Kevin looked at her and smiled.
“You’re my master,” she whispered to him.
Kevin chuckled. “No, I’m not. We’re partners.”
“Okay,” she nodded, her auburn locks waving forward and back. “But you’re the one who decides.”
“We decide together,” he protested mildly.
She lifted her hand and brought his to her lips, kissing it tenderly. “It always seems to go better when you decide, though.”
Kevin smiled easily. “You’re thinking about this past weekend.”
She nodded. “I am. What’s incredible is that after all that happened, it still aroused me.”
“You’re aroused.”
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Thinking about joining the mile-high club?”
She looked into his eyes. “You know I’d do anything for you and with you. It’s just that it’s so cramped in there.”
“I was kidding,” he admitted.
She eased her other hand atop his and stroked it. “I just want you to know how much I love you.”
“I know that, sweetheart.”
“And how grateful I am for everything you do for us.”
“Everything? What’s everything?”
“I mean everything. You’re kind, supportive, generous and understanding. You constantly come up with ways to make our lives fun and interesting.”
“Well, I love you, Karla. Your happiness is the most important thing in the world to me.”
“You definitely know how to make me happy.”
“So, have you fallen in love again?”
She laughed softly. “Let’s just say that I love what happened. It was pretty amazing.”
“You were amazing,” he confirmed. “You’ll never know how exhilarating it is for me to see you like that.”
“Honey, I’ve seen you with Tanya and Jasmine. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
“The truth is, though, being able to concentrate on you far surpasses all other experiences.”
“You mean you didn’t like Tanya and Jasmine?”
“No, it’s not that. But Tanya and Jasmine were distractions for me. I loved seeing you with Tom and Jeremy, too, but the necessity to attend to Tanya and Jasmine shifted my attention away from you.”
“You have to understand, Kevin. I need that. I need to share what I’m getting with you. Otherwise, it just doesn’t seem fair.”
“I know, I know,” he conceded. “And I do that because I know it’s what you want. But being able to focus on you and your sensuality is simply exquisite.”
“So, we have to have a pact, I think.”
“A pact?”
“We can do both. I will do the Teds and Julians for you. But you have to do the Tanyas and Jasmines for me.”
“And Alex?”
“And Alex. That’s more pragmatic, though. She needs a lover who won’t try to take advantage. You’re perfect as a friend-with-benefits for her. And it delights me to be able to share you with her.”
“Does it really?”
She nodded. “Even this weekend, while I was feeling Ted inside me, the image of how you and Alex look together flashed through my mind. It heightened my excitement.”
“Or quashed some of the guilt?”
Karla chuckled. “I think I’m beyond real guilt at this point. I find myself concentrating on what feels good and what could feel even better. That’s why I need you there. Having you there, watching me, wanting me, and finally engaging with me makes everything so much better.”
Kevin nodded slowly. “Okay. So, a pact. Should we keep score? One for one? Two for two?”
“That’s silly,” she replied. “Wouldn’t it be better to just go with needs and desires?”
“Whose needs and desires, Karla? Yours or mine?”
“Both,” she said with decisiveness. “We’re partners.”
“But I’m the boss?” he asked.
She paused, thinking over the events of the past weekend. “Yes, my darling. You’re the boss. I know if I ask you, you’ll honor my request. Ultimately, though, you get to decide.”
“All right,” he nodded. “But remember this, Aphrodite. You’re the goddess. You will not be denied.”
“And that’s why this is such a great partnership. The boss and the goddess. What a team!”
After the plane had touched down and taxied to the gate, Karla stood up and straddled Kevin’s legs, placing her hands on the back of the seat.
“Look down my dress,” she whispered forcefully.
Kevin looked.
“What are you doing?” he asked softly.
“Tantalizing you,” she murmured back. “Giving you a glimpse of what awaits you when we get home.”
“You’re kidding,” he replied in a low voice. “You’ve just had a full weekend.”
She nodded, her hair brushing along his cheek. “Yes, I have. But I’ve been thinking about what’s coming up and I want you to crave me.”
“What’s coming up?”
“You’ll like it,” she said decisively, easing away from him.
“Karla?” His voice held a stern tone of warning.
“What?” she replied innocently.
“You know surprises make me uneasy.”
“It won’t be a surprise, darling.”
“Tell me, then.”
“When we get home. After I’ve had my way with you.”
“Karla,” he warned again.
She sighed and leaned to murmur in his ear. “I want to feel your tongue in my cleavage, my love. I want your lips and tongue on my nipples. When you’ve satisfied me, I’ll tell you what I know.”
It was Kevin’s turn to sigh, in spite of the arousal he felt stirring his member. “I doubt you’ll ever be satisfied.”
She kissed him in front of his ear. “I know. But I do love the effort when you try.”
Karla sat astride her husband, his cock lodged deep inside her.
“Do you remember me sitting on Ted’s cock like this?”
“I remember,” he replied with a smile.
“And did you think what a marvelous slut your wife was?”
“No. I just thought how beautiful you looked.”
“I am a slut, though, you know.”
“I don’t think that. I just think you’re sexy. I think you like sex. And I know I enjoy watching you while you enjoy it.”
Karla leaned forward, effectively pulling herself to the end of his member. She kissed his forehead tenderly. As she sat back on him, his cocked eased into her welcoming depths.
“You know,” she said in a throaty rasp, “In spite of the thrill of the others, there’s always something special and wonderful about having you inside me like this. I could just stay like this for hours.”
Kevin chuckled. “No, you couldn’t. Eventually, something will start to be uncomfortable. You’ll get a muscle cramps or something. Then it would turn horrid.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed, rising off him and falling back down to absorb him again. “And I do like feeling the movement inside me.”
“Are you ready to tell me about this surprise? What sort of diversion has formed in that little deviant corner of your mind?” he grinned at her.
She continued to move easily on him as she talked.
“I’ll have to get another Brazilian wax before I go to Argentina.”
“Oh. So you’ve decided you do want to go.”
“I think it would be fun. But first, I want to bring Alex into our little group of eccentrics. And Ted, too. I want to expand the opportunities for everybody in our group.”
“What does that mean?”
“I think it would be fun to set up everybody in random pairings with anyone they want to screw.”
“Sounds kind of like an orgy.”
“Not an orgy, darling. A pajama party.”
“A pajama party?” Kevin asked, sounding doubtful.
“Mmm-hmmm,” Karla whispered, enjoying the stimulation of Kevin inside her.
“Everybody comes to the sexy Halloween pajama party dressed in their sleepy clothes. The sexier the better. Then we turn them loose with one another and give them random pairings. There might even be the option of doubling up.”
“Yeah, that definitely sounds like an orgy. Then everybody goes home the next morning?”
Karla smiled sweetly. “It’s a weekend party, darling. Starts Friday night and goes all day Saturday. If they want to leave Sunday morning, they can.”
“I see,” Kevin said with a little gasp as Karla increased the speed of her movements on him.
“Too bad Julian can’t make it.”
“And this doubling up?”
“Yeah,” she exhaled, increasing the tempo of her thrusts. “Couples take on someone else. Ted and I take on Tanya, for example. Tom and Jeremy together with Alex.”
“Sounds complex,” Kevin gasped. “What happens if somebody gets left out?”
“That’s your job and mine,” she replied raggedly. “Everybody gets to fuck somebody. And I get to fuck everybody.”
“You’re going to make me come,” he warned.
“About time,” she wheezed. “I’ve already had two little ones just thinking about it. I’m ready for the big one.”