Trancendent Sensuality -21

"The Argentines come and are gone, Taylor meets with Kevin and Tanya experiments with Jasmine."

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Fredericka lay naked atop Kevin in the King-sized bed in his bedroom.  Her hands pressed his against the bedsheet.  She brushed her erect nipples up and down on his chest while her eyes were locked on his.  Below, she had his erect meat trapped between her vulva, rubbing his length against her moist flesh.

“Dona Karla was right,” she told him in a harsh whisper.  “You are an accommodating lover.”

Kevin smiled at her.  “Because I let you have control?” he asked.

“That, yes,” she replied.  “And because you let me do this to you, even though you would prefer to be inside, yes?”

“I’m fine,” he said softly.  “If it pleases you, I am pleased.”

“Very much,” she rasped out.  “Already I have had two times orgasms.”

“I noticed,” he grinned.

“This time, though, you will be inside.”

“Whatever you wish,” Kevin answered.

Fredericka moved her hips forward and up to capture his hardness just at her soaked opening.  She sank down on him and he felt himself enveloped by her warm, moist canal.  Fredricka moaned as she absorbed his length in a single motion.

“Oh, my!” Kevin gasped.  “That’s glorious!”

“Uhmmm,” she hummed.  “For me, it is also.  You have me filled.”

Kevin smiled at her accent and unusual phrasing, glad for the distraction that abated his desire to unload inside her too quickly.

“I’m very close,” he admitted.

“It is good,” Fredericka replied.  “I am close also.  And, we have time to repeat if necessary.”

“I loved feeling your breast brush against me,” he told her and felt her tighten on his hardness.

“It was good for me, as well.  We will do this again,” she promised.

“Your sperm is sterile?” she asked anxiously, pressing her hips down on his.

“I am sterile,” he grinned.

“That is good.  You may shoot inside me and make me orgasm.”


“Please, yes.”

She plunged on him twice more before Kevin released his essence into her depths with a growl.

Taylor arrived at Kevin’s office promptly at 11:30 the next morning.

“This is a surprise,” he observed as she walked in the door and set down a medium-sized bag on his desk.

“It’s from Piesecki’s Deli,” she said.  “I wanted to make sure you didn’t leave for lunch before I got here.”

“Well, thank you,” he replied.  “I’m actually free for lunch today.”

“Good,” Taylor told him.  She began to unpack the bag and itemize the contents.  “Turkey sandwich, for you. This is a macaroni and sweet pickle salad.  This is my veggie roll.  These are fried dills.  They’re for me, but I’ll share.  Here’s a sweet tea for you.  Mine’s unsweet.”

“Sounds great,” Kevin said cautiously, aware that Taylor was deflecting.  “We can have this at the conference table.”  He helped her move the various containers to the other table.  Taylor took a chair just around the corner from him.  She unwrapped the sandwiches and opened the containers, pushing the share components between them.

“There,” she said with finality.

“This is special,” Kevin observed, taking a sip of his drink.

They ate in silence for a few moments.  Taylor wiped her lips with a paper napkin and sipped at her tea.

“So,” she said, not looking at him, “How was your Argentine whore last night?”

Kevin sighed silently.  “Taylor, honey,” he began.  “I don’t like to talk about these things, you know.  And I never make comparisons.”

“Well, you should know I got a proper fucking from her husband,” she snapped nastily.

“Really?” Kevin asked gently.  “Are you all right, then?”

She lifted her eyes to him.  “No, Uncle Kevin, I’m not.  It sucked.  I mean, he wasn’t mean or hurtful.  It was just that; a fucking.  Nothing else.”

“Were you expecting something different?”

She paused a moment to consider.  “I don’t know.  Maybe I was.  I don’t know.  It was…”  She sighed, her apprehension obvious.  “It wasn’t anything special.  Just a fucking.”

He smiled at her tenderly.  “They’ll be gone tomorrow.”

“Was she special for you?” Taylor asked him directly.

The corners of his mouth turned down.  “Apparently, I was adequate for her.”

“What about you?  Was she special to you?”

“Some of it was unique,” he admitted.  “I’m not sure I’d qualify it as special.”

“You’re not going to miss her?”

That made Kevin grin.  “I doubt it,” he said.  “All I want and need it right here.”

They ate from their lunches silently for a few moments.  Taylor broke the silence.

“Aunt Karla told us that this all started because you liked to watch her.  Is that true?”

Kevin shifted uncomfortably in his chair.  “I guess you could say that.”

“Tell me about that, Uncle Kevin.  You like to watch Aunt Karla getting fucked?”

“It isn’t that, so much,” he protested evenly.  “It’s just, well, I like to see her aroused.  She is so stunning when she’s, you know, stimulated.  My heart just bursts with love for her when I see her like that.”

“You get hard?”

He nodded.  “Yes.  Watching her like that gets me stimulated.”

“She said she felt guilty about it, though, getting laid all the time while you just watched.  That’s why she arranged for you to, you know, get laid at that same time.”

“She told me the same thing.  But, I never needed that.  Just seeing her was all I ever needed.  That and her love for me.”

“So why do you do it with the others, Tanya, my Mom, Jasmine, and me?  If you don’t need it?”

“Because it makes her happy.  All I care about is making her happy.”

“You know we all love you, don’t you?  You make us all happy.”

Kevin smiled at her.  “That’s nice to know.”

“I’m in love with Ted, Uncle Kevin.”

“I would hope so.”

“The thing is, even after we’re married, nothing is going to change.  I mean, he’s still going to be screwing Aunt Karla, Mom, Tanya, and Jessica.  And I’m going to keep fucking you, Tom, Jeremy, and Jake.  Just so you know, even though I’m married to Ted, I’m still going to want to be with you.”

“If it works for the two of you, you and Ted, I mean.  I doubt anybody would be angry if the two of you decided to withdraw.”

“Are you still going to want me to fuck you, Uncle Kevin?  After Ted and I are married?”

“I have loved you all these years, Taylor.  First as a little girl.  And now, as a beautiful young woman.  That first time was difficult for me.  But, over time I’ve come to treasure our time together.”

There was a momentary pause as Taylor considered sharing her next thought.

“Ted and I have already talked about this, Uncle Kevin.  We knew he would probably keep sleeping with Mom, but I told him we should stay active in our little group.  I think he loves Aunt Karla the way I love you.  So, we agreed.  Just so you know.”

“As I said, that’s a decision you and your husband should make together.”

“Would you miss me if we stopped?”

“I would certainly miss the way your Aunt Karla looks when Ted makes love to her.  But, that seems to be a moot point considering the decision you and Ted have made.”

“Would you miss me, though?  Miss our time together?”

Kevin looked at her for a long moment.  “Yes, Taylor, I would.  You are very special to me.”

The departure of the Argentines on Friday afternoon gave everybody a weekend to decompress.  Alex, Taylor, Ted, and Jake made the home of Karla and Kevin their base of operations, while Jeremy and Jasmine were welcomed by Tanya and Tom next door.  The evenings were uneventful, for the most part, as everybody kept to their partners, exhausted by the frantic pace of the preceding week.  The days were spent in easy relaxation either by the pool or in front of the widescreen in the recreation room.

The exception was that Tanya decided Saturday evening at their take-out Chinese dinner that there was room enough in the king-sized bed she shared with Tom for all four of them.

“Really?” Tom asked after she’d made the announcement.

“Of course,” Tanya replied.  “You and I usually only use half of it.”

“I thought you were exhausted after last week,” Tom observed.

His wife smiled coyly at him.  “I haven’t gotten laid since Thursday night.  Well, early Friday morning.  Anyway, Jeremy and Jasmine are our guests.  They deserve the full extent of our hospitality.”

“You’re horny,” her husband replied.

“Well,” the statuesque blonde answered, “I happened to hear something interesting from Karla regarding one of our guests and it has piqued my interest.”

“Are you going to share that little tidbit with the rest of us?” Tom inquired.

“I think not,” Tanya said.  “It might embarrass them.  So, we’ll just find out tonight.”

Tom lay on his back in the bed, close to the curtained window.  Jasmine lay next to him, her hand and fingers gently fingering his firming rod.  Next to her, Tanya tenderly stroked Jeremy with her left hand as her right hand caressed the outside of Jasmine’s thigh.  They lay like that for just a few minutes before Jasmine rolled over and edged down on the bed.

“I know what you want,” Tanya heard her tell her husband.  She smiled.  Tom was fascinated by the Goth-style look Jasmine adopted and loved to watch her consume his hard shaft.  Tanya rolled toward  Jeremy, clasping his nearly rigid member in both hands.

Tanya followed Jasmine’s lead, scooting down the bed and grabbing Jeremy’s in her hand.

“Uh-uh,” Jeremy murmured to her.  “Turn around.”

Tanya rolled away and faced Jasmine as she bobbed her head above Tom, her mouth absorbing the full length of his cock.  She felt Jeremy’s rough hand on her hip, pulling and rotating her body.  She ended up straddling his torso with his cock lodged between her breasts.

“Come on,” Jeremy urged her, grasping her thighs and pulling her higher in the bed.  “I want to taste your beautiful puss,” he told the blonde.

She raised up on her knees and elbows with a grin.  “I get it,” she said softly.  “The only sex act with its own number.”

Jeremy pulled her down until his tongue spear the soft flesh of her labial folds.  Tanya moaned as she felt his active tongue swirl in her moist slit.  She held his rod in one hand while her tongue swirled around the smooth crown and her lips closed around the ridge.

“Um-hmm,” she heard Jeremy hum, feeling the vibrations reverberate into her.

Jasmine, meantime, alternated between sucking Tom deep into her mouth, then licking him from the tip to the balls, then back up from his base to the crown, then absorbing him into the damp, welcoming void of her mouth.  Her tongue pressed his flesh against the roof of her mouth, creating a warm, smooth envelope.  Tom gasped as her fingernails lightly scratched his scrotum.

“You’re so good at that,” Tom gasped.  “You should give lessons.”

Jasmine hummed around his steely rod causing Tom to groan aloud.

As Jeremy’s tongue swept the full length of her slit, Tanya released him from her mouth.

“I don’t want you to come just yet,” she panted, as the invading tongue swirled around her clit.  I want to save you to come inside me.”

Jeremy paused long enough to raise her hips so he could speak.  “But I can make you come, can’t I?” he gasped.

“Oh, yeah, baby,” she urged.  “You can do that.”

“Good,” Jeremy replied, “’Cause you taste so damned good!”  He pulled her back down to his face and continued his oral assault on the bare flesh of the blonde.

Tanya smiled, holding his cock lightly in her hands, irregularly taking a lick or a gentle envelopment of the head as Jeremy drove her toward her first orgasm of the night.  Her hips involuntarily thrust toward him when his tongue touched a particularly sensitive or stimulating spot.  Her hand reached out and she brushed her knuckles across Jasmine’s thigh as she straddled Tom’s body, her mouth working over his cock.  The brush became a stroke.  Tanya’s hand slid gently up Jasmine’s thigh and around to the round flesh of her backside.  She grasped the inner smoothness of the younger woman’s thigh as her husband’s tongue worked its magic.  She gasped, then groaned as the warmth spread through her abdomen and down her own legs.

Tom heard the familiar sounds of his wife achieving climax and it pushed him over the edge.

“I’m coming, Jasmine!” he grunted, then emptied himself into her waiting mouth.

She collected everything he gave her in her mouth.  Then she turned toward Tanya.  The blonde’s eyes were gleaming as Jeremy’s lips and tongue kept her arousal at its peak.  Jasmine smiled and pressed her lips to Tanya’s.  She pressed her tongue forward and opened her lips, allowing a portion of Tom’s exudate to flow into Tanya’s mouth.  Tanya groaned and her tongue shot into the dark recesses of Jasmine’s mouth, the two organs battling each other and Tom’s come lubricating the wrestling match of their tongues.

Tanya moaned, then groaned, her sounds mounting in volume and intensity while the tongues of Jeremy and Jasmine drove her far beyond the ecstasy she expected.  Jasmine released her and knelt on the bed, watching her face closely as her husband drove her to a crashing climax.

Jasmine leaned forward and pressed her lips to Tanya’s ear.

“What do you want, darling?” she whispered.

“I don’t, oh god, I don’t know,” Tanya gasped.  “No, I do,” she nearly exploded.  “I want you to ride me.  I want to taste you, and I want you to feel what Jeremy is doing to me.”

Jasmine grinned.  “Talked to Karla, huh?”

“She may have said something,” Tanya admitted.

“Jeremy!” the dark-haired beauty nearly shouted.

Her husband raised his head.

“Quit what you’re doing and let her turn over.  Enter her from behind.  She’s going to do what Karla did,” his wife explained.

Jeremy backed away and let Tanya roll onto her belly.  She pushed herself up into a kneeling position as Jasmine scrambled toward the headboard and spread her legs on either side of Tanya’s head.  He knelt on the big bed behind Tanya and inched up toward her with his hardness cradled in his hand.  His left hand touched Tanya’s backside as he eased his cock up and down her gushing slit.

Jasmine took Tanya’s hands in hers and pulled her toward the head of the bed.  “I’m right here for you,” she told Tanya, her right hand cupping her face.

Tanya tentatively licked the dampness of Jasmine’s slit while Jeremy positioned his member at her slick tunnel of lust.  She hummed appreciatively as Jeremy eased into her and forced her toward Jasmine’s most intimate flesh.

Jasmine looked down at the blonde head buried between her legs, then looked up at Jeremy as he began plunging his hardness into Tanya’s well of lust.  Her head rocked back as Tanya’s tongue swirled around her firm clit then drove into the opening of her love canal.  She managed to catch Tom’s eye as her passion surged through her body.

“That is so hot,” he remarked.  “I’ve never seen anything like it in real life.”

Jasmine grabbed his hand and pulled it to her right breast.  Tom needed no encouragement and began to pull and twist on the erect nipple.

“I hope you’ll be ready to fuck me when she’s done,” Jasmine murmured to him.

“Definitely,” Tom responded.

“You could lick and suck them if you have the energy,” she told him.

Tom rolled to his left and raised up, putting his mouth around the firm flesh of her nipple and sucking it in.  His tongue beat a tattoo against the hard projection causing Jasmine to groan in passion.

Jeremy continued to pound into Tanya.  The vision of his wife’s spread legs with Tanya’s head between her thighs and Tom’s lips devouring her breast stoked his already raging passion.  He could feel his balls tightening and gasped as he drove into Tanya’s flooded well.  He gasped and moaned.  “I’m coming!” he grunted in warning.

“Come in her, baby!” Jasmine gasped out.  “Fill her up so I can suck it out.”

That was all Jeremy need.  The ache in his thighs signaled the point of no return.  He exhaled a huge groan and began to unload his essence into the welcoming recess of Tanya’s womb.  He felt her muscles tighten around him, seeming to suck his seed out of the steely shaft.  He heard Tanya’s moan as he pumped into her, causing the blonde to climax around him.

With his essence exhausted, Jeremy withdrew from Tanya and slumped down beside the bed.  His chest distended as he tried to pump more air into his tortured lungs.  Above him the remaining lovers rearranged themselves.

“Roll over,” Jasmine directed Tanya.  “And you,” she told Tom, “You get behind me and fuck me while I suck my husband’s come out of your slutty wife.”

“I’m not a slut,” Tanya protested with a laugh.

“I know,” Jasmine said, grinning at her.  “You’re a goddess, and I’m about to worship at your carnal canal.”  She shifted around to her hands and knees, her arms lifting Tanya’s thighs on either side of her head.

Tom scrambled to the foot of the bed, climbed on, and approached Jasmine’s raised backside.  Taking his re-energized cock in his hand, he slid the head along her moist slit eliciting a groan from Jasmine.

“Oh, damn!” Tanya moaned as Jasmine’s vocalization into her flesh sent vibrations through her torso.  She felt Jasmine’s tongue slurp up the combination of Jeremy’s essence and her own juices, flicking across her engorged bud.  She grasped her own breasts and tugged the nipples reflexively in an attempt to enhance the arousal flowing through her.

Tom had positioned his member at Jasmine’s weeping opening and drove into her with a single strong and firm stroke.  Her response was another moan into Tanya’s succulent flesh as she pushed her hips back to meet his unrelenting invasion.  She grasped Tanya’s hips, pulling her forcefully to her.  For her part, Tanya raised herself to press against Jasmine’s active lips and tongue.  She felt the warmth beginning to ball up in her belly as her first orgasm under Jasmine’s oral assault began to rise within her.

“Oh my god, girl!” Tanya gasped.  “What do you want?”

Jasmine raised her head for just a moment and groaned, “I want you to come, Goddess!”  She then dove back into Tanya’s flesh and plunged her tongue into her weeping slit.

Tom, meanwhile, had established a rhythm of pumping into Jasmine, driving her forward into his wife’s hot pussy with each thrust.  The room became quiet except for his grunts of exertion and the two women’s moans and gasps.

Jeremy twisted around and lay his head on his forearms as he knelt on the floor, his upper body on the bed watching the panorama of his wife and her two lovers.  He grinned wearily, not quite recovered from his own exertions as he watched Tom plow into his wife.  His eyes caught Tanya’s.  Her mouth was open in her passion and her eyes glazed in arousal.  He heard her gasp and groan when the orgasm caused by his wife’s oral ministrations swept through her body.

Jasmine moaned into Tanya’s moist flesh.  Jeremy wasn’t sure if it was his wife’s delight with Tanya’s reactions to her oral actions or the arousal to Tom’s consistent and energetic plowing into her own love canal.

Tanya gasped, “Oh, shit!  I’m coming!  Fuck me with your tongue, Jasmine!”

The younger woman complied and Tanya’s gasped turned into a loud moan as her orgasm flooded from the center of her being in a warm flow of dynamic sensations.  Jasmine groaned as the blonde’s flesh clasped her tongue and pulsed her release.

“Oh, fuck!” Jasmine wailed.  “Come deep inside me, Tom,” she urged.  “Fuck!  I’m coming, too!  Fuck me hard, baby!”

Tom’s hardened rod plunged repeatedly into Jasmine as her orgasm caused her flesh to contract around his meat.  He felt her pulling at him, causing him to cross over into his own climax.  His thighs tightened and he pushed himself as deep as possible, holding himself buried in her depths as his cock unloaded his hot spurts of come.

His wife looked at him and through ragged breaths asked, “You came inside her, didn’t you?”

Tom nodded.  “Yeah,” was all he managed to gasped out as he struggled to gather oxygen.

“Oh, fuck,” Jasmine gasped.  “Did we actually have a three-way orgasm?”

“Pretty close,” Tanya said.

“I think I’m going to need some time to recharge,” Tom observed.

Jasmine chuckled lightly.  “Yeah,” she agreed.  “I’m pretty sure we’re all kind of used up.”

“Let’s get cleaned up and grab a few winks,” Tanya suggested.

“Well, if anybody wants some more,” Jeremy offered, “I’m willing to try.”

“In the morning,” Tanya said.  “Keep it warm for me and I’ll ride you in the morning.”

“You’re such a slut,” Jasmine told her.

“No I’m not, Princess,” Tanya replied.  “I’m a goddess.  I gratefully accept all offers to worship me.”

Sunday evening, Karla called everyone together for what she called a family meeting.

“I thought we were a cult,” Taylor sniped as they all gathered.

“We’re a family,” Karla corrected.  “And this meeting is for your benefit, sweetie, so keep your smart mouth under control.”

“For my benefit?” Taylor asked.

“Yours and Ted’s,” Karla said.  “We have a wedding to plan.”

“We haven’t even set a date yet,” Ted protested.

“Honey,” Karla replied gently, “We’re not going to let a little thing like that keep us from moving forward.  In fact, setting a date is part of the planning process, so, we’ll help you.”

“Of course, it’s going to be in the Spring or early Summer,” Tanya said.

“Naturally,” Karla said.  “So, that gives us nearly a year to get it planned.”

“So, you’re going to decide we’re getting married next year?” Taylor asked, incredulous.

“It does seem a little presumptuous,” Ted chimed in.

His future mother-in-law, Alex, responded.  “It isn’t, baby.  A year is just barely long enough.”


Published 4 years ago

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