Tribute In The Time Of Tribulation

"Paying tribute in troubling times."

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Enzo always finishes off now with the “Air” in D Major by Johann Sebastian Bach.

Most of the time he is jamming along with the Brandenburg concertos allowing his mood and rhythm to flow with the changes in the movements. Fast, slow and lyrical, then fast again.

For some variety, he might try the “Goldberg Variations.” 

He gazes raptly upon Felicity’s endearing features and quizzical expression. He maintains his hardon for as long as possible to pay proper tribute to his treasured dream of enthrallment and fulfillment. It may sometimes take hours for him to edge and get close, then he will draw back during a slow movement, feeling the lust surging through his whole body, wishing to keep the pleasure flowing and growing.

She has told him so many times that his cock pleases her so much. She cares not for its length so much as its thickness. Her fingers could barely reach around it when she used to grasp it and help him stroke out the happiness. She would tickle the veins protruding out from the length and width. Her tongue would always eagerly fold about the head then move downward to tickle his bollocks.

Remembrances of the past fill his heart and mind as he squeezes and rubs his tightly held hand up and down, faster and faster. And finally, with passionate joy, he spurts forth his praise to his goddess, across her visage, spattering it with his nasty, tasty, precious fluids, completing his accolades and prayers of devotion.

Then he somberly switches the music that is playing so that the “Air” fills the room with the homage that Bach created for a divine being. Enzo shares the musical eulogy as a tribute to a more beloved and more real divinity of his own choosing while slowly and lovingly stroking his shrinking cock making absolutely sure that each and every sticky droplet of cum has spread over the two photographs.

One is of the demure face of his dear Felicity. The other picture displays her holding his fully erect member tightly in her delicate grip, dripping out his semen into her other hand as she smiles up at him.

It is with a now-familiar eagerness that he slips the photos into the mailing envelope to send off to her. But only after letting them dry out. He doesn’t want to smudge the spunky residue. They will arrive in just a couple of days to her awaiting apartment mailbox.

Each day she looks forward to checking the mail and perhaps receiving her present in the mail. Then she takes it into her sitting room. After removing all of her clothing she settles onto the settee. There on the low coffee table, she lays out in display the newest arrivals to her collection. It always pleases her to see how much he has gifted her during his moaning tribute to her. 

With a kind of shameful shudder, she uses her fingernail to scrape off some of the tacky semen, lift it to her lips, and place it on her tongue, swirling it around, savoring the taste of his manhood. She has her other hand tenderly wiping her wet slit with her fingers in rhythm to the bossa nova music she has coming from her speakers. She becomes moist from the moment she sees his envelope in the mailbox.

Enzo has always preferred her pussy to be naturally hairy even though she sometimes removed the pubic hairs for playfulness. As he has done to himself in the past, as well. How they laughed as they teased each other, shaving the short curlies from each other. Now she has grown out into the natural appearance once more. And she gently spreads the curls and presses her finger against her tingling clit. Too soon to be aggressive. Not yet.

Today she brings the picture of Enzo’s stiff member up to her lips and her tongue begins licking the encrusted cum. Her ready dildo is now inserted, slowly, into her waiting pussy. It slips in so easily when she is ready. And she is always ready now. As her hand begins to press the toy in and out, following the flow of the musical beats of Jão Gilberto. She prefers the Brazilian classics for her important work of self-love.

Felicity remembers so well the thrusting deepness of her lover. Crying out for more, and more, please sir, some more. Her toy emulates him so well that her mind drifts upward and he is there, entering her. Fucking her. As she fucks herself. Recalling the past and what may be the future. Her body trembles as she gazes at the photo of her own face covered with the dewy offerings of her lover. His tribute to her.

Felicity pinches her tiny nipples on her small breasts recalling Enzo sucking upon them. Her own fingers now tickle and fuck her pussy, exactly as her own sweet lover would do, knowing full well the perfect spots to transport her.

She comes. It is easier and easier for them both to come now, even in their isolation.  

Love and passion continue even in the time of tribulation.



Published 5 years ago

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