She pulled at the chrome handcuffs fixed around her wrists at the back of the chair and cursed under her breath.
It was a hot summer day and the windows of the room were open wide, but the air was still, and Kelly’s dark skin was jewelled with small beads of perspiration. She threw her head back to flick her hair over her shoulders and she pouted her glossy lips.
Mr Roberts entered the room with his usual air of casual superiority. He was his usual smart self in an Italian pin stripe suit and tie. He looked at Kelly with a caddish grin as he placed down a tray with a jug of clear liquid and a large glass at her side. Kelly looked at Mr Roberts with wide questioning eyes.
“Mineral water, with a hint of raspberry,” Mr Roberts explained. “If you won’t obey me, and do what I have asked, then of course, I will make you do it. I will always have my way where you are concerned. That will add to your humiliation of course.” He looked into Kelly’s eyes and smiled, “and will hugely increase the pleasure for me, making you do something you appear to find too degrading to contemplate”.
Kelly refused to drink the water at first as Mr Roberts held the glass to her lips. He held her nose until she had to gasp for breath and he held her head back and tipped the liquid in. She gulped at it, swallowing down large mouthfuls. The rest ran down her chin and neck and wetted her tight cotton top until the lace of her bra was evident through the sodden material.
After a fourth full glass was emptied into his plaything, Mr Roberts stood back and admired the beauty of his toy. “Open your legs wider slut,” he ordered, “and then we’ll enjoy the afternoon and see what happens next”.
Mr Roberts set the jug of water back on the table and relaxed into a leather chair in front of Kelly, close enough to shove her long legs apart with the sole of his expensive leather shoes each time she tried to clench her thighs together.
An hour passed and Kelly squirmed in her wooden chair in obvious discomfort. She looked at him and pleaded as she pulled against the handcuffs and struggled. “Please don’t! Don’t make me do this!”
Mr Roberts leaned forward and grasped her by the chin, looking deep into her eyes. “I said open your legs wide, toy!”
Kelly swallowed hard and spread, her heart pounding, so overwhelmed, so aroused, so excited.
When Kelly wet herself in front of Mr Roberts, her blue eyes filled with tears. Tears of humiliation. Tears of rage. Tears of release, freedom and joy. She was who she wanted to be.
“Oh fuck!” she shuddered “Oh fuck! Oh Fuck! Oh fuck!
The cream material of her jodhpurs gradually darkened, and then her hot liquid was gushing, running down her spread legs and dripping onto the dry wooden floorboards.
“Oh fuck!” she leaned forward into the grasp of Mr Roberts, overtaken by her sudden and unexpected climax.
“You gorgeous dirty whore!” he whispered into her ear.
“I love you.”