Transforming Genevieve Chapter Four Part Two

"Rescued from a rain storm, by Bill Franklin, Gen eyes him up as a possible suitor."

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A steady rain fell as I left the English Lit department. It was only a ten-minute walk to my apartment, but I knew by the time I got home, my new suit would be soaked, and I’d look like a drowned rat. I cursed myself for not bringing an umbrella with me this morning.

I was rescued from drowning by Bill Franklin; he was leaving at the same time and asked if he could give me a ride. I gladly accepted, mostly because I didn’t want to ruin my new suit, but I’d also have a chance to flirt with Bill a little. It wouldn’t be much of a flirt since the ride would take less than five minutes.

Bill’s car was parked halfway across the parking lot.

“I’ll run for the car, Gen, and pick you up here,” he offered like a gentleman, throwing his coat over a puddle for me to walk across.

I watched as he ran through the rain, his feet splashing in puddles soaking his trouser legs. It was cold and damp, and I shivered as I waited outside the building for him to pull up.

His car stopped at the bottom of the stairs from the building, and I made a quick dash for his car. As I approached, he leaned over and pushed the door open. I almost jumped into the passenger seat, not caring how high my skirt slid up my legs.

I started to say, “Thanks,” but held my tongue when I noticed he had his cell phone to his ear.

“Ok, Tess, I understand.” He said.

He was talking to his wife, Theresa. I’d met her once at the department Christmas party. As I recall, she was a relatively short woman, somewhat overweight, and wore clothing to hide that fact. She was personable enough, but that was with the old Genevieve. I imagined she wouldn’t be so friendly if she met the transformed Genevieve.

“I guess I’ll just stay here and do some paperwork then,” Bill said as he glanced toward me and seductively winked at me.

“I’ll see you around ten then, Tess, goodbye,” he spoke.

He flipped his phone closed and looked at me. “She’s going to work late tonight.”

The shit-eating grin on his face left little for me to imagine what paperwork he was planning to do until 10:00 p.m.

As we drove the short distance to my flat, I didn’t bother to pull my skirt down toward my knees. The darker top of my silk stocking was peeking out from the hemline of my dress.

“What a perfect opportunity for me to find out where those seams end, Gen,” he said, winking at me once again.

“I couldn’t agree more, Bill,” I replied. “Would you like to come up for a drink?” I added, knowing his answer already.

“That would be very nice, Gen,” he said as we turned the corner and approached my building.

As luck would have it, there were no parking spaces near my flat. Bill double-parked in front and said, “Why don’t you jump out here, Gen? I think I see a space near the end of the block.”

“Thank you, Bill. We shouldn’t be seen going in together anyway,” I said, remembering that our impending tryst must be discreet.

“I’ll wait in the foyer for you,” I said as I opened the door and dashed for the porch cover.

The rain had picked up and was coming down harder than before as Bill came running up the street and took the stairs two at a time until he reached the protection of the porch roof.

I pushed the front door open, and he stepped into the foyer. His hair was soaked, droplets of water dripping from the ends of his now curly hair. His coat was a shade darker, soaked during his mad dash through the storm. The bottom of his trousers dripped water onto his wet shoes.

“You’ll catch your death of cold if you don’t dry off, Bill,” I said as he followed me up the stairs toward my apartment.

I was sure his eyes were glued to the back of my legs as we ascended the stairs. Reaching my place, I unlocked the door and pushed it open, letting him enter before me. We’d made it to the privacy of my home without being seen by anyone. So far, our little tryst was completely discreet.

I followed him inside, closed the door, and turned the deadbolt as he looked around my flat.

“Nice place, Gen.” he offered.

“Take your coat off, Bill. I’ll get you a towel to dry your hair,” I said.

I was sure he watched me walk across the living room toward the short hall leading to the bath and my bedroom with anticipation of discovering where my seams ended.

Returning with a large fluffy white towel, I reached up and began patting his head dry. His hands instinctively moved to my hips and slid around to cup my shapely ass.

“Whoa, slow down, Bill. We have all evening,” I said.

He smiled at me as I finished his hair and said, “Yes, we have all evening.”

As I turned from him and walked into the living room, I said, “How about that drink.”

“What do you have, Gen?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, Bill. I don’t often drink here, so my supply will be limited. What I have is in the corner cupboard over there,” I replied, pointing toward the sizeable antique cupboard across the room.

“Why don’t you take a look while I hang this towel in the bath,” I added.

As I hung the towel over the drying rod, he asked, “Have any OJ, Gen?”

“I doubt it, Bill,” I answered as I returned from the bath. “I haven’t been to the grocery since last week.”

“How about some 7-Up?” he asked again.

“I’m sure I don’t have any 7-Up either, sorry.” I apologized.

He laughed and said, “You’re some hostess, Gen. I’m afraid to ask if you have any ice.”

“Don’t be a smart ass, Bill. I’m sure there’s ice in the freezer.” I said sarcastically.

“Good, we can just have Seagrams on the rocks then. That’ll warm us up on such a damp, dreary evening,” he suggested.

He followed me to the kitchen carrying a half-empty bottle of Seagram’s seven. I opened the cabinet door and looked for short glasses as he pulled an entire ice tray from my freezer. My drink glasses aren’t used often, and I’d stored them on the top shelf. Reaching up, I had to stand on my tiptoes to try and retrieve them.

“I like the look of that,” Bill said as my shapely legs stretched out and my skirt pulled up in the back.

“Aren’t we quite the voyeur?” I teased as I handed him two glasses.

Bill twisted the ice tray and dropped several ice cubes in each glass. As he poured the liquor over the ice, he said, “Say when Gen.”

“When,” I responded before the ice was completely submerged in liquid. He must not have heard me because he continued pouring a second more.

Handing me the glass, he smiled and said, “Here, you won’t need a refill as quickly.”

Bill filled his glass almost entirely to the top and took a healthy swig before twisting the cap back on the bottle.

“My feet are soaked; do you mind if,” he began to say.

But I interrupted his sentence, saying, “No, go right ahead, Bill, make yourself comfortable.”

Bill placed his drink glass on the kitchen table and untied his shoes. He slipped them off and put them under a chair. “At least my socks are dry,” Bill said.

I took a sip of my drink. The liquor burned a little as I swallowed.

I had been leaning against the countertop, watching him intently. His curly, damp hair almost reached the collar of his shirt, and a hint of dark hair showed at the top. I wondered if he liked having fingernails run through that hair.

He smiled and said, “What are you thinking, Gen.”

“I was just going to say, let’s sit in the living room and enjoy our drinks,” I replied.

I placed my glass on the counter and slipped out of my suit coat, hanging it carefully over the back of a kitchen chair.

“Shall we?” I said as I picked up my glass and followed him to the living room.

He sat on one end of the sofa and crossed his legs as I flipped on my stereo, filling the room with soft jazz. I sat halfway between him and the other end of the couch, wanting to give myself time to grow more comfortable being alone with this man.

However, I crossed my legs, allowing my skirt to slide up my shapely thigh, again exposing the darker lacy material at the top of my stocking.

“You know, Gen, you’ve got great legs,” he said, obviously appreciating the view of my thigh.

“Thank you, Bill; I’m glad you like my legs. I think they are my best feature,” I replied.

“One of many great features, I’ll bet,” he said.

I took another sip from my glass, letting the liquor warm my throat. Leaning forward, I placed my drink on the glass-topped coffee table. Bill took another full swig of his drink and, uncrossing his legs, then put his glass next to mine. He turned slightly to face me, lifting his leg to sit sideways next to me.

He placed his arm on the back of the couch. His fingertips barely touched my shoulder as he did.

“You are quite lovely, Genevieve,” he complimented me.

His voice sounded sincere, not just a compliment to begin his seduction. I smiled at him and snuggled back into the warm fabric of the couch, moving an inch or two closer. His hand touched the back of my neck below the loose bun I’d pulled my hair into early that morning.

“May I?” he asked as his hand slid into my hair.

“Of course,” I replied, wanting him to let my hair down.

His fingers moved up and squeezed the hair clip. My long tresses, now released from their daylong confines, cascaded down over my shoulders and the back of the couch.

I leaned forward and picked up my glass. Taking a fuller sip as my throat was becoming accustomed to the slight burn the liquor caused. As I sat back, I pulled my hair around and in front of my shoulder, farthest from him.

His hand moved from my shoulder. He traced the back of his fingers along my jaw. I was feeling both the effects of my drink and his gentle caresses, becoming more comfortable with his touch and presence.

I turned my head toward him and cooed softly as his hand rubbed my cheek gently. Pressing my face against his palm, I uncrossed my legs and moved closer, turning to face him and curling my legs up and behind me on the couch.

His eyes gazed upon me speculatively. He searched my eyes, seeking a sign that I wanted our touches to become more intimate. I leaned toward him, placing my hand on his thigh.

“What incredible eyes,” he said, staring deeper into my green pools of passion. I wanted his touch; I needed to know the intimacy of his soft caresses. As I slid closer to him, Bill placed his free hand over mine and slowly moved my hand toward his loins.

He moaned softly as my fingers made contact with his growing erection. Even through the fabric of his slacks, I could feel his hardness, and my hand instinctively moved along the surging length.

His hand moved from mine and slid over my breast, softly caressing me through my blouse and bra. My nipple reacted quickly, becoming harder under his palm. He slid his hand from my breast and around my back to pull me closer to him. I lifted my face to him, and his eyes moved to study my lips. Our mouths inched toward each other, our eyes memorizing each other’s facial features close up.

I slowly closed my eyes and said, “Kiss,” but before I could utter the word “me,” his lips touched mine. Barely making contact and sending passionate sparks flying between us. His hand returned to softly massage my breast over the material that hid them from his view.

Our lips parted in unison, tongues darting toward their passionate counterpart. It was a beautiful first kiss between two new lovers. A kiss that held the promise of many more passionate kisses to come.

As we kissed that first tentative kiss, I moved my hand up the length of his growing erection to begin unbuttoning the five buttons that held his shirt closed. My fingers deftly undid each one slowly, building the anticipation of the first time I’d run my nails through the hair that his shirt covered.

As Bill’s shirt fell open, I flattened my hand against his chest. I felt a mat of thick hair covering him. I moaned my approval and arched my fingers to let my nails slide through his thick chest hair toward his stomach.

Bill groaned passionately as my nails scratched through the forest on his torso.

He slid his hand under my blouse and continued his massage of my breast through the lacy fabric of my bra. I wanted my naked nipple touching his palm; I wanted his soft hand all over me. I slid my free hand under his and pushed the fabric up to uncover my nipple. His palm flattened against my breast, and the hardened nub of my nipple pressed into the soft skin of his hand.

His touch was so gentle, his hand so soft.

Our lips finally parted, and I was able to verbalize my pleasure.

“Oh, baby, I love the way you caress my tit,” I said.

“Touch my cock, Gen!” He begged.

My fingers reluctantly left his hairy chest to move down to his now fully erect cock. I pulled down on the zipper of his slacks and slid my hand inside. His cock surged as my fingers traced along its rock-hard length to find two beautiful testicles pulled tightly up against either side at the base of his cock. I moved my hand again to undo his belt and the clasp of his trousers. Spreading them open, I could now slide my hand beneath the elastic band of his boxers, and I wasted no time doing just that. His cock was fully engorged. It felt blistering hot. My hand slid down the length of his pulsating member to cup his balls and squeeze them gently.

I wanted him; I wanted my newest lover more than I’d wished for any of the men I’d fucked before. My lust for cock once again took control, and I tried to seduce him visually, verbally, and physically. I leaned back from his soft touch, looked deeply into his lustful eyes, and said, “Let me please you; let me please every one of your senses.”

Bill instantly understood and allowed me to move away from his touch. I brought my legs back around in front of me. Leaning forward, I lifted my drink and emptied it into my mouth. The liquor burned as it drained down my throat. I stood up, pulled my bra back into place, and turned to stand between his legs.

I smiled and shook my head, throwing my hair behind my back.

“Oh my god,” Bill whispered very slowly.

His eyes stared at me, burning the image forever into his memory. He was sitting there staring at me, his shirt open, exposing the thick mat of hair covering his chest.  His slacks open with his twitching member begging for release from the confines of his cotton boxers. I slowly began my visual seduction.

My fingers slid up my body, pausing to cup my tits under the silk material that covered them. I pulled the silk open further at the top and raised the collar. He smiled as I looked at him seductively and moved my hands to unbutton my blouse. As each one opened, I pulled the material further apart.

When the third and fourth buttons came undone, the creamy white flesh of my tits and succulent cleavage between were exposed to his lustful stare. My fingers pulled the bottom of my blouse out of the top of my skirt, and I undid the final two buttons to let my blouse fall open in front of him.

His eyes moved from mine down across my tits and flat stomach. As he stared at my nearly naked torso, I undid the cuff buttons of my sleeves and slowly slid the silk fabric from my shoulders. My blouse fell to the floor behind me.

Bill gasped as my naked shoulders and arms came into view.

“So beautiful, Gen!” he whispered.

The effects of the liquor had taken full effect, and combined with my lust for him, I began my verbal seduction.

“Touch yourself, Bill,” I begged.

His hand slid to his cock and slowly began moving along its length outside his boxers.

I brought my hands to my tits and cupped them through the lacy fabric still covering them.

“Show me your gorgeous tits Gen!” he pleaded.

I moved one hand to the clasp between the cups and, with two fingers, undid my bra. It instantly fell open, exposing both tits to his intense stare. The straps, no longer tight, slid down my arms, and I let it fall from me to join my blouse on the floor.

My nipples were rock hard. I pressed my arms in at the side, pushing my tits together, letting him appreciate the succulent cleavage.

“I can’t wait to feel your cock slide between these soft tits!” I hissed.

Bill moaned deeply at the thought of titty fucking my soft orbs.

“Please, baby, show me your beautiful cock!” I said, using a beggar’s tone of voice.

He slowly hooked two fingers in the elastic waistband of his boxers and lifted his hips slightly, sliding both his boxers and trousers down beyond his knees. They slid down, forming a heap of fabric around his ankles. He sat back on the couch, let his hand rest on either side of his legs, and allowed his thighs to spread, exposing his throbbing cock to my lustful stare.

“Touch it, Bill!” I pleaded.

His trembling hand moved to the stiff shaft, and he slowly began stroking his solid length.

Watching him masturbate for a moment, I said, “I can’t wait to wrap my fingers around your cock.”

His eyes took on a voyeuristic stare as he watched me move seductively in front of him. My hands slid from my waist up to cover my tits and roll my nipples between my thumbs and index fingers. I was saving his fetish for last and verbally teased him, saying, “Should I turn around, baby?”

His instant reply was, “Oh, God, yes, Gen!”

As I turned for him, I pulled my hair around the front to give him a view of my naked back. I knew his eyes were studying my legs below the hem of my skirt. I knew he was letting the image of my long, shapely legs covered in dark silk with two darker lines running up their length burn into his memory. I dropped my hands to my sides and then moved them around to slide up along the back of my thighs over my ass to the clasp and zipper of my tight skirt.

My delicate fingers first undid the clasp, releasing the waistline. Clenching the zipper pull between my thumb and index finger, I began a slow, seductive descent of the last mechanical barrier holding the skirt to my hips. Even with the zipper open, I still had to peel the skirt down over my hips. I shifted my weight from foot to foot as I seductively worked the material down. I knew his eyes were fixed on my ass, and when I felt the fabric only against my stockings, I released it.

He gasped as the sexy pin-stripped skirt slid down my legs and puddled at my feet.

“Oh…..My…..God….” he whispered again as the entire length of my seamed stocking, the straps holding them in place, and my sexy framed ass came under his lustful gaze.

I turned slightly at the waist to look at his face. His eyes were like giant saucers. His lower jaw had dropped open, and I thought I had detected drool at the corner of his mouth.

I whispered, “You like, baby?”

His voice was hoarse as he replied, “Absolutely incredible, Gen. I’ve never seen a sexier-looking woman.”

I smiled as I turned my head away from him again and turned up the heat with my body. My hands slid behind me and over my naked ass. Spreading my fingers wide, I slowly bent at the hips until my hair hung around my face toward the floor. I pulled with my hands, spreading my ass cheeks so Bill could see the black lace of my thong between my cheeks.

I knew where his eyes were focused. Using one finger, I hooked the material and pulled the lacy strap aside, exposing my pussy and ass at the same time. I brought my other hand around and reached through my legs to slide a finger along my pussy lips, barely spreading them so the lips slid on each side of my finger. I was totally wet. My lust for yet another new cock causing my pussy to flood with moisture. Returning my hands to my hips, I slowly peeled the thong from my body, sliding it down to my heels. I released the lacy fabric and gradually let my hands follow the seams in my stockings as they ascended back up the length of my shapely long legs. Once they reached the creamy flesh of my ass, I dug my nails in and pulled the cheeks apart, spreading myself open to Bill’s lustful gaze.

“A perfect rosebud,” he said, describing what my glistening pussy looked like to him.

I straightened up and slowly turned to face him, allowing him time to run his eyes up and down my body more than once.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, baby?” I asked.

His eyes were glazed over, filled with a lust for me that no man had ever had before. His hand slowly stroked the cock that I craved so much.

I spoke again, “Bill, tell me what you want.”

It was as if he had been put into some lustful trance by my visual seduction. He finally realized I was speaking to him, and he shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs of the trance I’d placed him under.

“I want your touch, baby,” he whispered.

I smiled and moved forward to let my silk-covered leg touch the inside of his knees. I slowly bent at the knees until I was kneeling between his legs. My hands slid up his thighs to his torso until they were entangled in the thick hair on his chest; as I leaned forward to run my fingers up toward his shoulders, my long, silky hair dragged along his thighs, causing him to moan deeply.

“I love your hairy chest,” I said.

Lightly scratching my nails back down over his chest and abdomen, I focused my attention on his rock-hard cock. I finally had what I craved most in my hand. My long fingers circled his throbbing cock. I stroked down its length until my hand pressed against the matching lumps on either side at the base. His balls were pulled up tightly against the shaft.

“I love the feel of your hard cock!” I said.

His eyes burned into mine as I carefully surveyed the entirety of his throbbing meat. The head was a deep purple color and flared beautifully at the silky flesh of his corona around to the frenulum where his foreskin had been removed when he was circumcised at birth. I couldn’t wait to feel that beautiful flaring corona press through the narrowest part of my throat. Below the head, the shaft was covered with bulging arteries. As I knelt there between his thighs, I could watch the blood pumping through those arteries in time with his increasing heartbeat. His seven-inch shaft was perfectly round, except that along the bottom, the urethra bulged noticeably. That bulge continued down and between his balls.

Bill noticed me studying his cock and asked, “Do you like the looks of it, baby?”

“I love the look of it, Bill. Now let’s see about the taste and feel.” I replied.

I released it from my grip, and it instantly flipped up against his abdomen. Leaning toward him, I hooked one finger around the shaft at the base and pulled it slowly toward me. Bill’s eyes widened as I parted my lips and extended my tongue to lick the frenulum. My tongue circled the corona once and then slowly traced its way down along the bulge of his urethra.

“Oh fuck.” Bill whispered as my tongue teased only the most sensitive parts of his gorgeous cock.

I licked at each ball through his scrotum and then back up the length to press the tip of my tongue against the tiny slit at the top of his cock. My oral efforts were rewarded with the sweet taste of pre-cum. I gazed up into his eyes; those deep pools of passion begged me to take him inside my warm, moist oral cavity. I parted my lips, letting my lower lip rest against the frenulum. Once my upper lip passed over the tip of his raging erection, I slowly closed my eyes and tilted my head forward, letting him slip between my sensuous lips.

He groaned deeply as my lips closed around the shaft just below the corona. I lowered my mouth another inch or two and sucked hard on him, drawing the wet flesh of my mouth tightly in against his manhood. Bill’s cock got incredibly hard. So hard that when my mouth closed tightly around it, I could feel the pulses of blood flowing through the arteries along the shaft. I found that feeling highly erotic.

I moaned on his member as I slowly pressed my mouth further and further down the length of his shaft. His throbbing cock head finally came to rest against the entrance of my throat. I pushed a tiny bit more and allowed myself to gag. Releasing my oral stranglehold on his cock I withdrew, allowing the AW sound to escape my lips as it popped from my mouth.

I looked up at his face and smiled.

“You don’t have to,” He began to say, but my words cut him off.

“Let me try again, baby,” I said, allowing him to believe I’d never taken a man in my throat before.

Again I pressed his gorgeous cock inside my mouth until the head bumped into the tight opening to my soft throat. I pushed down, allowing the head to begin spreading my throat open to accept its size. I let myself gag again but only withdrew until the head was no longer pressing into my throat.

“Baby, don’t force.” He whispered, but my actions cut him off.

I pressed down a third time. As the muscles started giving way, I lunged down and pushed the throbbing head through.

“Oh, God!” Bill hissed.

I let a deep moan escape my throat, vibrating my vocal cords along his pulsating cock shaft. With one swift thrust, I engulfed the remaining length of his cock shaft, forcing the head to maximum depth within my throat. My nose pressed against his pelvic bone. I slid my tongue between the solid shaft and my lower lip to lick at his scrotum stretched across the base of his beautiful cock.

“OH, MY GOD!” He screamed as my oral assault on his throbbing cock brought him untold pleasure.

I loved having cock stuffed in my throat. I adored the way Bill’s cock filled me. I loved the way it pulsated inside my throat. His beautiful cock would be mine to use. Mine to experiment with oral techniques. Mine to suck off whenever I wanted.

I began lifting my head and plunging back down on it. Bill reacted by starting to make short upward thrusts with his hips as my sensual oral cavity descended upon him.

“Fuck me, baby, fuck me with that beautiful tight throat!” He exclaimed.

I throat fucked him for a full three minutes, only allowing the head to slide back through the narrow opening to give me a split second to suck in life-giving oxygen.

Bill moaned and groaned his approval each time I thrust him deep down my throat again.

Finally, he grabbed my head, and as he pulled me off his throbbing, pulsating cock he said, “Enough, Gen!”

I allowed him to lift my head from his cock, and as I released it from my exotic oral cavity, I looked up at him and begged, “Please, baby, please fuck me now!”

Bill Franklin is a strong man. His hands slid into my armpits, and with one incredible muscular stroke, he pulled me off the floor and into his lap. I let my knees settle in on either side of his thighs and slid my hips toward him. My soaking wet pussy slid along the bulge of his urethra, separating the lips and coating his already saliva-coated cock with the juices that my pussy had produced.

I lifted my hips enough to allow Bill to slip his hand between us and guide his cock’s incredible head to the entrance of my wet flesh. I wanted him inside me, filling me with the beautiful length of his cock. I wanted to feel his cock rub against my G-spot and slam into my cervix.

I leaned forward and pressed my nipples into the thick mat of chest hair and dragged them down as I lowered my pussy onto his cock. Tentacles of pleasure extended from each nipple as they slid through his hairy chest.

His cock slid deeper and deeper into the searing heat of my pussy until he reached the ultimate goal of complete penetration. I nuzzled my mouth into his neck and moaned in pleasure as his throbbing cock filled me.

Lifting my hips only enough to drag the corona of his cock head over my G-spot and then thrust down completely over him again. We fucked like that for an eternity. Moaning, groaning, hissing at each other in the pleasure of this glorious first fuck of two new lovers. Sweat poured from our skin. His hands were free to roam over the entire length of my naked, sweating back and ass. My hands moved from his neck and face to the back of the couch as I humped his glorious cock, his incredible specimen of manhood, his rock-solid fuck tool. I lost all perception of time. Seconds seemed like minutes. Minutes seemed like hours as Bill and I reveled in the spectacular pleasure of our lovemaking.

I leaned back, lifting my tits from his thick hairy, and now sweat-matted chest. My tits glistened with our sweat. Bill leaned forward to take one hard nipple between his lips. Sucking it, licking it, using his teeth to tantalize my sensitive nipple. My hand circled his head and pulled his mouth tight to my heaving tits.

“Suck them,” I pleaded.

His mouth moved from one erect nipple to the other as his soft hands roughly massaged the fleshy orbs surrounding them. Tentacles of pleasure again spread from my nipples as he assaulted them with his mouth. I loved the way he caressed my tits. I adored the way his mouth pleasured the nipples. I loved the way he pressed them together to lick through the succulent cleavage.

Bill lifted his eyes toward my face. His lust for me almost oozed from his tear ducts. He moved his hands to my head and pulled my mouth toward his. Our lips met in a sensual, soul-searching kiss. Tongues intertwine in a passionate dance of lust. His soft hands, placed on either side of my jaw, guided my head and mouth as we kissed.

Slowly the sensations I was feeling deep inside my pussy began to spread through my entire pelvic region. The intense tingling of what I knew would be an incredible orgasm. Tiny rings of pleasure spread from my pussy each time I humped down onto him as his rock-hard cock massaged my G-spot.

“Oh baby, keep fucking me like that. I’m going to cum for you, Bill.” I whispered in his ear.

He groaned as I contracted the muscles inside my pussy to grasp his cock.

It’s so fucking tight, Gen. So wet, so fucking hot!” he said. “I want you to cum, baby, cum all over my cock!” Bill added.

The tiny rings grew to waves of spectacular pleasure as my orgasm built. I slammed my pussy down on his rock-hard cock, impaling myself on it, and ground my clit against his pelvic bone, heightening the pleasure of my orgasm. My breath came in short gasps, moaning between each life-giving gasp for oxygen. I grasped at my new lover, clinging to him as I rode his beautiful cock.

“Oh god, aw, oh god!” I screamed, my pussy flooded with juices bathing his incredible cock with hot fluid. Bill moaned deeply as he felt my pussy fill with my hot cum.

White hot, blinding pleasure consumed me. I lost total control of my body. Every nerve ending tingled, every muscle twitched as my orgasm peaked.

“Oh, fuck! Oh, God, Bill, it’s so,” I tried to say. But he thrust himself up into me and caused me to lose control of my voice. I could only make inaudible sounds of passion. Grunting, moaning, groaning sounds of indescribable orgasmic pleasure. His arms circled me and pulled my body tight against his. My heaving chest rubbed into the sweaty mat of hair on his chest.

As my orgasm subsided, my body went rag doll limp. I couldn’t even hold on as Bill again pulled my mouth to his. We moaned in unison as our mouths crushed together. This kiss was even more intense, more passionate than any previous kiss. His tongue gave new meaning to the term “French kiss.”

My verbalizing ability was the first motor skill that returned, and I broke his kiss to whisper, “Amazing baby!”

My pussy still tingled my muscles ached from a build-up of lactic acid. I was sexually abused and needed time to recover. My new lover sensed this and didn’t move a muscle. His raging cock, still buried deep inside my flooded pussy had a mind of its own and twitched, often sending tiny shards of pleasure through my body.

I kissed him softly on the ear, extending my tongue to probe the canal inside.

I whispered, “How do you want me, baby?”

Bill didn’t hesitate a second, responding, “From behind Gen, I want to fuck you doggie style!”

I cooed softly in his ear and said, “Oh yeah, I love doggie.”

I slid off his beautiful cock and crawled to the end of the couch, resting my elbows on the pillow and lowering my head to the armrest. My ass stuck up seductively above the rest of my body, giving him a wet target for his next sexual assault on me. I wanted him to impale me; I wanted his cock slamming into me. I wanted his soft hands pulling me back over his beautiful throbbing manhood.

As he moved behind me, I reached around with both hands and spread myself open to his impending invasion.

“Take me, Bill, fuck me, deep,” I begged.

“Geez, Gen, do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look right now?” he said.

I threw my head back, causing my long tresses to fly over me and spread across my back.

“Pull my hair while you fuck me, Bill. Slap my ass if you like.” I said, giving my lover permission to use me as he saw fit.

His left hand came to rest on my ass while his right grasped his pulsating cock, positioning it at the entrance to my swollen wet pussy. Bill leaned forward, pressing the tip against the lips. They parted and slid over the head as his cock entered me. He paused and then withdrew, teasing me with that beautiful cock head.

“I’m going to fuck you so slowly, babe.” He said.

I could only moan my approval as he again slipped the head just inside. His slow fucking would drive me insane, and he knew it.

He withdrew again, rubbing the tip along the length of my swollen pussy lips. That incredible tingling feeling quickly returned. The next thrust was perhaps an inch deeper; this time, my tight lips closed around his shaft just below the corona. I clenched my internal muscles in a feeble attempt to hold his member inside me. He withdrew again so that only the tip rested against my lips.

“Oh god, Bill, that feels so fucking incredible. Fuck me in slow motion, baby, make it last forever.” I begged him.

He intended to do just that, fuck me slower than I’d ever been fucked before. Countless times he pressed his twitching cock into me, each time going an undetectable distance deeper. I could feel this throbbing cock shaft pushing my pussy lips in as he pressed forward and stretched outward as he withdrew. That incredible tingling sensation spread deeper and deeper as his cock inched forward.

“Can you feel my pussy molding to your beautiful cock?” I asked. “Are you watching that incredible cock slide inside me, Bill?” I added.

“I haven’t missed a single stroke, Gen.” He replied. “I wish I had a video camera to record the incredible view.”

Slowly, Bill’s ever-deepening thrusts reached their ultimate goal—complete penetration. The pace of his thrusts never quickened. I was amazed at his sexual willpower keeping his promise to fuck me slower than I’d ever been fucked before. The tingling sensation slowly turned to throbbing as my pussy swelled even tighter around his beautiful manhood.

Bill released his hold on my ass and grabbed two handfuls of my long hair. He began pulling me back onto his throbbing cock. I wanted to push my ass back faster but resisted the urge allowing him to continue control of the pace of our lovemaking.

“I’m going to fuck you slowly until you cum again for me, Gen.” He said.

Each time he slid into the depths of me, my pussy throbbed a little more intensely. Each time, the throbbing spread a little wider. I bit my lower lip and began moaning as my impending orgasm slowly built. That beautiful swollen corona rubbing against my G-spot in slow motion, having nearly completed its passionate mission.

“Cum for me, baby; bathe my cock with your sweet flood of juices.” he pleaded.

A deep guttural groan escaped my throat as my orgasm intensified. My entire pelvic region throbbed for release. He was dragging me to the absolute pinnacle of sexual pleasure, and as I reached the summit, my pussy convulsed, and a tidal wave of juices washed over his beautiful twitching cock.

I screamed, “Oh my fucking god Bill. I’m cumming!” As the most spectacular orgasm of my life washed over me.

My lover was intent on making this an orgasm we would both remember always. Bill thrust his cock inside me until it pressed against my cervix and held himself there. He flexed his muscles and caused the head to slide upward against my cervix. The absolute incredible pleasure of his movement only served to intensify my climax.

Those inaudible sounds again escaped my throat. Over and over again, he flexed his cock to massage the most sensitive spot of my pussy.

I screamed, “OH, GOD!” as I rode his incredible cock across a plateau at the peak of intense sexual pleasure. My pussy flooded again with juices. They leaked from me and ran down his scrotum, dripping between my knees.

I pleaded with him, “Bill, please, you have to bring me down; I can’t take much more of this before I pass out.”

His cock twitched a few more times inside my quivering cunt, and then he slowly relaxed and began a slow-motion withdrawal from my twitching, throbbing, pulsating flesh. As his cock withdrew, I could feel the intense orgasm I was experiencing mercifully begin to subside.

He slipped from me and knelt back on his haunches. His glistening cock was still standing straight up from its base. I turned to look at him. Bill was sweating profusely; drops of sweat dripped from his nose and his chin. He had willed his cock not to cum. He had commanded it to withhold the torrent of sperm until I had experienced the most incredible climax of my life.

But now it begged for release; it demanded to be brought to a blistering climax matching my own. His eyes told me that he needed that release. I slipped from the couch to kneel beside him as he collapsed to lay flat on the sofa. His cock glistened with the fluids it had been bathed in moments before.

I didn’t speak a word, knowing my mission was to bring him to a swift, intense oral climax. His cock was a deep purple color from the tip of his head to the base of its shaft. His balls were swollen with the cum. I reached out with one hand. It twitched as my fingers touched it. A droplet of pre-cum appeared at the tip. I quickly leaned in and licked it from him.

He moaned deeply as I closed my hand around it and positioned my open mouth above the glorious head. I stroked it once slower than he had fucked me earlier. My hand came to rest at the base of his shaft, and I squeezed it tightly. I slowly lowered my mouth over this incredible man’s cock.

It slipped quickly through the narrow part and deep down the hot flesh of my throat. I wanted him to cum. I wanted his cock to fill my throat with his seed. As my lips touched the base, Bill placed one firm hand on the back of my neck.

“Take me, Gen.” He hissed.

I swallowed hard, squeezing my throat flesh tightly around his throbbing cock.

“Oh fuck YES.” He screamed.

His cock exploded. Cum shooting in an almost constant stream of hot sticky sweet-tasting fluid. I swallowed once, twice, a third time, accepting every incredible drop down my throat. I pulled up, wanting him to give me a mouthful of his beautiful, sweet cocktail.

“Yes baby, suck me, suck every drop of cum from me.” he begged.

My tongue circled the head as he oozed still more sweet cum for my eager mouth. I licked at his cock, and sucked on its incredible head until his balls had drained themselves of every ounce of cum they held for me.

As I withdrew his cock from my mouth, I slid my hand up the shaft, collecting the last drops of his sweet man juice. Forming an “O” with my lips, I sucked the pool of cum that formed on the tip of his head as my fingers reached the end of an incredible ascent along my lover’s shaft.

Bill’s arms went limp at his sides. I lay my head down on his belly and gently stroked his cock, staring intently at it. It had become my sexual god, my sensual sexual god, to be worshiped, to be idolized.

After what seemed like an eternity, he spoke to me.

“Gen, tell me something, babe.” he said.

“Anything Bill, ask me anything you’d like,” I replied.

“Am I a good lover?” He asked. His voice almost sounded like he expected my answer to be negative.

I turned my head and looked into his eyes. They were glazed and watery.

“Bill, you’re an excellent lover,” I responded.

“Are we going to continue this affair, Gen?” He asked.

I hesitated a moment not to think but to let him think before I said, “Bill, we just shared the most incredible sex. If I were to base my answer solely on that, I’d say we will continue this affair.”

“I feel like there’s a but coming Gen,” he said.

I continued, “We should get to know each other better before we commit to a long-term affair.”

“I’m not going to leave my wife, Gen.,” he admitted. “She’d never survive without me.”

“Do you love her?” I asked.

“Yes.” he said.

“I hope there’s a but coming Bill,” I said, allowing him to expound.

He smiled and said, “There is. I love her because we’ve been together for twenty two years, Gen, but I’m not IN love with her. I’ve never lusted for her like I did for you today. Sex to her is something like a chore, and lately, that chore only gets done once a month.”

“You only fuck her once a month?” I asked.

“Yes, and that lasts maybe five minutes. She’d never go for doing it, doggie, and I can count on one hand the number of times she’s given me head. She’s never let me cum in her mouth either.” he explained.

I full well knew what kind of woman Bill was married to. Hell, up until three days before, I would have fallen into the same category.

“Does she let you go down on her?” I asked.

“Oh my god, Gen never!” He exclaimed. “That’s disgusting, according to Tess.”

His admission surprised me but also made me think. This incredible fuck, this slow-motion passion machine, is a novice at giving head. I instantly knew I had a challenge before me. I could train him to eat me the way I wanted.

“Do you fantasize about eating pussy, babe?” I questioned him.

“All the time, Gen.” He said.

“What other things are disgusting to Tess?” I asked.

He laughed as he reached out to play with my hair. “It would be easier to tell you what she thinks isn’t disgusting,” he said.

I revised my question, “Okay, babe, what isn’t disgusting to her?”

He laughed again, “Intercourse in the missionary position with all the lights out and under the covers.”

“That’s it?” I asked, surprised.

“Yep, that’s been my sex life for twenty-two years,” he admitted.

“No oral sex, no anal sex, no mutual masturbation?” I asked.

“Nope,” he replied.

“No dressing up, no role play, or bondage, not even a little titty fucking?” I continued.

“None of that either, Gen.” he said.

I lifted my face from his belly and moved up toward his face to look directly into his eyes with a wicked grin and said, “Bill, you’re in for the time of your life.”

He smiled and offered, “Baby, I’m already having the time of my life.”

I wanted to admit to him that I had only discovered the sensual side of lovemaking three days ago. Still, I decided not to, mostly because I wanted to become his sexual professor. I tried to teach him how to experience all those things while I was learning along with him.

Published 1 year ago

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