Tony Harris 9

"Prequel - The Story 9"

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There is nothing quite like waking with the soft, warm body of a beautiful woman in your arms, as she lies gently breathing in a postcoital haze. I slipped my arms from under her and left the bed. On my way to the bathroom I saw that it was 2:46. The night-time lights sparkled across the city landscape and I was wide awake. Aisling stirred, and whispered softly from across the room,

“Tony? Are you ok, love?”

I rejoined her on the bed,

“I couldn’t be any better.”

“Come back to bed,” she whispered.

“It’s nearly 3:00. Are we allowed stay here all night?”

“Yes. It’s all under control.”

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

“Why are you smiling at me?”

“No reason. I’m amused at the amount of Machiavellian machinations that must have been required by the evil mind that led me to this bed, in this place, with this gorgeous creature, tonight”

“Feminine wiles at work.”

“Was this your plan? To whisk me away and have your wicked way with me?”

She stroked my left nipple with her finger nail, sending electric currents through my body.

“Stop that, Aisling James. You know that’s my weakness.”

“Superman’s is kryptonite, Tony’s is poor little Aisling’s fingernail. Is that what you’re trying to say?”

I turned her on her back.

“I think poor little Aisling has more weaknesses than poor little Tony.”

“Do you now?”

I took one of her nipples in my mouth and sucked on it gently but firmly. She sighed softly. I held it between my teeth and let my tongue lick around the crown. She groaned audibly. I stopped and looked at her,

“Case in point.”

“You’re cruel. You can’t leave it there, Tony.”

“Yes, I can and must.”


“Because I have to do something else instead.”

I slid down between her legs and pushed her knees apart. I spent the longest time just kissing, licking and blowing on everything surrounding her vulva.

I could sense her arousal in the movement of her hips, the tensing of her stomach muscles and trembling of her thighs. Her clitoris was hugely engorged. I ignored that and, instead, dipped the tip of my tongue slightly into her vagina and massaged her there for what must have felt like forever, to her, but was a relatively short period.

My tongue then began a series of quick and very soft movements up towards her clitoral hood, returning to her vagina almost immediately. The volume of her groans increased as the movements of her lower body gained further momentum, her hips moving in time to my tongue as she pressed her vagina into my mouth.

My tongue returned to her clitoris and began a slow rotational orbit there, working with her hips to build an orgasm quicker that I intended it to be. I took my lips away and began kissing her inner thigh, sucking some into my mouth and releasing it just as fast.

She was a whirlwind of activity as her restless vulva desperately sought fulfillment, to end the relentless teasing that was bringing her to the edge of orgasm, minute by agonising minute. A long imploring cry floated across the room as she begged for release.

I gently moved her clitoral hood aside and allowed my tongue complete her journey. Clear fluid squirted powerfully from her vagina and covered me and most of the surrounding bedding in a wet, orgasmic, salty mess. I was in heaven.

She cried out in ecstatic wonder as she lost complete control of her body, so I held her in my arms whilst keeping my finger on her clitoris, gently pressing and releasing it under the pad of my forefinger to help ease her back down. She closed her eyes and held me as the tremors in her body slowly abated.

I stroked her skin all the while, calming her and caressing her. My heart commanded me to take care of her and I was rewarded with an embarrassed smile and a kiss from her beautiful lips.

“Feel my heart, Tony.”

“I can feel your heart in mine, Aisling,”

Her lips moved but no sound came, words weren’t needed. So we snuggled up together in the warm bed and drifted off to a deep and sensuous sleep.

When we left together next morning, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day in the city. We parted with a kiss and headed to our respective offices. I went through the front door in the hope of seeing Natalie but, instead, interrupted a glad handing exercise taking place at reception between, Cadden, Raffles and a tall, thin man wearing a long dark navy coat. He looked directly at me, acknowledged me with a slight movement of his head, and followed Zig and Zag up the stairs. I crept over to Natalie’s desk.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” I said, happily.

“Good morning,” she said with a smile.

“Can I have a kiss?”

“You can have anything you want.”

“I didn’t say where I wanted the kiss,” I said.

“Tony, why do you do that? Jesus, I only have these panties on for less than an hour.”


“You little,” she said, with a huge smile as she picked up a pencil and threw it at me.

I picked the pencil up and brought it back to her.

“It might be little, my dear, but it shoots far.”

“What does?” Peter said, as he walked in the door.

“We’re talking about penises, Peter, aren’t you Natalie?”

“I told you once,” she said.

“Size isn’t everything, is it, Natalie?” he said, with a smirk.

“Everything is relative, Peter. Now get out of here, the pair of you, and leave me alone.”

We went to leave but I turned back about halfway,

“Who’s the undertaker in the long coat?”

She checked a business card on her desk.

“His name is Kenneth Tierney from a company called HEFT Properties. I think he’s looking for some work done.”

“Never heard of him.”

“You probably never will again, if you’re in Galway for six months.”

“Ah well, fuck him.”

I went about my business for the day and was bored silly by 2:00. I concocted a trip out to a site in Howth and headed home in the van. Halfway there, I got a call from Cadden.

“Tony, where would you be?”

“In traffic on Pearse Street, Mr. Cadden.”

“Can you do a U Turn and come back for a few minutes?”

“No, it’s a one way street, Mr. Cadden.”

“You know what I mean, get your arse back here.”

I turned off Pearse Street on to Townsend Street and made my way back to the office via Merrion Square. I met Peter on his way out.

“I thought you’d fucked off for the day?”

“I did. I received a summons from above.”

“I’m going to get some smokes. Need anything? Carpet cleaner? Chocolate for mammy?”

“I could do with the carpet cleaner, if things keep on the way they’re going. By the way,” I reached into my pocket and handed him Aisling’s thong, “Aisling says hi.”

“You dirty little bastard! Well fucking done, that’s a full house from the top Adams office. I knew I could rely on you. She was a bit of a fox, wasn’t she?”

“She still is,” I said.

“Oh, I sense the beginning of a love story here.”

“No, but there’s a few more nights in it, I hope. She does this thing with her fingernail, Peter, honestly.”

“Stop right there. This isn’t a place to be discussing fetishes. Wait for me in the canteen, I’m dying to hear this. One quick question though. Was she up to scratch? Did you see what I did there?”

“Cadden wants me first, yes, I saw what you did there and, no, it’s not a fetish.”

“I know, but you’re wrong. I just hope he didn’t trim his fingernails, there’s a rumour going around that you’re a fan of fingernailious copulation, and you know I’ll have the correct name for that by tomorrow.”

He walked away singing, “Tony and Cadden sat under a bush, Says Tony to Cadden, I love you so much,”

I gave him the finger and ran up the steps. As I walked through reception Natalie said,

“Tony! Where have you been?”

“I was going home to make myself pretty for you tonight.”

“That’s ok then, but don’t tell Cadden that.”

“Any idea what he wants?”

“No, but I know what I want.”

I started to walk back to her. She shrieked,

“Will you get out of here? They’re waiting for you.”

“Ok, but this will be continued when I’m free.”

I ran up the stairs and knocked on Cadden’s door. I went inside to see him and the undertaker sitting at Cadden’s round meeting table having coffee.

“Ah, you made it, Tony,” he said, and stood up.

The undertaker stood also.

“I’d like to introduce you to Kenneth Tierney, CFO of HEFT Properties.”

“Great to meet you,” Kenneth said, and shook my hand strongly.

We sat down and Cadden started to explain what they wanted.

“HEFT just recently began a property portfolio initiation in Ireland. They’re looking to expand it to greenfield development of multi use properties across the country. I’ll let Kenneth explain why you’re here.”

“Well, Tony, may I call you Tony?”

“Please do, Kenneth.”

“Call me Ken, everyone else does.”

“Thanks, Ken.”

“Our board has asked that we work with this firm of architects to build out our investment program, starting on a two and half acre site, which we own, out in Blanchardstown. James, here, has been telling me about your recent success with a project for Ben Adams and how you brought it from nothing to a full spec live project in a matter of a couple of weeks.”

“Yes. It was a joint exercise with my colleague, Peter Smith, Ken.”

“Yes, James outlined Peter’s role completely, but it’s obvious that you were the prime mover in it from the beginning.”

“I suppose I was, but it would have failed had Peter not put in a lot of hours and brought his experience and talent to bear on it.”

“Yes, he’s also very astute, but it’s also very obvious that, in that two man team, his reliance on you outweighs the inverse. In that two man team, Tony, anyone can see where the drive and energy is. Peter’s drive and energy is brought to bear on the project by yours.”

“Possibly, but not definitively, Ken. A big part of the success we had in the Adams project was with the conceptual designs that Peter came up with and his knowledge of that kind of project. I’d be perfectly happy if we could continue to mine that pool of talent. Also, even though it may not be outwardly apparent, the level of respect we hold for each other is very high.”

“Yes, that’s quite obvious, along with the easy relationship you have together.”

“Yes, and also in the fact that he’s a proper architect and I’m still in training, which means that I defer to him in all situations by established customary practices.”

“I’m aware of that, but Peter will be kept very busy on the Adams project during this next few months, Tony, while you’re away in Galway.”

“I have no control over that, Ken. I just do what I’m told.”

“The Adams project was an exercise in doing the complete opposite, Tony. It’s a signpost to who you are as a person, firstly, and a talented professional, secondly. James tells me that the steering wheel was in your hands the entire time, while he just watched and added his imprimatur and oversight.”

“What happens if I say no, Ken?”

“We hope you won’t, but if you do, we’ll just take our business elsewhere,” he said.

“Ok, don’t get me wrong, Ken, I’m very interested in this, but I won’t be here for the next 6 months.”

“James made me aware of that.”

“So how does that work, if I’m out of the office?”

“Although we have the site in hand, we need to get planning, and all of the preliminaries, in place, that’s where you come in. Have you decided on accommodation in Galway yet?”

“No, I haven’t found anything that’s within the budget yet.”

“If I remember my college days, even if you do, it will be less than desirable. We’ve just closed on three new apartments in the Galway and Mayo region. They will be rented out as Airbnb properties. The closest one to ATU Galway is in Salthill, about 9 kilometers distance.

It’s fully finished and we could let you have that for whatever the budget is. It’s set up for office work in one of the three bedrooms and is quite nice. You’d just need to bring your laptop and plug it in.”

“Wow. You’re serious about this, Ken.”

“We don’t mess around, Tony.”

“Nine clicks of a commute? I was looking a lot closer to the college. I’m on Shanks’ Mare, with a limited budget.”

“I was just thinking that one through before you arrived, Tony. James suggested he give you use of the company van for the duration. I don’t think that’s acceptable. A better option, that works financially for everyone, would be a monthly car hire on our account with Hertz. There would also be fuel to consider, but we have an account with Circle K garages that’s accessible at every outlet across the country.”

“Just for getting to school and back every day, Ken? That’s a bit of a reach, isn’t it?”

“We’d probably need you to travel to Dublin occasionally, Tony. The train takes up to five hours longer than the car. It’s all time, and the costs are deductible. You’ll get the travel pass as an entitlement so you’ll have that. I’m thinking you might bring your mother and sister over occasionally, it’d be a nice break.”

“Yes, and she could clean the apartment while she’s there,” I said with a laugh.

Cadden laughed, but Ken didn’t.

“There’s a housekeeper does all that, Tony,” he said.

“Does she know how to make a coddle?”

We all laughed, Cadden even slapped the table.

“Ok, Ken. I’m happy to give it a go. I hope I don’t mess it up on you.”

He shook my hand.

“I have every confidence in you, Tony. We’ll arrange a meeting for next week and outline everything pertaining.”

“I look forward to it. Just one thing.”

“Yes?” Ken asked.

“What’s the budget for this site in Blanch?”

“We’re hoping to get it in under five million.”

“Great, let’s hope it’s enough. I’ll see you during the week, Ken. Great to meet you.”

“Talk soon, Tony.”

I turned to leave and paused at the door.

“One more thing, Ken, can I get a plan or a map of the site showing local infrastructure for a radius of two kilometers, an ordnance survey map of the site and a speculative outline of what you’re planning, along with the specific use of the building please?”

“That’s a hell of a one thing, Tony,” Ken said.

“Get used to it, Ken,” Cadden laughed, “I have to deal with this every day.”

“When do you need it, Tony?”

“What time is it now?”

“I’ll make a call. It’ll be in your inbox by close of play today.”


I left them to it, scratching my head, though. It didn’t add up. But, if I was getting a free car thrown in, who gave a flying fuck?

I went straight to my office and Googled HEFT. Nothing. I searched on the CRO website. The company was registered one week previously and had no named directors or shareholders. The registered address was a shelf company office out of the Isle of Man.

They had no website up but they did have a domain name registered with Ken as the owner. It was dated two days beforehand. Solo Check wasn’t of much more assistance except it had a location of Whitehall, Dublin.

I heard Ken leave as he walked down the stairs. I buzzed Cadden on his office phone.


“Sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Cadden. Do you have any background on HEFT?”

“Yes, we got the usual required information from them. Why?”

“There’s nothing online about them, not even a registered office address.”

“You haven’t done that already, surely.”

“I was curious. Can I see the paperwork that you have from them.”

“Yes, of course. See me in the morning. I’m late for a meeting.


I sat back in my seat, still confused. My phone rang in my pocket. I didn’t know the number.

“Tony Harris.”

“Hi Tony, Tara Jones, how’s it going?”

“Ah, Tara. How are you?”

“Great. I thought I’d give you a call, is this a bad time?”

“Not at all. What’s on your mind?”

“Are you free on Saturday night?”

“I’m not sure yet, I may have to work.”

“On the weekend?”

“Yes. I’m going to Galway for six months in two weeks time and I have to close out, and hand off, my current worksheet of projects before then.”

“Six months?”

“I know, it’s my college training module.”

“In Galway?”

“Yes, they’re all outside Dublin, unfortunately.”

“Shit. Will I get to see you before you go?”

“I’d like to, how flexible are you, time wise?”

“What do you mean?”

“I won’t be unavailable for every hour of every day but I will have some downtime.”

“Great. I’m flexible enough, really.”

“I noticed that the last time we saw each other.”

“Stop that, Tony Harris.”

“I’ll call you and if you’re free we’ll get together. I’m sorry it’s like that, but my time is totally screwed.”

“You must be getting well paid for it.”

“Now you’ve reminded me of something else I need to do, Tara.”

“You go for it, Tony. I’ll wait for your call. Maybe I can go to Galway for a weekend with you sometime?”

“Now that would be the best idea I’ve heard in a while, Tara.”

We hung up, I was nurturing a slight semi. So I called Peter.

“What’s up, Doc?”

“A quick one for you.”

“Go for it.”

I filled him in on the Ken Tierney meeting. Then I mentioned what Tara had said about getting well paid for it.

“Ah, the little grasshopper finally wakes up,” he said.

“What the fuck is this grasshopper thing you’re tuned into lately?”

“I see myself as Master Po, moulding the grasshopper in his own image.”

“Ok. Whatever that means.”

“This Tara person. Have you planted your flag?”

“I have.”

“Was it to your satisfaction?”

“Where are you now?”

“I’m sipping a lime cordial with vodka under a parasol that says “Smirnoff” outside the Baggot Inn, Tony. Don’t mock me for it.”

“Who are you with?”

“Nobody. I’m simply refreshing myself in an attempt to rid myself of the Machiavellian travails I’ve had to endure this week.”

“Who are you waiting for?”

“Ah, grasshopper, you’ve finally reached the point of knowledge and I must decide whether to illuminate you or not.”

“I knew it. You’re trying to appear cultured again. You’re such a snob.”

“Insults won’t tear this information from my lips. A fair exchange of information is what will work.”

“Ok, you first.”

“Tony, Tony, Tony, my dear innocent, Tony. Would you ever fuck right off? You get what you give in this life, now give.”

“Ok, what do you want to know?”

“This Tara woman. More.”

“Ok, yes, I shagged her, but you knew that.”

“So why is she calling and bothering us again?”

“Maybe she wants to experience a little more.”

“Interesting. More? What have you not introduced her to yet?

“We just shagged. Nothing else.”

“So you didn’t get your head polished?”

“No. She may want a weekend in Galway.”

“Is that a new euphemism you’ve just come up with?”

I laughed and he joined in. It was a good one.

“Maybe I had the wrong thought process about this Galway thing. It’s beginning to sound like lots of fun.”

“So what’s your take on this Tierney bloke?”

“I’m not finished yet. Tara is the red thong, correct?”


“It’s difficult to keep all these in order. So why not let her go down on you over the weekend? It’d be crazy to bring her to Galway and have her refuse at the first fence. A bit of a waste of a weekend, I’d say.”

“It might be worth a shot.”

“You know it makes sense.”

“So who are you waiting for?”

“I’m hoping Angelica from Beshoff’s on Mespil swings by for an afternoon cocktail.”

“Where did she spring from?”

“She’s Italian, Tony. She sprang from the same place that everyone springs from in Italy.”

“It’s gone four o’clock, she’s not coming.”

“She will be, though. Unlike Tara.”

“Tara already did.”

“Tomato, Tomato. On to your dilemma. It’s certainly a strange story. With everything on the table, I think it’d be worth ignoring the flashing signs for the present and see exactly how far they’re prepared to go on their promises. You’ve asked for some very specific information. If they don’t get it to you, then what have you lost? I’ll tell you. Nothing. On the other hand….”

“Yes, that’s what I thought too. What about the money? I’ll have to work on this stuff on top of the course work, and if I’m going to be working at home on weekends, that’s more time.”

“That’s easy. We’ve already established that your credits bought you nineteen months of course work. It follows that your current salary is vastly below where a similarly qualified chap should be.”

“I fucking never even thought of that, Peter.”

“I know, but I’m not finished, so shut the fuck up. Now where was I? Ah, thank you Bernard, can you stick a bit of ice in that for me, oh and bring us another pint. Good man. Sorry, Tony I was distracted, where were we?”

“I forget.”

We laughed.

“So who is getting the Tony treatment tonight?”


“Jammy fucker. Oh yes, I remember, You get yourself a diary, there’s a couple of spares in my desk, and write every hour of non-course work down in it. You’ll need to agree an hourly rate before you lift a finger on this, though.”

“How much?”

“You’re a final year trainee, Tony. That’s the rate you ask for. It’s not a reach and its based in established salary norms. Also, each of those hours should be paid at double time and not time and a half because it’s outside Dublin. I also feel there might be an entitlement to a subsistence allowance, also known as country money, of €181.68 a week, tax exempt. That needs to be agreed now with Cadden. If HEFT want us bad enough, they’ll pay it.”

“Us? You mean you’re in?”

“Fucking right I’m in. This could be a wild ride, Tony. Especially now we have a babe lair in Galway at our beck and call.”

I hung up the phone and headed for home for the second time. Halfway there Natalie called.

“Hey, Natalie, do I have to come back again?”

“No. You’re fine. Change of plan for tonight, I’m afraid.”

“Awhh no. I was looking forward to it.”

“You’ve no idea, babe.”

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow. My stomach is right off, I’m going home to bed.”

“Shit, sorry to hear that. Do you want me to come over and feed you soup and toast?”

“You’d do that?”

“Of course.”

“You’re a sweetheart. I just need to lie down in a dark room and sleep it off.”

“Call me if you need anything, Natalie. I mean that.”

“I will. Sorry, Tony.”

We hung up. I called Peter.


“For fuck’s sake.”

“What’s the story?”

“Natalie cried off. Anything going on tonight?”

“Where are you now?”

“John Rogerson’s Quay.”

“Come up to the house for dinner. I’m going to a bottle opening tonight at the Four Seasons. Free wine, if you want to join.”

“Nah. Not tonight. I might get a couple of pints on the way home and work on my departure. I’ll see you in the morning.”

I decided against the pub and went straight home, had some food and cleared a lot of overhanging crap from my in tray by 7:30, when my mother shouted at me for a cup of tea. I joined her in the kitchen and leaned against the table to try and stretch my back out.

“Tired, son?” my mother said.

“Not really. My brain is fried.”

“I thought you had plans tonight.”

“Natalie cried off. Stomach cramps or some such. She’s going to bed.”


“The inscrutable ah,” I said with a laugh.

“Yes, it covers a multitude.”

“Care to enlighten me?”

“Oh no, Anthony. We women must stick to the code.”

“Oh. I get it. It’s her period.”

She slapped my arm.

“Stop. The poor girl obviously suffers with it. It’s not easy for her.”

“I know. If she’d said that I could’ve held her hand for a bit.”

“I know. She’s just embarrassed, it’s an emotional thing also. Men don’t get it.”

“I’m not sure about that, Mam. I get down for a few days each month, I have cycles too. Maybe not menstrual cycles, possibly womenstrual cycles. I should patent that.”

“Get out of my kitchen, you little fucker. Go down for a pint and get out from under my feet.”

“I’ve something to tell you first.”


“I haven’t had my monthly down days, I might be late.”

“Get out! Now!” she said, and laughed.

I grabbed my jacket and went out to get in the van. Tara waved at me from her hall door. I went over to her.

“Hey, Tara.”

“I’ve a Chinese on the way. Do you want to help me eat it?”

I looked at her for a time. I decided against saying what I was thinking.

“I’m fine. I’ll just watch.”

I sat in front of the TV and she disappeared upstairs. Twenty minutes, or so, later, I was getting pissed off. The doorbell rang. She called down from upstairs,

“Tony? Will you be an angel and open the door please? It’s the Chinese delivery chap, the money is on the hall table.”

I had nothing better to do, so I did as she asked. The food came to €15 so I gave the chap the €20 and told him to keep it. I was at the point of walking out behind him, but I heard Tara coming down the stairs. She was totally made up and wearing different clothes. She looked fantastic so I decided to stay for a bit.

“Are you hungry, Tony?” she said, as she rattled some plates and cutlery.

“No, Tara. I just had dinner.”

“I’m starving, I just got in and saw your van. I was going to ring you, but then saw you leaving. Were you going somewhere special?”

“Yes, I’m off to the Four Seasons for a wine launch.”

“Ooh, fancy.”

“It’s not really, you’re better off going later than earlier. Everyone gets pissed.”

“I’ve never been to one. How did you get in to that?”

“A guy in work gets invited to all sorts. He’s out most of the week at something or other.”

“It sounds great, must be nice.”

“Yes, it can be, depending on the occasion.”

She lifted her hand and indicated the room we were in.

“It beats coming home to this every night, I can tell you that.”

“I don’t know, Tara, I always like getting back to base, so to speak. It’s home and it’s familiar. Is that your engagement ring? It’s really nice, can I see it?”

She went a dark pink colour and waivered, as she tried to cover her error.

“Yes, it’s a half carat diamond set in white and yellow gold.”

She handed it to me and I inspected it.

“It’s really nice, Tara, congratulations. Is the half carat split between the three small stones?”

“I think so, Tony.”

“Yes, it’s a nice cut. Pricey, I’d say. I hope you have it insured.”

“Oh it is, Alan looks after all of that, I have no idea how much it cost even.”

“When did you get engaged? Before or after we were together?”

“Before. Sorry, Tony.”

“Don’t worry about it, it was my own fault.”

“You’re fantastic, Tony. I’ve never reacted that way before. I’m so sorry, I was going to tell you.”

“I knew in any case, my Mam told me the next morning. I thought she might have been mistaken, but, obviously not.”

“You can still stay over tonight.”

“No, that’s ok, Tara. I’m not a bus driver.”

“I don’t know what you mean by that.”

“I’m not very good at pulling out on time. I know that concerns you. If you want some advice, get Alan some condoms, there’s nothing worse than being told to pull out at the crucial moment, kind of makes you feel like some kind of gigolo at best.”

“I don’t need advice from the likes of you, Tony Harris.”

“I’m just offering it. Take it, don’t take it, I don’t really give a fuck. In any case, Tara, I have to go. Good luck with the wedding, I hope it goes well.”

I drove to the Sheaf and sat at the bar in the back lounge. I ordered a pint and took a sip.

“Tony? Tony Harris?” a voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see who it was. It took me a wee while before recognition arrived.

“Clodagh Murray. How the hell are you?”

“I’m not too bad. What brought you here?”

“A van, it’s outside.”

“Still a smart arse.”

“Some things never change, Clodagh.”

“I know. I haven’t seen you since, Jesus, school broke up?”

“It must be. So are you married yet, or attached or anything?”

“No, nothing like that, Tony, you?”

“No, I’m still living at home.”

“How’s your Mam?”

“Yes, she’s good.”

“How’s yours?”

“She’s great.”

“I’m happy to hear that, Clodagh.”

Clodagh was always a looker. Most of the school chased her and she was never without a boy beside her. Our mothers were friends and she was often around our house, but we were never much more than that.

She had long blonde hair when we were younger but it was shorter now. I preferred it that way. Her blue eyes always held a smile but the smile was less now. She still wore makeup, but not as much as she used to, but her breasts were magnificent and she wasn’t afraid to show them off.

“Still looking at my tits, Tony. You always liked them, didn’t you?”

I laughed.

“You caught me, Clodagh. They’re beautiful as ever. A man could die happy if he was smothered between them.”

“Tony Harris. You cheeky sod.”

“You brought it up.”

She looked down at my crotch.

“I’d never have known.”

“It’s got performance anxiety, I think.”

“Where’s all this coming from? You’re different now.”

“Better or worse?”

“More, eh, interesting. Confident, you must do well with the ladies.”

“I have my moments, Clodagh. What’re you having?”

“Oh, I’m with my sister and her husband.”


“So I should probably head back to them.”

“Ok. We wouldn’t want them talking.”

“About what?”

“Anything untoward.”

“Why, what do you think would happen?”

“Oh, things happen between men and women all the time. Innocent things get misconstrued and become the basis for gossip and innuendo. After all, innuendo is the Italian word for gay sex.”

She collapsed into me with laughter.

“You bastard. You said that with such a straight face.”

She sat up on the stool next to me.

“So what would happen if I took you home tonight?”

“I don’t know. What do you think would happen?”

“I don’t know. What would you like to happen?”

She leaned in to me. Our faces almost touching.

“Everyone thought I was easy when we were younger, Tony. I wasn’t.”

“I never did.”

“I know that, you were too shy and, in any case, our mothers would’ve killed us.”

“I always looked for you, Clodagh.”

“I noticed.”

“I always fancied you.”

“I never knew.”

“You know now.”

Her knee was almost touching mine as the top of my finger touched it. She looked down. I jumped back slightly.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that to happen.”

“Tony, I don’t mind. I’m very flattered. I’m confused.”

I kissed her.

“Does that do anything to alleviate your confusion?”

“It’s a surprise. A nice surprise. I never associated you with anything like that. Never saw you as anything more than a nuisance. You always kept your distance. Kiss me again.”

I kissed her again. A deeper kiss, just our lips. Her lips joined to mine and moved slowly together. As I broke the kiss, I touched her tongue with mine. Just a touch. I slid my hand along the inside of her knee, just a few inches higher inside the hem of her dress.

“Everyone can see us, Tony.”

“Let’s go out to the van, Clodagh. Nobody will see us there.”

She picked her bag up off the floor and I followed her out to the car park. We got into the van and sat in the seats. I pulled her to me and our lips met again.

She was more animated now. Her tongue led mine in a tango of movement. She was hungry for attention, a maelstrom of desire. Her lips ground into mine, pulling them into hers, pushing her tongue to its limit inside my mouth. I placed my hand inside her right knee and massaged the inside of her thigh, her lips slowed down and softened dramatically as my hand on her thigh seemed to directly impact on her lips.

I moved it higher, stroking with my thumb as her legs opened a little more. Her hands gripped the sides of my head as my finger touched her vagina through her panties. They were quite damp and held my finger as I slipped it underneath and along her vulva.

We looked into each other’s eyes as my finger slid inside her. They rolled back back as I stroked her G Spot. She moaned as her arousal reached its limit of endurance.

“I want to taste you, Clodagh. See you naked. Touch your breasts. Feel my tongue on your vagina, entering it, deeper, slower. I want you to orgasm on my face, let you taste it.”

“Jesus, Tony, take me home. To my bed. Now. You’re driving me crazy.”

“I want you to come on my finger first.”

“Oh fuck, yes.”

She lifted her bum, slid her panties off and threw them on the floor. She held my hand in place at the entrance to her vagina and began manipulating her clitoris as my fingers feverishly worked in and out of her vagina. Her breath came quickly and raggedly, the tone of her keening increased as her climax began to climb. Higher and higher, until she shook violently and, with a shocked exclamation, she climaxed with a delicious sigh and a satisfied filthy little laugh. She sat back in the seat and let her head fall back against the seat.

“Fuck, Tony. That was intense.”

She kissed me.

“Take me home. Let’s see how good you are.”

It was a two minute drive to her home, a first floor Council flat in Coolock, just a short walk around the corner from where we lived.

“How did you get this place, Clodagh?” I asked, as we walked the balcony to her door from the stairwell.

“I was on the housing list and nobody wanted a two bed flat. I needed somewhere so I took when it when it was offered.”

“Interesting. It sounds like you were in a bit of a corner at the time.”

She opened the door and we went inside.

“If you only knew. I had just had the baby.”

“You’ve a child?”

“Did you not know that?”

“No, I never heard a thing.”

“Yes, he’s eighteen months old now. Jamie.”

“Who’s the father?”

“Let’s not go there, Tony. He’s a prick. Dropped me like a hot coal the minute I found out I was pregnant.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Where’s Jamie tonight?”

“My Mam thinks he’s hers. They idolise each other, so he stays with her on weekends and whenever she asks.”

“Are you working?”

“Yes, I have a few things on the go.”

“That sounds complicated.”

“It’s not really, but why are we talking? You made some very big claims in the pub, let’s see if you can back them up.”

Less than a minute later we were naked in her bed, our hands and lips a frenzy of movement, tortured arousal and sensuous connection.

“Tony, I need you inside me now,” she said with urgency.

I rolled on my back and carried her with me, She led me inside her vagina and leaned her head back with a huge sigh and a groan of pleasure.

“Jesus, that feels so fucking great. Just hold it there, Tony.”

She was in total charge and I was her plaything for that few moments as her hips gyrated on my penis, slowly at first, then, as she found our connection points, speeding up quickly. She was so aroused that she came quickly, falling forward and lying flat against my chest, her hips maintaining a soft rhythm as she searched for peace.

“Fuck. I needed that, Tony. You didn’t come.”

“I was enjoying watching you, Clodagh. That looked like fun.”

“You fucker. You wound me tighter than a steel trap. I had to have you inside me. I haven’t come like that ever.”

“Let’s see if we can improve on it, Clodagh.”

She went to dismount but I held her hips in place. She was warm, wet and I was enjoying the snug fit of my penis inside her vagina. She lifted her head with questioning eyes I pulled her lips to mine and our tongues met in a kiss that buried both of us in its intensity. Her hands were on my face and in my hair as I gently moved inside her, minute little movements stimulating her G Spot. No more than a half inch at a time, in and out, staying deep inside her, extending my power to delay my own release, stoking the fire of her arousal further than it had been pushed for a while.

Our kiss broke as she raised her shoulders to allow my lips engage her breasts. Her hip movements increased in tempo as she suddenly uttered a primal groan before attempting to disconnect herself as her entire body shook violently just before she was rocked by a huge orgasm. It took all of my strength to hold myself inside her as she rode though it, eventually settling in place, my penis still inside her and our bodies joined entirely as she recovered her ability to breathe.

“Fuck, Tony. What’s going on? You still didn’t come.”

“I’ll come when I want to. I’m enjoying this, Clodagh. It’s not a race to the finish, but, I think it’s time, I need you. Are you ok?”

“I’m beyond ok.”

She slipped off me and I watched as she lowered her mouth to the head of my penis. I could stand about five minutes of the oral ministry before I had to pull her away and allow her place my penis inside her. The speed of her readiness to orgasm again, took me by surprise but I stayed with her this time and I felt myself nearing the peak of my arousal.

“I’m gonna come, Clodagh.”

“Just come inside me. I’ll be with you. Do not dare pull out.”

She was as good as her word and we both arrived together, me slightly before her and we lay joined and silent as we descended to her bed before I eventually slipped out of her some time later. We lay facing each other in the room. The stars lit up the darkness and embroidered her petty face with translucence. There was calmness in her eyes as she looked into mine. She touched my lips with a finger. I sucked it into my mouth.

“Tony Harris,” she whispered.


“Quiet little Tony Harris.”

I started to laugh.

“What are you laughing at?” she said.

“Oh, nothing, everything, life.”


“What’s unbelievable? You and me here?”

“A bit. I never would have thought that Tony Harris could make me feel like I do right now.”

“How do you feel?”

“Safe. I feel safe, Tony. I know you’re not going to hurt me. You make love like somebody that’s ten years older,” she put her arms around me and we kissed.

My penis reacted in the most obvious way and lay between us as it assumed a life of its own. She slipped her lips from mine, momentarily.


“It’s not compulsory.”

“Like fuck it isn’t. Lie back, I need to feel you come in my mouth.”

“Oh well, if it makes you happy. Go on, then.”

An hour later we had finally reached our limit of endurance and she slipped off into sleep. I dressed quickly and left for home, opening the hall door at a few minutes past midnight. The TV was still on so I walked in to see my mother rooting around in a drawer searching for something.

“Ah, Anthony. You’re home. Do you have a pen on you?”

“I’ve a few in the van if you want them.”

“You’re a knight in shining armour. Can you get it for me please?”

“I need the bathroom first. Here,” I threw her the keys, “they should be in the glove compartment.”

I ran upstairs while she went out to the van. When I came down, I retrieved my phone from the charger, where I’d left it. It had died completely, I was going through the motions of switching it back on when my mother came back.

“Did you find them?”

“I did, thanks. I left one out there for you.”

I was still messing with my phone.

“How is Tara tonight?”

“Engaged. You could have told me at least,” I said, and ducked as she threw a pen at me.

“Where did you take her?”

“Nowhere. We had words and I went to the Sheaf. You’ll never guess who was down there, Clodagh Murray. Remember her?”

“Yes. She has a baby now.”

“Yes, Jamie.”

“Did you meet him?”

“No. Clodagh told me.”

“She’s had a lot of bad luck and makes bad choices.”

“She’s fine. She got a place in the flats.”

“You got a lot of information in a short while, Anthony.”

“I dropped her home from the pub.”

“Be careful with her, she could be trouble.”

“Can’t they all, Mam.”

“Who owns this?”

She held up a leopard print G String hanging from her finger.

“Where was that?”

“In front of the passenger seat. I hope you used protection.”

“Mam, that’s mine. We need to talk,” I said, with as serious look as I could manage but I failed.

“I’m serious, Anthony.”

“I know. I will.”

I opened my email. Ken Tierney had sent the stuff I requested.

“It looks like I’ll be getting the use of a new car.”


I showed her the email. She looked at me questioningly. I explained the offer.

“Can we come visit for the weekend occasionally?”

“If you bring the makings of a coddle, you can move in.”

“That might be nice. My son, the almost architect technician. I’m so very proud of you, son. Your dad was too. I think he’s watching over you.”

“Yes,” I wiped a tear from my eye, “I hope he wasn’t in the van with Clodagh and me tonight.”

“Or in her bedroom afterwards, I expect.”

“That’s a terrible thing to say, mother.”

“Honestly, Anthony, I’d rather not know and here,” she handed me the underwear, “give these back to her. I don’t wish for Sinéad to see them.”

Next morning, I was bright eyed and bushy tailed as I left for work. The traffic was light and the commute went quickly. I met Peter in the canteen. We were first in again. I handed him Clodagh’s thong.

“Ah, we’ve entered the world of nature. Animal print fabrics, an established northside favourite. What was the name of the former owner of this piece of nostalgia, Tony?”


“Clodagh? Derived from the River Clodagh in Tipperary. Has the most accurate anagram for a female in history.”

“Go on.”

“Cold Hag.”

“For fuck’s sake. You’re a mine of useless information.”

“Was she really a cold hag?”

“Now that you mention it, no, she was actually quite hot.”

“Are you going to entertain me with the details?”

“Maybe later. I’ve a few things to box off before the weekend”

I was called up to Cadden’s office at 10:15. I knocked quietly and pushed the door open.

“Tony, come in. How was your evening?”

“It was ok, I got a lot of work done.”

“Good. I have those KPIs and DD information on HEFT for you here. They can’t leave this room for obvious reasons.”

“Thanks, I trust you, Mr. Cadden. There’s no need for me to see them.”

“That’s perfectly fine, Tony, is that everything?”

“No. I’d like to talk to you about my salary.”

“What about it?”

“I think it’s too low.”

“Hah! Don’t we all?”

“Yes. I’m on less than €20k plus overtime. I’ve looked over the course credit allowances and I think it should be closer to €36k plus overtime. What do you think?”

“I don’t know what to think. Are you asking for a €16k raise?”

“Plus overtime at the adjusted hourly rate.”

“It’s not possible.”

“Why not?”

“It’s just too much in one instalment, Tony.”

“I haven’t asked for it to be backdated. My work history in this company must read like a total mess. I can clean it right up by agreeing a new rate and putting the rest behind me.”

“I agree that we must take some compensatory action, and I respect your position on the cleaning up of your work record. But there must be some negotiation involved, you can’t just demand something and expect to get it without some kind of to and fro.”

“If we were talking about buying a car or something, I’d agree. We’re not, though. This is a pay scale that has been awarded under a national wage agreement so the rates are set in stone. I’m not looking for anything in excess of that.”

“Let me look at it and we’ll talk again on Monday.”

“I need it sorted in some fashion today, Mr. Cadden.”

“Well I’m sorry, Tony, but I don’t have time for that.”

I placed the keys of the van on his desk.

“That doesn’t leave me any option, Mr. Cadden. Here’s the keys of the van and the office. My desk is cleared. It was nice working with you and I’d like to thank you for giving me the experience.”

I turned and walked away, opened the office door and left him standing there. I met Peter’s eye as he stood at the canteen door and I winked at him as I passed. He covered his mouth with his hand to refrain from laughing and went inside. I went to my office to collect my stuff. As I walked in, my phone rang, it was Jackie McKnight.

“Hey, Jackie, what’s the story?”

“Clodagh Murray?”

“What about her?”

“You had your hand up her skirt in the Sheaf last night.”

“Who told you that?”

“Two people.”

“That’s an exaggeration. It was in the van.”

“You were kissing her in the Sheaf then.”

“That’s not a crime, is there a point to this conversation heading my way anytime soon?”

“Yes. I think I have everything ready to go.”

There was a knock on the door and Camden pushed it open.

“That’s great news, Jackie. Email me the salary package and I’ll talk to you tonight. I’m a little bit stretched today.”

I disconnected the phone and looked at Cadden.

“Sorry about that,” I said, and kept a dead straight face.

“What was that about, Tony?”

“Nothing that concerns you, Mr. Cadden. I don’t work here anymore. While I have you, I’m owed some money. Will you see to it for me please?.”

“You’re not leaving me, Tony. What will it take?”

“I already told you.”

“Come on. That’s totally unrealistic.”

I took two pages from my inside pocket and slid one across the desk.

“Option one.” I said.

He picked it up and read it.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a record of the salary I’ve been earning here since I started. In column one it’s what I’ve earned to date from day one. I checked my P60s so it’s correct. Column two is what I should have earned, with the appropriate adjustments made on an annual basis as I progressed. I’m owed the difference between the two before tax.”

“€14k. Jesus, Tony. How did you not bring this to my attention sooner?”

“I wasn’t aware of it until we started this Galway thing.”

“What’s the other page?”

“Oh, it’s moot, at this stage, since I no longer work here.”

“Stop that, I don’t accept your resignation.”

“Then we are at an impasse, Mr. Cadden, because I won’t set foot in the office again, and you can’t make me.”

“Show me the other page.”

He read it and looked me square in the eye.

“You’re saying that you’ll forego this €14k if I agree to pay you a new rate of €36k per annum from today until your time is served?”

“Plus overtime.”

“Yes, yes. Plus overtime, and what about the €14k you say you’re owed?”

“I’m not just saying it, it is owed.”

“What about that?”

“I’ll pass on it.”

“I don’t agree to this at all, Tony.”

“You already said that, the effect has worn off now.”

He sat down and put his hand on my knee.

“Tony, if we owe you money, we’ll pay what we owe you, whether we make this agreement or not. I’ll have accounts go through this and write you a check today. I will then get them to assess what your true salary should be, all above board and legal, and we’ll put that in place immediately. Fair is fair and you’re worth it to me.”

“Thanks Mr. Cadden.”

“Don’t leave the building.”

“Ok. There’s one more thing.”

“There usually is,” he said with a smile.

“According to Revenue I’m entitled to a weekly payment of €181.68 tax free when I’m working over 20 miles from the GPO. I’d need that going to Galway.”

“That doesn’t count during a training module.”

“I’m aware, but now I’ll be working on the HEFT project so it does become relevant. We can check it all with Revenue.”

“Anything else?”


“What now?”

“Would you like some fish and chips for lunch? I’m buying.”

“You little fucker. You know just the amount of charm to use. No wonder the women fall all over you. I’ll just have a spice burger and chips, please.”

We shook hands and he put his arm around me.

“Did Peter put this in your head, Tony?”

“No, it was a girl called, Tara Jones.”

“I’ll get on this straight away.”

He left with a whistle and I sat down and almost passed out, I couldn’t believe that it worked. I called Jackie immediately, to explain, in case he thought I was going mental.

After lunch I had little, if nothing, to do so I got to work on the HEFT files that Ken had sent. I sent the maps to the large format printer. Everything else I printed at my desk. I sat down and went through everything properly to get a feel for the job and it looked impressive and I was becoming enthused with the concept. I then printed the maps again on my own printer to include them in the file.

The site was in a nice location, just off the N3 on the Snugborough Road and close to Blanchardstown Shopping Centre. It had road access from the N3 highway to the south and Ballycoolin Road to the north. All well built and established routes with great accessibility to the M50. It couldn’t have been better located. The site held a Z1 zoning category for a Sustainable Residential Neighbourhood development since a year after it had been purchased, five years previously. I got the land registry insert for the property and printed the locator plan as an official record to have to hand. I had totally immersed myself in the work and didn’t notice Cadden coming in until he tapped me on the shoulder, snapping me back to earth with a start.

“Fuck! You put the heart crossways in me there, Mr. Cadden.”

“Apologies, Tony. I was just dropping this off,” he handed me an envelope, “what are you working on?”


“Oh, excellent. How does it look?”

“This is a great site, Mr. Camden. I’m putting a project index file together and I’m impressed. It looks well organised.”

“Good, I won’t stand in your way. Carry on.”

“What’s in the envelope?”

“Open it and see.”

I opened it and took out a sheet of paper with a cheque for €12,800 stapled to it.

“Your calculations erred on the conservative side, Tony. Accounts worked it out at a little over €16k, that cheque is the after tax amount. I can’t apologise enough for the underpayment but I had no idea until you brought it to my attention this morning.”

“Thanks, Mr. Cadden. I appreciate this.”

“Also, according to the RIAI, it’s on one of those pages there, your base salary should be in the €29k to €36k per annum range. There’s an averaging system that’s used in Dublin, it’s a bit of a mess to be honest. Accounts use a median figure of €32k for your Grade. It’s what everyone at that grade gets.”

“I knew about that. Thanks again, Mr. Cadden.”

“Is that acceptable to you?”

“Yes, thank you.”

We shook hands.

“Right. Well I’ll leave you to it but, the next time you resign, Tony, you’re fired.”

We laughed. In fairness it was funny. I texted Peter. The phone rang. I answered it. It was Peter,

“You send me this news by text? What? You treat me as one of your little concubines would expect to be treated?”

“Ok, fuck off. I thought you were on a conference call with Grizzly Adams’ new guy.”

“Yes, well he called but he was nearly a full minute later than arranged. Who do these people think they are, Tony?”

“I don’t understand, Peter.”

“It’s pretty straightforward, Tony. The call was booked, by him, for 2:45, a totally random time for a call in my view, I could be taking a nap at that hour, most inconsiderate, I feel.”

“Jesus. Will you get on with it?”

“I’ll text it to you.”

He hung up. I called Natalie, she was off work.

“Hi, love,” she sounded miserable.

“How are you today, love?”

“I’m gonna die. I miss you.”

“I miss you, we all do.”

“Thanks for the flowers, they’re beautiful. I could have done without the note, though. How did you get them to write that filth on the card?”

“The girl at the shop told me she could write anything I wanted, so I took a shot.”

“I should be out of this tomorrow, can I see you if I am?”

“Oh I’m not sure.”

“Are you not?”



“Yes, dear?”

“You’d better get your cute little arse over here tomorrow evening or I’ll come looking for you.”

“Well, as you put it in such a romantic and sexy way, how can I resist?”

“Great. I’ll see you at 7:00. Don’t eat, I’ll feed you?”

“Are we talking food? Or something else?”

“Such as?”

“Read the card again.”

“I can’t, it gets me all hot and bothered.”

“Lovely. Now I’m nursing an aggressive semi,”

“Save it for tomorrow evening. Do not be late.”

“I can’t wait, love.”

I hung up and smiled at the encounter. Peter came in as I thought through the call with Natalie.

“We don’t knock first anymore?”

“Oh, fuck. No.”

“What’s the story?”

“Let’s see the stuff from the spice boy.”


“Cadden. The Spice Boy.”

I handed him the envelope.

“This is a result, kid. Well done.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Yes. I know. What’re you working on?”

I showed him the stuff from HEFT.

“Forward that to me. I’ll make a few calls, save us some time.”

“I started an index file.”

“You’re on the ball.”

“Pints tonight?”

“Is the pope a catholic?”


“Does a bear shit in the woods?”

“When it’s not eating beans.”

“Do.. what? Beans? Do bears eat beans?”

“Human beans.”

“For fuck’s sake. You can drop me home this evening, I’ll tell Mam we’ll be three for dinner.”

“Speaking of Mams, I’d better let mine know the result.”

“Fuck, Tony. She should’ve been the first.”

“I know. Fuck it, she’ll be the first on the northside.”

He left and I dialled Mam’s number.

“Hi love, anything wrong?”

“Cadden bent over.”

“I don’t know what that means, Anthony.”

“He accepted my proposal.”

“Oh that’s wonderful, are you happy?”

“Yes, but it wears off quickly.”

“It’s transient. Your father always said to make the most of the happy moments, but don’t rely on them to stay around.”

“I get that.”

“This would be a happy moment for him too. I assume you’ll be late home?”

“Peter wants a wingman tonight. We’re going for a few beers after work.”

“I had two visitors today.”

“Did you? That must have been nice. Well I’ll see you later, Mam.”

“Do not hang up on me, Anthony Harris!”

“Ok. Shoot. Who visited you?”

“Clodagh Murray called in this morning, looking for your number.”

“That’s nice. Maybe she noticed her underwear was missing.”

“Anthony, this is not a time for frivolity.”


“Anyway, she’s very nice, she’s not as immature as she once was.”

“Having a child will do that to you.”

“Will I give her your number?”

“I can get my own women, mother.”

“Oh, I’m sure you can. I’ll text you her number and you can decide for yourself. The second visitor was Eileen Jones.”

“Tara’s mother?”

“Yes. Tara broke off her engagement.”

“Why is that any of our business?”

“It’s not, it just a bit of gossip. I thought it might be of interest to you.”

“It’s not.”

“They’re all going to the Sheaf tomorrow night if you want to poke your head in.”

I couldn’t stop myself laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t get it.”

“Will I tell her you might be there?”

“No, I’ll be with Natalie tomorrow night.”

“Lovely. How is she?”

“She’s getting there. She stayed home from work today. She’s giving ultimatums, so she’s on the mend.”

“You should send her some flowers or something.”

“I already did.”

“You’re a good boy, Anthony. I always say it.”

“Yeah, they got me a lot of brownie points with her.”

“Now you’ve just spoiled it all, you little fucker. I’ll tell Eileen that you’ve something else on tomorrow night, with a lovely girl who has her own apartment. I’ll enjoy that.”

“Whatever gets you through the night, Mam.”

“I’ll see you later, if you’re home.”

“I’ll be home, I was thinking the three of us could go for lunch or breakfast tomorrow? To celebrate?”

“Or brunch. I’ve never had brunch.”

“Brunch it is, then. It’s about time that Sinéad had her first mimosa. See you later, Mam. I love you.”

“I love you. Enjoy the moment tonight.”

So Clodagh wants another go? That might be worth a shot, she was remarkably good in the sack. My phone dinged a text with her number. I saved it and went to find Peter.


Published 3 months ago

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