.
“Hey, wait, I will go with you, Luci,” called Nina.
She walked up to us and then in one swift move pulled the dress over her head and dove in.
“God, she is naked,” said Luci and looked at me.
I shrugged my shoulders. “She sure is, and don’t mind me if you want to go skinny dipping too.”
She punched me on the shoulder. “You dirty man.”
I laughed and then to my great surprise she did take off her bikini top, exposing her round firm boobs. I figured them to be at least a C cup and they looked as firm as if she was twenty years young.
“Bye,” she said and dove in after Nina.
I watched them for a while and then got out of the chair and went to the bathroom, the beer had made my bladder ache and not being able to come had made my balls feel like they would explode.
Luci swam over to me and we tread water opposite each other. “This is wonderful,” I said.
“It is, wow, I had no idea the water would be so warm. Sorry for asking, but what if Jack comes out?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you are naked.”
I laughed and swam away from her calling over my shoulder. “He is a grown man, I am sure he has seen naked women before, it’s no big deal.”
She swam after me with strong strokes and soon we swam side by side. “Well, I wouldn’t feel comfortable being naked in front of Max, and I have known him as long as my husband.”
“I guess we are all different. “Max and I often go to nude beaches when we go on vacation. We don’t mind people seeing what God created.”
“I see, so it’s not sexual?”
“Oh, no, it has nothing to do with sex. We just like to be naked in the sun and water. Get a complete tan, that’s all.”
She tread water and I stopped too. Then she was quiet for a few second and nodded her head. “Yeah, I can see that now. Makes sense, after all, man invented clothes, didn’t he?”
I laughed and said, “Exactly, nakedness is natural and nothing to be ashamed off.”
We began to swim back to the yacht and Max helped us up. When we were back on deck I walked over to the ice box and grabbed two beers for Luci and me.
“You know what? I feel wild,” said Luci and stepped out of her bikini bottoms.
“You go girl!” I said and we both laughed. Then I turned to Max, “what about you, stud muffin?”
He glanced at Luci who said, “it’s okay, I don’t mind.”
He took off his shorts, grabbed another beer and went back to his fishing rod. I got out another chair for Luci and we sat down enjoying the sun.
When I woke up Luci was not in the bed so I stretched and then got up. I checked my watch and saw that it was close to six in the evening. I must have slept for more than three hours, and I felt much better.
When I walked out onto the deck Luci and Nina were talking in sun chairs to my right and Max was sitting in the fishing chair.
“Hey, look who woke up,” said Nina and waved to me.
I grabbed a beer and walked up to them and when I was closer I realized they were both naked. “Oh shit, I’m sorry,” I said and turned around.
“It’s okay, Jack. I am learning how to be a nudist,” said Luci and giggled.
“Yeah, get naked and pull up a chair,” said Nina.
“I don’t think so, but I surely don’t mind if you do,” I said with a grin.
“You dirty bugger,” I heard Max say and when I turned towards he had moved so he was facing me.
“God, dude, cover that thing, please.”
“What, this piece of manhood?” he said and pointed at his flaccid cock.
“Yeah, that. What’s wrong with you people, I leave you alone for a few hours and you turn into aliens.”
Luci laughed and pulled me closer to her. “C’mon babe, be a sport.”
She unzipped my shorts and pulled them and my boxers down at the same time, exposing my cock.
“Hey, let go, I said I didn’t want too,” I said and tried to pull them up again.
Nina lowered her sunglasses. “You, my dear have nothing to be ashamed off.”
“Very funny, but I don’t feel comfortable with this, okay.”
“Fine, I understand, maybe later, baby,” said Luci and let go of my clothes. I covered myself again and pulled out a chair to sit on.
“How’s the fishing?” I asked.
“Nothing, not so much as a bite,” said Max.
“Maybe it’s still too hot for them.”
“Talking about hot, I am going for a dip,” said Nina and stood up.
Luci did the same and I watched the two women walk over to where Max was sitting and then jump into the water. Nina’s ass was something else; round like a soccer ball, firm, and the skin so soft looking I wanted to lick it.
When they had gone Max said, “What’s the big deal, dude?”
“Well, I just don’t feel comfortable being naked around Nina, we work together you know.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “So? You are not working now.”
“True, but I would still like to keep a professional relationship with her.”
He laughed. “Trust me, I know my wife, at work, she is all business but when she is off, then she can play with the best. Don’t worry about it, all I am saying is that if you want to be naked, Nina won’t hold it against you.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded. Fuck it, I thought, I might as well join the naked tribe and get a full tan.
“Good man, get me a beer and one for yourself,” said Max when I was naked.
I went over to the ice box and during that short walk, it felt strange to have my cock and balls dangling free. It was refreshing but at the same time scary. I am not a shy person, I mean I have taken saunas with other people over the years and I never had a problem being naked with me girlfriends and with Luci, but being on a boat with Max and Nina, for some reason, it made me a bit uncomfortable.
There had been something in the air when I had walked up onto the deck, which wouldn’t go away. It was a strange kind of tension like they all waited for something to happen.
Ten minutes later the girls came back and Nina was the first one to come on board. When she saw me sitting in a sun chair she smiled and said, “It’s nice to see that you came around and took off your clothes. We are all friends here, no need to be shy.”
She gave Max a kiss and then helped Luci up onto the deck. When Luci saw me she walked over to me and kissed me deeply. “You look so hot with your cock out,” she whispered.
That had been a bad idea on her part. I felt my shaft fill with blood and before I knew it I was sporting a full-fledged hard on.
“Oh my, just look at that,” she said, her voice a bit louder.
Nina must have heard her because she looked up from where she was snuggling with Max.
“Hey, look who has a hard on!” she called out.
Max turned and said, “Dude, what is wrong with you?”
I blushed and tried to cover myself with my hands. “Sorry, it just happened.”
“Yeah right, next you will say it was my fault,” said Luci, kneeling in front of me.
“It was. If you wouldn’t have said what you did this wouldn’t have happened.”
Instead of answering she pushed my hands away and took me in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down.
“Yeah, you go, Luci,” said Nina.
I tried to make my wife stop, but she was sucking me so well that I had to let go of her and sat back in the chair. I closed my eyes so I didn’t have to see the others stare at me.
After a few minutes Luci stopped for a second or so and when she started up again she used a completely new style. She was usually a hungry cock sucker, deep down, lots of saliva and slurping. Now she was almost tender, licking and kissing my cock head, stroking my shaft and her fingers felt different. I opened my eyes and there was Nina kneeling in front of me. Luci stood to one side and Max right behind his wife.
“What the fuck, what’s going on?” I said.
“Relax, honey. Nina told me she had the hots for you when we went for a swim, and I thought it was the least I could do after they invited us for a cruise.”
I looked down at Nina who had most of my cock in her mouth. Her lips stretched her eyes locked on mine.
“Is she any good?” asked Max, with a big grin on his face.
“Oh yeah, she is very good,” I moaned and closed my eyes.
Within minutes Nina had me shooting my load and when she felt me coming she moved up and pressed her boobs around my shaft so my cum squirted onto them.
When I was done she got up and dove into the sea.
“Are you okay? You look a bit blushed,” said Luci and kissed me on the mouth.
Max had gone back to his fishing rod.
“Yeah, I guess, but are you sure you are okay with this?”
“Sure, babe, I thought it would be a good idea to spice up our sex life.”
“Uhu-hu, and now what, you want to suck off Max?”
Yes, I did want to suck Max, that was true and I had wanted it for a long time, ever since we were in college together. I wasn’t in love with him but he had this ‘bad-boy’ image and it was a huge turn on.
“Maybe I do, would it be okay?” I asked Jack.
He opened his eyes and said, “I guess so. I can’t really stop you after what Nina did.”
I gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek. “Do you want to watch?”
He laughed and said, “No, thanks.”
Max was putting bait on the hook when I walked up to him. I stood to one side and watched him work for a while. His cock hung limp between his legs, but that didn’t hide the fact that it was thick and quite long.
Nina was lying on the deck with her face towards the sun and her sunglasses on her nose.
“Nina, do you mind if I try Max?”
She lifted a hand and waved. “Go right ahead.”
Max looked up at me and said, “Do you want to try fishing?”
“No, I want to do something else.”
He must have seen how horny I was in my eyes because he put the rod and bait away and then swung his chair around so his back was toward the sea.
“I guess you want to try this,” he said and pointed at his dick.
“Mm, I do.”
I knelt before him and took his soft cock in my hand. I loved to start it off like that. The hottest thing I knew was to take a flaccid cock in my mouth and feeling it getting harder under my touch.
Max didn’t disappoint me. As I gently sucked on his cock head and then went down on his shaft it filled with blood and forced my mouth open. When he was fully erect I began bobbing my head up and down while using one hand on his shaft and the other massaged his balls.
I was so concentrated on his cock I didn’t feel that someone was standing behind me. The person gently pushed me forward so I ended up on all four. Then my legs were spread apart and I felt a pair of warm hands on my ass cheeks. They were soft, and when the nails dragging across my sun-heated skin, I knew who it was.
Luci’s ass looked so good I just had to touch it. I had been with women before, mostly during my college years but also before I met Max. I guess I am bisexual not just curious. I had a two-year relationship with a woman when I was in my mid-twenties, but since I met Max I hadn’t been with any. I hoped Luci would be cool with it.
She didn’t turn around when I caressed her ass cheeks or when I slid my hand between her legs. Her cunt was wet and hot and I rubbed her clit a few times before I gently inserted a finger between her swollen lips.
“Oh, Nina, I had no idea,” she moaned, she was looking at me over her shoulder and still holding Max’ cock in her hand.
“Do you mind?”
“Of course not, I love it.”
She went back to sucking my husband’s dick and I lowered my face until I could lick her pussy and anus. She tasted sweet and tangy at the same time and the more I licked her and sucked on her clit the more she moaned.
I looked up and saw that Max was on the verge of coming, his breathing was shallow and he was moving his head back and forth while his hands held Luci’s head in place.
Luci was a fantastic cock sucker, and I only wished we had done it before. I looked up and saw Nina approach her from behind. She had told me that she liked girls but had left it at that. When she saw me watching her she put a finger to her lips and I nodded.
When she spread Luci’s ass cheeks apart I thought she would stop sucking me, but she didn’t instead she said a few words to Nina and kept on going. Her lips and tongue were driving me crazy; I was so close to coming.
A movement caught my attention. It was Jack, and he was watching us.
“C’mon, Jack. Come over here and fuck my wife while she eats yours’s out.”
He got up and his cock was rock hard and bounced slowly as he walked towards us.
Ever since I had met Nina I had wanted to fuck her, but our relationship hadn’t permitted it. Not that anything had changed now, but I couldn’t hold back any longer. Her ass was just perfect, so round and so inviting. By the time I had reached her and knelt down the first drop of pre-cum glistened in the setting sun.
When she felt my hands on her ass cheeks she turned and gave me a wicked smile. “I think you have wanted this for a long time,” she said.
“You have no idea, Nina.”
She pushed her ass towards me and went back to licking my wife. When my cock head touched her swollen lips it slid in easily. She was extremely wet and as I began to thrust in and out my balls slapped against her pussy. I didn’t want to come too fast so I settled in a strong slow rhythm that I hoped would make her come at the same time as I.
When I leaned forward and grabbed her boobs she moaned.
I knew Jack was fucking Nina because I felt every thrust through her body onto mine. It was a strange feeling, but I liked it. Nina had begun to finger fuck me and she drove me closer and closer to an orgasm. I had Max balls in one hand and they began to contract a little telling me he was on the verge of shooting his load.
I wanted him in my mouth, I wanted to taste him and make him come hard.
“Oh, baby, oh, oh, here it comes,” he moaned and his body convulsed twice as he shot his load.
It was thick and hot when it hit the back of my throat. When it was over I let go of him and slowly rolled over so I was on my back. Looking up I could see Jack pumping Nina from behind. Her eyes were half closed and when I reached for her she went down between my legs again.
No one had ever licked me as good as Nina did. She knew the right places and where to suck and where to lick and within a minute she had me arching my back and moaning.
“Yes, yes, I am there, so close, so fucking close now.”
When she concentrated on my clit I exploded and my body shook as the orgasm ran through my body. She lifted her head from my pussy and gasped a few times before she came herself.
“Jack, Jack, fuck me harder, yes, yes, just like that.”
I was pounding Nina harder than I had ever fucked anyone before. The sight of Luci coming under Nina’s attention was a huge turn on and I held on hard to Nina’s hips as I fucked her tight pussy. When I finally came I pulled out and shot my load over her lower back and ass cheeks. As let go of her she slumped down on top of my wife and they lay gasping a while before Luci said, “That was different.”
Max began to laugh. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“I loved it, and want to do it again,” said Nina.
“Me too,” added Luci.
Max looked at me and lifted an eyebrow. “What about you?”
I looked down at my wife and two friends. “Sure, I am game.”
Max got up and gave me a high five. “Cool, but first we need to eat.”