When he started screaming and scrambling away from me, I backed away from him. I backed myself right out of the truck-bed and hit the ground hard. Dazed, I was vaguely aware of him leaping over the side of the truck and jumping up into the cab. He sped off in a panic, leaving me shirtless in the middle of nowhere desperately trying to figure out what had happened. For some reason, none of the other guys in town were really interested in dating me after that.
I guess that’s why it had taken me so long to bring Ryan home with me. I’d known him since I first moved to Reno, and from moment one I wanted to know him in the biblical sense. He went to the bar that I usually stopped at on my way into town, sipping whisky and winding down with his sleeves rolled up. It was rough not jumping his bones right there – he was built, with arms that could crush me easily, and a supple grace that was almost animal. The only problem was my damned power. I had pretty good control most of the time. It was just orgasms that were tricky. I had a feeling that bringing him home would push my limits.
Of course, even knowing that a girl can only hold out so long. It was only a matter of time before I let myself get carried away drinkwise. When 2 am rolled around, it was pretty clear to everyone there that I was going to need a taxi. That was when Ryan swooped me off my feet and carried me out to his car. I protested a little, but I didn’t really mean it. How could I mean it when his arms were around me and the smell of him was in my nose? He tried to pull the gentleman card when we pulled up to my house, but it only took a single kiss from me to convince him that I meant it.
Once I started, I couldn’t seem to stop. His lips were fierce, hungry on mine. His breath pulsed into me as I pulled him closer and closer to my body. Trying to think my way into the bedroom, I remembered the door. I fumbled with the lock for a moment, my keys shaky in my hands. At last, the door swung open and I dragged him inside by the front of his shirt. He knocked the door closed behind him with his boot, his hands gripping at my waist, spinning me to face him, his fingers wrapping around to press hard and demanding into my ass.
I gripped back, suddenly frustrated at his clothes. I pulled his shirt off over his head, revealing the muscles that rippled across his chest. He had more hair than I expected, and I slid my hand down the thickening trail that disappeared into the front of his jeans. He moaned, and his hands came up underneath my shirt, sliding his fingers beneath my bra to tease at the soft flesh trapped inside. I took a long, surprised breath as his fingers teased their way toward the strap hook behind. It only took a moment before I was naked before him, my clothes scattered across my entryway and into my bedroom. Stumblingly dragging him backward I let him stroke me, his hands caressing up and around my body, his mouth moving down to suckle and tease my tits.
When he pressed close I could feel his cock, big and hard, through his jeans. I leaned my head back, my hips rolling into him, feeling his shape against my pussy. He pulled me in harder, his teeth just grazing my nipples as he worked his hand smoothly down my belly to rub gently over my clit.
I moaned, feeling my power slipping out of control. I forced myself to hiss in a breath of air as I centered myself. I could do this, I just had to focus. If I was lucky, he wouldn’t notice the alarm clock sliding away or the glasses shaking in the other room. I wanted him too much to control it more than that. In fact, I couldn’t stand to wait any longer and I reached down to unbutton his jeans. It was his turn to moan and his breath came short and quick as I crouched forward to pull his jeans and boxers down, my lips and tongue working down the thin line of hair to his hot, throbbing cock. I took it in my mouth, savoring his taste, moaning as his hands twisted and pulled at my hair.
Then he was pulling me up with arms too strong to resist, and he was pushing me down onto the bed. His hands and hips pressing my legs wide so he could push his big cock into my wet, eager pussy. The ecstasy of it had me digging my fingernails into the bedspread, my hips rocking up to meet his. I was so close to the edge that I couldn’t control my rhythm or pace, but met his fierce pounding as he buried himself over and over within me.
I came. I came and the walls shook a little and lights danced before my eyes. My power coursed through me, begging to be released, but I held it back. I gripped it hard as he continued to pound, and I rode the ecstasy even higher, to the next orgasm and the next until he too came.
Finished, he collapsed to the bed, a look of surprised bliss crossing his face. One of his arms lay heavy across my stomach, and his fingers started to play along my side. I focused on the feeling as little shivers ran electric away from his touch. Together, our breathing slowed as a warm contentment spread through my body. Abruptly he shifted, propping himself up with his other arm, pulling the one across my body to curl in front of his chest. He looked at me, his face serious.
“That was kind of weird.”
I took a deep breath as panic flooded me. My heart started pounding again as I ran the night through my head, trying to figure out exactly what he had noticed. “Oh? It was?” I mumbled, hoping to stall while I tried to figure out a convincing enough lie.
He waved his hand in front of his face, nodding. “You know, ‘cuz we’ve known each other so long.” His hand fell back down to my side and he looked down at it. “It’s just weird when one of your fantasies comes true.”
Relief washed through me and I wanted him again, my pussy still warm and ready. I wanted to taste relief in him. I leaned into his touch, my voice a purr. “A fantasy, huh?”
I felt his eyes move back up to my face, saw the playfulness of my own expression mirrored on his. “It’s not exactly how I pictured it, but yeah.”
I grinned, tracing my fingers over his chest and pressing lightly against his hips with my own. “Well then, let’s get it right this time.” His hand moved over my hip to grab my ass and I murmured, “Tell me, how exactly did you picture it?”