To Fuck or Not to Fuck, That is the Question

"Choosing not to fuck the horniest girl in town......"

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Bob climbed up the stairs of the German building to his top floor flat with a 23 year old brunette who had been giving him the eye since he arrived three weeks earlier.

5’7″, an ass that bulged in the pair of jeans she was wearing and a pair of gorgeous 36D tits that strained under the grey t-shirt, the girl was apparently travelling in Europe after splitting from her long term boyfriend.

Bob wasn’t sure she was really over him, wondered if she wanted to get back with him, but right now she was in Europe looking to get fucked, the only question was whether he was the lucky guy or whether he was the guy to free her emotions up to make the fuck healthy not vengeful.

He kind of worried that if it were vengeful, Kate could get nasty. He’d had vengeful nasty in his life already from a woman: it had truly fucked him up and he didn’t want any more of it. So he was going to play this one cool until he’d worked out what the score was.

When they got to the top of the stairs, with a landing space plenty big enough for a hot fuck if the floor wasn’t so creaky that the neighbours downstairs, (who were devout catholic churchgoers) would hear, she said, ‘I wanna fuck on the stairs!!’

He looked at her, looked at her tits, felt a big erection, but thought, ‘Make her work for it!’

He unlocked the door, invited her in and showed her round his place for this three month overseas assignment. They went into the kitchen to make a coffee and he was given the treat of her bending over the small kitchen table, displaying her ass full on. He wanted to walk up and squeeze it, run his hands up to her tits and cup them, god he wanted to, but first he needed to get into this woman’s head. He knew now that her sexuality was rampant, now he needed to work it in his favour or dodge a Trident nuclear missile.

When they were back in his bedroom, he opened the side window and climbed out onto the roof, where it was possible to sit 100ft above the road. He thought about her coming out there with him and cupping her breasts out there, but god if he she cut up dirty he might literally get pushed off the roof. As it was, despite his encouragement, she didn’t come out, so his hard-on subsided temporarily inside his pants and he went back inside to be with her.

The brunette kept showing an interest in him, so the next weekend they went together by train for an outing. They hired bikes, cycled around a country park and he discovered that statues with what he considered rather large dicks were, in her eyes, not quite big enough. Was she teasing or for real? No point getting his 6.5 inch boner out for her if 8.5 inches was her minimum acceptable sausage size.

At one point they stopped, locked up the bikes and walked fifty yards off the path and over the other side of a little ridge, dropping down the other side out of visibility of the other tourists. They lay side by side in the warm September sunshine, breathing in the air but still not making out.

Today she was wearing a tight t-shirt and shorts, which made her ass even more horny. He wished he had the balls to pull her shorts down, grab her hair, push her down on his cock and make her suck him before ramming his cock into her hot pussy. But in the intervening week he’d realised she was the classic ‘naughty little catholic girl’ who needed huge amounts of carnal sex but still needed to go to church every Sunday. The expression ‘Bad Kate’ came out of her after each time she talked about her sexual fantasies.

When they walked back to the bikes, not having fucked, she suddenly said she wanted to go to Mass and could Bob find her a church in town to go to. Bob found her her holy cathedral to seek absolution in a tight t-shirt and horny shorts (quite what the priests would make of that, he had no idea) and spent the hour she was in Mass fantasising about stripping her naked, sucking her pussy until she spurted and then having her ride his cock until he shot his load.

They handed the bikes back over at the railway station and, in a packed train full of all the locals who enjoyed the cheap Sunday fares, she whispered in his ear, ‘I wanna fuck on a train!’

Bob knew a trip to the south by train was the next weekend trip…….

That night, he fantasised that he’d said to her, ‘I’ll fuck you anytime, any place, anywhere, you horny little slut!’, jerking his cock off as he imagined her whispering back ‘your place as soon as we get off the train!’ and him ripping her t-shirt off, pulling her panties down and sticking two fingers into her dripping cunt as she bent over the table in the middle of his room.

He fantasised that she turned around, sucked him hard and then he rammed himself into her pussy making her cum with only four thrusts.

By fantasising that he pulled out and shot his load over her face, into her dark hair, he shot his real load all over his chest under the duvet. An absolutely enormous load it was too……the image of Katie was what drove his loins right now.

What Bob was finding at work though was that plenty of other girls were horny to look at but much more reserved and restrained than Kate. He smiled at one blonde called Vera and saw her nipples jump out of her t-shirt at him. That was a second girl he could turn on. There was a third, sweet innocent young thing whose legs and hips turned him on, although her breasts were too small for him in an ideal world.

He thought about giving her a shoulder massage in front of Kate to see how she would react. He needed to play the gentleman with that one though: she wasn’t ready for sex yet, needed some innocent romance. He could do that for her without betraying her, advancing her awakening without using her, playing the gentleman before they both realised that they wouldn’t be sex partners in this lifetime.

When he held her hands and massaged the shoulders of this little woman-about-to-emerge, he saw Kate get viscerally sexually aroused imagining that Bob was doing that to her, not the little girl child. He was taunting her sexually, making her realise that not every guy just jacked off with her within 10 seconds of seeing her tits. He also had the chance now to find out if Kate was a voyeur too….watching a porno movie with her would tell him for sure….

He already knew she was a dirty, shameless little girl sexually because she’d told him that she’d jerked her boyfriend off on a red-eye in business class, coolly handing in the blanket covered in cum to the air stewardess in the morning. She’d said it without affectation, so he was sure it was true, not the sort of teenage story telling of more innocent girls. ‘Bad Katie, bad Katie’ came out again after that. When they were on the balcony of a cathedral, she’d lent over the balcony with her ass pointing at him, giving him a peek of her hot panties, so she was happy inflaming his cock on holy ground too.

Too many people were around there for him to slip his fingers under her panties, which is what came into his head in that place where worshipping God, not pussy, was supposed to take place. If she was thinking ‘Bad Katie, bad Katie’ when she did that, she didn’t open her mouth to say so. Bob was learning that when verbal sex was talked about, the ‘bad Katie’ came out. If unspoken signals were given, no shame was voiced.

Bob never did have sex with Katie, and when he learned that she was connected back home and had been told to get sexual with him for political favours, he was glad he’d dodged a bullet.

He’d always thought there was something odd about Katie, but he was absolutely sure that whoever got to fuck her senseless would, if he was man enough, be rewarded by the horniest, sluttiest, most rampant fucker they could ever hope to meet……

It was never going to be him though……

Published 13 years ago

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