Adrian woke with a stiffy, as he always seemed to. Grinding his hips against his mattress, he caught himself in a dreary haze, realizing that the hot, wet mouth he was thrusting into did not, in fact, exist. Good thing too: he was perhaps mere seconds away from making a rather messy mistake all over his newly clean sheets. Not that it really made a difference. After the government passed the Collective Understanding Non-Transgression Act, his sheets ended up in the washer more often than he’d care to admit. He’s seriously considered just sleeping without them, until a friend of his pointed out that it’s easier to clean sheets than a mattress.
He pushed himself up, with some effort. He needed to piss fiercely, but, hard as a diamond, he’d have an easier time folding his queen-sized into the washer than he would pissing anywhere but up. But his roommate could take care of that.
Swinging his naked form over the side of the bed, Adrian rubbed sleep from his eyes and stood, feeling like a zombie driven more by one kind of hunger over another, and walked clumsily out of his room. His lumbering steps took him down the hall until he reached the door just before the living room.
He hesitated, taking a moment to actually register what he was seeing in his half-awake state. No panties on the door meant “fuck off”, but panties on the door meant “Ugh, fine.” Emma speak for yes and no. The woman with the divine body had a fiery, nihilistic attitude to match.
To his encouragement, Emma put panties on her doorknob when she came home last night. No doubt due to the way she got when drunk: horny and boundaryless. Excellent. He turned the silver knob and entered.
Light petered through the semi-open blinds, painting a soft portrait of the blonde-haired seductress lying in a tousle of sheets. Sheets, Adrian noted, that did a rather poor job of hiding her dignity.
Emma was a heavy sleeper, which Adrian learned soon after he moved in. She once told him that she preferred it that way, what with how many people found their way into her room on a regular basis, and he couldn’t blame her. He almost felt sorry that she missed out on being used. Unless she lived the sex in her dreams, of course.
He walked over to her, his arousal trickling into his brain and wiring his instincts. Suddenly no longer needing to blink away sleep, Adrian crawled on top of Emma’s bed, not needing to move the sheets at all.
Knees lined up with the bottom of her bubble butt, Adrian drooled into his hand and used it to wet the mushroom head of his cock. Then, angling it down–and feeling the satisfying stretch at the base of his member, he was so hard–he lined it up with Emma’s puffy lips.
He pushed in slowly, his saliva-lubricant providing little but not enough slickness to enter completely. The tip of his cock slipped inside, but friction stopped it there. Adrian drew back, then pushed gently again, reaching down to rub her pussy lips as he did so. She moaned softly.
When he pushed this time, slick moisture greeted him. Again, not enough, but getting there. He pulled back, then pushed in. More moisture; then that slick, tight pulling. His entire head slipped inside.
Adrian smiled, a growling moan escaping him. Here it came, the best feeling of the morning.
He pushed one last time, just as slow, and felt Emma’s tight hole give before him. He felt her lips surround his head and shaft as he buried himself, her pussy pulling him inside. Tingles traveled up his cock. He let out a shaky sigh.
“Oh, fffuck.” He moaned to himself. Emma stirred, but didn’t wake.
He began to thrust, grabbing a handful of her ass cheek and parting it for a better view. His diamond-hard cock was slick with her wetness.
His breaths suddenly came heavy, what with his morning-hard cock as sensitive as his body would ever allow it to be, as he ravaged the sleeping woman. She twitched and stirred, no doubt feeling the invasion in her dreams.
Adrian braced his feet on the mattress and lifted himself on his elbows. He buried his cock inside her again and again.
His slapping filled the air; that flesh-on-flesh sound. That and Adrian’s quickened breath. Emma’s too, but as she slept it came out in a, strangely arousing, slight cry. At one point, far in Adrian’s memory, those sounds brought blushed faces and implied privacy. After The Act was passed, it implied only invitation. The freedom of it was liberating in a way that was impossible to describe.
He leaned down and sucked on Emma’s neck, wrapping his arms around her and fondling her breasts that were pressed up against her sleeping form. He put his weight on her, feeling her ass pressed up into his hips every time he came down. If an observer were present, they’d note the ripples traveling along it under the force of his thrusts.
Adrian moved a hand up Emma’s neck to her chin. Lifting her face, he felt her stir profoundly underneath him, and noted a change in her body: her hips angled up to him. Her mouth opened.
“Sooo… good…” was all she managed. Hair tousled, lipstick smeared, Emma was in the middle of a nice dream.
“Oh did… I wake you…?” Adrian huffed out. “That’s… an achievement…” Under his fingers, he felt her smile. He took the opportunity and slipped his fingers into her mouth, playing with her tongue. She stuck it out in response, licking between his joints.
“Duun…” She moaned, Adrian’s fingers muddling her words.
“What?” Adrian moved his hands to her neck again.
“Don’t stop,” Emma laid her head down on her pillow, the pleasure from Adrian’s thrusts clouding her mind. “Keep going,” she grunted, her voice cracking as she breathed, “make me cum, bitch.”
She reached around and attempted to pull Adrian’s hair, but he caught her hand and held it down in a vice grip. She laughed fitfully, equal parts masochist and sadist.
She then angled her hips up, moving them back to meet Adrian’s thrusts with her own, and moaned debaucherously as he hit the right spot again and again.
“Ah fuck, I’m gonna come inside you.” Adrian spat out, the rush beginning to overtake him.
“Do it,” Emma moaned.
Adrian’s thrusts became a grinding, his cock hardening nearly to the point of pain; his arousal, need to relieve himself, and basic instinct forming a dangerous triforce of pleasure.
Adrian let out a groan as his cockhead exploded. He felt Emma buck underneath him, the thought of being filled pushing her to a sudden, unexpected peak. The groan became a growl as he felt his cock spurt. Once. Then again. And again. Each pulse shot out from him with a bolt of pleasure. Emma felt every twitch.
He gyrated his hips into her as he came, drawing out the orgasm as long as possible. Cum now leaking instead of spurting, Adrian felt himself start to go soft. He gave Emma’s breasts one last squeeze for good measure, then slowly slipped out of her. His cum gushed onto her sheets.
“‘Morning roomie,” he said, standing and giving her perfect butt a good smack. A red handprint signaled it was a good one.
“’Lucky your dick’s good, fucker. Woke me up–“She said, her breath catching in a gasp as she felt more of Adrian leak out of her. Adrian smiled as he left, making his way to the bathroom. He heard one last, slight moan as Emma’s door closed behind him.
* * *
Adrian sat on the bus in business attire, coffee in hand, on his way to the office. All around him were the sounds of impassioned, wet, fucking. A few months ago if he were in this scenario, it’d be impossible to keep his thoughts to himself. But, spending yourself in your hot roommate every morning helps that a tad.
It was a miracle any woman took the bus anymore, Adrian thought, enjoying the show around him. Although The Act might mandate something about it. They certainly spend more time on it pleasuring passengers than they did needing to get anywhere. Like the woman riding the skater across the aisle.
Judge as Adrian might—what kind of early 20s guy still wore skater getup—he couldn’t argue with the results: arms over his shoulders, lips interlocked, the woman rode him so hard the bus was bouncing. And judging by the way he gripped her tight, tan ass, he’d guess it was pure ecstasy.
He smirked and shook his head. Wasn’t really his business anyway. He took a sip of his coffee and focused back on the door. As he did he tasted the familiar, shocking tang of Liquid Lust. The shock bolted through him, right to his toes and the tip of his cock. He felt desire like an elastic band snapping back, and his briefs tightened. It would never get old.
Scientifically it was known as bionzenate bioarginine, but the slang did a better job of explaining the effects. The government had regulated it be inserted into every morsel of food. Helped grow more, via bigger portions, in more places, and was hailed as a revolution. So much food per square inch of farmland that it was all now essentially free.
The only side effects? Well, increased blood flow for one. Unhampered arousal for another.
Downsides? It happened almost exclusively in men. Some kind of mutant reaction with testosterone more than estrogen, although there obviously were exceptions.
As one could imagine, on a country-wide scale, the effects were immediate. After a few weeks of… vigilant willpower, by national referendum The Act was passed: all women were to be allowed to be used by men in cases of “sexual emergency” to help encourage sexual release and allow men to be productive members of society once again. Of course there was the whole issue of women now not being able to go anywhere on a schedule anymore, but… Earth had been Heaven ever since.
There was resistance of course, but those voices were slowly being quelled. Pleasure can be mighty convincing with the right man for the job.
The bus hit a bump, and Adrian felt his hard cock rub against his briefs. He sighed with a smile.
He was a coder by profession, but as anyone could guess, barely any work actually got done in offices these days. At least, now that STEM wasn’t a sausage fest, it didn’t.
Yeah, silver lining of The Act? Gender diversity was through the roof. Who would have thought?
Normally he’d be on his phone or listening to a podcast, saving his energy for the office, but Friday he’d done that and missed a gorgeous, curly-haired brunette in a shoulder-less shirt. A shirt that exposed her firm belly and barely hid cleavage that begged to be touched. It was a tragedy that wouldn’t be repeated, if Adrian could help it.
Thinking about it, though, he was sure her stop was right… here.
The bus pulled to a busy downtown intersection. People rushed to get on, punctuated by the occasional groping hand shooting out into the crowd. A few people entered before she did, but her entrance was none the less captivating. She walked a few steps forward and stopped a foot away from Adrian, noting there were no longer places to sit. She stood, her disappointment clear.
She was wearing another shoulder-less top, much to Adrian’s glee. It was a deep purple color, short-sleeved, with a cute neck-line that folded over itself. She wore tiny jean shorts that, from Adrian’s angle, hugged her ass comfortably. Her hair was in a high pony tail, the brown curls dropping down to her neck. She wore a thin silver chain with a cute heart-shaped charm on it, too. The bus started to pull away, and the woman looked one last time for an empty seat. Adrian took the chance and reached out, tugging at her shirt.
She turned, seeing him. Adrian indicated wordlessly to his lap. She rolled her eyes, barely hiding her resignation. Adrian smiled, seeing a challenge. He took another sip of his coffee, and then waited. Almost on cue, the bus hit a bump. In the crowd, the woman was bumped and pushed. She grasped for support but only found it, at the last second, on Adrian’s shoulders. He beamed. She sighed.
“You know what, where are my manners. Here–” Adrian stood, gracefully helping the woman sit in his place as they switched places. From this angle he got a good view of the curves of her breasts that filled out her shirt. She wore no bra. As she looked up at him, he remarked her lips looked particularly red, and her mascara was put on heavily. He held out his coffee for her to hold, freeing his hands. She took it, none too pleased. Adrian held on to the support bar with one hand. He unceremoniously unbuckled his belt with the other.
He had grown uncomfortably hard just staring at the woman, his desire after seeing her initially making its way to the surface.
Seeing his belt open, and his fly drop, Adrian saw the woman pout. Regardless why, it aroused him further.
He pulled his erect cock from his briefs, pulling them down under his taught balls. She stared at it, perhaps not expecting it as suddenly it arrived.
“Well,” Adrian suggested. His cock twitched in anticipation.
The woman took in a slow, deep breath, suddenly feeling the gazes on her. She looked around the bus, seeing the hungry looks of the men around her. A woman sitting behind from her was biting her lip, her fingers drawing little circles suggestively high up her thigh.
Sighing, she resigned to her duty and bobbed her head forward, taking Adrian into her mouth
Adrian smiled, taking the prompt and slipping his free hand down her shirt, fondling her round breasts. Her nipples were sensitive, and when Adrian brushed them her body betrayed her form by tensing up.
“Goddamn,” Adrian sighed. He filled his hand with one of her breasts and squeezed it. With his thumb he traced around the curve of her cleavage, drawing a long, aroused sigh from her.
Her head bobbed repetitively on his cock, her pursed lips sucking him tightly. He focused on her nipple, pinching it. She tensed. Harder? A sharp inhale. The woman opened her eyes and stared into his. They were the prettiest shade of blue.
Adrian moved his hand up to guide. Looping a finger through the silver chain she was wearing, he pulled her forward. She complied, her mouth enveloping more of him.
He saw her look around the bus, blushing with his cock in her mouth. He didn’t have to follow her gaze to know that people were staring. Good.
“You’ll say thank you when I’m done, you know.” Adrian said, pulling her chain harder, forcing her to move at his pace. He felt the periphery of her throat, and grunted pleasurably. He felt her gag, and released the chain. She came off his cock.
“Hardly,” she quipped, and just as suddenly changed her expression to surprise. That slipped out. Adrian raised an eyebrow, and she looked unsure for a moment, deciding whether to hold on to her defiance.
Adrian said nothing, only pulled on her chain again. Her open mouth welcomed him more willingly this time.
“Be a good girl for me,” he said. She blushed. Whether it was anger or shameful excitement wasn’t clear. Didn’t matter.
He moved his hand from her neck to the back of her head. She took more of him into her mouth consistently now, her tongue lapping around the bottom his shaft.
“Mmmm,” Adrian groaned. He wove his fingers into her hair and pulled her unto him fiercely. Most of his cock disappeared into her mouth, and he felt the head of his member creep well past her tongue. She gagged fitfully.
He pulled her head back, nearly off his cock, and then back down, pushing even more into her mouth. He twisted her locks around his fingers, pulling on her hair. Again off, then back. This time all of him disappeared, and he groaned aloud. Held her there.
He felt her pull and released his hold, fingers still entwined in her curls, as he popped out of her mouth. The bus bumped on a pothole and Adrian shook in his place, his cock slapping messily against her cheek. When she had pulled off strings of saliva followed her, and Adrian saw her mascara had started to run.
Placing his support hand to the back of the seat, he leaned down and kissed her, unable to resist. He slipped his other hand down her top again, fondling her roughly as he tasted her lips. The red lipstick caused them to stick to his when they parted.
“Stand,” he commanded. She did, holding his shoulders against the shaking of the bus. He sat in her seat, his cock standing upright.
Adrian twirled his finger in the air, and the woman turned around, leaning on the crowd of people for support. Adrian reached around and unbuttoned, then unzipped, her shorts. He began to pull them down, the woman’s slender hips holding on just long enough to create a lustful tension in Adrian’s throat. They peeled away from her crescent ass, and he pulled them down to her knees for good measure. Her trimmed bush now exposed to the world, he gave her buttocks a punishing spank that resounded through the bus, and then dragged his fingertips across the reddened area.
She was dripping wet when Adrian felt her pussy. He gasped, then brought his fingers back to his mouth and tasted her. She was sublime.
“God, you’re soaked.” He said. He ran his fingertips down her labia again and brought them to her mouth. She sucked them clean with surprising fervor.
He used her hips to pull her down and line her entrance up with his cock. Feeling his tip, she gingerly sat. Adrian sighed in wanton relief as he felt warmth envelop him, and the woman let out a pleasurable groan as she took all of him inside her. It was ecstasy.
She didn’t need to be told what to do now. Using the support bar above her, she pulled herself up and then plopped back down on his cock. Adrian thrust forward as she did so, slowly at first, then faster, with growing intensity.
They developed a rhythm, the sound of their skin and her juices echoing through a bus precariously quiet with attention. Adrian moaned enthusiastically, and it wasn’t long before the woman dropped her final piece of resistance and started moaning herself.
Aroused at the sight, the crowd on the bus looked on with eager eyes. A man standing in front of them took the opportunity to fondle the woman’s breasts as she plopped down on Adrian’s cock, again and again.
Adrian pulled her top down, exposing her bare breasts. He grabbed one with one hand and wrapped his fingers delicately around her throat with the other. He used both to pull her down on to him with each bounce.
“What’s… your name…?” He huffed, each impact sending waves of pleasure down his cock.
“E-Ella,” She moaned back. The feeling of his fingers on her neck and breast, and his arms wrapped around her each gave her a satisfying feeling of being held and used as she rode him. Feeling him directing her with his hands, she started pulling back slower, then thrusting down harder. Little breaks broken by a compelling fullness.
She hung her head down as pleasure wracked through her body, holding on to the support bar with white knuckles. Every push sent a ripple of pleasure through her pussy and hips. Her insides conformed to him as he fucked her back.
Getting a better idea perhaps a little too late, Adrian moved his hand from her neck to her ponytail. His fingers wound into it with a vice grip and pulled hard. Her sudden wail accentuated the sound of their hips smacking.
The sound of their lustful consummation, in a bus of all places, drove Ella crazy. The setting was not lost on Adrian either, and he saw the bus crowd watched with lustful curiosity.
Ella’s eyes scanned over the tight-knit crowd, their attention driving her arousal in a maelstrom of pride and humiliation. In it, she felt the flower of her orgasm beginning to bud.
“I-I…” Ella’s voice drifts away. Her eyes close, focusing. Adrian pulled her down further and sat up, breathing on her neck. Losing himself to her. Her bounces came steadily, driving him into her and pushing her ever upward. Building. Building. Like a growing wave closing the distance.
And then suddenly it crashed over her, sweeping her away completely. “C-coming!”
Her whole body clenched and her legs began to shake, struggling suddenly to continue her motion. Her hands slipped from the support bar and she fell over him, back arched in pleasure. Not missing a beat, Adrian moved his hands and wrapped his arms around her body, lifting her to continue the motion as her hips grinded instinctively, never slowing down. He felt her pussy clench and he just as suddenly erupted, her muscles overpowering any willpower he thought he had left.
“Fuck!” He grunted loudly. His cock spurted, the angle of it pinching him and sending a bizarre arc of sharp pain and otherworldly tingles through his shaft. The rush overtook his ears for a moment, and he roared in pleasure.
After a moment of blissful height, the revere retreated, leaving them both sitting in a tousled mess, panting. Ella lied over him for a moment, her head beside his, gazing dreamily at the ceiling of the bus. Then she leaned forward, rubbing her clit sensually, her breath heavy.
Adrian straightened up, pulling on her hair so hard she was looking at the ceiling again. She cried out. He whispered into her ear:
“What do you say?”
Ella huffed, more from pleasure than defiance.
“Thank you.” It was barely a whisper, but it was there.
“Good girl.” Adrian said, pushing on her as a command to get up. Ella stood, her legs shaking. She inhaled suddenly as his cock came out of her, his cum dripping on to the floor.
Seeing this, Adrian hefted her shorts back up, capturing his cum inside her. Then he gave her a hard spank overtop of them.
As if on cue, the bus pulled to a stop. Adrian’s stop.
Fastening his belt, Adrian stood, turned back to Ella, and gave her a wink. She returned it with a mascara-smeared glare. She had pulled her shirt back up, but another bus-goer just as quickly pulled it back down and started to fondle her. Her stare broke off as her focus shifted back to her duty, finding another cock suddenly in her hand.
“Until tomorrow,” he said, and pushed through the crowd. He made it to the door and hopped off. He didn’t look back, but if he did he would have seen others on the crowd exploring Ella with their own hands, one in particular bending her over for their sloppy seconds.
Adrian walked through the courtyard to his office, his cock aching delightfully. Would any work get done today, on this Monday in August?
Adrian smiled.