Twin Flames Burning

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The night air of the summer solstice was warm and the full moon shone crisp and clear, lighting the treetops of the cedar grove. The assembly of the medieval Pagan tribe of the Adadeyodi  – the “Enlightened” – surrounded the altar within the center of the grove. Beside the fire in the center of the altar, the tribal King and Queen stood, hand in hand, facing the East. The tribe members stood around the altar and wore dark robes with hoods shadowing their faces. Behind them burned a circle of fiery torches. Their voices chanted in a harmonious hum that reverberated through the still night air, perfectly synchronized with chirps and howls of nocturnal wildlife. The tribal drummers beat their drums to the rhythm of a heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. All eyes gazed upon two white-robed figures walking towards the altar, keeping pace with the beat of the drums. 

A male walked the path from the north, while a female walked from the south, both wearing white tunic robes tied with braided grapevine. Waya was the son and successor to Udoda, the tribal King. The woman, Wesa, was to become his wife and the next Queen of the tribe, succeeding Utsi, Waya’s mother. 

Because their union was significant for the tribe, every member gathered there that evening and the energy within the enflamed circle was palpable. The King and Queen felt immense pride as they awaited the arrival of the bride and groom.

Waya and Wesa reached the altar at the same time. When they met at the east point of the circle and looked at each other, they shared a look of anticipation and amazement, prepared to share a moment that would live within them forever. They turned and bowed their heads in reverence to the King and Queen, Udoda and Utsi, who nodded their heads to the young couple in response. Udoda then looked up at the crowd and raised his hands. The chanting and drumming quieted, emphasizing the sound of crackling flame and the distant howl of the wolves. 

“My children and enlightened ones,” Udoda’s booming voice pierced the night air, “we gather here in the presence of Mother Earth this summer night to bear witness to this union of Waya and Wesa.” 

The tribal members bellowed their united praise of the couple. “Let the way be open!” 

Utsi turned to Waya and Wesa and extended her hands to them. Waya, taking her left hand, and Wesa, her right, accepted Utsi’s invitation to join Udoda on the altar. The couple looked stunning in the light of the moon and fire. The willowy fabric of their robes clung to their figures, accentuating Waya’s muscular strength and Wesa’s feminine form. Their faces were stoic and poised, but brightened with a twinkle of excitement and youth in their eyes. Utsi turned back to the center to face the fire, standing between Waya and Wesa, with her hands clasped in theirs. Udoda stood before them.

Udoda, looking at Waya, continued, “Son, you have come before the tribe under the light of the moon, beside the fire, to take this woman to be your wife and become the next leader of the Tribe Adadeyodi. Are you prepared for this?” 

Waya swelled with pride and joy and responded, “Yes, Udoda, I am.” 

Summoning the energies of the gods of the Earth, Udoda said, “Then, feel Earth under your feet to give you strength; feel Air fill your lungs to give you breath, and feel Water flow through your veins to give you life. These elements that make you Man are no longer yours to consume alone. From this day forward, you will share these gifts of the Earth with your wife, Wesa. Do you accept these gifts as shared and belonging to your union?” 

“Yes, Udoda, I do.” Waya responded, his strong voice echoing across the night air. 

“It is now time for you to accept the final element and the first of tonight’s gifts of Mother Earth,” Udoda said to Waya. 

The ceremonial tradition of lighting the unity flame was carried out by Utsi, the matriarch. She smiled as she placed an unlit torch in Waya’s hand and then wrapped her fingers lovingly over her son’s hand, guiding the torch to the fire. The flames danced around the torch, lighting it in an instant. 

Udoda continued, “This flame of Unity burns from the flame of your heritage.” Waya raised his torch to the sky and all eyes followed. Then Udoda spoke, “Feel the fire surrounding you. It will provide the fuel and light, even in your darkest hours, to be a strong Leader for all those that look to you for command and guidance.”

Utsi turned to Wesa and smiled at her, then pulled Wesa’s hood off of her long, flowing dark hair. Utsi continued to pull the cloth down over Wesa’s shoulders and back, baring her breasts and stomach in the firelight before the tribe. Wesa took a breath as Utsi pushed the robe down the curves of her hips, letting the fabric cascade down her thighs and calves until Wesa was completely bare in the moonlight. Unashamed, bare and free, the future Queen stood before her tribe.

Utsi kissed Wesa lightly on the lips, with motherly love and appreciation of their shared bond as current and future matriarch of the tribe. Utsi then stepped behind Wesa, placed her fingertips on Wesa’s bare hips and guided her to take a step towards Waya. 

Waya smiled widely at his naked bride. Bare to his eyes and to the world.

The love shared between the two radiated through his beaming grin. His eyes slowly tasted her bare flesh. He took in the sight of the moon’s light accentuating the tips of her smooth shoulders, and the curves of her breasts and stomach. He noticed the light of the fire throwing flickering light on her face and mingling with the twinkling spark in her eyes. His mind spun with wonder … this beautiful woman is his, will be his and is meant to be his for eternity. 

Udoda asked Waya and Wesa to clasp hands, facing each other, and then extended his hand in Utsi’s direction. Utsi placed a fire-forged golden ring in his upright palm. Udoda gave the ring to Waya to place on Wesa’s finger. As he did this, they spoke no words, but closed their eyes as the tribe sang a melodic chant for them “May the circle be unbroken.” Wesa felt the metal slide down her finger and was amazed at how warm it felt. The warmth intensified the sensuality of the moment, accompanied by her naked flesh, the gravity of the ceremony, the flames of the fire, the stars in the sky, the rhythm of the drums, the tribal chanting, and the eyes of the tribe focused directly on her bare womanly figure.

Waya and Wesa leaned into each other and shared their first kiss as husband and wife. The drummers resumed the heartbeat rhythm and the wolves howled their night song. 

“Let the way be open!” the crowd chanted, as excited energy surged through the crowd. Everyone knew what was to come. The night air palpitated with electricity as a spark leapt from the fire.


A spark of the fire crackled and escaped from the fireplace of the bar where Damian and Erin sat at a table for two at the Yodade Lodge, a trendy new destination alongside the park in the center of town.

The atmosphere in the bar was perfect for their first date. The dimly lit room felt cozy with the fireplace beside their table and the tealight between them casting flickers and shadows on their faces. As the band played, Erin and Damian were delighted at how easily their conversation and evening flowed. As they grew more comfortable together, Damian’s hand extended across the table and Erin slipped her fingers into his. 

The jazz band on stage had just finished the final notes of their first set. As the fire crackled beside them, Damian and Erin’s lips pressed together for the first time. Their lips lingered together as the band left the stage, but the music continued. A quiet, distant sound of drums started to beat inside Erin’s head. Erin thought it was simply the pulse of her racing heart as she melted into their first kiss. But then the drumbeat grew louder.

Suddenly, they both pulled back and their lips parted. Erin looked at Damian with wide eyes. She whispered to him, “Did you hear that?” 

Damian’s eyes were as wide as hers. “The chanting?” he asked. 

“No, I heard drums. Like a heartbeat.” Erin shrugged. “Perhaps it was just the music.” 

“I feel like I definitely heard something,” Damian added. “Let’s step out on the balcony.” 

Damian stood and took Erin’s hand, leading her to a balcony overlooking the park surrounding the lodge. It was the first day of summer and the late sunset cast an orange glow across the horizon through the trees. The light of the moon started to rise over top.  

They listened for a moment trying to discern the sounds each had heard, but heard nothing further and looked back at each other. They were unsure of what they both experienced, but were convinced it was not just the music. Hearing nothing more, Damian returned his focus directly upon Erin. Smiling at her, he lifted his thumb to her lower lip and traced it. “I waited a long time for that kiss. Your lips are soft, sweet and magical. I am going to kiss you again.”

Damian didn’t ask her. He told her. And that made Erin feel a little bit weak, in a good way. As Damian leaned forward and his lips met hers, she squeezed his hand tighter and then again heard the sound of a distant chant. All of a sudden, from the corner of her eyes, she saw flames leap beside her and a vision of a wooded grove flashed through her mind.

Erin was startled, and she jumped a little, as if she had been shocked with static electricity. She felt a deep heat surge through her entire being. Damian did the same, at the same time. They just looked at each other and the look on their faces said it all. “What was that?” Erin whispered. 

“I have the most powerful feeling of déjà vu,” Damian answered.

“Me too,” Erin answered, feeling a bit weak.

Damian wrapped his arms around Erin and pulled her to him. The static electricity subsided, but there was still an aura of energy radiating from their embrace. A heat emanating from a deep place neither had felt before.

Damian spoke. “I don’t know what that was,” he said, “but I want more.” 

They looked intently at each other. Damian didn’t let Erin respond before his lips were back on hers, with a slight sense of urgency. His lips caressed hers softly as his hands roamed her lower back. She slid comfortably into his embrace, basking in the shared sensations. She parted her lips and slipped her tongue between them, meeting Damian’s seeking tongue and giving it a gentle flick.

They felt a deeper surge of heat, but this time did not separate. The kiss deepened.

If anyone had been watching them, they would have surely seen or felt the air around them grow brighter or warmer. The energy between them was undeniably strong and magnetic. 

As their kiss deepened, Damian pulled Erin closer. Her hands slid over Damian’s sides and up the length of his back. She was enjoying how his muscles felt under her fingertips, but she was surprised how his shirt felt like a woven texture. Not at all how she imagined his tailored, button-down shirt to feel. As her hands slid back down his back, she was surprised to feel a braid of coarse, vine-like material where the waist of his jeans should have been.

Damian broke the kiss and began to say, “Your bare skin is so smooth and warm.” But then he bit his tongue as he looked down in confusion and remembered she was fully dressed. His fingers were still on the silky fabric of her blouse covering her lower back. Yet he had felt her bare flesh on his fingertips. Hadn’t he?

The music streamed out onto the patio as the band began the second set, and Damian took Erin’s hand to lead her back to the table. As they sat, side by side, he slid his palm over her thigh and left it there. Erin felt the touch, just on the inside of her thigh, to the core of her soul. It made her delirious and Damian could both sense and feel the energy in her response. 

The magnetic draw and intense heat was a powerful, palpable, real presence encircling and enveloping them. 


Udoda led Waya to a wooden throne that had been placed alongside the fire. “Sit, son,” he commanded. “Take the throne that will soon be yours alone.” Waya sat.

Utsi took Wesa’s hand and accompanied her to a throne that sat beside Waya’s. Utsi squeezed Wesa’s hand, leaned to whisper in her ear, “Are you ready?” and, after Wesa nodded, instructed Wesa, “Sit, future Queen. Take the throne that will soon be yours alone.”

“Adadeyodi,” Udoda called out to the crowd. “Your future King and Queen!” 

As the crowd roared, Waya placed his hand on Wesa’s bare thigh, and squeezed, both possessively and comfortingly. The air rippled with vibrations.


The heat Erin felt from Damian’s touch coursed through her being, sending a thrill to her core. She was delirious with the sense of déjà vu. She couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling of having been there before. But she had never been to this bar and sat at this table with this man, and it wasn’t the bar or even this Lodge that was invading her mind. 

She sensed more to their surroundings. They weren’t alone. But it wasn’t the patrons enjoying wine and jazz by candlelight that were there with them. It was a presence greater than the bar they sat in. There were voices chanting and rhythmic drums that were not coming from the band. The flashes of light popping into her vision were definitely the type of flicker and shadow cast by a roaring fire, yet the fireplace beside the stage was little more than a muted glimmer behind paned glass. How could any of this be? 

She turned to look at Damian, who was already gazing at her, as if waiting for her to acknowledge that she was seeing the same thing as he was. There was no doubt in either of their minds that they were experiencing the same vision. Was it the wine, though neither of them had more than a glass each? 

Damian lifted his hand from her thigh, and in a flash, the vision, sounds and fiery warmth disappeared. They looked down at his hand and her thigh as if expecting the answer to be revealed. Looking up at each other with puzzled looks, Damian said, “You are seeing it too, right?” Erin’s mouth gaped open and she nodded her head. 

“Damian, I need some fresh air.” Erin shivered as she still felt the heat from where Damian had removed his hand. 

Damian took Erin’s hand and led her back to the balcony. As soon as they stepped out, their lips mashed together. Damian’s tongue thrust into Erin’s mouth, and hers danced excitedly along his.

The air rushed through their lungs. Oxygen flooded their veins. Their fingers roamed and they gasped into one another’s mouths.

In a sudden moment, consumed with passion, Damian spun Erin to face the balcony railing. They were both possessed by forces beyond their control. Erin shuddered as she heard and felt Damian’s pants unzip. He hiked up her skirt. Erin started to form words but could find none. Damian pushed her panties aside and thrust. Erin closed her eyes and groaned as she was lifted to her toes. Her pussy stretched and filled. This was crazy but so entirely irresistible. For several moments they thrust together, as the need grew even more powerful.

Erin felt Damian pull out. His lips pressed to her ear. “I’m getting us a room. Gather your things. Meet me at the elevators.”

Erin could do nothing but nod and do as Damian said. 

The next few moments were a blur, as Erin grabbed her purse and sweater, they met at the elevators, and embraced once inside the elevators. Mouths together. Bodies pinned. Fingers roaming. Once the doors opened, they practically floated to the room. As soon as they were inside, Damian pushed Erin against the back of the door. Their kissing intensified. The chanting and drum beats, like a pulsing heartbeat, echoed louder than ever, filling both of their heads as if a drum symphony were right there in the room.

Suddenly Damian broke the kiss, turned, and walked into the room, past the poster bed, and sat in a wing-backed chair near the window. Erin watched him, unsure of what had just occurred. But before she could open her mouth to ask, Damian smiled at her. “Strip,” he said.

Erin felt another shiver run over her skin. She was stunned. Spellbound. And powerless to resist. She was fully dressed, yet already felt bare and exposed to this man. She took a few steps into the room. Taking a look around, the room appeared normal, like one would expect in lodge-style accommodations. The hardwood floor was bare except for a simple bearskin rug in the center. The floor to ceiling posts of the large bed appeared to be hand carved, adding a charming touch to the rustic room. Erin took particular notice to the painting hanging above the bed – an artist’s painting of wolves howling at a full moon.

Erin slipped off her shoes and walked to Damian. She was a woman possessed. She could not explain what had overcome her but she knew she wanted more. Needed more. More of Damian and the way he was making her feel as his eyes bore into her as if he was already seeing her bared before him. 

She started with letting her hair down. She loosened her bun and let her long, brown hair cascade down her back. Lifting her hand to the top button of her silk floral blouse, she opened each one from top to bottom and then lifted the shirt from the waistband of her skirt. Her eyes and Damian’s locked together, until she turned her back to him and unhooked her bra. She pulled each arm through the straps and tossed it onto the floor. Looking over her shoulder to see Damian’s eyes twinkling in the soft glow of the table lamp beside him, she hooked both thumbs into her knee-length black skirt and teasingly wiggled it down over her hips. She stepped out of it as it hit the floor and she turned back to Damian. 

“Those pretty things, too.” He said, pointing at her lacy black panties. She smiled coyly, and with an emboldened glimmer in her eyes, pulled them off and down. Kicking them aside, she stepped a little closer to him, completely bare before him.

Damian beamed at her. He felt consumed with an aching desire. “You are stunning in the moonlight, Erin.” Then pointing to the bed, his eyes narrowing, he commanded, “Climb onto the bed. On your knees.”

Stunned and possessed, Erin turned and climbed onto the bed all fours. Facing away from him, and kneeling for him as instructed, she felt empowered and vulnerable all at once. 


As the applause of the crowd simmered, Udoda stood in front of Wesa and offered his hand. Wesa stood from the throne and took his hand. He walked her to the edge of the altar. “Wesa, kneel before your Tribe.” 

Wesa obeyed and lowered herself to the bearskin rug laid out for her. She had been told about this moment and what it meant. A marriage of the King and Queen of the Adadeyodi was not complete until the Enlightened witnessed the consummation. Wesa settled onto her knees, her bum cheeks resting on her heels and set her palms on her thighs. As Wesa knelt before the tribe, she felt heat and power flow through her. Her soul was on fire and it stoked her arousal. She closed her eyes and waited.

A hush fell over the tribal members as Utsi summoned Waya to join them at the altar’s edge. He rose and stepped towards his mother. Looking at Wesa with her back to him, his eyes traveled from the top of her head, down her back and settled on the soft skin on the soles of her feet. He felt his cock swell under his robe. Wesa felt his gaze, and an electric warmth traveled through her as his eyes moved over every inch of her body.

Utsi stepped behind Waya, grabbed the front of his robe and pulled it off his shoulders. He untied his belt as Utsi pulled the garment off of his back and away from his body. His cock stood rigid and powerful in the night air. 

Udoda and Utsi took their seats on the thrones. All eyes among them were on Waya and Wesa as this was their night. The current King and Queen beamed with pride and anticipation of what was to come.


Damian stood from his chair and ran his hand over Erin’s hips and the curve of her beautiful, round ass. Erin responded with a soft moan as she slid back into his touch. Stepping back, he slipped each foot from his shoes, then removed his clothing. Erin’s fingers gripped the sheets and she gasped as she heard him undo his buckle and zipper and the rest of his clothes fall to the floor. 

Damian’s cock stood at full attention, engorged and full of life. Taking it in his hand, he knelt on the bed behind Erin, and slid the crown of his cock between her wet lips. Sliding it up and down and feeling her arousal, Erin rocked back against him. 

In that moment, both of them felt a sudden lurch deep in their cores, as if they were being pulled by an unknown force. The drumbeats returned as if flowing through their veins. The heat of the fire surrounded them and warmed them from within. The wood beam walls of the lodge room faded away and were replaced by a circle of dark hooded figures with torches lighting them from behind. 

They gasped together as Damian pushed the tip of his cock against Erin’s opening. Putting his hands on her hips, Damian slid into her. Slowly. Achingly. The breath rushed from Erin’s lungs. The beat of the drum hummed softly around them and the chanting voices started to sound as if for them. “May the circle be unbroken.” 

Damian’s cock swelled and filled her pussy, stretched tight around his burning heat.  Neither moved for what seemed like an eternity. Damian’s hands roamed Erin’s body, caressing her hips and along her waist. He slid both hands over the curve of her ass, as his thumbs reached the dimples of her lower back. He noticed in that moment how everything about them seemed to fit so perfectly. Her figure was breathtaking. Her warm pussy pocketed his cock as if it were molded just for him.

With every stroke of his hands, Erin purred her budding arousal. She rocked against him to the steady beat of the drums. Damian leaned forward with his fingers teasing along her sides and stomach. Then, running his hands over her shapely globes, he cupped her breasts and again marveled at how their bodies fit so well. He rubbed his palms over her hardened nipples eliciting a deep groan from Erin.


Wesa groaned as Waya’s hands roamed and explored her heated body. Taking her sounds as an invitation, Waya thrust with a beastly grunt, burying his raging cock into her depth. In unison, they started to move. Rocking. Thrusting. Grinding. Synchronous. 

The tempo of the drums increased and their heartbeats quickly followed. Waya kissed along Wesa’s bare back, his lips and tongue trailing along her warm skin. He pulled her hair to the side over her shoulder and he traced his tongue from the nape of her neck to the tip of her other shoulder. He whispered to her, “My beautiful Queen, all eyes are on you.”

Wesa looked out over the crowd. She was consumed. By love, power and desire. She moaned and pushed back against him. Waya’s cock swelled to near-impossible hardness. The power flowed through him. He leaned back and grabbed Wesa’s hips in his strong hands. Channeling the fiery power that had been bestowed upon him, he began to fuck his new wife. Wesa bucked against him, arching her back as she grinded her ass against his groin. They humped and fucked like animals under the moonlight.

Taking this moment as their cue, several tribe members stripped off their robes and joined the sacred ceremony. Naked bodies glistened. Cocks rose and thrust. The sounds of nature mixed with the sounds of sucking, moaning, thrusting and groaning. The Enlightened Ones. 


As if they were spiritually possessed, Erin and Damian fucked with passion. In nature and surrounded by an audience, they performed for the tribe. Damian thrust into her pussy attuned to the steady beat of the drums. His cock stroked her insides as the heat of the fire roared beside them. Erin’s moans deepened as he reached her depths. She gasped as his cock filled and fit her perfectly. Damian’s fingers dug into her hips and Erin rocked back and forth against his thrusts.

Erin’s breasts swayed and she felt her lower lip trembling as the warmth in her pussy spread through her core. It radiated from her center down her legs to her toes and up her spine to the top of her head, heating her and sending tingling sensations all over. Damian’s pace increased. His breathing started to come in gasps. He leaned forward and grabbed her shoulders. His thrusts became quick and short. His cock was on fire. Her pussy wrapped tighter around him, blanketing his raging dick in a roaring inferno. 

The drums beat louder. The powerful rhythm like the heartbeat of the Earth, drove them forward.

Erin clenched as her orgasm approached. Her warm pussy squeezed around Damian’s rigid cock, drawn to pull him even deeper inside. Damian’s cock plunged into her depths and made her head spin with each deep, rhythmic, powerful penetration. His final thrust brought all the tingles racing her to the edge as her clit exploded in a powerful orgasm. Her loud cry of pleasure rang through the night and the tribal members stopped to watch and listen in silence. Damian pushed his cock even deeper into her flowing juices and erupted deep inside, painting her inner walls with his spurting semen. The silent crowd then burst into cheers and, with renewed power, continued their sexual dance among them.

A multitude of sensations cascaded within and around them as Damian collapsed on top of Erin. The smell of the cedars and smoke from the fire and the sounds of the tribe fucking were the last things Erin and Damian recalled before they were propelled back to the lodge room. 


As Waya’s dripping cock slid from Wesa, his hands reached for hers and pulled her to stand beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with tenderness, savouring the beauty of the moment together. Their union consummated.

Udoda and Utsi went to them, beaming with pride, and wrapped them both with love and complete acceptance. Udoda picked up the Unity torch and placed it in Waya’s hand, while Utsi grabbed an unlit torch and placed it in Wesa’s hand.

Utsi spoke this time, “Wesa, the flame of the Tribe is a gift from Mother Earth, bestowed upon you by your husband. It will symbolize your union and fuel you both to lead the Adadeyodi people. Do you accept this gift?” 

“Yes, Utsi, I do.” Wesa exclaimed as a flood of sensation washed over her body, bringing with it the gravity of the moment. 

Wesa raised her torch to reach Waya’s, blending the flame together and then raising her torch with blazing fire above her head. 

Udoda proclaimed, “We all bear witness to this union, and watch as the flame of Unity becomes not one, but two.” Udoda raised his arms in the air, as if to uplift the flamed torches to the heavens. “These flames will live inside Waya and Wesa, fueling and energizing them to guide and lead you, our children of enlightenment.” 

The tribe roared and cheered, banging their drums and calling out in the night. “May the circle be unbroken!”

Udoda raised his arms again, “It is time for the final gift from the gods.” Waya and Wesa turned to each other and Udoda continued, “Nourished by the pure and unconditional love of Waya and Wesa, these flames will live on through eternity. And though each flame may live separately at times, they will once again find each other, fueling Waya and Wesa with new growth, love and devotion.”


Still revelling in the sensations of their passion and intimacy, Damian pulled Erin up to his chest and wrapped her tightly to him. He pulled her long hair away from her ear and whispered “I love you, Wesa, my Queen.” 

Erin slid her hand over his cheek and whispered back. “My Waya and my King, reunited at last.” She turned her face to his and they shared a deeply loving kiss. 

Damian pulled her closer with his cock still inside her and their tongues mingling together. The two of them wrapped tightly together as one.

Aware. Enlightened. Home.

Published 5 years ago

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