Truth Or Dare With Brother’s Friends, part 2

"I started having fun with his pervert friend"

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As I came too, I saw his friend standing next to me. He had pulled up my blanket exposing my naked body from the waist down. My legs were wet from him licking them. He was standing over me, with his dick out, furiously jerking off. His eyes scanned me back and forth, pussy to legs, and back again. There was no doubt he was entranced, by having a naked girl lying right in front of him. He was so lost in the moment that he didn’t even notice I woke up.

Out of reaction, I blurted out, “What the fuck!”

He had a look of shock on his face, mumbling “Oh shit,” then rushed to pull up his pants. He immediately ran off and locked himself in the bathroom, down the hall.

I just sat there for a minute, looking down at myself, wondering, “How far did he go? Did he touch my pussy too? Did he lick it?” I wasn’t sure but, my pussy wasn’t wet so, I don’t think he licked me. I still couldn’t believe he was bold enough to do what he did. However, he surely didn’t expect me to be naked under the blanket either. He was likely just trying to look at my legs initially. I wish I had seen his reaction when he moved the blanket and saw I was naked. I guess that’s why he decided to not let the opportunity go to waste and jerk off to me.

I grabbed my pants from the couch and put them back on. I began heading upstairs to my bedroom but, as I walked past the bathroom, I could hear that boy grunting and mumbling something. As I listened closer, I could hear him say “Mmm those legs and that pussy… oh my god. I can’t believe she was naked. FUCKKKK…” That was followed by a long sigh. I knew he finished himself off and had just cum. I just smirked and continued to my bedroom. I also started to get a little wet listening to that.

As I got in bed, I lay there, unable to turn off my brain. Having this effect on my brother’s friends, and especially the most recent one, made me feel so hot and sexy. Although what his friend did to me was wrong, I couldn’t help but find it a turn-on. This made me want to frustrate him even more. After countless replays, scenarios played out in my head, and the inability to turn it off, I decided to masturbate again. I did it super quick and made myself cum in like 2 minutes just to, finally, fall asleep.

The next day, when he and I ran into each other, he would barely make any eye contact and looked at me nervously. Each time he did though, I just smiled back. Later on, all the boys were playing some odd game and I’m not sure what the rules were but, it involved hiding. It wasn’t hide and seek, but something they made up. I was out on the deck, on my phone, when, the boy from last night came running out.

“Oh, sorry,” he said to me. And tried to go back inside.

I stopped him and said, “Do you want me to show you a good spot for your game?”

He just nodded in approval. So, I got up and led him to this big outdoor storage container, that we typically use for towels and chair cushions. I said, “Look, you just get in and sit down like this.” I hopped in and sat with my back against one side. “Come on, get in,” I told him.

He got in and sat down directly across from me. Our legs and feet were partially overlapping, and between the others, but not touching. I closed the lid, and with it being transparent white, it let nearly all the sunlight in. We could easily see each other.

“Good spot, huh,” I told him.

He just nodded, still avoiding much eye contact. I did notice he kept looking up and down my leg which was partially between his. I had on loose-fitting shorts and white Adidas sneakers so, nothing too sexy. He was trying not to be obvious but, it was easy to see what he was looking at.

“You really like my legs, don’t you? Do you want to touch them again?” I asked him.

“I, I don’t know…” he answered nervously.

“You can if you want,” I said.

He gulped and said, “Okay…” then reached out with one finger and gently ran it across my shin.

I just smiled and watched what he would do. After a few seconds, he wrapped his whole hand around my ankle and slid it up to my knee.

“Wow, they are so soft and smooth” he whispered.

He caressed my leg up and down very slowly, with his eyes fixated on what he was touching. With his other hand he tried to, discreetly, adjust, what was obviously, his growing boner. He then ran both hands up and down each of my legs but did not pass my knees.

“They’re so nice, you really have the hottest legs I’ve ever seen,” he told me.

“Thank you, I‘ve known you liked them, especially after last night” I replied with a wink.

He blushed very red and said, nervously “I’m sorry, you’re just, like… so hot and… I didn’t know you were naked underneath but, like…”

I interrupted him saying “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone as long as you don’t.”

He smiled back and nodded but, didn’t say anything and continued feeling up my legs.

I then asked, “Do you want to touch higher?”

He nodded.

His left hand slid over my knee and halfway up my thigh, before going back down. He continued this pattern, running his hand down to my ankles and back up to my mid-thigh a couple of times. The next time he did, I reached over and touched his leg. He didn’t respond so, I ran my fingers up it higher. Still no response. Once I got past his knee, he sort of opened his legs slightly but, didn’t say a word. He just kept caressing mine. I continued moving my hand higher up and made it halfway up his thigh when he broke the silence.

“Um… can I… um…well…uh… lick them again?” He asked.

It had been a warm day and my legs were damp with sweat but, I guess he didn’t care. It was obvious he had a thing for licking them, for whatever reason.

I replied, saying “Sure, if you want to. Go ahead.”

Without any hesitation, he immediately leaned over and licked my leg from the middle of my shin to my knee. He mumbled to himself right after “Oh my god, they’re so nice.” Then licked again. This time he lifted my foot a bit and licked from my ankle to my knee.

I was getting wet from his obsession with my legs and while he did his thing, I kept moving my hand up his leg. I reached the opening to his shorts and slowly continued up, into his pant leg. I felt where his boxers ended and slid my hand slowly up them as well. About 3/4 the way up I bumped into the tip of his penis. He twitched slightly but didn’t stop. Instead, he started moving his hand higher up my leg and made it to the entrance of my shorts. I waited a second to see what he’d do.

His hand entered my shorts and immediately came in contact with the upper innermost part of my thigh. He then slid over and rested his hand on my pussy, overtop of my panties. As soon as he did, I slid my fingers over the tip of his bare penis and down his shaft. He had a tiny dick but, I didn’t care. His tip pressed into my palm as I reached the base of his dick. I want to make him cum. I thought to myself. So, I slowly ran all my fingers up his shaft and over the tip.

When I did, he frantically began trying to push my panties to the side. He struggled but, managed to do so after my fingers made it back down to the base of his dick. He then rested his whole hand overtop of my bare pussy. As soon as he did, he tensed up and froze. I slid my fingers up his shaft a third time and, just as I reached halfway, he grunted. Suddenly, I felt warm liquid hit the palm of my hand in 5 spurts. He had just cum. When no more came out, he let out a deep breath.

I just smiled at him and didn’t stop. I kept playing with his cock, rubbing his cum all over it. He felt around my pussy a bit then, rubbed it up and down, with no real rhythm. He did this while continuing to lick my leg. I then wrapped my fingers around his dick and squeezed firmly. I then started jerking him off, all inside his shorts.

He stayed rock hard and his cum was acting as the perfect lube. I wanted to see if I could make him cum again so, I tried going faster, rotating my hand, doing a twisting motion, etc. Doing this to him seemingly hit his button because he had this look on his face as if he was melting. I think he was getting close, again, because he started to get tense. With my free hand, I pulled my shorts and panties to the side, showing him my pussy. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped. Right then his dick started pulsating and he came again. I was getting ready to let him play with me, considering even taking my shorts off.

Unfortunately, though, we heard someone call his name and had to stop. It ended up being one of his other friends. We both hurried to fix ourselves and got out of the shed thing. Without saying a word, each of us went our separate ways. I didn’t see him again before he went back home that day.

What he and I did, sort of, turned into a routine. Whenever he would come to hang out with my brother, the two of us would always try to find somewhere to sneak off. Most of the time it ended up being back in the shed thing. We’d get in and sit across from each other. There would always be some awkward silence at first. Sometimes, we wouldn’t even say anything. He would never make direct eye contact with me but, it always started the same way. He would start by touching my ankles, pretending as if he wasn’t doing anything, then slowly work his hand up my leg little by little until he was up in my shorts. Meanwhile, I’d be doing the same thing to him, matching his pace. As soon as he got his fingers under my panties, and touched my pussy, I would grab his dick. He would play around with me while I jerked him off, always inside our shorts. He never lasted long. Once he leaned over and licked my legs, that was it for him, he would instantly cum.

We did this about two or three more times in the same way before the routine started changing. One night, he was sleeping over with my brother. It was very late and I had been asleep for a while when he had snuck into my room. I felt someone touching my legs but, what woke me was him trying to pull my shorts down. I rolled over and saw he was kneeling next to my bed with a little light.

“What are you doing? It’s like 3 am,” I mumbled out.

He whispered back “I’m just so horny and really wanted to look at you.”

“Ugh, fine, just make it quick,” I told him. Then pulled my shorts and panties down, giving him what he wanted to see. He jerked off and came about thirty seconds later then ran off.

Nothing else happened that night and he went back to my brother’s room to fall asleep. However, each time he slept over from there on, he would sneak into my bedroom, at night, trying to do something similar. Sometimes, he would try to touch me, without waking me up, and others would just jerk off and then leave. Most of the time I was too tired to care and pretended to be sleeping while he did what he wanted. Another night when he snuck in, he tried to grab my hand and use it to jerk off with. I was too tired to help but, he still managed to make himself cum with it. He’d even clean the cum off my hand before leaving. As annoying as it was to be woken up, I got turned on every time he did it.

The very next day he and I met again at the shed. We did our normal routine but, in the middle of it, he asked if he could see me cum. Up until this point he wasn’t ever able to do it for me. I figured, I’ve seen him more times than I can remember so I guess it’s only fair.

So, I said, “Sure, I guess so… But first, you have to show me your penis.”

He didn’t even hesitate and immediately pulled his pants down. His rock-hard little dick sprung straight up and stayed there. He then put his focus on me. I did the same but instead, pulled my shorts and panties straight down to my ankles. I then realized his leg was in the way, hitting my shorts, and would make things difficult so, I ended up just taking them completely off.

Once I got settled, I licked my fingers and started masturbating. At first, nice and slow but as I got more and more into it, my pace sped up. He was stroking his dick while watching me. I could feel the pleasure now and had to cover my mouth to keep quiet. I was getting close and glanced over to see what he was doing but, he wasn’t doing anything. He was frozen in place, with his dick in hand, and mouth slightly open. As soon as I looked at him and his hard dick, my orgasm started to hit me. When it did, I closed my eyes, dug my heels in, and humped my hand until I came.

Immediately after I finished, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I spun onto my knees and faced him with my hands in front of me. I looked down, grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand off his cock.

“What are you doing? He asked confused.

“Well, you saw me cum, now it’s your turn” I replied confidently.

Without another word, I quickly leaned down and pushed his cock into my mouth. I tightened my lips and slid down to the base. It all fit in my mouth, barely even reaching my throat. He immediately started twitching and moving around, not knowing what to do. I wasn’t sure how long he would last so, I just went for it. I tightened my lips around his dick tightly, pressed my tongue against his shaft and sucked him hard and fast. He nearly lost all control and was moving all over the place. His legs were kicking and shaking but, I kept sucking on him.

Before I knew it, I heard him grunt and he thrusted himself upward, grabbing the sides of my face. I then, felt his cock pulsate and shoot at least five or six spurts of cum directly into my mouth. I kept sucking it, letting his cum run out of my mouth and down onto his balls, until he eventually pulled my head up.

“That was fucking amazing!” He exclaimed. “Your mouth is just as magical as the rest of you,” he said.

I just smiled and told him “You’re cute” with a wink.

We both put our shorts back on and got out of the shed. He went back to join his friends and I went to do my own thing. We didn’t see each other for the rest of the day. He ended up going home and didn’t come back over again for a couple of weeks. The next time he did though, I planned to rock his world…

Published 2 months ago

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