Trip Around the Med Chapter 01

"Deanna and Peter start their trip in a resort in France."

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Deanna woke with a start, shifting in the small yet luxurious seat/bed that was on the starboard side of the Gulfstream IV private jet. She rubbed her eyes gently, and looked up at the person who was gently shaking her shoulder. Smiling, she reached out and patted his hand then stretched, removing the kinks of the flight from her arms and shoulders as Peter went to sit back in his seat, across the aisle against the port side of her father’s jet. He had obviously already changed for their arrival, for he had left the Azores in shorts and a t-shirt. He was dressed as he had been when they had left the Azores, in his loafers and khaki slacks with a green golf shirt.

“The pilot says that we’re about 30 minutes out from Cannes, my dear. You wanted me to wake you up so that you can change” Peter grinned as he sat back in his chair, as he knew exactly what Deanna had brought with her since he had helped her pick out most of dresses, bathing suits heels and other items that were in the several suitcases and duffel bags that were in the belly of the plane. With the exception of course of the outfit that she had chosen to arrive in France with, which was hanging in the small changing room in the back of the plane. Deanna stood up out of her seat and make her way to the back where the changing room was, and squeezed Peter’s shoulder on the way past.

This holiday was to be a real celebration for them, the first real holiday they could take together since she had opened her boutique nearly two years before, and prompted by Peter’s recent finishing of his PhD. In celebration of the success of her store and his graduation, Deanna and Peter were embarking on a four month-long cruise around the Mediterranean sea in her father’s Swan 60 yacht, which he had sent over from Halifax under a private crew who were returning to Canada on the private jet while Deanna and Peter sailed together.

Coming through the door into the quite small after cabin, Deanna quickly took off what she had been wearing to stay comfortable on the flight. Although a tank-top and sweatpants were comfy and fine for the flight, she had a reputation for style to uphold, and there was no way she’d let the French out-dress her. She threw the tank-top and sweatpants in the small duffel bag that already held Peter’s former clothes, then undid her bra and placed it in the bag as well. She kicked her flip-flops that she had been wearing to the side, and stuck her fingers into the waistband of her panties and put them aside. From the suit bag she removed the open-back t-shirt from Victoria’s secret, and pulled it over her head, then reached inside and pulled out the black lacy thong that were her favorites to wear under the skinny jeans that she removed form the hanger. After she put on the thong and jeans, she sat down at the slightly stool at the back and found her pair of YSL strappy heels that she had bought especially for this trip. She quickly checked and fixed her makeup, then emerged to find Peter strapped into his seat and the co-pilot of the aircraft returning to the cockpit.

“We’re three minutes out, babe” said Peter, and he flashed a smile as he saw her “You look incredible.” Deanna smiled and did a spin in front of him, showing off her new outfit. The very low back of her t-shirt showed a strong hint of sexuality, in a very striking outfit that was not too formal. She sat back in her seat, and buckled up just as they started to make their descent into the Cannes airport. They were only a few days away from sailing away together on the adventure on their lives, although the next few days weren’t exactly going to be a tough to survive, as they had book a suite of rooms within one of the most exclusive resorts near Cannes. Looking back at Peter, Deanna smiled and reached out to grab and squeeze his hand.


The resort had a private limousine and driver waiting for them when they disembarked in the private aircraft area of the airport, and whiskey them off to the resort while their baggage was sent directly in another car. Peter and Deanna sat side by side in the back seat of the limousine, facing the totally translucent divider that rendered the driver unable to see what was happening in the back of the car.

Peter grinned, put his left arm around Deanna and pulled her towards him. His right arm snaked around her waist, keeping her close as he kissed her first on the mouth, then on the chin, then down the side of her neck. She sighed, leaned her head back and slowly raked the fingernails of her right hand down his chest as she enjoyed the butterfly kisses on her neck, then shoulder as Peter pushed the collar of the shirt aside. With his left hand, he slowly drifted his fingertips up and across her naked back, teasing her with the lightest of touches. They kissed again, and Deanna leaned in to move to straddle across peter’s lap facing him when the car slowed down, and turned onto what was clearly the resorts driveway. Quickly Deanna kissed Peter on the lips, then moved back to her side of the car, adjusting her top where Peter had shifted it. As he rolled his eyes in frustration, Deanna winked at him and laughed a little in anticipation.

They pulled up to the front entrance of the resort, and as the hotel staff opened the doors of the car, Deanna and Peter saw that they were being met. A very striking blonde woman in a pencil skirt, white shirt and short sleeved jacket was waiting for them at the path, and walked towards them as they emerged from the car.

“Bonjour, Bienvenue I am Jacqueline, and I am your hostess for your stay here at the resort.”

The woman was slightly shorter than Deanna, but her heels made up for it. Her shirt was unbuttoned enough to display a nice amount of cleavage but to still remain professional. She shook Peter’s hand, before kissing Deanna on both cheeks.

 “Deanna, it is wonderful to have you staying here with us again, it has been too long since you last were here.” With a smile, she gestured towards the main entrance of the resort. “If you’ll follow me, I will present you with a tour of the resort, much has changed since you were last here but I’m quite sure you will be pleased. Your baggage has already been delivered to your room, which is being set up according to your request.” She nodded, and Peter looked at Deanna, surprised on his face.

As Jacqueline started to head towards the grand foyer, Deanna took Peters arm and together they followed, a couple feet behind the hostess. Peter raised an eyebrow in question, and Deanna leaned in to answer the unspoken query.

“I stayed her a couple of times during high-school and the first year of university, which is why I wanted to come back. Jacqueline was a junior manager the first time I came, and so I personally requested that she be our hostess for this trip.” Peter nodded as they were lead into the building, and down a long corridor.

The Frenchwoman had stopped, and turned to indicate a grand set of doors “This is our main restaurant, which of course is open all day and all night, and is also available for personalized room service meals. We still have your preferences on file, Deanna so we can put together any of you favorites that you want.”

Deanna smiled broadly and nodded “thank you” as Peter just raised an eyebrow again.

The tour was a rather lengthy one, and the couple were showed the tennis courts, the spa and salon, the saunas, pools, jacuzzis and the semi-public beach that was available for all the guests. At the end of the forty-five minute long tour, Jacqueline led them down another long hallway that was clearly the access to guests rooms, as the doors were nearly 50 metres apart, an indication of how spacious the suites were.

Finally they arrived at the end of the corridor, and Jacqueline handed them their key-cards.

“This is your suite, the finest suite we have.” he smiled, opened the door and held it open as Deanna and Peter trooped inside.

They entered into what was obviously a common room or living room, set up with couches. Jacqueline lead the way, opening the double doors in the south end of the common room that led to a tiled room that was glassed in.

“This is your private jacuzzi,” as Jacqueline pointed to it, then out to the beach, “and of course through this door hear you can access your private beach. Only you will have access to this beach while you stay here.” She smiled again, then lead their way back into the main room.

She indicated the master bedroom, and the in suite bathroom with the large multi-person shower, as well as the smaller bedrooms with their smaller en-suite attachments before she led them back to the main room. With a final spin around the room, she confirmed that everything was satisfactory before letting herself out, leaving Deanna and Peter standing in the middle of the room. Facing each other, they had their arms around each other, and Peter leaned own slightly to kiss Deanna on the top of the forehead.

“we have a private beach” he said with a grin, and then started to lead her to the master bedroom. He lead her by the hand to the large than king-sized bed that was sitting in the middle of the room.

Peter removed his own shirt, and undid the belt and khakis, dropping them and then his boxers to the floor. Deanna smiled as she backed into the bed and fell upon it, still fully clothed. She admired her boyfriends body as he moved closer to her, from the fit but not overly chiseled torso, to his cute butt, his long powerful legs and his cock, that was starting to grow even as she watched. She crawled backwards, further onto the bed as Peter climbed up on top of her and pinned her to the bed. They start kissing, although it was clear what was running through Deanna’s mind because she started to caress Peter’s cock, stroking it with her right hand as she held the back of his neck with the other. After a few seconds, Peter winks, and pulls away, rubbing his cock. He walks towards the door, but stops, and turns around with a wicked smile “I’m going to go for a swim in the ocean on our private beach.. you should come with me.” With that he turned and left the room, heading for the door to the outside.

Deanna fell back with a groan. It was just like Peter to tease her like that, especially as they had been interrupted in the car. They had not had sex since before they left Toronto, and a week without sex made Deanna very cranky indeed. However, with only a couple of nights at the resort before they got the yacht there was absolutely no time to waste. She got up, and stripped off the t-shirt, throwing it on the bed. Undoing her jeans, she bent down and undid hr shoes and took them off, placing them to the side of the room before she gentle removed her thong and jeans. Standing completely naked as Peter had been, she paused, when into one of her garment bags, removed an orange and white caftan dress and pulled it over her head. She slipped on the flip-flops that she had been wearing on the plane, then slipped through the living room and the jacuzzi room to step out onto the private beach, basking in the sun. With only about 80 feet of sand between the suite and the beach it wasn’t a huge private area but more than enough for two people to enjoy.

The fences that separate it from the ones on either side were eight feet tall, and extended equally from the house to the short and beyond into the water, to allow a chance to swim in private if people wished. Peter was already splashing about in the water. There were two deckchairs, with large umbrellas. Quickly Deanna removed her dress, and ran quickly into the water where she tackled Peter, driving him into the shallows. She quickly scampered away, with Peter trying to chasing her around. After half an hour of playing in the shallows, they left the ocean and went to lie down on the deck chairs sitting in the sand.

Large enough for two people, they lay side by side, Deanna on her left and Peter on his right. After a quick look, the started to kiss, their hand roaming all over each others body. Deanna pulled back before they got too far, “We should head inside,” she said, and pulled back, getting up from the chair, she led Peter inside. They passed through the jacuzzi room, and into the living room where Deanna sat down on a chair, leaned back and put the her feet on the arms of the chair. Beckoning to him, she lay her head back against the head of the chair and as Peter kneeled before her, Deanna placed her legs over his shoulder. Peter put his hands underneath Deanna’s bottom and lifted her pelvis towards his face as he started by kissing the inside of her legs, then using the tips of his tongue to trace a path. After what seemed like an eternity to Deanna, Peter finally placed his tongue upon her clit and started to flick it with the very tip of his tongue, and move his tongue in circles while at the same time slowly putting two fingers into her, curving them towards her belly and gently stroke with the tips of his fingers. With Deanna’s weight support by her legs over his shoulders, Peter removed his left hand from beneath her and slowly moved it up her chests, rubbing her nipples lightly with the tips of his fingers and massaging the breast with his hand, the moving over to the right breast.

Her fingers constantly ran through Peters hair, grabbing at its shortness in an effort to control his head as Deanna grew closer and closer to her first orgasm in a week. Slowly, teasingly he moved his tongue to rim around her lips as he pushed slowly his tongue inside her, and moved his hands to Deanna’s waist… Taking her breasts into her own hands, she grasped them together, grazing her nipples with the palms of her hands. Suddenly Peter increased the pace of his tongue and on her clit, and the orgasm which had been building suddenly burst forth. Deanna arched her back as the waves rolled through her, and then slumped into the chair, patting Peter’s head with her hand.

He grinned and looked up at her, “Now that I’ve had a snack, I think I’m about ready for lunch. Let’s get room service.”


An hour or so later, having finished lunch they were sitting in the living room, looking at each other over the dinner table. Peter had returned to the beach to grab Deanna’s dress, and he sat naked on his chair, while Deanna had put on the dress again although she was still naked underneath. Peter looked at Deanna for a moment, and then got up and went into the bedroom. He returned with two of the hotel’s envelopes, two pads of paper and two pens.

“Babe, I was thinking that to really enjoy our trip we could try a little experiment. What we’re going to do is we’re going to both write down our fantasies, and put them on individual strips. Once every few days, we’re going to pull out one of these strips.. and act out what it says. We’re going to alternate, so one time we’ll do a fantasy of mine, and the next we’ll do a fantasy of yours.”

Once they were finished, Peter took the envelopes and returned them to the suitcases in the bedroom.

“I think this is going to be a very interesting trip,” He smiled, took Deanna’s hand, and led her back outside to the beach.

Published 13 years ago

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