They really enjoyed having Dani as their guest over the weekend. The guys at the Club absolutely loved her, and Dani loved her first time at the Club.
Dani’s not sure if she wants to be a prostitute, but Allie already knows she’s crossed that line. All she has to do now is wait for her to accept it.
It seemed like she just got there, and then it was time to go. She would have loved to stay longer, but it’s a six-hour drive back to Chicago. So they walked her out to her car and sent her off with kisses and love.
“I really like Dani,” Carla tells Allie as they’re making their way back to the living room.
“Isn’t she cute? I’m so glad you two hit it off last night.”
“How could we not? She’s an absolute doll. I can see why it was so easy for you to get in bed with her.”
“When I saw the way you were kissing her,” Rosy says to Carla, “it was pretty obvious you two probably screwed last night.”
“Yeah,” Carla admits, “when she said she’d never had a girl before, I wanted her to know what it feels like.”
“Was she good?”
“She was good for her first time. I mean, she’s still got a lot to learn, but she could be a good lover for a lesbian girl. With her soft skin and cute little tits, she’s like a man and a woman at the same time.”
“So you’d do it again with her?”
“Of course I would. I even promised her another piece next time she comes.”
“Then I guess it’s only a matter of time before I’m in bed with her, too.”
“Why not…? She’s already had sex with all of us now except for you. It’s funny how we were just talking about it last week, and now it’s starting to happen.”
“Talking about what?” Allie’s quick to ask.
“We were just talking about this girl at work we kinda got the hots for. That’s still alright with you, isn’t it? If we bring another girl home with us? We’d tell you about it first.”
“Of course it is. Like you said, as long as we’re not with the opposite sex. What do you think, Jill?”
“It’s fine by me. Why shouldn’t girls have the same freedoms we do? If our only rule is no sex with the opposite sex, there shouldn’t be any problems.”
“It’s no sex alone with the opposite sex,” Carla clarifies.
“Geez, Carla,” Rosy giggles, “you’re kinda leaving it wide open.”
“Why not? Forever is a long time to be together, you never know what might come up. The more I think about this polygamy thing, the more I’m liking it. Being free to play with another girl if she turns me on, and still having our foursome marriage at home? What could be better?”
“Having our new house all set up for that kind of fun is what could be better,” Allie says.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be fun remodeling our house,” says Carla. “Too bad we couldn’t go out there today.”
“There’s still time,” Jill says. “Just because I feel like shit, doesn’t mean you can’t go look at it. I called the utility company Thursday, so you should be able to turn the lights on if it gets dark.”
“Don’t you want to look at it with us? We wanna hear your ideas, too.”
“Me and Allie already talked about it. Neither one of us knows shit about decorating a house. That’s where you and Rosy shine, so we’re gonna let you girls make our house a home. We’ll give you all the money you need to turn that empty house into a comfortable home. The only thing I want is the breakfast nook in the kitchen for my office space.”
Jill’s glad she stayed home while the others went out to look at their house. She was feeling a little better Friday, but after going to the full dose of estrogen, she’s just as sick as she was last week.
At least the antibiotics are working, and her arm infection is pretty much cleared up. As she looks at her tattoo in the vanity mirror, she can start making out what it actually looks like. She admires the intricacy of Rita’s work, and the pixie girl on her bicep looks amazingly just like her.
Imagining what her finished tattoo will look like, she starts imagining what her finished body will look like. She remembers what Neville Goddard says in his book, about your thoughts shaping your reality. Since she’s by herself, she takes advantage of her time and meditates on what she’s thinking about.
She’s still dizzy as she crosses her legs on the bedroom floor with her back propped against the bed. Going deep into her subconscious, she imagines herself with lovely breasts filling the same bra she wears now, grown naturally without surgery.
In her mind, her skinny body feels soft and has transformed itself into a perfect shape. She can almost feel her nipples tingling as she focuses all her attention on her breasts. Deep into this relaxing meditation, she doesn’t feel dizzy as she talks with her inner girlfriend. She asks her girlfriend to supervise her body from the inside as it works with the estrogen.
She knows her body won’t know what to do until she tells it what she wants. So she makes up a mantra, saying to herself over and over, ‘Accept the estrogen, grow my tits. Accept the estrogen, grow my tits.’
Hours later, she’s still in her meditative trance, still repeating the mantra, ‘Accept the estrogen, grow my tits.’
“Jill…?” she hears Rosy’s voice, “Are you alright?”
Somewhat startled, Jill comes out of her trance, “Oh, hi Rosy. Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve been meditating.”
Rosy sits on the floor beside her, “Meditating about what?”
“Just getting in touch with myself. I didn’t feel as dizzy when I was focusing my attention on other things. I think I’m gonna spend more time meditating. How did you like the inside of the house?”
“We loved it! The whole inside needs remodeling, like you said, but that’s what makes it so neat. We can make it just like we want it. Me and Carla have some good ideas.”
“I knew you would. I know you’ll turn our house into the perfect home.”
Monday night at five o’clock, in Skokie, Illinois…
Dani’s putting on her lipstick as she gets ready for another night at the massage parlor. She’s reminded of her limited makeup skills as she recalls how good she looked Saturday night after Rosy dressed her up. The makeup made her feel good about herself, and the clothes gave her such confidence at the Club when she was flirting with Gary.
It didn’t matter that Gary took all her clothes off before he fucked her in the side room. What’s important is she established herself as a hot, well-dressed blonde. Her first impression at the Club is the image they’ll remember.
She wishes she could recreate that image tonight, but there’s no way she can do it with her scant collection of cosmetics and limited wardrobe. Not that she needs to… the men that come to the massage parlor are nowhere near the classy, high-end gents she was with Saturday night.
Later on at work after giving her first massage, the $20 she got for her hour’s work makes her feel like a cheap whore. Of course, she’s not giving sex with her massages, but she’s still prostituting herself out, just the same. She feels like she’s stuck in a rut, making pennies when she could be earning dollars.
Her first night as a whore gave her a taste of the good life. And now that she’s tasted the honey, like the first time she tasted cock, she’ll never be able to forget it. It consumes her thoughts as she thinks about whether or not she wants to become a prostitute. She’s getting close to accepting her destiny, but she’s still not quite ready to jump into that lifestyle.
Late Thursday afternoon, back in Des Moines…
It’s been another busy week after Allie and Carla met with Alex Monday morning to plan the remodeling of their new house. Carla was in her glory as she went through the house, telling Alex how they want to set it up. Since they have plenty of money to do anything they want, Carla didn’t hold back on her creativity.
They’re going to completely gut out the kitchen and replace everything. On each side of the long hallway, there are two good-sized bedrooms with a bathroom. Carla wants large, walk-in closets built-in the two bedrooms on one side of the hall. On the other side, she’s going to move the walls to make one large bedroom and a spacious bathroom. She specifies a shower with two heads, with enough room for the four of them to all shower together.
She told Allie last night that the big bedroom will be their love-nest, an idea they all really like. Since Carla seems to always have sex on her mind these days, she wants a round waterbed like the one they had in their suite at Lake Tahoe. She’s even thinking about putting mirrors on the ceiling above the bed, remembering how erotic it was on their wedding night.
They have the most fun planning the Jacuzzi room. Since it’s going to be a built-on addition, Alex suggested a sauna room to go with the Jacuzzi. It was something they hadn’t thought about, and Carla instantly loved the idea.
By Thursday, they’ve bought a top-of-the-line Jacuzzi big enough to fit eight people and ordered their kitchen cabinets. It took a lot of time, but it was a labor of love, and they’re all excited to finally get the ball rolling. They can’t wait to move in.
Jill’s feeling a lot better and her tattoo has completely healed. She called Rita last night to tell her she’ll be there Saturday for another tattooing session. Rosy’s been wanting to meet Rita, so she’ll be going with Jill this time, instead of Allie.
With the girls off to work, Allie’s sitting in front of the vanity getting ready for a date tonight as Jill lies in bed. “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” she tells Jill.
“I’m still not feeling great, but it’s better than it was. I think meditating has really helped me a lot. I’ve been meditating on growing my tits.”
“Are you serious?” Allie laughs. “Your body is going to do what it wants. Meditating about big tits isn’t going make ’em grow big. You just have to let the estrogen do its thing. We can’t control it.”
“Maybe so, but it can’t hurt to keep thinking about how I want my body to look. Besides, my nipples tingle when I put all my attention there.”
“How do you feel about Rita working on your arm again?”
“I’m not looking forward to it, but I’m not dreading either. I think I’m probably past the worst of it. Now I’m just looking forward to it being over. I’m glad Rosy’s going with me this time. It’ll be good for her to meet Rita.”
“While you’re gone, Carla and I are going to shop for carpet and flooring. Then we might dress up and go dancing at The Mixx. I think Carla wants to flirt with the lesbians.”
“Maybe you’ll bring one home with you,” Jill giggles.
“I wouldn’t put it past Carla. She’s been horny as fuck lately. You should have seen her with Dani. She like dragged her into bed.”
“We haven’t heard from Dani since she was here. I wonder how she’s doing?”
“I hope she’s thinking about being a whore with me next weekend. I was gonna call her yesterday and ask her, but I don’t want her to feel like we’re pushing her into this.”
“I’m pretty sure she’ll come into our lifestyle,” Jill says, “but we’ll have to let her make her own decision in her own time. As much as she loves sex, she’ll probably jump in headfirst and never look back. Like you were saying, she’s probably already a whore, she just doesn’t know it yet.”
“Yup… Once a whore, always a whore. I think she said she has Thursday nights off. You should call her to see how she’s doing. Don’t mention anything about whoring, just let her know we’re thinking about her.”
“I think I will. If she’s home tomorrow, maybe I’ll see if me and Rosy can stop by.”
After Allie leaves for her date, Jill gets on the phone.
“Hello?” Dani answers.
“Hi, Dani. It’s Jill, how are you doing?”
“Hi, Jill. I’m doing great. I’ve felt so good all week!”
“Still high from all that fucking?”
“You know it. I’ve been in t-girl heaven! I fucked myself a little bit last night, but it wasn’t anything like the real cock I got last weekend.”
“I know, once you start getting real cock, nothing else can satisfy you.”
“Yeah, no shit. I’ve been thinking a lot about the gang bang next week.”
“Are you gonna come?”
“I’m not sure. I want to, but something inside is telling me to hold off.”
“Well, it’s a big step. Take your time, because once you cross that line, there’s no going back to the way you were.”
“Yeah, I’m wondering if I haven’t already crossed that line. I mean, once I got fucked by Gary, I just kept wanting more.”
“That’s how it is. Once you get into it, you forget where you are. You just can’t get enough at that point.”
“That’s what scares me. Will I forget who I am?”
“You’ll forget who you were, but not who you are. I’m still the same person I’ve always been, but I’m living a different life. I hated my old life, always alone and never getting sex. In my new life, I’m hanging out with people who like me, and I’m having tons of sex.
“I don’t have to waste my time looking for sex because when you’re a good whore, the sex comes looking for you. I love who I am, and I’m not ashamed about it. When you’re not ashamed, you’re free to enjoy all the rewards this lifestyle can give you.”
“Maybe that’s what’s holding me back, just getting used to it. A week ago, I never thought I’d ever be whoring myself out, and now, I’ve already done it.”
“And guess what, Dani…? You didn’t melt, did you? Did a lightning bolt come out of the sky and strike your ass down? No, it didn’t. Do you feel wonderful? Do you have extra money in your purse? Yes, you do. Just take your time, girl. You’ll know when you’re ready.
“Anyways, what I was calling about was I’ll be in town tomorrow to do more tattoo work. I was wondering if you’d like to get together for lunch or something before we go to Rita’s.”
“I’m working tomorrow night, but I’m free till about six. I’d love it if you wanna stop by. I’d like to see you again.”
“We’d like to see you again, too. Rosy’s coming with me this time, she really likes you.”
“Oh God, I really like her too. You and Allie are so lucky to have those two girls teaching you so many things. They showed me how much more I have to learn about being a girl.”
“They’d love to teach you everything you need to know. Anyways, we’ll probably leave early tomorrow morning and be there around noon or so.”
“Okay, my sister. Give me a call when you get in town.”
Jill and Rosy get to Dani’s place just after one o’clock the next day. Rosy likes the way she has her apartment set up, but can’t help noticing the way she’s dressed. In a t-shirt and faded men’s blue jeans, she looks more like a sloppy tomboy than the cute girl she was Saturday night. They’re really hungry after their long drive, so the first thing they do is take Dani out to lunch.
While they’re eating, Dani reminds Rosy of how Jill was when they first met. She’s gobbling her food down in big bites like a man would do, and Rosy has to say something about it.
“Dani…? Do you remember when you told me you’d like to learn more about acting like a girl?”
“Yeah, I know I have a lot to learn.”
“Would you like a lesson?”
“A lesson in makeup?”
“Maybe later,” she says, “but right now, you should notice how you’re eating.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
“You’re eating like a man. Watch me. This is how a girl eats.”
Rosy shows her how to put smaller portions in her mouth and chew with her mouth closed. Dani picks it up quickly and finishes her meal eating just like Rosy showed her.
“See how different that feels?” Rosy says.
“I do. I never even realized I was eating like that.”
“That’s because when you grew up, you were a boy. No one ever taught you how to act like a girl. Would you like to learn more about makeup when we get back to your apartment?”
“That would be cool, but I don’t have much in the way of cosmetics.”
“Then we’ll stop at the store and buy you a basic makeup kit to get you started.”
Dani’s browsed the cosmetic departments before, but never knew what she was looking at. She’s amazed as Rosy shows her all the different products and tells her what they’re used for. Most of it is too advanced for her right now, so Rosy picks out a few items she can start using right away. Dani’s excited as she opens everything up as soon as they get back to her apartment.
“Where do I start?”
“First,” Rosy says, “I’ll show you how to use your blush palette and brushes. Is your vanity in the bedroom?”
“Ummm… I don’t have a vanity.”
Since Dani doesn’t have a vanity, they have to do it in the bathroom. Rosy’s having a hard time showing her with the dim lighting and small mirror.
“It would be a lot easier if got yourself a vanity to do your makeup. Every girl should have a vanity.”
“Well, I’ll have to wait on that. I don’t have that much money.”
“If you come visit us from time to time,” Rosy says, “you’ll have enough money.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, Dani… if you go to the Club every now and then, they’ll give you all the money you’ll need.”
“I’ve been thinking about it.”
Rosy kisses her cheek and embraces her. “What’s to think about?” Her lips inches away from Dani’s.
“Well… I liked it and all that. I’m just not sure I want to go into prostitution.”
“Selling sex won’t kill you,” Rosy’s sensing a weakness. “You obviously love sex, and you’ve got a great body for it, so why not use it to your advantage? What else do you have going for you…? A college degree? Rich parents? A great job?”
“Shit…” Dani sighs, “I wish.”
“You wouldn’t have to do it all the time. Maybe just when you want something you can’t afford, like a vanity to do your makeup or all the clothes you need to start actually living a girl’s life.
“You know, Dani, you don’t look very feminine the way you’re dressed right now. Even with the blush we just put on your cheeks, you still look like an ordinary tomboy. Even if you were born female, you still wouldn’t be able to attract very many men, the way you present yourself.”
“I wish I had more girls’ clothes, that’s for sure.”
“Did you see all the clothes in Jill’s closet?”
“I’d love to have a closet full of clothes like Jill.”
“Jill can afford all those clothes because she gets money from the Club.”
“God, I need so many things,” Dani laments.
“What’s something expensive you’d want the most…? If you had all the money you need.”
“That’s easy. I’d want breast implants.”
“I’d love to see you with a nice set of boobs. How much does it cost?”
“Around $1200 is the cheapest price I’ve heard. Way more than I’ve ever had.”
“If you help Allie out next week, you’ll have enough to get your boobs done, plus a closet full of new clothes. All you’d have to do is let them have fun with you for a few hours.”
“I know, Jill told me how much they make when they get gang banged. Believe me, it’s tempting, and I’m really considering it.”
Rosy gives her a kiss. “Whatever you decide to do, I know it’ll be right for you.” She hugs her tighter and kisses her again. “We think you’re beautiful, Dani. We’ll be your friends no matter what you decide to do.”
“I’ve only just met you,” Dani says, “and already I feel closer to your family than I ever did with my own family.”
“You probably have more in common with Jill and Allie than you do with your family. Listen to your intuition when you make your decision. What is your intuition telling you right now?”
“Right now? I think my intuition is telling me I like your arms around me and I’d like to kiss you.”
“My intuition is telling me the same thing. That’s why I’ve already kissed you a couple of times, in case you haven’t noticed. You wanna start listening to your intuition? Maybe start doing what it’s telling you to do?”
They’ve already been in an embrace, with their lips only inches apart as they’ve quietly talked. A few short exploratory kisses lead to longer kisses, and finally a long, open-mouthed french kiss.
They pull together in a tighter embrace, their swirling tongues generating erotic electricity. “Oh, God,” Dani worries, “is it okay for us to be doing this with Jill in the other room?”
“Jill won’t mind. She’s tired from the drive and hasn’t felt like having sex since she started the estrogen. Let’s go see if she wants to join us.”
Dani’s not sure what to think as Rosy takes her by the hand to the living room, where Jill’s asleep on the couch. “She’s been sleeping a lot since she went on the estrogen.” Rosy says, “I’ll try to wake her up.”
“Baby…?” she shakes Jill’s shoulder. “Baby?” Jill starts to stir. “Me and Dani are in the mood for a little hanky-panky. You want to join us?”
“Naw,” Jill mumbles, “you two go ahead. I’m too tired, I just wanna sleep.”
“Okay, baby, if you wake up, come join us.”
“See…?” she says to Dani, “It’s okay with Jill. Wanna show me your bedroom?”
“Yeah, I’d love to,” says starry-eyed Dani.
They already know where this is going, and don’t waste any time getting their clothes off as soon as they get in the bedroom. Their tongues dart into each other’s mouths as their naked bodies embrace. “I love how smooth your skin is,” Rosy says as she runs her hands up and down Dani’s back, “you feel just like a girl.”
“That’s what the estrogen does,” says Dani, “it’ll be the first thing you’ll notice when Jill starts changing.”
“I love your t-girl titties,” Rosy giggles.
“There isn’t much to see yet,” Dani says as she touches Rosy’s tits, “but at least they’re growing.”
“So…? They’re cute, and you have pretty nipples.”
“I just wish they were bigger,” Dani says.
“Well, you know how to can get your implants, if you really want ’em.” Rosy smiles. “But you know…? It doesn’t really matter what size they are,” she rubs her bare tits against Dani’s. “All that matters is how they feel to you.”
She kisses down Dani’s neck and sits her on the edge of the bed. Dani was in bed with Carla and Allie last week, but she’s never been by herself with a female like this. All alone, just the two of them, Rosy shows her how a lesbian makes love.
Rosy’s a more tender lover than Carla, something Dani feels right away as she makes love to her breasts and caresses her cock. Her nipples have never been so aroused as Rosy sucks them into her mouth and sets them on fire. She loved it when the guys at the Club sucked on her nipples, but they were nothing like Rosy.
The fire in her tits spreads throughout her body as Rosy alternates between nipples, making them tingle a little more each time she sucks one in her mouth. “Oh, God,” Dani squirms, “I never knew my tits could feel like this.”
“That’s cuz you’ve never had a girl do it for you. Jill loves it when I do her tits like this. I knew you would too.”
“Fuck… I love how you’re making me feel.”
Rosy’s been running her fingertips along Dani’s cock as she makes love to her tits. It throbs as she wraps her hand around it.
“Hmmm…” Rosy grins at Dani. “Feels like you got a little stiffy going on down here. Mind if I have a little taste?”
Dani’s too hot to answer as Rosy goes down on her short shaft. She starts with little licks around her head, swirling her tongue around it while she gently moves her balls around her sack with her fingers. She likes being able to get all of Dani’s cock in her mouth as it pulses to every move of her tongue.
Dani feels a part of her she’s never felt before as Rosy sucks her cock. Carla sucked her cock the other night, but Rosy’s making love to it. It’s waking up her masculine side, a side of her she’s never been able to feel.
She grew up being ashamed of her small cock, and the year she spent with her gay lover only reinforced the way she felt about her inadequacy. He always put her down and told her the only thing her cock was good for was peeing. The only way she could ever get off, according to him, was by getting fucked in the ass. She was so naive she believed every word of it, until now.
She holds Rosy’s head as she runs her female tongue up and down her little shaft and sucks both balls in her mouth.
“Oh God, Rosy,” she pants, “my cock has never felt so good. I think I’m gonna cum pretty soon.”
“You can’t cum until you put it where I want it,” Rosy says as she kisses her way back to her tits.
“My tits are still throbbing,” Dani moans.
“They’re supposed to,” Rosy giggles as she lies on the bed beside her. “That’s why I sucked them like that. That’s how a lesbian kisses another girl’s tits.”
“You make me feel so much like a girl, and at the same time, you’re making me feel like a man in some ways.”
“You have both sexes inside you, Dani, just like Jill and Allie. That’s what makes you so unique, and that’s why men will pay money just to have sex with you. Cuz you girls are something special.”
“You make me feel special.”
“That’s because you are. Roll over on top of me and make love to me, Dani. Give me your lesbian side, and then give me your man side. Let me feel all of you.”
Dani gets on top of her and kisses her, but she’s not sure what to do next. Rosy can feel her trying to get inside her pussy, but she knows that little cock will explode the moment she sticks it in.
“Put your tits against mine,” Rosy coaches, “this is what lesbians like to do. We like rubbing our tits together.”
“Mmmm, that feels sooo good,” Dani swoons.
“Take it slow, baby, we’re in no hurry. Pretend you’re a lesbian. Be my girl lover. Did Carla show you how to lick her pussy?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t believe how nice it was.”
“Mine’s just as nice as hers, but it’s a little different. Every girl’s pussy is a little different. Show me what Carla taught you.”
Dani takes her time as she puts her nose close to Rosy’s steamy flesh. Erotic female odors, concocted by mother nature to stimulate a man’s desire, stimulate Dani’s masculine desires as she gets her first taste of Rosy. Her second taste of pussy is every bit as good as her first as she licks between her folds.
Since Rosy’s clit is smaller and more concealed than Carla’s, Rosy has to show Dani where it is. Once she has her tongue on it, Rosy tells her to notice how it tastes just a little bit different than the flesh around it. It doesn’t take Dani’s tongue long to give Rosy an orgasm as she squirms to her licks and sucks.
“That was so good, Dani,” she praises. “You wanna fuck me now?”
“I’ll try, but I probably won’t last long. I never fucked a girl before I met you and Carla.”
“I’ll help you,” Rosy says, “put your pretty little cock close to my pussy, but don’t put it in.”
She runs her fingers along the underside of her cock. “See how it feels when I rub you on the bottom? If I keep rubbing right here I can make you cum for me.”
“It feels like I’m gonna cum any second.”
Rosy rubs the top of her cock. “Notice how it feels on this side…? I can run my fingers along the top all day long and you won’t cum. So when you put it in, go down instead of straight in. That’ll make it rub against my clit so I’ll get more pleasure, and you’ll be able last a lot longer. Go ahead and try it.”
Dani doesn’t quite understand as she enters Rosy just like she did Carla. Rosy stops her before she blows her load.
“Scootch up on me, baby. Scootch up until all you can feel is the top of you against me. Yeah, that’s it, baby, see how much better that is? Now fuck me real slow, rub the top of your cock against my clit. Yeah, just like that.”
“Oh damn, Rosy,” Dani’s getting into it, “I never knew.”
Rosy wraps her legs around her, “You got it, baby. You’re making my clit tingle. Keep doing it just like that until I cum, which won’t be too long. Oh, God, you’re making it feel so good.”
Dani keeps pumping her like that and loves Rosy’s body writhing under her. She kisses her tits as Rosy closes her eyes and rolls her head from side to side. Dani’s got it down and brings Rosy to a nice little orgasm before her little cock bursts a load of fluid into Rosy’s womb.
“Fuck…” Dani rolls over to catch her breath.
“That was nice, sweetie. I knew you could do it.”
“Oh God,” Dani sighs, “I can’t believe how free and easy everyone in your family is. I’ve never had this much sex in my life.”
“That’s cuz you’ve been trying to get sex from guys who don’t like t-girls,” Rosy whispers. “Start hanging out with guys who do, and you’ll get all the sex you want. You’re a hot little t-girl when you’re with the right people.”
“I’m beginning to see what you mean,” she says as Rosy plays with her nipples.
“Just remember how you feel right now when you decide if you want to come see us again,” Rosy’s tempting her. “You just made me cum twice, and you can make another girl cum if you find the right girl. That is if you like girls now.”
“I like girls like you and Carla, but I doubt I’ll ever meet a girl like you two.”
“Well, if you clean up your act you might just meet one. Once you start looking like a girl and acting like a girl, we might be able to help you out in the girlfriend department. But you’ll never find a mate unless you’re open to changing the way you present yourself to other people.”
“After this past week, I think I’m open to just about anything. I’m tired of sleeping by myself, and I’m sick of living alone. I’ll come to see you again next week and I’ll go back to the Club with Allie. I’m still not sure if I want a whore’s life, but I’m sure I want to try it again.”
“That’s all you have to do, baby. One night at a time.”
Awake from her nap, Jill comes into the bedroom and sees their two naked bodies entwined as they’re talking.
“Looks like I missed out on all the action.”
“Dani’s a good little fucker,” Rosy giggles.
“Did you like my wife?” Jill gets on the bed with them.
“Oh God, Jill, I love everyone in your family.”
“We love you, too. Now you’ve been in bed with all of us.”
“Shit, my sex life has improved a thousand percent since I met you.”
“You deserve to have a great sex life, Dani. Everyone does.”
“Dani’s coming to visit us again next weekend,” Rosy says. “She going back to the Club with Allie.”
“That’s great, Dani,” Jill says. “I kinda knew you would.”
“I’m still not sure I wanna go into prostitution, but I’ll do it again just to see what’s it’s like with that many guys.”
“Well, just know this, Dani,” Jill says, “once you get banged like that, you’ll be a whore like me and Allie. In fact, I think you’re probably already a whore, you’re just not ready to admit it yet.”
“I don’t know, maybe I am. I get so grossed out by some of the scuzzy guys I have to massage at work, I feel like a cheap whore sometimes.
“I’m always worried about my boss finding out I’m trans. I’d probably get fired if he knew.”
“He doesn’t know you’re trans? How did you manage that?”
“My tits were already growing when I got hired. I wore a tight t-shirt without a bra when I applied to make sure he saw my nipples. I have to really watch my voice and make sure none of the other girls see me in my panties when I change into my robe. I try to let em’ see my tits so they won’t get suspicious.”
“There aren’t any scuzzy guys at the Club,” Jill assures her. “The more you show off being trans, the more they’ll like you. We’re high-class whores, and we make high-class money.”
“Yeah, I’ll really like the money,” Dani says, “I’ll finally be able to afford breast surgery.”
“We’re gonna have to get you a new outfit to wear,” Rosy says.
“That’s for sure,” Jill agrees. “Do you think you could come on Friday so we can take you shopping for your first whore outfit?”
“Whore outfit?” Dani starts giggling. “I guess I better start thinking of myself as a whore now, at least a part-time whore. I can come on Friday, but I’m not looking forward to that long-ass drive.”
“It only takes an hour if you fly in,” Jill suggests.
“I never thought about flying, I’m not that far from O’Hare airport. I’ll check on that. It would be better than driving, my car’s already got a ton of miles on it.”
“Can you get off work?”
“Oh sure, all us girls are hurting for money. Someone’s always wanting to work extra. Shit… speaking of work, I better get my ass ready.”
“So it’s all settled then,” Rosy says. “You’re flying in Friday morning and we’re gonna take you shopping. You’re gonna be so cute when we get done with you.”
“And you’re gonna be well fucked when you leave. I’m warning you, Dani, you’re gonna be addicted after this.”
“I think maybe I already am,” Dani admits.
“I think you already are, too,” Rosy gives her a kiss. “And thanks for the good fuck, baby. You’ll be getting a lot more of those from us.”
“I can’t believe how free all of you are with sex,” Dani says.
“We’re getting more polygamous in our thinking,” says Rosy. “We have such a strong marriage, so why not have as much fun as we can while we’re still young?”
“I think I’d like that way of life,” Dani says.
“It’s your destiny, Dani,” Jill says. “I think you’re a natural-born whore, just like us. And you’re gonna love it, just like we do. From now on, you’re gonna be getting all the cock you want.”