Too Far, Too Fast – Chloe (YNAS) Pt. 8

"Chloe's meeting with Professor Mike doesn't go as planned."

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Sleep remained difficult for Chloe. She was looking forward to being with Professor Mike again, remembering how, just this afternoon, he’d pulled her into an empty classroom and spanked her. It didn’t matter that it was short: the complete surprise of it all and the forceful attitude had her anticipating an escalation the following evening.

But she had also had a wonderful time with Simone; sweet, gentle Simone. She loved the playful, sexy spanking she’d given her and all the fantastic lesbian sex that followed. She couldn’t wait to get such a spanking from Simone, noting the contrast to what she expected from Mike.

Finally, she drifted off to a fitful sleep and an initially interesting dream that turned darker. She was in a large, dark room with no walls visible and only a spotlight on her nude body. Suddenly, a disembodied voice boomed within the otherwise quiet room.

“You need this, don’t you, Chloe?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, suddenly feeling her ankles and wrists bound by invisible ropes that pulled her body up and her legs apart.

“It’ll be worse for you tonight!” she heard the Professor’s voice before he appeared a few yards away and to her right, reminding her of his threat from earlier in the day.

He just stood there, but seconds later, Joanie appeared behind him. Then Jamie, Simone, and a long line of other faceless people, the queue fading into the darkness. As the Professor walked toward her, her body was pulled into a bent-over stance, and a desk appeared to support her.

“Tell me what you want, Chloe,” the Professor asked her in the same deep, booming voice.

“I want you to spank me,” she replied, but there was doubt in her mind.

The pain was sharp and immediate, though it was only his hand spanking at an even tempo and consistently hard intensity. The spanking continued for what seemed an eternity but eventually stopped as suddenly as it began.

The Professor and the desk disappeared, and her body was pulled back into the same erect stance as before. Next, Joanie stepped up, and a picnic table appeared, which Joanie sat at while Chloe’s marionette strings again pulled her into position across her knee.

“Tell me what you want, Chloe,” Joanie asked, but in the same dark, threatening voice of her dream.

“I want you to spank me,” she said this time only because she had to, not because she wanted it, and the spanking ensued even harder than before.

She felt herself scream, but no sound was heard. Just barely enduring the painful spanking, she was enormously relieved when it ended, but her relief was momentary.

Jamie stepped up, and the whole cycle repeated, this time with him on his folding camp stool. Responding to what she wanted, she spoke her line pleadingly, hoping it conveyed the feeling that she did not want to be spanked despite her contrary reply.

Again, the spanking was even more severe, and her bottom felt like it was literally on fire. Each spanking seemed unending and more painful than the one before. She hoped when it was Simone’s turn, it would be the playful spanking she’d given her, but despite the setting on her bed, it was again even harder.

When the first faceless person stepped up to the plate, her arms and legs were pulled as far apart as possible, her body suspended above the unseen floor. The question and response were repeated, hers even more pleading than before. The first spank felt like it would rip her in two, and she awoke, her body bolted upright in her bed and panting as though she’d just run a marathon.

Her breathing gradually calmed, but she was still so taken by the vivid dream, questioning her appointment with Professor Mike and the expected escalation. ‘It’s just a dream,’ she told herself and went back to sleep.

The following morning, she went to school anticipating the meeting with Mike as before. Thankfully, it was a busy day, so the time passed quickly. Checking her school email address at lunch, she had a message from Mike to check her personal email, which had another email from him telling her to come to his home instead of his office, providing the address. Initially, she was hopeful that a more private location would allow for some of the things they didn’t do in his office, but it also reminded her of the bizarre dream.

Mike smiled when he read her acknowledgment of the venue change. Still prideful in how he’d demanded her appearance with his unprovoked attack in the empty classroom, he thought he was reading her signals correctly and hoped his escalation would be well … received? No, accepted.

While Google handled the directions, Chloe drove to Mike’s house as the anticipation built for another good turn across his knee. She knew his would be what she considered a real spanking. While Joanie’s had been maternal and Jamie’s somewhat tentative, Mike’s would have that magic mixture of pain, pleasure, and, hopefully, this time, sex.

She pulled into the long driveway under a canopy of trees up to the small, brightly lit house. Walking to the door, she felt excited and a bit nervous about what the night would bring.

“Chloe!” he called out from the open door.

“Hello, Professor,” she replied, expecting him to remind her to use his first name. “You’re out in the sticks here, aren’t you?” she commented on the remote, heavily wooded location.

“Yeah, we liked the quiet,” he answered as she stepped inside, realizing too late he’d included his ex-wife in the ‘we’ statement. “I have neighbors close enough, but still excellent privacy,” he said with a raised eyebrow. “I’m glad you wore the schoolgirl outfit again!”

Acknowledging his compliment, she noticed he wore a robe over a seemingly bare chest and wondered if he wore anything underneath. The thought started her juices flowing, and the realization of what was about to happen started those now familiar butterflies in her stomach.

“Would you like some wine?” he asked as they entered the small but cozy living room.

She nodded and sat on the sofa. Truthfully, she hoped there wouldn’t be much conversation before they started. It seemed trite and unnecessary. The wine might help to ease the unexpected nerves, but if he said nothing but an instruction to get over his knee, she’d be there in a heartbeat.

“How was your week?” he asked, handing her a glass of red wine.

“It was okay. Nothing special,” she replied dismissively.

“Any plans for the weekend?” he asked, trying again.

“No, not really. Schoolwork.”

“Chloe, if you’d rather we skip the small talk and …”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, noticing his smile.

“Come. Bring your wine,” he said, standing and offering his hand.

They walked into a short hallway and turned immediately to enter a dimly lit bedroom. He took her wine from her and put both glasses on a small table by the door.

Chloe looked around the room with that same excitement mixed with the apprehension she’d felt as she drove up. There was a bed with two nightstands, each with a lamp with a red bulb providing atmosphere. Lying on the bed was a hairbrush, but the spanking bench in the corner caught her eye. It had a strap and a long paddle laying atop.

“You know what that is?” he asked when he noticed her attention.

“Yes, sir,” she said without telling him that her parents had one and used it frequently with each other.

“That’s for a little later. So, tell me what you want, Chloe?”

Startled at the direct quote from her dream, she turned to look at him as he dropped his robe, revealing tight, black leather shorts with a prominent bulge.

“I … I want you to spank me,” she replied with her quote as well, wondering at his choice of clothes. They looked good on him, accentuating his sexy butt, but the dominating image seemed out of character for him.

He took her by the arm and pulled her to the bed, where he sat and pulled her over his lap, his arm around her waist to hold her in place. She felt him lift her skirt, laying it on her back and exposing her bottom in the little, white panties she’d worn this time.

“Mmm, nice panties! Now tell me again what you want,” he said as his hand smoothed the cotton fabric of her full-coverage panties, fingers tracing the cleft between her cheeks.

“I want a spanking! Please SPANK me,” she squealed as the first spank fell in time with the word.

Though he liked the panties as part of her costume, he wouldn’t leave them in place long, deciding as he spanked her at a steady pace that after fifteen or twenty on each side, he’d pull them down.

Her apprehension gone now as the delicious, stinging pain slowly built; she, too, wanted them down to feel his hand on her bare bottom. Her breathing was uneven, while only sighs and moans escaped her lips as she absorbed the strikes, changing to long, deep breaths as she felt her panties being pulled down over her warm bottom.

“Mmm, spank me, Professor!” she whispered as his hand stroked the gentle curves of her lower cheeks.

She squeaked at the first good spank on her now bare bottom and almost immediately lifted her hips, inviting more. Though she loved the naughty girl feel of being over his knee, she briefly wondered what the spanking bench would be like and looked forward to it. Lost in her delirious pain, she had no idea how many spanks she’d gotten when he stopped.

“Get up, Chloe,” he ordered sternly, keeping his hand on her perfect and now-warm bottom as she scrambled off his lap.

Her panties fell to her ankles in the process, and she kicked them off before moving to stand before him.

“I want you naked for the rest of your punishment,” he stated in a ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone.

Her skirt had fallen back in place, so she started with her blouse, opening each button as though it were a show in itself, but apparently, he was in a hurry and took over. He pulled the buttons open with a force that surprised her. He dumped her bra on top of her blouse and squeezed her tits and nipples painfully as she winced. Her skirt was pulled open and added to the pile on the floor, after which he pulled her down across his left knee, wrapping his right leg over hers, holding her tightly in place.

The spanking resumed before she’d even situated herself, and she cried out with the harder spanks to her lower cheeks and upper thighs.

“Ow! Oh, sir! It really hurts,” she cried as the spanks rained down in random patterns but with increasing intensity. “OW! Please?” she pled, unsure if her protests were real or part of her role.

“It’s supposed to hurt, isn’t it?” he asked, and when she didn’t answer, he repeated the question, “Isn’t it!?” accompanied by even harder spanks to the fleshiest part of her cheeks.

“Yes, sir! Ow!” she said, accepting her fate as her limits were being pushed further than ever. She worried how far he’d go.

She squirmed futilely, but with his leg trapping hers and his arm around her waist, it wasn’t much. She’d never been so animated, even going back to the spankings that the asshole Bob had given her. She liked the struggle, but the pain was starting to be too much when he stopped again.

“You want this, don’t you?” he asked, picking up the hairbrush and tapping her flaming red cheeks.

“Yes, sir,” she said doubtfully. ‘How am I gonna take this?’ she questioned herself and had her answer with the first swats on alternating cheeks.

Harder and harder, the swats fell as Chloe grunted and gasped her response to the beating he was giving her. He warned her about tensing her body, but she couldn’t help it as her body tried to twist itself free of his grasp.

Mike was in a place he’d never been and loved it. No longer was Chloe begging to be spanked; he was in charge, doling out real punishment. Her protests only fed his dominant ego as he swatted her girlish bottom, delighted that bruises were starting to appear and growing quickly.

Wanting to move on to the spanking bench, he gave her five of the hardest swats yet on one cheek and immediately scratched his fingernails across the dark red patch.

“Oh my God!” Chloe screamed at the hyperstimulation, enjoying it only briefly before he did the same on the other side and demanded impatiently that she get up.

She was so sore that any movement was painful, and she struggled to stand, getting minimal help from Mike. She whimpered as she rubbed her red hot, stinging cheeks. Thoughts of ‘how much more can I take,’ while casual and arousing during other spankings, were quite real now. For the first time ever, she wished she had a safe word. She found her feelings toward him turning to anger.

Standing himself, he grabbed her upper arm and directed her towards the spanking bench. He couldn’t wait to see her reaction to the strap and paddle as he helped her gingerly into place. He loved the look of her naked, youthful body in this position, her red, black, and blue ass completing the picture.

She imagined she could like getting spanked on such a device, but she was beyond her known limits, and her thoughts turned again to how she’d endure.

“Will you stay put, or do I have to strap you down?” he asked as he adjusted the armrests so her forearms could rest properly on them.

“NO Straps!” she yelled in a tone that surprised him.

Standing up, he ran his hands down her back and gently across her battered bottom. She sighed at the unexpected gentle pleasure he offered. She lifted her hips when his fingers strayed between her legs to slide quickly through her slit, only then realizing she wasn’t as wet as she would typically be during a spanking. The brief comfort ended with hard smacks from his hand, awakening the sting that had subsided only slightly.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow!” she cried, panting with the intense pain when he finally stopped.

“You want this, don’t you, Chloe?” he asked again as he picked up the strap.

She didn’t answer him as her attention was drawn to him standing at her side, holding the strap up with his left hand, and letting go as his right brought the two-inch strap arcing down to slash across both cheeks, the end snapping around her hip to strike a previously untouched spot.

“Jesus Christ!” she screamed in protest.

“Don’t you!?” he repeated with another brutal lash lower on her burning bottom.


“Answer me!” he yelled with another slash.

“NO! I don’t fucking want it, goddamn it!” she screamed and, with some untapped energy, climbed off the bench, wincing at the pain she felt.

“Chloe! Get back on …”

“No, Professor! It’s too much! I can’t …” she started, but her crying interrupted.

“I’m sorry! I had no idea! I thought you were just …”

She scooped up her skirt and blouse and hurriedly put them on. Grabbing her underwear and slipping her sandals back on, she shuffled out of the room. She heard him call out to her again with apologies as she grabbed her purse and keys but didn’t want to listen. Out the door and into her car, she threw her stuff on the passenger’s seat, started the car, and drove off.

Stunned into inaction, Mike had watched her as she left the room, wondering what he’d done wrong. In all the stories and videos he’d seen, the women always reacted to the pain but were turned on by it in the end. When he first had her over his knee, he’d reminded himself to take it easy and temper his impatience. He shook his head now, believing that was the only mistake he had made, and had he progressed more slowly, Chloe would have enjoyed it like all the women he’d read about and seen.

By the time he left the room, he could hear her car driving away and looked out the open door just in time to see her turn onto the road. Feeling denied, he returned to the room, downed both glasses of wine, and sat on the bed, cursing his impatience.

She drove home with tears in her eyes, wondering if she had done anything wrong, encouraging him somehow when it had started getting too intense. She was sure she hadn’t but probably wasn’t as insistent as she should have been that it was too much for her. Every turn on the way home that shifted her weight in the seat brought renewed pain from her stinging bottom, drawing a contrast to those times when the pain felt so good.

Pulling into the parking lot of her small apartment complex, she saw an unfamiliar car but thought little of it until she got out of her car.

“Chloe!” she heard someone call and found Simone approaching her on the walk leading from her door.

She didn’t respond, suddenly feeling her tears returning. As Simone approached her, she burst out crying, sobbing uncontrollably. Simone ran to her and took her in her arms.

“Chloe, what happened?” she asked but didn’t get a reply as she was still crying and hugging Simone in return.

“Let’s go inside,” Simone offered, leading her to her door. Chloe handed her the keys, still in her hand, and moments later, they were inside. They went to the sofa to sit, but seeing Chloe wince, stood with her again, leading her to her kitchen bar where she could lean against the barstool without sitting. Asked again what happened, Chloe finally responded.

“It really hurt, Simone! It just hurt!” she complained, touching her bottom carefully and lifting her skirt.

“Oh my God, Chloe! Who did this to you?” she cried as she saw her badly bruised and crimson red cheeks.

“I don’t want to say.”

“Are you sure? Do you want this to happen to someone else?”

“No. No, I don’t think he realized. He went too far, too fast, but I don’t think he meant to do it.”

“I don’t know, Chloe. He had to realize when those bruises started forming. Do you have something to put on it?”

“Arnica cream. In the bathroom.”

“Come,” Simone said, leading her to her bedroom. “Take your skirt off and lie on the bed,” she instructed, entering the bathroom to find the Arnica.

Sitting on the bed beside Chloe, she put a dab of cream on one cheek and gently spread it around. Chloe recoiled at first, but as the soothing cream took effect, she relaxed, sighing and moaning with Simone’s efforts. The same happened on the other cheek, and once her damaged skin fully absorbed the cream, Chloe started moving with the massaging hands.

“Oh, that feels so good, Simone,” she sighed and lifted her hips when fingers strayed between her legs, briefly brushing against her pussy. She spread her legs a bit, telling Simone she wanted more.

Simone was thrilled to be able to offer the pleasure the poor girl had been denied with the brutal spanking. Up on her knees and using both hands, she massaged Chloe’s back with gentle caresses and long strokes up and down her spine, with a finger tracing the cleft between her raw cheeks. Dipping between her legs a little further on each pass, she let Chloe tell her how far to go.

Fully relaxed a few moments ago, Chloe’s arousal was ramping up in response to Simone’s tender hands. Lifting her hips allowed access to her pussy from top and bottom, and Simone took full advantage with one set of fingers slithering through her moistening slit while the other continued its advances with a soft, single-finger penetration. Her body jerked when Simone accidentally brushed hard against her bruised bottom.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” she pled.

“No, don’t be,” Chloe replied, adding, “Do it again!”

Balancing the pain and pleasure, Simone kept one finger on her clit, while the other gently touched and even lightly squeezed her sore bottom.

Breathing erratically, Chloe was barreling toward an orgasm with the two intense stimulations pushing her forward. The finger on her clit sent pulses through her body, stiffened as the climax approached, and it crashed over her when Simone’s other hand patted her lower cheeks with soft spanks.

As the spasms passed through her, her hips fell to the bed again while sighs and gasps slowly subsided.

“Thank you, Simone. That was wonderful!” she said, rolling to her side to face Simone, who lay facing her.

“I’m so sorry for what happened to you!” she replied sympathetically. “Can I do anything else for you?” she offered, kissing her softly and wanting to go only as far as Chloe could manage.

“I’d love to feel your tongue, but I can’t lay on my back. Could I …”

“Sit on my face? Yes, please!” she said with a sexy smile and rolled onto her back.

Chloe got on her knees carefully. She felt every strain and pull on the bruises as a stinging tightness of the skin, but she managed to straddle Simone’s prone body and move into position. A long, deep sigh accompanied the first touch of Simone’s mouth to her lips, her back arching when her tongue slithered between the pink folds of her pussy. They found a rhythm as each moved forward and back, her tongue traversing Chloe’s slippery slit.

Simone slowly but steadily increased the pace and intensity of her tongue, licking and slurping Chloe to another climax. Her hands moved from Chloe’s hips to front and back, one with a thumb on her clit and the other stroking her tender bottom. Adding her tongue darting into her pussy triggered another orgasm that had her body writhing, but playful pats on her spanked bottom created a cascading series of apexes.

Unable to hold herself up, she fell forward onto her hands while Simone continued the multi-pronged attack.

“Oh – my – God! I can’t take …” she started and fell to her side to lie on the bed, her body still shaking from spasms that took longer than ever to subside.

“Chloe, are you okay?” Simone asked after it took so long for her body to settle and her eyes to open.

“Yes. More than okay,” she finally whispered. “Holy fuck, Simone! I’ve never felt anything like that before!” she added, loving Simone’s proud smile.

“Touching your bottom really set you off!”

“I know! I don’t think I’d do it again to get that intensity, but maybe coming close with a long spanking?”

“Maybe next time? I owe you a spanking, don’t I?” Simone smiled slyly.

“And I owe you a …” Chloe started as she leaned in to kiss pretty, soft lips.

“Not tonight, Chloe. This was just for you.”

It suddenly occurred to her to question why she was here in the first place.

“Simone, why were you here when I got home?”

“I just came to thank you for last night,” she replied with another kiss.

“Well, I’d say you more than delivered that message!”

“I’m glad I was here for you, but I must go now. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks again!”

“You’re more than welcome! I’ll check on you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, that would be nice. Good night!”

After Simone left, Chloe lay in bed for quite a while, going over the night’s events, wondering again if she did anything to mislead the Professor. There was no question the intense pain had led to a fantastic climax with Simone, but she shuddered to think what would have happened had she stayed for the strap and the paddle. Eventually, she drifted off to sleep, thinking about what to do about Professor Mike, and hadn’t come to a conclusion.


Do you think Chloe will try something this intense again? … with the Professor? Or will she move towards the gentler, more playful scenes with Simone and Jamie? I hope you enjoyed my story! Remember to ‘Like’ and/or ‘Favorite’ it before leaving and Thank You for reading!

Published 1 year ago

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