Twenty Years Of Being A Cheating Wife

"My husband's best friend, my long term lover"

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My husband and I have been married for over twenty years. We were both virgins on our wedding night. He didn’t know it, but the next morning, he was still a virgin. He got drunk on our wedding night. My dad and his best friend, practically carried him to our hotel room that night, undressed him, and put him into bed. About an hour, or two later I was enjoying acting drunker than I was so my new husband’s best man would flirt and dance with me. Everyone from the wedding party had left and Donny was drunk enough that he started coming on to me, trying to touch me, right there in the hotel with people around.

I told him he better leave and that I needed to be with my husband, and I walked off. He watched me walk unsteadily across the big room. I faked bumping into a chair, and he was quickly beside me telling me, for my safety, of course, that he should walk me to my room. In the elevator, he kissed me. In the hallway, he kissed me again and slid his hand over my breast. At our door, he leaned me against the wall, unzipping my dress discreetly as we kissed, so that I wouldn’t notice. His fingers unhooked my bra as his tongue slipped into my eagerly awaiting mouth. I told him that we can’t do this, I’m a married woman. I turned around to unlock the door, pretending to be too drunk to not notice that my dress was only staying on by a small hook-and-eye up top where my zipper used to be closed. My bra straps had fallen to around my elbows and I guess that I wasn’t supposed to notice that as well.

I stepped through the doorway to find my husband snoring on the bed and my dress hook having been undone. My bra and dress tumbled to the floor. Before I could gasp a breath, my panties followed. He pulled me up into his arms and picked me up. Kissing me tenderly, I kicked off my pumps, one by one. Boldly he carried me to the bed and laid me next to my sleeping husband. Then he stripped off his clothes as I watched.

He came to me. With every step, his cock got harder. He slowly laid fully on top of me. I was so horny I could feel my juices getting my asshole wet, and beyond. His cock was on my pubic mound, his balls in my wetness as his knees parted my legs. I shivered with anticipation and told him:

“I am a virgin. We shouldn’t do this. I am ovulating and am not on the pill. My husband expects me to be pregnant by morning. If you were to cum in me, I would be amazed not to become pregnant. This has been fun. You are very hot, but we can not do this.”

“Do you think that there is any chance that your husband will wake up to impregnate you tonight, or even tomorrow considering the hangover he will have?”

Well… No. (I knew this, of course. That is why Plan B is now lying on top of me. I want, no I need, to become pregnant tonight).

“Are you going to force yourself on me?”

“No. I am going to tenderly make love to you in a way that you will long for me every time your husband has you in his arms.”

And he did. And after filling me to overflowing with his sperm, the first time, he stuck his fingers inside me and scooped up the bloody mess, and wiped it all over my husband’s shrunken cock and balls.

“The evidence he took your virginity, my love.”

I giggled. We made love all night. In the morning, we showered together, and he left.


Every year since then, he has come to visit from Thanksgiving until January second.
We make up the guest room for him, where we make love every day while my husband is at work.

When our son turned 18, he went off to college.

Donny moved a few blocks away that year and often was at our house for dinner and to play pool with my husband. Donny worked the third shift and we got to spend a lot of time alone together. Very romantic, very sexual. Donny was into light bondage and was good at knots. He would blindfold me, and tie me up in positions that gave him easy access to my asshole, vagina, and throat, without letting me move or get the blindfold off. Then he would fuck me.

Soon these games progressed into us pretending strangers would be fucking me. He was a great actor and made it fun and believable. I started craving the reality, but it also really scared me. Months went by and we were having a beer at my house. When my husband went to pee, Donny said that an out-of-town friend who taught him bondage was going to be in town for two days next week and was willing to help me make my fantasy come true. Hmmmmm, I thought.

The next day I told Donny that before I made the decision, I wanted to see a picture of his friend.

He laughed saying the whole point of the blindfold is so you and him don’t know each other. I thought for a few more minutes and told him, “Ok. Yes, ok. But ONLY if you promise to never leave my side, even to go pee.”

Donny agreed. I was so excited waiting for the day to arrive. Donny douched my rectum, bathed and shaved me, tied my hair up, and filled my backside with lube before blindfolding me and tying me up.

I lay there with my knees bound to my shoulders at the armpits, wrists to my collar, and ankles spread wide, to something. This was something new. He put headphones on my ears and something over that, completely blocking out all sound once the music was turned on. And then he left me.

While I was listening to music I felt hands on my breasts. Strange hands. A soft mouth kissing and licking between my legs, a soft cat of nine tails lashing across me. All the things I expected before a cock entered my mouth. As I’m sucking it and getting it wet enough to slide down my throat, I feel a big cock go into my vagina. As the penis that I am pretty sure that I have never smelled or tasted before bottoms out in my throat and the penis that is way bigger than anyone I have felt before bottoms out against my cervix, I feel him lean forward, then a wide cock slowly pushes deep into my rectum. Holy shit. This was not what I expected. Donny’s surprise fantasy play was much more exciting than I had ever believed possible. And I was positive none of them were Donny or my husband, the only two cocks I had ever had before.

They fucked me for a couple of hours. Enjoyable? Well, yes of course it was. As each moment progressed, the insanely pleasurable feelings swept through me, and all other feelings were forgotten.

The “friend” was his dad. The other two men were Donny’s brothers, one older, one younger. Damn, the sex was good. Donny recorded it all on his phone. It looked almost as exciting as it felt.


I cried and giggled a lot off and on over the next few days. Then I got the biggest surprise of my life. When I woke up, my son, you know the one who is supposed to be off in another state? He is sitting at my kitchen table, talking with his dad. Donny is drinking coffee. My husband greeted me with a warm hug and then said, “Honey, you better have a seat. I will get you some coffee while our son has something to say to you.”

“Mom. Please don’t say anything until I have finished.”

A lump went into my throat, I glanced at my husband pouring coffee, his back to me, but obviously listening. I looked at my son. I thought I might have heart failure.

“Mom, I can tell that Donny loves you. And Mom, Dad, and I both know about your wedding night. Dad and I both love you.”

My husband set the coffee beside me, took me into his arms, and told me he loved me.
I asked him if knowing about Donny changed how he felt towards me, or Donny.


I asked him why. He said that he had always known about Donny. And Donny has always been his best friend.

I was confused. Always?

“Did Donny tell you about what happened on our wedding night?”

“No. I knew before that. I am sterile. You wanted a child. I feared you wouldn’t marry me if I couldn’t give you one. I’m sorry I deceived you into believing I was too drunk on our wedding night. As it happens, I got way drunker than I meant to and missed everything.”

“And you let it go on for over twenty years? Why?”

“At first it was just because I wanted to please you, and Donny loved you. And then I started to notice you falling in love with him. Our son adored him, and he is still a loyal good friend. There was nothing to change.”

Tears flowed freely down my face and I hugged my dear husband tightly telling him I loved him sooooo much! When I turned around to hug my son, Donny put his arm around me and for the first time told me he loved me in front of my family.

As for Donny’s dad, I wish he had come into my life twenty years ago. A super fun guy and a great fuck. My only regret? Twenty years of guilt from being a cheater to a wonderful husband. If we had all been honest and truthful, the hidden sex, the guilt everyone felt, would never have happened.

Published 2 months ago

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