“Nice job, Kells!” Jane her best friend said as she walked up to the bench slapping her on the butt like, she always did.
“Never seen you so emotionless,” Came a voice from behind her which she knew just as well as her Mom and Dad’s voice, it was Coach C.
“Thanks Coach! For a second there I was nervous you know when Five came up there I thought Sarah hadn’t seen it, but she was the one that yelled at me.” Kelly said knowing that her middle honestly hadn’t seen it but she was covering for her.
Coach C just smiled and pointed towards the locker room, “Get out of here y’all played one hell of a game! Go celebrate, tonight. See y’all back her Monday! And I know more than two of you have a test, so study!”
Kelly smiled and nudged Jane, “Same old Coach, and Same old speech!”
Jane and Kelly giggled as they walked into the locker room.
“Man!” Noah said throwing his hands in the air when he watched the final point of the game. “Why didn’t I learn about Volleyball earlier? All these chicks with amazing asses running around! It is like heaven!”
Luke and Tj laughed nodding their heads in agreement. They all started to walk down the stairs talking about their favorite players that were on the team and what sexual feature they liked the best about them.
“My favorite was that tall one in the middle! Damn let me tell you something that girl had fine legs and nice hips!” Tj said smiling and nodding his head as he thought about the girl.
“Tj, the only reason you say that is because she is the first girl you won’t have to bend down too far to make out with!” Luke said which made Noah start to laugh. “Now, the girl in the back which they call the Libro, that girl was nice! Did you see those boobs! They were about to pop out of her shirt!”
“No, no you two got it all wrong! The setter, that scored the last point, she was the best. That ass was beautiful! And her boobs were not so bad either!” Noah said an evil glint in his eye.
The boys argued over which girl was the best for a while, all thinking their girl was the best.
“Where do they all go after the game?” Tj asked looking more at Luke than Noah.
“Why do you think I would know?!?”
“Dude, you have dated half of the girls here at this college you have to know where they hang out!”
Luke looked at Noah for help and he just shrugged as if saying, Tj has a point, which rarely happened.
Luke sighed, “The bar on College Street, I think that most of them drink Miller or Sam Adams every now and then one of them drinks Bud Light.”
Noah and Tj started laughing, “We didn’t want to know what they liked to drink!” Noah said holding his stomach as they walked towards College Street.
Kelly walked into the bar her tight black dress showing off every one of her curves. She felt eyes on her as she walked, a smile coming onto her lips as she saw out of the corner of her eye a boy nod his head slowly. Jane giggled at every single guy that was watching Kelly like a hawk.
“Okay, what in the world is your secret, sweetheart?” Jane asked as they took the same seats they always sat at in the bar.
Kelly looked at the bar tender and he nodded going to a different part of the counter to get something.
“I don’t know, I guess it is just part of my amazing charm.” Kelly said smiling at Jane, “To be honest, I really don’t know. They have always looked at me like that.”
The bar tender came back with a Tequila Pink, Kelly nodded her thanks and took a sip.
“How can you drink that?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you are like the only one on the team that doesn’t drink beer!” Jane said looking at Kelly kind of in disgust.
Kelly laughed and took another sip, “Maybe that is why guys like me, and I’m no goody-goody!” And with that Kelly took her drink and disappeared onto the dance floor.
Noah sat in a both watching as Tj and Luke were putting moves onto two poor girls. He laughed at the thought of them getting turned down by either one of the girls but that never happened they were all on the football team. Girls had never turned them down after they said they would dedicate the next win to them.
Noah lifted his beer to his lips and tilted the bottle back when nothing came out he sighed. Running his fingers through his not so shaggy hair and getting to his feet he walked slowly over to the bar. Noah asked the girl on the other side of the counter for another and watched as she flirted with him, he of course flirted back like any guy in his position would have.
He thanked her and winked turning around he ran into a girl in an all-black dress making her drink go all over the front of her dress. Noah looked up quickly seeing the girl had obviously had a lot to drink already.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there. You okay?” Noah asked not making any move to help clean off her dress.
“You just ruined my favorite dress, and spilled my drink!” She said not yelling but obviously mad.
“I can see that, How about you dance with me and after that I buy you another drink?” Noah said taking her hand in his wondering if she would even go for it.
It seemed like a long time before she shook her head yes, Noah smiled and lead her out onto the dance floor.
They dance for a while, longer than just two or three songs. When Kelly was laughing too hard at all the cheesy jokes that Noah was making he lead her off the floor and over to a seat at the bar.
“So, I guess I owe you a drink!” Noah said looking over at the girl bar tender about to tell her to get two beers when he felt warm lips up against his.
Noah turned so that it was easier for the unknown lips on his. He felt a tongue snake its way into his mouth and a hand go underneath his shirt a chill going up his spine from the cold hands. He felt the lips leave his and the hands come out from under his shirt and lay up against his chest. The lips moved slowly up his neck and to his ear where there was a little nibble on his ear.
“You know I am not that thirsty anymore. I think I would rather just like to see your place.”