Chris felt very nervous as he thought about what he was going to do. The urge had become so great and if the traffic lights could speak, they would ask how many more times are you going to drive around the same corner. Looking for a free parking spot he found one further down the road from the bright sign that beckoning, hoping the walk might jolt some sense into him.
But it was too strong and he had been harbouring this deep seated urge for some time. There was no turning back and he had already told his wife that he was going out with friends and his little white left a twinge of guilt as he walked along the uneven sidewalk until he saw the flashing light from the corner of his eye and he felt as if everyone was watching him, yet he knew it was all in his head. Beads of sweat started to push out under his slight wavy dark hair covering his forehead.
His put some purpose into his strides as his long athletic legs propelled him forward and he could feel the tension starting to build in every muscle of his body. Feeling like a kid on a first date, he smiled inwardly and staring ahead, he walked towards the sign and without looking left or right he pushed open the door without realising the strength behind his hand. The feelings of panic heightened as he stepped into the RAM adult shop and sauna and stood in the semi dark foyer and buzzed the doorbell as instructed.
This was it as the dim light cast a shadow over his hard profile and the door clicked open as he was buzzed into the shop. He tried to settle his nerves and racing heart and not to look like the new kid on the block but it was pretty obvious that this was his first time in such a place. He just felt out of place and a few years ago he would have hardly known they existed. Yea right, he almost said aloud.
The click of the door made a few people turn and look at the new comer and a one pair of eyes appreciated the well built man who walked up to him at the reception desk. The adult book store and sauna shared the same entrance, so the guy at reception assumed this hunky piece of man was looking for the shop as he spotted the shiny gold wedding band on the left hand. What a waste and what a lucky woman he thought with envy. Some women do have all the luck as he dropped his eyes and glanced at the shadowed crotch before the customer reached the desk. That was more than a hand and mouthful no doubt.
‘May I help you Sir,’ the young man at the desk asked politely and looked into the green eyes as Chris took a deep breath and asked how much was it to enter the sauna. ‘Oh, that will be R90.00. And you get two towels and a locker but if you want a private room that will be R100.00,’ he said in hurried surprise and wished he had not been working.
The blonde young man was used to seeing all types of men walking through the door, and the customer looked slightly nervous so perhaps this was his first time and forgot to remove his wedding band.
But this was a man who would have no problem behind that sauna door. ‘They are going to eat you up alive,’ he wanted to say to the married man in front of him. His tight dark blue jeans and green golf tee shirt fitted well in all the right places and short dark hairs sprouted on the bare tanned arms with thick veins. A man’s man no doubt.
Man, this guy was built like a brick and he was almost jealous of the person who was going to get naked and sweaty with this customer. Chris was quite oblivious to the emotions he evoked in the young man who took his money and tried to blank out the other’s browsing in the shop behind him. ‘Can they smell my anxiety?’ he wondered as he paid the entrance fee and waited for his cue to go.
‘Have you been here before Sir,’ Chris heard the voice ask and he almost blushed at the negative reply. Coughing to clear his dry throat, he vaguely heard the young man tell him to turn right at the blue door and showers and lockers were to the left. Any valuables he wanted could be locked up at the desk. ‘That’s fine, I have little to lose anyway,’ he replied to himself and almost laughed at the double entendre.
Handing over the locker key, towels and with a wistful look in his eyes the young receptionist watched the tight jeans stretched over the long legs walk away and licked his lips at the married daddy going to break his sauna virginity. He was just the type he liked fucking him. Tall, manly, well built and a gold ring on the one hand. The slight tingling below his belt brought him out of his daydream and he realised he was stuck behind the desk for now. He would only let his imagination run wild and went to help another customer in the shop.
He did not have much to lose if no one saw him going through that door. If he did not like it he was man enough to turn and walk out. The worst that could happen is if he ran into someone who knew him in this place frequented by men who liked to play around with other men. He knew some married guys would only visit saunas or strip clubs in different cities for that reason. But this was a gay sauna and not a pussy place so he had much more image and social status to lose since he was not a gay man.
‘This was not such a good idea perhaps,’ he thought and felt the urge to turn around and go out. Instead he pushed the second buzzer to let him into the designated man only area of the shop. The door slammed shut and he stood still while his eyes adjusted to the semi darkness and blinked while his pupils adjusted to the dark. Above his rapidly beating heart he heard the music and he was finally in a gay sauna and there was no turning back now.