TransPhaseII – 8 – New Names – New Friend

"Maggie introduces the girls to Dani"

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They’ve never been happier, coming out of the courthouse with new names. They went into the judge’s chambers as Jerry Jansen and Allen Ziegler. They’re leaving as Jillian and Allison Cox.

It’s only Thursday, but they’ve been so busy the past three days, it seems like the weekend to them. After buying a new truck and moving their wives out of their apartment, on top of having fuck-dates every night, they’re looking forward to a relaxing drive to Chicago this afternoon.

Lucky for them, Steve Carter is one of Allie’s favorite regular dates, and also happens to be an attorney. He was more than willing to set up a private hearing and represent them before the judge.

The legal jargon sounded so foreign to them as Steve explained to the judge why they wanted to live as females and take female names. When the judge asked them if they fully understood all the legal and social ramifications of what they were about to do, all they had to do was say, “yes, Your Honor”. Thanks to Steve, it was a quick and easy hearing.

“See how easy that was?” he tells them after the judge granted their petition.

“It was easy with your help,” Jill says. “What a relief… I’m finally rid of Jerry’s name. It’s been such a pain in the ass, switching between being male and female, depending on where I am and what I’m doing.”

“You won’t have to worry about Jerry anymore,” Steve says. “Once you get everything changed over to Jill Cox’s name, you can forget Jerry ever existed. The first thing we need to do is get you girls new drivers’ licenses.

“I’ve got a couple hours before my next hearing. If you want to do it right now, I can go with you. The people at DMV can be pricks about certain things. I might be able to show you how to deal with assholes giving you shit when you’re getting your names changed on stuff like Social Security and birth certificates.”

“We’d like that,” Allie says. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

It’s good Steve went with them to get their new licenses, because the woman at DMV was a real bitch when she saw the names were being changed to female names. She gave them dirty looks and was going to hold up their applications for review, until Steve stepped in and showed her the court order.

She got a whole new attitude when Steve got in her face and threatened to file a discrimination suit against her. She took the girls right over to get their photos taken, and didn’t say another word as she processed the paperwork and handed them their new drivers’ licenses.

“That woman was such a bitch,” Jill says afterwards. “We really appreciate this, Steve. I hope you’ll let us give you a special favor in return.”

“I might just take you up on that,” he says. “I still have dreams about that little threesome you treated me to. Anyways, I gotta get back to the courthouse, have a safe trip to Chicago.”


“We did it, Allie!” Jill screams when they get in the car. “Girl names and girl drivers’ licenses. We got ’em!”

“No fucking shit! We’ve been waiting so long for this. I can’t wait to show Carla my new license.”

When they get home just after noon, the girls are as giddy as they are.

“How’d it go?” Carla asks.

“It went really smooth,” Jill says. “With Steve there doing all the talking, it didn’t take long at all.”

“See why we fucked him that night we went over to his house?” Allie says to Carla.

“I do, Allie, I really do. I think it’s really neat how you use these guys to do so many other things for you.”

“We went to get new drivers’ licenses,” Jill tells them, “and the woman at DMV turned into a real bitch when she saw our girl names. Steve shut her ass down and threatened her with a lawsuit. It was great having him with us.”

“You got your new licenses already?” Rosy asks. “I wanna see your pictures.”

“We’re so proud of you!” Carla says as they admire the girls’ pictures on their drivers’ licenses.

“The day is starting out really good,” Jill says.

“We have a nice surprise,” Carla announces, “we went to the mall while you were gone.”

“You did?” Allie asks. “Did you buy more clothes?”

“No, sweeties…” Carla says, “we got something way better than new clothes. The jewelry store called to say our rings were ready, so we picked them up.”

“Wait till you see ’em,” Rosy’s excited, “they’re beautiful!”

“You’re not wearing them?”

“No, sillies… we’re supposed to put them on each other the first time.”

The rings are indeed very beautiful, with the four diamonds shining so bright against the engraved gold band. Rosy sheds a tear when Jill holds her hand and slips her wedding ring around her finger. “Oh, baby,” she says, “this feels so much better than I thought it would.”

“Yes it does,” Carla says, looking at her ring. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal before, but now that I have this ring, it feels like I really belong to Allie.”

The girls are so happy putting rings on their husbands’ fingers, they’ll need more than kisses at a moment like this.

Rosy says to Carla, “How about you and Allie going to the other bedroom. I want to be alone with Jill for awhile.”

“You’re thinking the same thing I’m thinking,” Carla giggles.

Rosy closes the bedroom door and puts her arms around Jill.

“Thank you for my wedding ring, sweetheart. It feels like I just married you all over again. Wanna give me a little cock to celebrate?”

“I’d love to give my sweet wife a little cock. I’m sorry I haven’t given you any all week, but it’s been so fuckin’ busy.”

“I know, it’s been a hard week for all of us, but we got so much done, too. Sometimes we won’t have time for sex, but that’ll just make it that more special when we do. We’ve got an hour before I have to go to work. Let’s make the best of it, ‘cuz I’m so horny for you.”

After not having sex with each other for the past five days, their pent-up desires ignite as they quickly undress and jump on the bed. After a few passionate kisses, Rosy’s lips latch on to Jill’s nipples. Jill loves how she always gives her tits the attention her men never do, and dreams of the day her tits will grow enough that men will want to play with them.

She’d like to suck on Jill’s nipples a little longer, but Rosy’s mindful of the limited amount of time they have. As she kisses down her body, Jill guides her pussy to her face, dipping her tongue into her juicy folds. Rosy’s filled with a lustful kind of love as she puts her hand around Jill’s cock and sees the diamonds on her wedding ring shining so bright.

She sucks with a passion as Jill buries her tongue into her wet cunt. They work themselves into a frenzy in this sixty-nine position, and Rosy yearns for her pussy to be filled. “Fuck me, baby” she moans, “I want to be fucked.”

Jill’s surprised her cock got so hard, so fast. Her men have been fucking her a lot this week, but her cock never got close to being hard. She’s eager to flip Rosy on her back and sink her hard cock into her.

She fucks her nice and slow at first, but Rosy wants more than that. She bucks her hips high and hard on every stroke, and it doesn’t take Jill long to get the message. She pounds Rosy with everything she’s got, making up for the sex they haven’t had all week.

Rosy rolls on top of Jill and rides her for a while, then gets on her hands and knees as Jill reams her hard from behind. When Rosy’s had enough, she rolls on her back and opens her arms, inviting Jill to come close for some tender slow-fucking and kissing. They end their lovemaking in a tight embrace, with Rosy wrapped around her husband.

“Thanks, baby,” Rosy coos, “I really needed that. You are such a fine lover.”

“You’re such a hot wife. You know, my cock hasn’t been hard all week.”

“Really?” Rosy’s surprised. “You don’t get hard on your dates?”

“Not lately. I hardly ever even think about my cock anymore when I’m with a man. All I feel is my female side. Might be because of the blocker pills we’ve been taking. Maybe I’ll ask them about it tomorrow.”

“Will they examine you again?”

“They always do. Dr. Wayne always measures us to see if our cocks and balls are shrinking. Last time my balls shrunk ten percent.”

“I’ve noticed they’re a little smaller.”

“As long as I can still get hard for you and Carla, I don’t mind having smaller balls. They say our cocks will probably shrink, but I hope not too much.”

“We’ll just have to wait and see. You’re my perfect lover in so many other ways. I’m really liking how you’ve been opening up to me and talking about your feelings. Are you still afraid about  getting your tattoo?”

“I wish I wasn’t, but I am. I’m more scared about the tattoo than I am about getting sick from the estrogen. I know I’ll have to do both, so I try to just think about growing my boobs and getting my girl body.”

“You’re brave, Jill. I’ll help you get through it. We’ll get through it together.”

“Are you two about done in there?” Allie says from the hallway.

“Yeah, you can come in,” Jill says.

“Well… don’t you look contented,” Allie says to Rosy.

“Why wouldn’t I be, after being with my husband?” she playfully says, “Did you make Carla feel contented?”

“Yes, she is,” Carla giggles as she joins them. “Carla’s very contented.”

It’s been an exciting day so far, but it’s time for the girls to go to work and Jill and Allie to get on the road. They have just enough time to get dressed and have a quick lunch at McDonald’s before going their separate ways.

Their trip to Chicago got off to a late start, so they stop in Joliet for the night at a fancy hotel they stayed at once before. Jill gets the biggest thrill when the desk clerk asks to see her driver’s license, and she signs the registration card… Jill Cox.


After a great night’s sleep, they wake up in a playful mood. Their appointment isn’t until ten-thirty, so there’s plenty of time for kissing and sucking each other off before taking a shower. They feel so pretty, going down to breakfast dressed as ordinary girls. Allie likes wearing her fancy jeans, while Jill has on a knee-length jeans skirt.

With a later appointment time, they miss the Chicago rush-hour traffic, making the ninety-minute drive to Northrop relatively stress-free. They don’t even need a map this time; they’re getting used to making this trip.

Linda, Maggie’s receptionist, gives them her usual warm reception when they arrive for their appointment. “Maggie has another girl with her right now,” she tells them. “She wants you to see Dr. Wayne first thing. He wants to get your lab results back so he’ll know how much estrogen to start you on.”

In the examination room, Jill knows the drill as she takes off her clothes and puts on a gown. Taking blood and urine samples, jacking off in a cup, and the nurses measuring her nuts, it’s all getting to be a routine.

When Dr. Wayne comes in, she knows it’s time to get on the table and spread her ass. She doesn’t mind him poking around in her butt; she’s been getting her butt poked a lot lately.

It’s lunchtime by the time they finish their examinations and get back to Maggie’s office. Maggie’s office door is open and Linda tells them to go in. Maggie’s got a pretty, blonde-haired girl with her and asks Jill and Allie to join them.

“Dani,” she says to the girl, “I’d like you to meet two of our newest sisters, Jill and Allie.”

“This is Dani,” Maggie introduces, “she’s been with us just over a year now. I thought maybe the three of you might like to get some lunch and get acquainted a little bit.”

“That would be nice,” Dani says, “you wanna just go to the cafeteria?”

“Sure,” Allie says. They weren’t expecting to meet another girl today, and it’s a nice surprise. Dani’s really cute, and on the way to the cafeteria, they’re both checking out her slender body, very similar to their own.

After finding a table and taking off their coats, Dani’s showing a distinct bustline under the t-shirt she’s wearing. Her tits aren’t that big yet, but there’s no doubt they’ve started growing.

There’s a natural affinity with them as they begin talking about little things, like where they live. Dani lives in Skokie, about a half-hour drive from Northrop. They’re very comfortable as they begin talking about how they found the program.

“How long have you known about your femininity?” Dani asks.

“I’ve always known something wasn’t quite right,” Jill says. “but I just discovered my girl-side a year ago. How about you?”

“I found out I was feminine about three years ago. I’ve never been sexually attracted to girls, so I just thought I was gay.”

“Gay…?” Allie asks, “What’s that?”

“Gay’s the new word for queer. I always hated being called a queer. Being gay sounded better than being a queer. Thanks to the program, now I know I was never gay. I’ve always been transgender.”

The time flies by as they talk, and before they know it, it’s time to get back. As they’re walking back to Maggie’s office, Dani asks, “So are you driving back to Des Moines today?”

“No,” Jill says. “I’m going to start getting my arm tattooed tomorrow. We probably won’t leave until Sunday.”

“I noticed your scar,” Dani says, “but I didn’t want to say anything. How did it happen?”

“It was an accident when I was a baby. I can’t wait to get the fuckin’ thing covered up.”

“Hey,” Dani asks, “when we’re done here, would you like to grab a beer someplace? I really like talking with you.”

“Sure,” Allie says, “we’ve got plenty of time. We like talking with you, too.”

Back at Maggie’s office, Dani goes to the lab for her examinations, while the girls go in to talk with Maggie.

“So,” Maggie begins, “Linda tells me you got married?”

“Yeah, we got married right after Christmas.”

“The same girls you told me you were seeing the night we first met? Weren’t they in a same-sex relationship?”

“Yeah, Carla and Rosy. They were lesbians when we first met them, and pretty much still are. They’ve taught us so much about being girls. Our lives just sorta blended together, and we just naturally fell in love.”

“They’ve certainly taught you well,” Maggie compliments. “We’ve never had girls coming into the program as advanced as you two are. Living with females who accept you as transgender has to be the best support a girl can have. I’ve got a really good feeling about it.

“Since this is also a research program, Dr. Wayne will want to track your ability to get erections with your wives. He’ll probably adjust your blocker meds to help you with that.

“So… how are you doing with your ‘things to do’ list? Have you told your parents yet?”

“We wrote them a letter.”

“How’d that go?”

“It was very hard and very sad. We both cried really hard.”

“How did they take it?”

“We don’t know. They haven’t responded yet.”

“Well, give it some time. You’ve done your part, just be ready for a bad reaction, is what I tell the girls. You’ve got family here if you need support.

“I can tell you’ve been doing your voice exercises. You’re both sounding a lot more feminine when you speak. Have you looked into getting your names changed yet?”

“We went to court yesterday. Our legal names are now Jillian and Allison Cox! We even got new drivers’ licenses with our girl pictures.”

“Oh my!” Maggie’s impressed. “You girls don’t waste time.”

“Jill,” she asks, “have you and Rita talked about your tattoo?”

“Yes,” there’s a pause. “I’m going to start getting it put on tomorrow.”

“I’m so impressed with how fast you’re getting everything done. How do you feel about getting your tattoo?”

“I can’t lie to you, Maggie, I’m scared as hell.” She starts tearing up.

“I’m so proud of you, Jill. If it gets really painful tomorrow, just remember when we looked at your arm, when I took you into that deep trance.

“Remember how terrible it felt facing it head-on…? And how bright everything looked when you came out the other side? I think your tattoo experience will be just like that. I can’t wait to see your beautiful arm.”

Linda’s voice comes in over the intercom, “Dr. Wayne’s here with lab results.”

“Send him in.”

“How are things going in here?” he asks.

“They’re doing great. I can’t believe how fast these girls are moving. How do their lab numbers look?”

“The numbers are good. Both of your T-levels are way down, which is good. You’re ready for estrogen.”

“Are we sterile yet? Can our wives quit using birth control?”

“Your sperm counts are very low,” Wayne says, “but I wouldn’t chance an unwanted pregnancy just yet. Wait another month or two, just to be sure.”

Wayne puts them on a weaker T-blocker, and starts them on a half-dose of estrogen the first week, then a full dose after that.

“What if we get sick?” Jill’s worried.

“I’d like to say you won’t get sick,” Wayne says, “but we’ll never lie to you. Some girls get sick, others don’t. Every girl’s body is different. If you do get sick, don’t stop taking your estrogen.

“You’ll be taking estrogen every day for the rest of your life. When your body figures out it’s running on estrogen now instead of testosterone, it’ll tame down and you’ll start seeing a girl developing in the mirror.

“Just be patient. It takes a long time. And don’t even think about breasts for three or four months, you’ll only get disappointed. It’ll go so slow you probably won’t even notice yourself changing.”

It’s around three o’clock when they finish everything up, and Dani’s waiting for them in the receptionist’s room. Maggie and Wayne smile with satisfaction as they watch their three transgirls leaving together, hoping they’ll become good friends.

Their friendship is off to a good start as Allie follows Dani to a bar she likes to go to in Skokie. Jill’s staring out the window, happy the day has gone so well, and at the same time dreading tomorrow. Meeting a new friend helps get her mind off the tattoo needle.

Dani pulls into a parking lot with Allie right behind. They’re a little apprehensive getting out of their cars, but it’s easy to relax once they’re in the homey atmosphere of the bar. They get their beers and find a table, and Jill sees a pay phone near the back of the bar.

“Excuse me for a minute,” she says, “I’m gonna call Rita to see if she’s home.”

Allie and Dani strike up a conversation, mostly about their love life, as most girls do.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Allie asks.

“Not right now. Right after high school, I moved in with an older gay man. He taught me so much about having sex with men, but we broke up when I started wearing girl clothes at home. He tolerated for a while, but didn’t like women, and when I wanted to dress like that in public, it got too weird for him.”

“Have you looked for another boyfriend?”

“I’ve been trying, but guys don’t want anything to do with me when I tell them I’m transgender. They look down on me, like I’m a fuckin’ freak or something. I fuckin’ hate that shit. I absolutely love sex, and I really miss it, but I just can’t do it with someone who doesn’t respect me.

“The program has really helped me with my self-esteem. I won’t let myself get laid by guys who’ll only fuck me as a last resort.”

“I don’t blame you, neither would I. What do you do for a living?”

“I work at a massage parlor.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yeah, it doesn’t pay worth a shit, but I like it a lot. I love giving men pleasure, even if I can’t touch their cocks. I’d sure like to sometimes, but I’d get fired. What do you do?”

“Jill and I have a mail-order business.” Allie’s not about to mention anything about being whores to someone she barely knows.

“What do you sell?”

“Don’t laugh,” Allie says, “but we sell sex lube.”

“Really? You can make a living like that?”

“Yeah. We sell quite a bit of it.”

“Ass lube?”

“Is there another kind?” They both bust out laughing.

Jill comes back and sits down. “Rita said she and James are going out and won’t be back till seven.”

“So we have to kill what? About three hours?” Allie figures.

“I don’t live far from here,” Dani says, “you can hang out at my place if you want.”

“What do you think, Jill?”

“Sure, I’d like to. We don’t have any place else to go.”

Two beers and an hour later, Dani’s taking them to the side of an older, two-story house. They follow her up a flight of wooden stairs to her small apartment. “Welcome to my place,” she says, “It’s not big, but it’s cozy.”

“I like it,” Jill says as she looks around. The kitchen and living room are attached, and it looks like a bedroom door off to the side. It has a warm ambience, the way Dani has set it up.

“I don’t have any beer,” Dani says, “but I could roll a joint, if you’re into pot.”

“Isn’t everyone into pot?” Allie giggles. “I got a couple already rolled in the car. I’ll go get ’em.”

While Allie runs down to get the joints, a strange-looking, canvas-covered table with a hole at one end catches Jill’s attention. “What’s that?” she asks.

“That’s my massage table. I work as a masseuse. I bought the table to give private massages here at home, but I haven’t done any yet. It folds up so I can give massages anywhere. I just haven’t done anything with it yet.”

“Me and Allie give each other massages sometimes, but we don’t know too much about it.”

“It’s really fun to learn. Maybe sometime when you’re in town, I could give you one.”

“Hmmm… that might be fun.”

“You never know,” Dani chuckles.

Allie comes in with the joints, and Dani sits on the couch between them as they light one up. Since Dani’s already been on estrogen a year, they talk about the program as they’re passing the joint.

“What’s it like being on estrogen?” Jill asks.

“It’s wonderful. It lets you feel good in your own skin. It’s like I’ve never been male.”

“What do you like the best?”

“I don’t know, so many things, really. My skin is so soft, and my hips and ass are bigger.”

“What about your tits?” Allie’s eager to know.

“My tits started growing four months into estrogen.”

“What bra size do you wear?”

“My breasts are still small, but at least I’m starting to fill an A-cup. I’d like to think about implants, but it’s like $1200. Way out of my reach.”

“Do your nipples stick out more when they grow?

“I’m not sure what you mean. I guess I could show you. I mean, we’re all girls, right?”

“Would you?” Allie really wants to see.

“OK,” Dani takes a breath, “here goes.”

She lifts her t-shirt over her head, revealing dark-ish nipples showing through her semi-transparent bra.

“Looks like you’re filling those cups pretty nice,” Jill compliments. “Your skin looks so soft. Do you mind if I feel it just a teeny bit?”

“No, go ahead. Softer skin is what I like best about estrogen so far. You’ll notice it right away. You’ll feel so much more feminine.”

“It does feel really nice,” Allie rubs her back.

“It feels nice to be touched, too,” Dani says. “It’s been so long since anyone’s touched me. I almost forgot how good it feels.”

“Rita told us women have bigger nipples than men.”

“Isn’t that obvious?” Dani giggles.

“Oh, no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean nipples, I meant the brown skin around the nipples.”

“Areolas?” Jill helps her out.

“Yeah, that’s what I meant. Anyways, she tattooed ours bigger so they’ll look more female when we get our tits.”

“Really? Can I see?”

“Sure, you wanna do another number first?”

“Why not?” says Dani, feeling more comfortable in just her bra.

They’re all getting giggly passing the second joint around, and Dani starts asking questions.

“How’s it like transitioning to female when you’re married to real females?”

“It’s great. Our wives aren’t like other girls. They teach us things like makeup, wearing the right clothes, how to eat in public, how to walk… so much stuff you’d never think about.”

“They teach us some things in the program, like voice therapy,” Dani says, “but we’re pretty much on our own learning everyday things about being women.”

Jill’s running her fingers up and down Dani’s arm as they talk, and Dani’s looking into her eyes a little more each time she passes the joint. She’d really like to kiss her, but they hardly know each other. She takes the last hit off the joint and says, “You were going to show me your nipple tattoos.”

They take off their blouses, but before taking off their fake-filled bras, Allie playfully says, “If we show you ours, are you gonna show us yours?”

“Well, yeah, fair is fair.”

Allie turns her back to her, “Wanna unsnap me?”

Dani doesn’t say anything as she nervously undoes Allie’s bra and can’t help herself from running her hands along her shoulders.

“Wanna do mine too?” Jill says from the other side.

As Dani unsnaps Jill’s bra, Allie scoots closer and puts her finger under her strap. “You want me to unsnap this for you?”

“I don’t know where this is going,” Dani’s getting nervous, “but you can unsnap me. I’ll probably like it.”

“I’d like to see what you’ve been growing under there,” Jill gets almost close enough to kiss. “And I kinda like where this is going, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I’m kinda liking it. This is like the last thing I expected to be doing today. I’m so fuckin’ wasted after those joints and the beers, I’m not even sure what I’m doing.”

“I’m as wasted as you are,” Jill whispers, “and I’m pretty sure I’d like to kiss you. Would you like to kiss me?”

“Oh fuck… I’m so god-damned horny, if I get started, I won’t be able to stop.”

“Why would you want to stop?” Allie whispers as she unhooks her bra. “If you’re horny, why don’t you let us take care of that for you?”

Allie kisses on her shoulder and Dani knows where this is going. She’s wasted, horny, and sitting with her bra unsnapped between two girls of her own kind. When Jill makes a bolder advance and touches her small breasts, she latches on to the opportunity and doesn’t look back.

They’ve been wanting to kiss since they got to her apartment, so when they finally do, their tongues greet each other in an erotic dance. “Damn, Dani,” Allie says, “Your skin feels so nice and soft. I just love touching it.”

“Keep touching it, you’re setting me on fire.”

“Oh, God,” she looks into Jill’s eyes, “It’s been so long since I’ve felt like this.”

“You’re really cute, Dani,” Jill says, “I love touching your nice little titties. I can’t wait to grow a pair of my own.”

Jill’s words only increase her desire as her hands involuntarily creep under Jill’s skirt. “You can take this off me if you like.” Jill stands up in front of her.

“I’d like some cock,” she says as Jill’s skirt falls away. Seeing Jill’s cock outlined under her panties makes her drool. She pulls Jill close, pressing her nose against it to savor the delicious odors steaming from her crotch.

“You have a really nice cock.”

“Go ahead and suck it, Dani,” Jill encourages, “I know you want to, just like you wanted to kiss me. After all, me and Allie are girls just like you. We think the same, and we know what you’re thinking.”

“That’s becoming obvious,” Dani admits. “We’re the same kind of girls.”

Jill’s cock springs in her face when Dani pulls her panties down. She’s eager to get her mouth around it as she gets off the couch and goes down on her.

“Damn, Dani, you’re a fuckin’ good sucker,” Jill edges her on.

“You’re delicious, Jill. You know how long it’s been since I’ve tasted cock?”

“I don’t care how long it’s been. You’re tasting me now, and that’s all that matters. When you’re done with mine, Allie’s got one just like it, except hers has foreskin.”

“Allie’s uncut? Oh wow, another treat I wasn’t expecting today.”

While Dani’s gorging herself on Jill’s hard meat, Allie gets behind her to play with her tits. They feel so good to Allie as she thinks of her own breasts being like this in a year.

With her hands tightly cupped around Dani’s pretty little globes, Allie whispers in her ear, “Me and Jill like to be little bitches when we play. You wanna play the little bitch game with us?”

“As long as I can be the hot little bitch, ‘cuz I can only play this game as a girl,” Dani says. “Let’s go to my bedroom, I wanna get fucked, by both of you.”

Jill helps her to her feet and unzips her jeans. “I can’t fuck you until I get you naked,” she giggles as she pushes Dani’s jeans down her legs, “and I want to get a good look at your estrogen body.”

“You can do anything you want with my estrogen body,” Dani says as she steps out of her jeans and twirls around. Allie’s attracted to her very small cock, and can’t resist licking the head.

“Has the estrogen made your cock shrink?” she asks.

“Probably a little bit, but I’ve always had the smallest cock around. I’m a natural-born bottom. I’ve never wanted the male side of sex.”

The three of them make their way into Dani’s bedroom, and the first thing that catches their eye is Dani’s vibrators and dildos laying out on her dresser. “Ooops,” she laughs when she realizes they see them. “If I knew I was going to have company, I woulda put those away.”

“You’ve got quite an interesting collection here,” Jill says. “You must like toys a lot.”

“I only like ’em ‘cuz they’re all I’ve got. If I wanna get fucked, I have to fuck myself.”

“How often do you fuck yourself?”

“Every day at least. Sometimes I want it more. When the estrogen starts taking over your brain, you’ll know what I mean.”

Allie gets on the bed, pushing her hard cock up so Dani can see. “Show me what you mean, little bitch. Gimme some of what you just gave Jill.”

“I’ll be right back,” Jill says, “I’m gonna get the lube from my purse.”

“There’s some in that top drawer,” Dani says.

“That’s OK, I want you to try mine.”

Dani’s on her hands and knees, feasting on Allie’s cock when Jill gets back. She looks so hot and sexy, Jill really wants to fuck her. She gets on the bed and pours lube down her crack. Dani starts begging for it when Jill puts a finger in her ass. It’s obvious to Jill that Dani likes to fuck herself a lot. She easily takes three fingers without a flinch as Jill works her hole.

“Are you ready for it, you little bitch?” Jill presses her cock against Dani’s asshole.

“I’ve been ready for it. Fuck me like the dirty little bitch I am!”

Jill doesn’t have to press hard as Dani’s hole opens right up. She sinks her cock into her in one slow stroke.

“How does that feel, little bitch?”

“Oh fuck… It feels like heaven. It’s been so long since I’ve had a real cock in me.”

“You fuck yourself a lot,” Jill starts pumping her. “I could tell by how loose your asshole is. You’re as loose as me and Allie.” She drives it into her really hard and fast.

“I fuck myself all the time. I’m a fuckin’ dildo whore.”

“Fuck her, Jill,” Allie says, “the harder you fuck her, the harder this dirty little bitch sucks my cock.”

After a few minutes of very heavy fucking, Dani’s estrogen-influenced body is quivering all over. She’s been having lots of little orgasms as she takes cock at both ends. Jill’s loving the fucking, but she’s probably loving the way Dani’s body looks even more.

After a year on estrogen, Dani’s body is losing its male characteristics. Jill imagines how those feminine curves will look on her own body. She’s taken her first estrogen pill today; she knows she’s on her way.

“You want some of this nice ass?” she asks Allie.

“Yeah, it’s about time you give me a turn. How’s our little bitch holding up? You ready for more, Dani?”

“Oh yeah, I can take plenty more. I wanna know if your beautiful cock feels as good in my pussy as it does in my mouth. God… I’m so hungry for cock.”

“I don’t know how long I can fuck,” Allie mounts her. “I almost shot my load in your mouth.”

“That woulda been OK.”

Jill kneels in front of Dani, feeding her cock as Allie pounds her ass. She can’t stop running her hands along her smooth little curves and squeezing her cute little tits. Jill’s surprised her cock has stayed hard so long. Having sex with another t-girl has really turned her on.

After almost cumming in her ass, Dani’s mouth makes her cum fast. Jill’s orgasm comes quickly as she watches Allie fucking her new friend. She can’t give Dani much warning before she explodes in her mouth. Dani didn’t need a warning. The only cum she’s tasted for so long has been her own, and she all too happy to swallow every drop of Jill’s.

The taste of Jill’s cum makes Dani shake to another glorious orgasm. Jill falls back on the bed, with Dani holding her cock in her mouth as she goes soft. She moves up to kiss Jill, and they share sweet kisses while Allie slow-fucks her until she cums in her ass.

They don’t say much as the three of them lie together catching their breath.

“Holy shit,” Dani finally says, “I’m so glad Maggie introduced us. You ladies love sex as much as I do.”

“Maybe Maggie knew we would hit it off,” Allie says.

“It’s amazing what Maggie says and does. She’s like our mom, she always seems to know what’s best for us,” Dani shares. “What kind of lube was that?”

“That’s some of my homemade stash. I’ll leave the rest of it here for you.”

“Where did you get the recipe?”

“Me and Allie discovered it by accident. People seem to love it. They keep buying more.”

“How did you start selling it by mail?”

“One of the guys I date gave me the idea. He was a lousy fuck, but I’ve made a lot of money off his idea.”

“Wait… I thought you said you were married. You’re dating guys too?”

“We date a lot of guys,” Allie confides, “it’s kinda complicated what we do, but our wives are cool with it. As long as we don’t fuck anything with a pussy.”

“You just fucked the shit out of my pussy. Are they cool with that?”

“Your pussy is a boy pussy. They’re probably cool with it.”

“It’s not a boy pussy. After you’re on estrogen, it turns into a t-girl pussy. I can’t explain it, but you’ll find out what I’m talking about.”

“What’s a t-girl?”

“It’s short for transgender girl. That’s what we are, t-girls.”

“We should probably think about getting to Rita’s place pretty soon,” Jill says.

“Yeah,” Allie agrees, “We hate to leave you, Dani. This was so much fun.”

“I hope this isn’t a one-time deal. I’d like to see you again. I just love getting fucked like that.”

“We’d love to do this again, too,” Jill says. “Give us your number, and we’ll give you ours. We’d like to become close friends with you.”

“Shit… after what we just did, I’d say we’re already close friends. I can’t believe how we’re so much alike. We seem to have everything in common.”

Published 3 years ago

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