A truck was slightly hidden from above under a lush green canopy of live oak trees laden with hanging Spanish Moss. The light of a full moon found its way through, glistening off of three sweaty naked bodies, writhing in the bed of the old Ford pick-up truck. Moans of delight competed with the chirping frogs and singing katydids. The sounds of the swamp forest and drenching humidity of the south Georgia night did not seem to dampen the aroused spirits of the threesome as they continued their erotic dance.
A loud squeal of pleasure cried out. To the curious alligator across the swamp, it sounded like distress and it slowly floated, nose and eyes only above the waterline, through the green brackish water toward the pick-up truck parked on the swamp’s edge. Hoping that a meal would soon appear, the alligator floated stealthily near the swamp bank.
Squeaking sounds emanated from the truck’s worn out shocks as it swayed from side to side. A pretty brown eyed brunette sat with her back against the cab of the truck, her legs spread wide as she received cunnilingus from a well-muscled black haired young man on his knees with his face thrust forward into her drenched crotch. Behind him, a very cute blue-eyed dirty blonde had her face buried between his butt cheeks running her soft wet tongue along his crack from his balls below to his anus above.
***Earlier that evening.
Buck Hudgins was signing autographs for the kids hanging over the guard rail behind first base. He was new to the Waycross Swamp Bears but he had already become a very popular player as their star third baseman and clean-up batter. He desperately hoped he would be just as popular with the major league scouts that were already seated in the little stadium as he was with the Swamp Bear’s fans.
Buck glanced over to the section where the scouts were. He had become quite familiar with all of them. He noticed scouts from the Atlanta Braves, Tampa Bay Rays, Kansas City Royals, and the Texas Rangers. He especially hoped he would impress the scout with the Braves. Buck had grown up worshiping the Braves on Turner Broadcasting from the trailer park where he had lived in Talladega, Alabama.
Early on, Buck had realized that baseball would be his only real ticket to a better life. He had grown up as ‘poor white trailer trash,’ but was determined to play his way into the rich upper class. A really great game that evening could mean one of those big franchises might buy out his contract from the independently owned Swamp Bears. No one knew better than Buck that at age 23 he had better move up from Class A minor league baseball by season’s end or it would probably all be over.
He noticed the other players had finished warming up and stretching since they were making their way over to the home team’s dugout. He started that way when he felt a smack on his back shoulder.
“Buck, ole buddy,” said Pokey Walters, the centerfielder. “Dub, Bubba, and me are going over to Patch’s Barbecue Pub after the game for a few beers.”
“You oughta come with us and toss back a few,” Pokey added.
“I reckon I might just do that, Pokey,” Buck answered.
“Hey dude,” queried Pokey, pointing up into the bleachers behind first base, “Did you see that those two damned hot chicks from last night are back?”
“Naw,” answered Buck, as he turned his neck to glance that way. “You ain’t shittin’ me — they are here!”
“I bet they are some badass Annies,” Pokey said laughing, “And somebody ‘round here needs to try ‘em out.”
Dressed to flaunt their stuff, two ‘cleat chasers’ entered at the main gate. They twisted their sexy tight asses and strutted their steps in a sexy march as they easily passed through the entering crowd. They stopped briefly at the concession stand to get some popcorn and diet sodas.
“We need a medium popcorn and two cokes,” said the brunette to the old lady in the concession stand. “Make those cokes a Diet Orange Crush and an RC Cola.”
With refreshments in hand, the two girls headed off in search of their seat section. Every male and a few jealous females turned their heads to watch the two girls putting on their best twisty slut walk, a walk that they had obviously perfected into an art form.
They found the sign to their section and walked down the aisle to their seats on the sixth row in plain view of the home team Swamp Bear’s dugout. They had created quite a buzz and attracted a large group of gawkers by the time they took their seats.
Stella Mae, the bodacious brunette, was wearing a pair of ultra short ‘Daisy Duke’ white jean shorts and a tight red tube top that showed off her surgically enhanced tits. Her long shapely legs seemed to go on for days, especially in the high heeled sandal wedges she wore on her feet. She cracked a large toothy smile as she spilled some of her popcorn onto the toupee of the middle aged man in front of her. Her smile, framed by her chin length brunette hair, melted the hearts of guys all through the stadium.
Her friend, Tammi, wore her dirty blonde hair long and straight. She also wore tall sandal wedges and came clothed in a short denim ruffled skirt and accidentally flashed her leopard print bikini panties as she stooped over to blow some dirt off of her chair. Interestingly enough, her leopard panties matched her Lycra tube top.
The girls finally got themselves situated in their seats and started to enjoy their popcorn and cokes.
Stella Mae very excitedly poked Tammi and pointed to the Swamp Bear’s dugout.
“He saw us, Tammi!” She beamed, “He’s looking at us right now!”
Tammi turned quickly to look.
Buck Hudgins leaned around the corner of the dugout and looked up to see the two girls Pokey had mentioned. They seemed to be quite giddy when they saw him looking at them. Buck cracked a smile and the two smiling giddy girls waved at him.
“Damn,” said Pokey, “I do believe those two Annies have got the hots for you, Buck ole boy.”
Buck laughed and punched his friend Pokey on the arm.
Buck and Pokey were a natural fit and fast becoming close friends. Buck had learned to be tough and scrappy because that was the only way to survive in those large rundown slum trailer parks he had grown up in. He was easily the best power hitter on the team, and many thought he should have already advanced to a higher league.
His friend, mischievously nicknamed, Pokey, was the fastest runner on the team. He had grown up poor and black in the tobacco country of North Carolina. Pokey played centerfield because he could cover so much more territory than anyone else. His ability to ding out hit after hit and get walked made him the perfect leadoff batter.
It was a very hot and humid South Georgia night and the swamp mosquitoes were out in force. Spectators and players alike constantly fanned themselves with game programs or anything else to cool off and shoo the mosquitoes away.
The game between the Waycross Swamp Bears and the visiting Fort Walton Beach Fightin’ Fish was all tied up 1 to 1 going into the bottom of the 9th inning. The Swamp Bears, with last at bat, needed to score a run or the game would go into extra innings. On such a hot muggy night as this, no one wanted to see that.
Stella Mae and Tammi yelled encouragement to Buck as he stepped into the batter’s box. Buck already had hit two singles and had scored the team’s only run; now found himself in a possible game-winning situation. The previous two Swamp Bears’ batters had struck out as the extra tall lanky relief pitcher for the Fightin’ Fish had come into this game obviously throwing his best stuff.
Buck had faced him before the previous season in another league. He knew the kid was a highly ranked prospect and threw a wicked dancing fastball and a consistently accurate curve ball. He also knew the kid always threw each hitter a fastball first and a curveball second followed by an off speed pitch.
The first pitch came in hard. Buck kept his eyes on the ball but nevertheless, his swing came a hair too late and it foul tipped into the backstop for strike one. The next pitch was a curve just as Buck thought, but he was sure the ball dropped below the strike zone and let it go by. Much to his chagrin, the home plate umpire disagreed and called it strike two.
“Bullshit!” Buck declared as he looked away from the umpire. Then he got control of himself knowing the umpire had the power to toss him out of the game.
He exhaled and stepped out of the batter’s box to think about the upcoming off speed pitch. He thought that was coming, but if he guessed wrong, he’d whiff at it for strike three.
The pitcher began his wind up, kicked his leg up high and quickly sprung forward using his momentum to sling his arm. Buck watched the position of the pitcher’s hand and felt that the off speed pitch was coming. It was almost like slow motion to him as he kept his eye glued on the ball. He dropped his shoulder slightly as the ball spun toward him. He held his swing as the ball seemed to leave the pitcher’s hand like a fast ball, but just as Buck guessed, it lacked the speed for such an intense wind up.
Buck could barely feel it as his bat collided with the ball perfectly in the sweet spot. He knew instantly that he had crushed it. The hometown Swamp Bears’ crowd erupted as they screamed and jumped to their feet in elation.
Buck tossed his bat aside and watched the beauty of the ball as it skyrocketed and disappeared over the fence at left centerfield. He trotted around the bases, elated that he had once again won a game with a walk-off homerun. A huge smile broke out on his face as he saw his teammates waiting at home plate to greet him. He also desperately hoped that his performance that night would bring a contract offer from one of those major league scouts in attendance.
After he had been hugged and high-fived by all of his teammates, Buck finally made it into the dugout to grab his stuff and head to the dressing room. The 16-year-old bat boy handed Buck a note.
“Those two sexy Annies gave me this note to give ya, Buck,” said the grinning bat boy.
Buck laughed at the bat boy. “They did, did they?”
He took the note and unfolded it.
‘We’ll be waiting around the player’s entrance when you get out of the showers if you’d like to celebrate with us.
Stella Mae and Tammi.’
Buck noticed two lipstick kiss impressions below the signatures. He smiled and stuffed the note in his pocket.
When he got to the dressing room, the team’s general manager, Chett Williams, and Toby Jones, the scout from the Atlanta Braves, were waiting for him at his locker.
Chett put his hand on Buck’s shoulder and said, “Buck, before you hit the shower, I’d like you to meet Mr. Toby Jones with the Atlanta Braves.”
“Yes sir,” Buck answered exuberantly while extending his hand, “Howdy, Mr. Jones.”
Toby Jones took Buck’s hand and held it. “Buck we’re buying out your contract with the Swamp Bears. I hope you’ll agree to that.”
“I certainly do!” answered Buck, who wanted to shout at the top of his lungs, but held back.
“We’ll need you to report to our Gwinnett team in Lawrenceville, Georgia, by day after tomorrow,” said Jones.
Buck was elated. Gwinnett was the Braves AAA team and just one step from the major league team in Atlanta.
“We’re weak at third base throughout the organization,” said Jones. “Who knows, if you set things on fire at Gwinnett, we might be calling you up to play in The Ted by August.”
Buck thought he might faint when he heard that, just imagining that he could be playing in the majors by the end of summer.
Buck could hardly speak and then choked out, “You mean I could be playing in The Show by August?”
“That’s what we’re hoping, son,” answered Mr. Jones.
In his mind, Buck quickly pictured himself making his debut appearance in Ted Turner Stadium.
By the time Buck had showered and dressed, Pokey and his teammates had all congratulated him. He knew that they all desperately hoped they would be getting called up next. Buck started out the door with Pokey intending to go drink some beer and eat barbecue. When they stepped outside, he saw the two sexy cleat chasers and remembered the note they had sent him.
Standing shoulder to shoulder, both twisting their bodies slightly in a provocative twist as they stood, flirting with their eyes and smiling very sexy, were Stella Mae and Tammi.
“Hey, Buck!” they both yelled. “Can we get your autograph?”
“Sure,” answered Buck, “What do you want me to sign?”
“Well,” Stella Mae said, giggling as she twisted back and forth, “I can’t show you out here.”
Both girls laughed. Buck and Pokey just looked at each other smiled. They’d both been through this before.
“Where can you show me?” asked Buck in a teasing taunt.
“Somewhere in private,” answered Tammi.
“Hmmm, I don’t even know y’all’s names,” Buck said.
“We wrote them on the note,” said Tammi.
Then both girls exuberantly stated their names at the same instant.
“Whoa,” Buck said, “Slow down.”
“I’m Stella Mae and this is my best friend Tammi, we go to Georgia Southern,” slowly answered Stella Mae, stretching out the vowels into two syllables.
“GSU students, eh?” said Buck.
“Yea,” both girls answered.
Buck turned to Pokey, “Pokey, you wanna go get a beer with these GSU girls?”
“Naaah dude, you go ahead,” answered Pokey, “My old lady is coming over from Carolina tomorrow.”
“I better be on my best behavior,” he added, “You know them Tarheel women know everything, so I best behave tonight. You go have some fun.”
“Sure?” asked Buck.
“Absolutely, dude.”
“Okay girls,” answered Buck as the girls gleefully cheered and jumped up and down, “Where do y’all want to go?”
“Well we’ve got beer on ice in a cooler in Tammi’s car,” Stella Mae answered.
“Let’s go,” Buck insisted. “Show me the way.”
The girls eagerly started toward the gravel parking lot next to the stadium with Buck between them.
“I got some news,” Buck said.
“What’s that?” both girls asked.
“The Braves just bought out my contract and I’m heading up to Gwinnett as soon as I get packed tomorrow.”
“OH, MY GOD!” they both exclaimed, clapping their hands together exuberantly.
“Why you’ll be one step from The Show!” shouted Stella Mae excitedly.
“That’s awesome!” added Tammi.
“Let’s celebrate!” said Buck.
They soon arrived at Tammi’s car and climbed in only to discover that the car would not crank due to a dead battery.
“I ain’t got any jumper cables,” said Tammi in a rather dejected manner.
“I have my truck,” said Buck, “But left my jumper cables in Pokey’s jeep last night.”
They looked around the parking lot only to discover that they were the last people still there.
“I tell you what, girls,” said Buck.
“We’ll go out partying in my truck and come back with jumper cables later,” Buck answered.
“When later?” said Tammi in a pouty voice and her lower lip stuck out.
“How’s tomorrow?” Buck asked with a big grin.
Tammi and Stella Mae looked at each other both making eager wide-eyed funny faces and smiled.
They waited beside Tammi’s car with the cooler full of beer next to them as Buck went for his old pick-up truck.
They both giggled when he came pulling up next to them in an ancient old 1975 Ford pick-up, badly in need of a paint job and a muffler. Buck hopped out and put the cooler in the bed of the truck before taking three beers out for each one of them.
“Hop in ladies,” he exclaimed. “Let’s go for a ride.”
It was about six beers later that they ended up under a canopy of Spanish moss laden live oak trees parked next to a large swamp. Tammi, sitting next to Buck, began kissing him and had actually crawled over onto his lap while running her fingers through his slightly long black curly locks.
“This ain’t fair,” whined Stella Mae, “I can’t get at him.”
Buck laughed as he lifted Tammi off of him and grabbed a blanket and a sleeping bag from behind the seat.
“C’mon girls,” he insisted, “Why waste a perfectly good truck bed?” He opened the squeaky old driver’s side door, stepped out and tossed the bag and blanket onto the truck bed.
The girls eagerly hopped out and then climbed the tailgate into the truck bed and helped spread the blanket and sleeping bag out.
“How do ya like these?” teased Stella Mae as she cupped her more than adequate breasts provocatively.
“I like ‘em,” he answered.
Tammi interjected saying, “They’re real nice.” Then to Buck’s surprise, Tammi fondled Stella Mae’s breasts and began kissing them.
She looked back at Buck and taunted, “You wanna have a taste, too?”
“I don’t mind if I do,” answered Buck, as he grabbed one of the breasts and buried the nipple between his lips.
Stella Mae eased back against the truck cab as both Buck and Tammi continued fondling and kissing her large, firm titties. Her eyes closed as her head lay back in ecstasy and she began to purr and moan.
Soon both Buck and Tammi were sliding Stella Mae’s ultra short white jean shorts down her long sexy legs. Buck was not at all surprised to discover that Stella Mae had not worn any panties and they quickly had Stella Mae stripped completely naked.
She looked at them and declared, “I ain’t gonna be the only one nekkid, so y’all better get them duds off pronto.”
At that Buck eagerly started to yank his t-shirt, jeans and cowboy boots off. Tammi stood up in the bed of the truck and pulled her tight leopard-print tube top over her head and tossed it aside. She then twisted in a sexy dancing motion as she smiled mischievously before unsnapping her skirt and letting it fall to her feet.
Standing there in only her panties, Tammi began grind dancing, even though the only music was the singing of the katydids and chirping of the swamp frogs. Buck and Stella Mae enjoyed watching her, as Tammi then slowly slid her little panties down her leg and over her wedge shoes.
Just as she started to straddle Buck, who was by then butt naked himself, he slid his feet into his cowboy boots. Both girls giggled at that.
“Why’d ya put your boots back on?” asked Tammi as she stood over him looking down.
“I have to wear my boots when I fuck during baseball season,” he said informatively.
Laughing Tammi said, “That just seems crazy.”
“Yea it is,” Buck said, “But it’s bad luck for me if I don’t, last time I didn’t I ended up in a nine game hitting slump.”
“Well, big boy,” interjected Stella Mae, “Better keep those boots on, ‘cause we’re gonna fuck you silly.”
Before Buck could utter another word, Tammi had dropped her panties on Buck’s head and laughed.
He adjusted them on his head like a cap. “You know I might just keep these as a souvenir.”
“After tonight, they better be hanging from your rear view mirror,” Tammi said as she pointed toward the cab of his truck.
“Alright then.”
“Down boy,” said Tammi as she squatted down on Buck, straddling his face with her spread legs, hunkering down onto her knees.
Buck’s hands grabbed Tammi by her buttocks and pulled her crotch tight against his face. His warm tongue quickly found her soaking wet labia and he began to lick and taste her warm juicy pussy. Tammi’s tiny little circular trim job tickled his nose as he continued with his oral pleasuring.
Tammi moaned and groaned as she rocked back and forth across Buck’s face. He soon felt Stella Mae’s presence as she was quickly above him on her knees facing and French kissing Tammi.
Tammi let herself fall backward across Buck’s legs, positioning herself with her elbows hemming in Buck’s boots. Stella Mae then crawled on top of him and buried her face into Tammi’s wet cunt.
Buck found himself being used as a sex platform as Stella Mae licked and sucked at Tammi’s wet genitalia. Meanwhile, her ass and twat were staring Buck right in the face. He decided to do the only thing that made any sense, and that was to begin licking Stella Mae’s big fat swollen wet pussy lips.
His nostrils took in the sweet and musty aroma of her juicy cunt, stimulating his hungry lustful desires. Buck began to nibble on her fat labia and suck her swollen clit. The juicy nectar of her pussy oozed sensuously down his chin as he could hear Stella Mae purring her approval.
The hot humid South Georgia night air clung to their bodies and they all began to develop a layer of sweat over their entire bodies. Their erotic desires seemed to call out to the night through the constant purring of moans and groans and the struggle to catch a breath of oxygen.
Reflecting in the moonlight, their wet bodies writhed as if they were a natural part of the swamp ecology that surrounded them. The truck’s worn out squeaky shocks could not prevent it from slightly swaying back and forth.
“Oh God!” Tammi soon cried out.
She pushed Stella Mae’s head back just enough to stop her oral onslaught. Buck felt Tammi’s thighs tense against his boots. Stella Mae turned toward Buck and smiled provocatively as she eased back into her previous position with her back against the cab.
“Continue as you were, kind sir,” she said, giggling in a funny voice and mimicking an English accent.
She spread her legs wide in an invitation for Buck to bury his face between her legs. He turned over and did just that, diving in again to taste the pussy nectar that she offered up.
As Stella Mae began to moan loudly, Buck felt Tammi grabbing his naked butt cheeks. Her soft hands slid her fingers teasingly up and down the inside of his sweaty thighs. Provocatively she used her fingers gently to tease and ever so slightly tickle his skin but stopping just centimeters short of his penis, which was fully engorged by then. She then ever so softly touched his low hanging balls, but gave them only a short soft tease.
Next Buck felt something that truly was a pleasant surprise as Tammi’s long wet warm tongue started at the top of his crack and slid all the way down, teasing his asshole and to his scrotum, which was engorged and swollen from arousal.
Buck wanted to laugh and say ‘someone’s doing a nosedive,’ but his tongue was too busy sucking and circling Stella Mae’s clit to do any speaking.
“Oh god! Oh, God-oh-God-oh-God!!” yelled Stella Mae desperately and then pushed Buck’s head back.
He pulled back and watched Stella Mae’s contorted sex face as she groaned out her orgasm. Meanwhile, it had no effect on Tammi, who continued her ‘nose-dive’ licking action on the warm rear posterior of young Buck.
Stella Mae caught her breath and exclaimed, “Someone needs a good fucking.”
“Oh me! Oh me!” squealed Tammi, “I want to go first!”
Stella Mae pursed her lips and glared at Tammi.
“But you got to fuck first last time,” Tammi said protesting Stella Mae’s face.
“Oh, alright,” Stella Mae then answered, “But next time I get fucked first.”
“Fair enough.”
Buck didn’t say a word but was quite amused by the girl’s negotiations.
Just then he felt a grab and a tug on his cock. Tammi had his cock in her grip. Her fingers loosened up and she softly stroked its hard throbbing shaft. Her other hand then softly stroked his balls, which were hanging extra low on that very hot muggy evening.
“Turn over, Buck,” Tammi said.
Buck rolled over on his back and Tammi crawled on top of him. Buck’s shoulders were nestled comfortably between Stella Mae’s legs with his head resting in her lap. Tammi held his pulsating cock in one hand firmly but not too tight, as she guided herself down onto him. Her very wet juicy twat engulfed his engorged penis as she leaned down toward his chest.
Buck felt ecstatic as Tammi began to slide up and down on his torso, taking his hard cock in and out of her sopping wet cunt. He let out a loud sigh of pleasure as Tammi clinched her vaginal muscles tight around his throbbing penis while Stella Mae held and caressed his head, stroking his curly black locks. His eyes though, were peeled on Tammi as she rode him cowgirl style.
He watched as moonlight highlighted the sweat rolling off her body dripping down onto his. She reached her hand behind her and stoked his tight nutsack and swollen scrotum all while rocking her torso up and down in rhythm on him. Buck’s mind was numb with delight as he took in the wonderful sensations and sights of the sex.
Just then Stella Mae pulled up and sat her crotch down on his face. His nostrils devoured the delicious musty aroma of her aroused wet pussy. As Tammi continued her rhythmic fuck dance on his torso, Stella Mae began grinding on his face. His tongue sprung into action as he licked and kissed her sweet sloppy cunt.
The girls continued like this for several minutes, working their warm steamy bodies into a full body sweaty lather. Buck, with his hands gripping Stella Mae at the waist and having his throbbing erect cock feel the relentless squeezing from Tammi’s pussy, should have cum by then. But he was now demonstrating to those two horny baseball groupies his uncanny control.
Stella Mae began to be engulfed by her second orgasm, soon to be followed by Tammi, who as she rode Buck’s cock had also been fingering her own clit. Both girls almost collapsed onto each other. They grabbed hold of one another for mutual support as they screamed out in delight and rode out their tantric orgasms.
“Oh fuck!” exclaimed Tammi. “Buck still hasn’t cum.”
A shocked Stella Mae said, “You gotta be kiddin’.”
“Nope, he ain’t cum yet.”
Buck chuckled, “Either of you up for a rump pump?”
“Oh, hell yes!” Stella Mae answered before Tammi could get a word out.
Buck sat up and then got up on his feet. “Bend that ass over.”
Stella Mae eagerly rolled over to her hands and knees poking her tight shiny ass up toward him.
“Between your pussy juice and sweat dripping down, I bet I can slide in that hole without any lube.”
“No,” said Stella Mae, “Your pecker is too thick,”
“Tammi, get that lube out of your purse,” Stella Mae said.
She jumped out of the bed of the truck and walked over to the cab, opening the squeaky old door and found the tube of lube in her purse. As Tammi walked back around she tossed it to Buck, who caught it with one hand. He unscrewed the cap and squirted a more than ample portion all over Stella Mae’s asshole and his own erect cock.
Tammi crawled up on the bumper and back into the bed of the truck. “This I gotta see,” she eagerly said with a big smile.
Buck gripped Stella Mae by the sides of her hips and pushed his thick hard cock up to her waiting sphincter. Then he pushed his torso at the same time, pulling Stella Mae back to him. With the rather generous portion of lube, a loud squishing sound erupted from the entrance to her juicy pucker hole. Grabbing hold of her by the hair, Buck began his thrusting.
“Oh fuck!” cried out Stella Mae, “Fuck that ass!”
“Yea, fuck that ass!” a very entertained Tammi yelled as she watched.
Buck began driving himself back and forth, pumping Stella Mae full of his pulsating tool. She moaned and screamed in delight, sending some swamp bats scurrying from the limbs of a nearby tree. The squeaky old truck bounced from side to side and the sounds of fucking echoed through the woody thicket around the swamp.
“Tammi,” Buck ordered, “Go over and make Stella Mae eat your ass while I fuck hers.”
“What?” she asked, drawling out the word into two syllables.
“Get over there now so Stella can eat your ass while I fuck hers!”
Tammi squeezed past Buck and got in front of Stella Mae, poking her ass into Stella Mae’s face. Without hesitation, Stella Mae pushed her tongue out and began licking Tammi’s ass.
“Yeah, get that thing!” Buck demanded as his lean muscular body pounded into Stella Mae’s ass.
Loud smacking sounds of the sweat drenched skin rung out as the two wet bodies came together in rhythm. Tammi, with her hands gripping the back of the cab, was bent over in Stella Mae’s face, which was shoved tightly between Tammi’s cheeks with every one of Buck’s hard pelvic thrusts.
Buck continued his relentless anal assault with no signs of orgasm and Tammi was squealing with delight as Stella Mae licked her appreciative asshole. Stella Mae meanwhile had one hand firm on Tammi’s ass cheek while her other hand furiously worked her throbbing little clit.
Buck held Stella Mae by the hair and pulled her head back, then he slapped her ass with a loud smack. She squealed and smiled.
“Tammi,” yelled Buck, “Can you crawl under Stella and lick her clit?”
“Yea sure,” she happily answered.
She dropped to her knees and crawled under Stella Mae, angling her head so she could lick her clit. Her experienced tongue began working quickly and Stella Mae’s loud moans and screams signaled that she would soon cum.
In seconds Stella Mae quickly pulled her ass away from Buck’s penetrating cock and she pushed Tammi back and collapsed on the truck bed, rolling up into yet another hard orgasm.
Without hesitation Buck then grabbed Tammi and bent her over in front of him. He was convinced that Stella Mae’s licking had made Tammi’s asshole wet enough to enter. He pushed his cock into her ass. It slid in slowly but easily.
“Oh, fucking shit!” exclaimed Tammi, “That’s awesome!”
Stella Mae lay practically underneath the two of them watching as she recovered from her third orgasm. She felt drops of their sweat that were flung onto her own wet naked body as Buck smacked Tammi’s tight little ass with his open hand.
“Oh! Oh!” Tammi yelled each time she got a nice hard smack.
“I wish I had a camera,” Stella Mae said, laughing.
“I bet you do girl,” Buck grunted as he continued.
“When I say so, I want you both to get on your knees in front of me,” he said.
“Okay,” answered Stella Mae, while Tammi just moaned.
Buck thrust for another couple of minutes then exhorted quickly, “Do it now! On your knees!”
Tammi turned toward him and dropped to her knees after Buck pulled his pecker out of her asshole. Stella Mae jumped up on her knees tightly next to Tammi. The two girls obviously knew what was coming and were prepared as they both closed their eyes and stuck their tongues way out.
Buck up on his feet by then, held his cock tightly in his hand and aimed it at their waiting faces. His scrotum tightened and he could feel his orgasm explode through him and out his throbbing shaft. Big thick white globs of cum splattered all over both girls faces as he throttled his penis at both of them until he had no more to give.
Buck dropped to his knees nearly in exhaustion and watched as Stella Mae and Tammi, with mischievous smiles and cum dripping from their chins, turned and kissed each another. They eagerly licked the gooey gobs of cum from one another’s face.
Buck sat back against the side of the truck bed with both arms outstretched along the top edges. Both girls then eagerly joined him on both sides and snuggled their warm sweaty wet naked bodies up against his.
“What do you say we drink a couple of more beers and I’ll take you both to Waffle House, my treat?”
“Yeah, Yeah,” the girls both answered.
“I gotta get packed tomorrow and get my ass up to Gwinnett before their next home series,” he stated. “Do you think y’all might come see me play and visit?”
“Fuck yes!” answered Tammi.
Then both girls eagerly exhorted, “We’re from Buford.”
“It’s real close to the stadium.” Tammi gleamed.
“That’s like ten minutes from the Gwinnett Braves stadium,” added Stella Mae.
“We’ll be up as soon as the semester at GSU ends in two weeks,” stated Tammi.
“Well daa-um great!” said Buck.
“Let’s get our clothes on and hit that Waffle House,” Buck said. “I’m hungry as hell now and want a big bowl of Bert’s Chili, a burger and some smothered and covered hashbrowns.”
“I want the All-Star Special with bacon and extra grits,” said Tammi.
“I want a waffle, hashbrowns and grits, too!”
Copyright ©2013 Buz Bono. All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Buz Bono.