TNT 10 All Good Things Must Come To An End

"From two men, to one, to none."

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“I gotta go,” Terri said to me after we were at Tommy’s place for only a short time. It had been at least a couple of weeks since I had seen my boyfriend Terri, and the third in our threesome, Tommy. I started to realize if I didn’t call Terri or Tommy, they didn’t call me. Both were mine. At least they used to be. But other than work, what were they preoccupied with? It hurt to think about.

“Why are you leaving, babe?” I whined.

“I thought I wanted to be here, but I just want to go home and go to bed,” he explained. Shit. Really? He used to want me more than anything else in life. I was sure he didn’t see this as rejection, but that’s how it felt to me. I didn’t want to be at Tommy’s place without him. His roommate Rob was hosting tonight and had the place packed with our usual friends and more. I was happy to see Bradley. Terri and Bradley were friends, but I hadn’t seen Bradley much lately. His modeling career was taking off.

“Maybe we can sneak off into Tommy’s room for a few minutes before you leave?” I tried to entice Terri.

“No, babe, I really just need to get home,” he said. Well I still loved his straightforward honesty but I felt actual pain, real pain, in my chest.

“Fine,” I said. It’s never good when a girl says fine, but it didn’t phase Terri. Sometimes he was a little too laid back.

“Why don’t you stay here?” Terri suggested, “Tommy will eventually be home. I’m sure he’d love the surprise.” Was he pawning me off on Tommy?

“Bye,” I said, kissing him and walking away. I was so mad, I figured I should leave him be, so we didn’t get in a fight. I grabbed a drink from the kitchen and found a spot on the floor by myself. Bradley saw me and came over.

“Hey!” Bradley said, sitting next to me, “How’s everything?”

“Shitty,” I said, taking another sip. I didn’t want Bradley to say anything to Terri so I didn’t get into anything more. I hoped he’d help Terri with his modeling career. Bradley was in a different league than Terri though. Bradley was tall with dark hair, blue eyes and a smile that could melt anyone. He was well built, and even though I had never seen him with his clothes off, I imagined his muscles were cut and hard. Just thinking about it made me flush, but he was not for me. That hot body was for some gorgeous sexy girl who could turn heads. I never even considered that Bradley would ever notice me as more than a friend. But he was always nice to me, and I enjoyed his company.

We talked and drank for a long time. It was nice to talk to someone again. Maybe it wasn’t just the sex I was missing so much with Terri and Tommy, as it was our amazing connection. We had lost our connection.

I got drunk, which I shouldn’t have, but I was finally less mad. Bradley was drunk by now too. His arm was around me, which I thought was just a friendly comforting gesture at first, but now he was sitting so close to me on the floor that our legs were touching from hip to foot.

“Bradley?” I said, turning my face towards him.

“Yes?” he said, his lips close to mine now. Did he want to kiss me? I was too drunk to think much about it, but I knew I couldn’t kiss him. Even if I felt abandoned by Terri and Tommy.

“I….” I started, but didn’t know what to say so I stood up. “I’ll be right back.” I said walking off to the bathroom.

On my way to the bathroom I had the overwhelming urge to go into Tommy’s room. I just wanted to smell him. I opened the door, and in the sliver of hallway light that was shining onto the bed, I saw cock in hand. I slammed the door closed behind me and it was pitch black.

“Oh, babe,” I said, “I didn’t see you come in.” I crawled over to him and grabbed his cock. “Why didn’t you tell me you needed me?” I put his cock in my mouth, and I was so happy to be sucking him. It had been too long. Then I noticed he wasn’t getting as big as usual even though he seemed really hard.

“You ok, babe?” I asked. He didn’t answer. Finally I heard a grunt. It was not Tommy’s grunt. I stood up and turned on the light. Shit!!! It was Rob.

“Fuck!” I screamed, “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Sorry,” Rob said, but I knew from his smirk that he wasn’t the least bit sorry. He put his own hand back on his now juicy cock and rubbed it as he looked me in the eyes. “Someone is in my room fucking and I couldn’t wait.”

“Bullshit,” I said, “You knew I was missing Tommy.”

“Tommy…” he said, faking surprise, “I thought Terri was your boyfriend?”

“Shut the fuck up,” I spat. I knew he heard us; he’d have to be deaf not to. And now he thought he could get some of me too.

“Fine,” he said as he rubbed faster, “Mmmmmm. Do you know how many times I’ve done this listening to the three of you fuck? Shit, it’s the hottest stuff I’ve ever heard. How could you blame me for wanting to get in on it?” I could tell by his increasing breaths, he was going to cum soon.

“Oh, I don’t blame you,” I said sweetly and he smiled, “But I don’t think your girlfriend is going to be happy to hear you tricked me into giving you a blow job.” He stopped stroking himself.

“No!” Rob exclaimed, “You aren’t going to tell her are you?” He sounded worried.

“I won’t tell her if you don’t say a thing to Tommy or Terri. It would just fuck up everything even worse,” I said. I didn’t want to lie to them, but I wasn’t sure they’d believe me that it was just a misunderstanding.

“Deal,” he said and I believed him. “I’d shake on it but…” he said laughing and holding up the hand he had been jerking off with.

“No need to shake. Do what you need to do,” I said with a wave of my hand, and he went back to stroking himself.

“I might not have your lips on my cock to help me,” he said, “but I can just think of your moans and screams. Fuck!” His whole body jerked as he said it with a smile.

“You enjoy that,” I said sarcastically, leaving the room, turning off the light and closing the door behind me. I didn’t want to see him cum. I also didn’t want to be back out in the party, not without Terri or Tommy. At least the party was dying down; most people had left and the rest were heading out the door.

I saw Bradley on the couch and I went to sit next to him. I hadn’t meant to jump away from him so quickly before. I just didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. I still loved Terri, and Tommy. I knew it could be over soon with them but until it was, I didn’t want to do anything to complicate it.

“Staying?” I asked Bradley.

“Yea,” he said, “I had too many drinks to drive.”

“Good choice! Me too,” I said, patting him on the leg. I really didn’t mean anything sexual by the touch. I was just missing physical touch.

“I’ll share the couch,” he offered. “I’ll stay on my side of it,” he said, holding up his hands in innocence.

“Thanks,” I said laughing. We both laid down with our legs intertwined and he threw a blanket over us. I figured I wouldn’t be there long because I would join Tommy in his bed as soon as he came home from his gig.

The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes to see sunlight shining through the window. It took me a few seconds to figure out where I was. I realized I was on Tommy’s couch. Then I realized someone was spooning me. Bradley. Shit. Had Tommy come home in the middle of the night and seen that? Nothing happened I was sure.

I lifted Bradley’s arm up and slid off the couch to go check Tommy’s room. The door was closed. I don’t know why, but I hesitated and then opened the door just a little. Tommy was sleeping, thankfully by himself. I closed the bedroom door and went home. Tommy called me later that day.

“Hey, babe,” he said casually.

“Hey,” I said uncomfortably. I didn’t know what to say.

“Sorry I went straight to bed last night but I was beat,” he explained. He didn’t mention me on the couch with Bradley or anything about Rob.

“That’s ok,” I said relieved, “How was work last night?”

“Great!” he said excitedly, “But you know what’s even better?”

“No,” I said, truly having no clue.

“The restaurant fridge died and flooded the whole place. They’re closed tonight!” he explained. “Well sucks for them, but good for me. I’m off!” Oh! That was actually good news. “Nice!” I said, “You deserve a break.”

“Oh yea, babe, a break alright!” he said, “Spring Break!”

“What?” I said.

“Rob told me that he and the guys are driving to the beach tonight. They rented a hotel room,” he explained. So he had talked to Rob. I was guessing Rob didn’t mention what happened.

“Sounds fun for you,” I said flatly.

“No,” he said, “Fun for us! Call Terri and bring your friends.”

“I don’t know…” I said, still hesitating, mostly about Rob.

“You do know, and you are coming,” he said without hesitation. I loved when he took control. “Meet us here by 3:00.”

“Ok,” was all I could say before hanging up. Could we all just party like we used to? I hoped so.

I picked up Terri and all of us made the hour trek out to the beach in two cars. It was already fun being back with everyone. Especially my roommate, who left her boyfriend behind for once. Rob checked into the hotel room, we filled the tub with ice and beer, and started the party. We partied until late and everyone passed out. Except the three of us.

Tommy kicked Rob out of one of the beds he had claimed for himself. Then Tommy, Terri, and I climbed in. It didn’t matter tonight. Everyone was just sleeping or passed out wherever. No questions. It was pitch black and Tommy and Terri sandwiched me on the bed. We were all on our sides, and I was facing Terri while Tommy was up against my back.

“We can’t,” I whispered.

“Wait for it,” Tommy whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. Oh how I had missed that. Terri kissed me. I had definitely missed them kissing me at the same time. Tommy slid my shorts and underwear off.

“This?” Terri said and slid his finger through my wet pussy lips up to my clit.

“Yes,” I moaned.

“No,” Tommy whispered, “Quiet.” This would be new. I was so not good at being quiet with the two of them, as Rob clearly knew. Rob was in the room this time, and I definitely hoped passed out again.

“Ok,” I obeyed. Tommy continued kissing my neck as Terri continued to rub my clit. I bit my lip. Terri looked into my eyes and I was happier than I had been in a long time. I felt Tommy’s fingers on my swollen folds and then his hard cock. How was he going to quietly fuck me with everyone sleeping in the room?

“No,” I whispered, trying to protest.

“Yes,” Tommy demanded and pushed his cock all the way inside me.

All I wanted to do was scream out but I couldn’t. I held my breath. Terri’s lips softly continued his kisses as he continued stroking my clit.

Tommy barely moved his cock in and out of me so the bed didn’t move. I imagined it couldn’t have felt very good for him to barely get the sensation of my pussy on his cock. But maybe that made it even better, to have to savor even the slightest sensation.

“Oh!” he sucked in his breath almost silently. Terri increased his strokes on my clit, and as soon as he pressed down the way he knew I loved, I bucked against Tommy. The waves of my orgasm washed over me as Tommy pushed his cock all the way in and stayed there. Then I felt him explode inside me with his orgasm. I was getting dizzy from holding my breath, so I wouldn’t scream. His slight movements slowed as our pleasure subsided.

Terri kissed me and Tommy relaxed his body while his cock softened and slid out of me.

“Me,” Terri whispered, indicating it was his turn and I felt his fully hard cock enter me. I nodded yes and kissed him. My tongue swirled the tip of his tongue, like I enjoyed doing to his cock. He quickened his movements and I felt Tommy’s hand reach over me to grab Terri’s hip and stop him from moving. It was the second time they had ever intentionally touched each other during our lovemaking. I found it unbelievably stimulating.

“No,” Tommy said firmly to Terri, “Slow.” Tommy wouldn’t be able to give Terri any more verbal instruction than that. Tommy pushed Terri’s hip back ever so slightly and then pulled him quickly back into me. I bit my lip and looked into Terri’s eyes. Tommy held Terri so he was deep inside me for a few seconds, and then pushed his hip back again slightly, waiting a few seconds. Then he pulled him back into me hard again, but this time he held it longer.

I opened my mouth to say ‘Oh’ but I didn’t let any sound come out. I wanted Terri to see how much I was loving it.

Tommy kept moving Terri by the hip ever so slightly, holding him inside me longer each time. It was so exciting feeling Tommy fuck me with Terri’s cock, I couldn’t even catch my breath.

“Shhh,” Tommy whispered so I would quiet my breathing.

“Now,” he said to Terri, as he pulled him into me again and didn’t let him move back out.

‘Cum’ I mouthed silently to Terri looking him in the eyes.

“I said now,” Tommy demanded again in a whisper squeezing Terri’s hip. And then I felt Terri’s first burst as his dick pulsed inside me. Oh wow! Tommy had just made Terri cum. I threw my head back on Tommy’s shoulder again and bit my lip. Terri tried to move to pump into me, but Tommy wouldn’t let him, instead, Tommy held him in me as his cock pulsed with each wave of his orgasm. I kissed Terri until I felt his cock stop pulsing and soften. Tommy released his grip on Terri’s hip. We all relaxed our bodies but my heart was pounding. That was so intoxicatingly powerful. I felt Tommy’s chest pressed against my back and his heart was pounding too. I put my head on Terri’s chest to feel his heart pounding. Eventually, we all caught our breath and our heartbeats went back to normal. We closed our eyes and slept peacefully in each other’s arms.

I was the first one in the hotel room to wake up. Good thing. Terri, Tommy, and I were naked in bed together. I wondered if anyone had woken up after we had fallen asleep and seen us. A light sheet covered us, but not by much. I guess we could just claim drunkenness if anyone asked. The sun wasn’t up yet but I could tell it wasn’t pitch black anymore. I kissed Terri.

“Come with me,” I whispered.

“What?” he said groggily.

“Now,” I commanded, hoping he still obeyed. He started to get out of bed. I rolled over to Tommy and kissed him too. Nothing.

I grabbed his morning wood and whispered, “Get out of bed. Now.” His eyes popped open, and I put my finger to my lips to indicate to be quiet. Everyone else was still asleep. The three of us threw on our clothes and snuck out of the room. I grabbed both their hands and walked them down to the beach. No one said anything until we were walking along the sand.

I spoke first, “Thanks for taking me on a romantic sunrise walk on the beach.” Not that I had left them any choice. We only saw a few people walking on the beach, and I didn’t care if they saw me holding both of their hands.

“It is pretty,” Terri said, “So are you,” and he squeezed my hand.

“I don’t usually like getting up this early, but this is worth it,” Tommy said, “I’d do anything for you.” I used to believe that. I didn’t know if I did anymore.

“Thank you for last night,” I said to both of them. “I needed that.”

“Me too!” they both said and laughed.

“It’s been too long…” I said.

“I know I’ve been-” Tommy started.

“No, I don’t want to talk about any of that right now,” I said, “Just promise me that you’ll always think of all of this and smile. All of our fun together…” I couldn’t say more. I knew it was ending, even though I desperately didn’t want it to, it was nearing the inevitable end. Knowing it was going to happen, did not make it any less painful.

“I will,” Tommy said and he leaned over to kiss me as we walked.

“We will,” Terri confirmed, also kissing me. For now, I would just enjoy this peaceful walk together.

With Spring break over, it was back to regular life. Which still meant less of Tommy and Terri. I was onto a few hot leads on a job up north, but I still hadn’t mentioned moving to them. I hadn’t made any final decisions, but I knew deep down I had to leave. It was the only thing that made sense. I didn’t want them to stop me out of guilt.

Knowing I might be leaving, I started partying much more at my place with my friends, who I knew I’d be leaving behind. One Friday night at my place, I had a bunch of friends over to hang out. Tommy didn’t come as usual because he had work. Terri had stopped by, but then left early. As I reminisced about how good the three of us used to be, I just drank more wishing we were going to have a wild night like we used to. Terri noticed I was drunk and felt bad leaving early, but that didn’t stop him from leaving.

Before he left Terri said to his friend Bradley, “Take care of her. Make sure she gets to bed ok. Please?” Bradley agreed. He had been drinking with all of us too. Bradley was always in control though, even when drinking. I felt dismissed by Terri; like he had just pawned me off on Bradley. Bradley did his duty and stuck by my side. He made sure I ate something and drank water. Even though he tried to keep me in check, I kept drinking.

“Hey, hey,” Bradley said when he noticed me stumbling.

“What?” I said loudly, spinning around and falling into Bradley’s arms. He walked me to my bedroom, laid me on my bed and brought me even more water. He sat on the bed next to me and slipped his arm around me. He pulled me up to sit, and brought the glass of water to my lips.

“Drink this,” he said softly as he looked into my eyes. His unbelievably gorgeous blue eyes looked right through me.

“Yes,” I said, sipping and trying to not dribble any, but some did drip out.

“Be careful,” he said, gliding his thumb across my wet chin as my lips opened, which allowed my tongue to trail along my lip, touching the very tip of his thumb. Oh my.

“Sorry,” I said with my face now so close to his.

“No, it’s-” he started and stopped just looking at me, holding me close to him. He didn’t finish.

“What?” I said, “It’s what?” I prodded feeling drunk and bold. He was literally the picture of perfection, and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t imagined fucking him. I had. I just never thought he’d be sitting on my bed holding me and stroking my face. Was I supposed to ignore this kind of sexual sizzle? Probably. But after so many drinks, I didn’t feel like it.

“I, um…you, um,” Bradley tried to get the words out. He was usually very articulate. Had I gotten him flustered? Yes. I smiled with satisfaction. Someone wanted me.

“Just let go,” I said, wanting to just relax and be real. Isn’t that what I had learned from Terri and Tommy? I needed to be me, even if I felt completely lost and had no idea who I was.

“Let’s-” he started and then I leaned in for the kiss. His lips were plump like Terri’s and so soft.

“Oh,” I moaned against his lips.

“Mmmm,” he agreed and pulled me away from his kiss. “Yes,” he said looking into my eyes and then contradicted himself, “I don’t know…I um want to-” I understood. Even in my drunken state.

“Ok, just stay here,” I said, pulling him down to lie next to me. I figured he didn’t want me, but I didn’t want him to leave me alone. “Let’s just talk.” The bed was spinning and I needed him to stay, even just as a friend. I didn’t want to be alone. I was tired of being alone so much.

“Yes,” he said, sounding more like himself. We both laid on our backs on my bed and talked. I liked listening to him, and he laughed when I talked. It was easy and I liked it. I heard the party die down and it was quiet outside my bedroom door. My roommate could take care of things. Bradley and I continued talking and laughing for hours. I felt much better. Less drunk and definitely grateful to Bradley for taking such good care of me.

“Thank you,” I said to Bradley, turning on my side so my whole body was now facing him. My hand slid around his shoulder so I could pull him to his side facing me. His hand came up to my cheek. I breathed in sharply. He was touching me, in a very intimate way. I liked it. His face was so close to mine again. Except this time I wasn’t drunk. I was grateful and happy. I wanted to express that to Bradley.

He questioned, “For?…” as his thumb trailed down along my bottom lip. Shit why did he keep doing that if he didn’t want to take it further? It was a horrible tease that I wasn’t going to be able to resist even though I was sobering up.

His eyes followed his thumb and I opened my mouth letting my tongue rest on my bottom lip inviting his thumb in. He slowly slid it in along my tongue as my lips closed around it, sucking in. My tongue swirled the tip of his thumb just like I would do to his cock, only he didn’t know that. Yet. But maybe he was imagining it because he sucked in his breath and smiled as he slowly removed his thumb from my sucking. Oh, his smile and dimples. Did he know how fucking hot he was? Probably.

“Mmmmm,” I moaned looking into his eyes. No fair. He was too gorgeously distracting for me to form coherent thoughts. “For being…for being…you,” I said, hoping he sensed how excited he was making me. He could have turned away and continued just being a loyal friend to Terri, but he didn’t. For all I knew, maybe Terri gave him permission. Maybe it would be easier for Terri if I just went away.

Bradley’s now wet thumb trailed down my neck and chest, unbuttoning the only two buttons on my tiny top. His eyes followed his thumb as he slid it over my breast to my soft nipple, making it instantly hard. I watched as he slid his thumb over to my other soft nipple, making it harden too. I bit my bottom lip and he looked back into my eyes.

“I’ll be honest,” he said, “I want to be…I want to do…I want-“

I cut him off, putting him out of his misery. Yes, I wanted to hear what he wanted to do to me, but I also didn’t want him to change his mind. So I kissed him; softly at first. Then I let my tongue explore his mouth, caressing his tongue. With his one hand still on my hard nipple, his other hand slid around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I was so close, I felt his cock getting hard.

He broke from my kiss for a second and said, “I know this is…that I’m not supposed to…” His words were saying no, but his body was saying yes.

“Just let go,” I repeated from before, but this time I wasn’t drunk. I was alone, and I needed connection. I felt a connection with Bradley, and I wasn’t going to deny it.

I slipped his shirt off over his head and returned to kissing his lips. I let my fingers trail down over his firm chest and totally ripped stomach. His body was pure perfection, and I had imagined touching it many times. Now, I finally had my chance, so I wanted to savor it. I took my lips off of his so I could watch my fingers trace each muscle. I felt myself bite my lower lip again. I looked back up at him, sensing he was watching me touch him.

“Don’t stop,” he whispered, “I like it…” Fuck yes, me too, but I needed a better view. I rolled him onto his back so my legs could straddle his waist. In this new position, I could really feel his hard cock in his shorts. Wow, I was starting to think he was bigger than I’d even imagined.

Both of my hands were now free to caress him. He slipped my shirt off of my shoulders so he could caress me too. I leaned down to kiss him, and I pressed my breasts against his chest. He slid his hands around my back and pulled me close. It felt amazing to be pressed against his hard body. His hands slid down around my ass, still in my shorts, and squeezed.

“Oh, yes,” I moaned, “Bradley, I…please…now…” I tried to get the words out between kisses. He understood and apparently agreed. He hooked his thumbs in my waistband and started sliding my shorts and underwear off. I slid my body off of him and helped so I could be naked for him. I flopped on my back and pulled him on top of me so I could free him of his shorts too. 

Yes, he was huge and I couldn’t help but to stare at his hard length. Bigger than Tommy. Then I felt his finger lift my chin up so I’d look in his eyes. His smirk told me he knew what he was. He was completely and totally irresistible. I reached up to slide my finger down the side of his face and back into his hair at the base of his neck. I made a fist in his hair and pulled him down on top of me. My urgency was clear.

“I need you. Now,” he said as I felt his stiff cock against the wetness that had accumulated between my legs.

“Yes,” I moaned, reaching down to stroke him, but my hand was too small to wrap all the way around his girth. I stroked all the way down his shaft, and then all the way back up feeling the precum drip out of the tip. I would need it much wetter than that to get him all the way inside of me. I spread my legs and slid the head of his cock up and down my dripping pussy lips.

“Oh!” he breathed in, as I felt his body jerk.

“Good?” I inquired knowing the answer already.

“Yes,” he moaned, as we both watched his slick cock gliding through my dripping folds. Fuck he was so hot, he was so excited, and right now he was all mine. The next time the head of his cock reached my clit, my body jerked as I moaned.

“You like that?” he questioned breathing harder.

“Yes,” I managed, as I continued using his cock to tease my pussy. I could probably have cum from that alone, but I wanted to feel him inside me. Maybe he could make me cum just by fucking me with his huge cock. I wanted to know.

“Oh please,” he panted, “Please. Now. Let me. I need to.” He was completely and literally at my mercy.

“Yes, slowly,” I instructed, as I put the tip of his cock in between my pussy lips. I moved my hand around to his ass to slide him in, while I kept the other hand wrapped in his hair so I could control our kissing too.

“Oh!” he moaned, as the head of his cock started sinking into me.

“Slowly,” I reminded him, looking into his eyes, “Yes! I want you all the way inside me. Slowly.” Once he buried his cock all the way in, he slid it out a little and then back in, even further this time.

“Like this,” he smiled and teased. Oh that dimple was melting me.

“Again,” I moaned, “more.” He slid out slowly and then back in, deeper. The base of his cock was rubbing my swollen clit.

“As you wish,” he groaned, while I grabbed his ass with both my hands so I could help him grind into my clit.

“Yes, like this,” I panted, and he could see I was losing control. Control that I always loved to have. “Keep. Doing. Yes. I’m going to…”

His cock pumped and ground against my clit, and I heard his grunts getting quicker and sharper, which I took to mean he was going to cum soon. I couldn’t wait to feel his cock get stiffer. And at the same time, I wanted this pleasure to last forever.

He looked into my eyes, “I’m going to…”

“Please,” I begged, “Now.” As I kissed him, my orgasm went over the edge. My pussy contracted around his cock and I screamed out, “Oh, yes! Yes,” I said, biting my lip and trying to muffle my ecstasy. I wasn’t sure if anyone was even in the apartment anymore, but I knew these sounds should not be coming from the room with Bradley in here with me.

“Oh!” he grunted and he sank inside me even deeper, stiffening and holding still for a second. “Yes!” he tried to be quiet too but with no luck. “Oh. Yes. Oh. Yes,” he moaned as he continued pumping and my pussy kept contracting around his release.

He finally slowed and then lay still on top of me panting. Both of us needed a minute to catch our breath. My skin was pulsing all over, as if my orgasm was still pinging around inside my body. Our hearts were beating like crazy against each other’s chests. I closed my eyes and peacefully went to sleep in Bradley’s arms.

When I woke up I didn’t hear anything in my apartment. Were Bradley and I alone? I needed to know, so I snuck quietly out of the bed. I saw my roommate’s bedroom empty and went out into the living room to make sure no party guests were still around. No one. We were alone.

I turned to go back into my bedroom but was suddenly grabbed around the waist and lifted off of my feet.

“Oh, no,” I pretended to protest, wrapping my arms around Bradley’s neck. We kissed, and I was relieved that last night wasn’t just a fluke or a drunken mistake.

“Good morning,” he said, as we stood naked in my living room.

“Do you have to go?” I asked, and then wished I hadn’t. It sounded like I didn’t want him to say, and nothing was further from the truth.

“No, I want to stay right here,” he said, kissing me again.

“Really? I asked, seriously perplexed.

“Of course. You are like a breath of fresh air, and I need that,” he said smiling again. I must not have looked convinced so he continued, “Shit, you are so great to talk to, so real. All of that wrapped in an amazing package,” he said, pushing me away a little so he could look at me. “You’re beautiful,” he said as he caressed my cheek. “Your red hair is so damn sexy,” he said, twirling a lock of my hair with his finger, “And I learned last night it’s all natural.” Smiling, he slipped my shirt over my head. “And just look at you…” he leaned down to kiss my nipple.

I gasped, “Oh!” I sucked in my breath and bit my bottom lip.

“See that?” he said breathing harder, “The minute you did that last night, I knew I wanted to make you do that. Again. And again. And again.”

“Oh you can make me do whatever you want,” I said, looking forward to whatever that might be.

“Really?” he said, smiling wickedly. Bradley smiled and looked down; his cock standing at attention. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but I waited to see what he had in mind. He pushed my shoulders down and I knew he wanted the same thing I did.

I smiled as I kissed down his completely smooth chest. After I kissed his belly button, I trailed my tongue down to the base of his cock. I got on my knees and wrapped my lips around his head, swirling my tongue around the tip.

“Oh…” he moaned, sinking his fingers into my hair. His cock was still sticky with both of our cum from last night, and I wanted to taste more. I licked up and down his shaft using my hand to help my mouth stimulate as much of it as possible.

“Oh you are so good at that,” he breathed. No shit I thought, smiling up at him. If only he knew how much practice I had on Terri and Tommy. I so wanted to take control and stick his cock in my pussy, but I was too curious to see where he would want to go next. 

I think giving him control was actually getting me more aroused. I slowed my stroking and sucking so he’d think I was getting tired, but the truth was I just didn’t want him to cum. I didn’t want this to be over.

He tapped my shoulder, and I knew to stand back up. I went to kiss him and he backed away. Had he never tasted himself on someone’s lips? Well, he was going to today.

“Yes,” I said, putting my lips on his and swirling his tongue like I had swirled the head of his cock.

“Oh!” he exclaimed.

“We taste amazing,” I said, kissing him over and over.

“We?” he questioned.

“Yes, your cock tastes like my pussy from last night,” I explained.

“Mmmmmm…” he kissed me again, “I don’t know what your pussy tastes like.”

“Such a shame,” I said, holding back every instinct I had to demand he lick me now. He understood what I wanted. I didn’t have to demand it or spell it out. I was enjoying taking his lead. He took my hand and led me back to my bedroom. He sat me on the bed and spread my legs. He knelt down and before I could congratulate myself on getting what I wanted without overtly controlling him, I felt his tongue gliding up and down my slit. My lips spread for him.

“Oh!” I screamed, “Yes, oh…” and I wrapped my fingers in the hair at the base of his head. I tried not to control him; I just wanted to express my urgency. That felt fucking awesome.

“Want to taste?” he asked hesitantly, probably expecting me to say no.

“Yes,” I moaned as he gently brought his lips to mine. With my fingers still in his hair, I licked his lips and kissed him, exploring the taste on his tongue.

“You like that?” he asked surprised.

“I do like tasting us,” I said again.

“See,” he said, “That. How could you not know that is fucking hot?”

“Maybe,” I agreed. Of course I knew what turned guys on, but he didn’t know that. “You didn’t know I would do that though.” I still did not understand why he thought I was anything special.

“You didn’t have to say that in words. I could tell,” he explained, “It’s in the way you look at someone. It’s in the way you lick your lips. It’s in the way you move. You are just hot.”

“I don’t understand,” I reiterated, “You are the one who’s hot. Um, people actually pay you to look hot!” I laughed and kissed him.

“It’s not the same,” he said, “Trust me.” He moved my hand to his hard cock. “See what you do to me?” I laughed. He was excited and I loved that I did that to him. He was still kneeling so I pulled him up on the bed and turned him so he could lay on his back.

“Can I?” I asked coyly, and I went to climb on him. I wanted to ride him, but I still wanted him to feel in control.

“Oh yes,” he said smiling. “See, this. I like this.” Yes, I thought, but how did he know I would do this? I seriously wondered if Terri had told him things.

“What?” I said innocently. I hovered my pussy over his erect penis. “This? You want this?” I laughed.

“Um…” he stammered, hoping I would slide on. Did he really think I wouldn’t at this point? I needed his cock in me. Not wanted. Needed.

“Yes,” I said definitively but trying not to control. I slid my pussy onto just the head of his cock. Then I slid off just a little. I held it just inside my pussy lips.

“Are you sure?” I asked again, teasing.

“Don’t make me show you!” he responded. Was he threatening me? I couldn’t wait. Bradley pulled me onto him. I tried to resist for effect but I wanted his cock to fill me up. 

When it finally did, I moaned loudly, “Yes, oh yes.”

I was straddling him, but still sitting up like a cowgirl riding him. I felt his huge cock hitting my g-spot, and I knew if I did this right I could have one hell of an orgasm. I had only ever had one in my life, with Terri with his toy.

I started rocking back and forth and felt the base of his cock stimulating my clit. I felt the building of a g-spot orgasm. It escalated differently, so it made me out of breath and completely dizzy. It made my whole body tingle and buzz.

“Damn,” Bradley said, amazed as he watched me become completely unraveled.

“Yes. Oh. Yes. Ohhhh. Ohhh.” I couldn’t even form words. I tried to look into Bradley’s eyes. It was hot to see him watching me. I could tell how excited it made him, but I had to lean my body back just a little so he was hitting just the right spot. That was easiest to do when I threw my head back.

Bradley ran his hands all over me, my breasts, my ass, everywhere. It made me tingle even more. Then his hands settled on my hips as my rocking got harder and steadier. He knew I was going to cum. He squeezed my hips and pushed his cock into me harder. That did it.

“Oh yes! Yes! Yes!” I screamed over and over. I felt his cock stiffen and pulse inside me as he started his release.

“Yes! Yes!” his screams matched mine. G-spot orgasms last longer, so by the time the waves of my orgasm were slowing down, I was completely dizzy, and collapsed on top of him. Laying on top of him, I squeezed his cock a few more times with my contracting pussy.

Bradley chuckled and said, “Holy shit. What was that?” He kissed my forehead, as I was still trying to catch my breath.

“Amazing,” was all I could manage to say as my head lay on his chest, his heartbeat calming me.

“Completely,” he agreed.

I laid on him for so long, I fell asleep. Maybe he was afraid to move me, but when I finally woke up he was sleeping too. His soft cock was still inside me. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want this to be over, but I knew it was. This little fantasy world I had visited, was over. I had learned a lot of important things though. One man could fulfill all of my needs. I could give up control and be completely satisfied. These were things I didn’t believe were true anymore, and now that I knew they were. So I knew what I had to do.

I started sprinkling kisses on Bradley’s chest and his eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning, again,” he said with a smile. I leaned up to kiss him.

“Well it’s barely still morning but if we hurry we can squeeze in a morning shower while it is actually morning,” I said laughing.

“Sounds perfect,” he said, kissing me. I climbed off of him and led him to the shower. I made the water really hot; the way I liked it. I stepped in and let out a little moan because it felt so good.

“Damn, you even make showering fucking hot,” he said and I noticed he was already getting hard. Yes, maybe this fantasy world wasn’t quite over. Bradley grabbed the soap and started washing my body.

“Me too,” I asked him, taking the soap from him. Running my slippery hands all over his chest and stomach, which literally made me lose my breath. Perfection. His body was perfection.

“While we are here we should probably be thorough,” he said as his soapy hand slid over my clit.

I jumped and said, “Ohhhh…please…” He hadn’t done that to me yet; hadn’t made me cum from clit stimulation.

“Damn,” he said, kissing me against my moan.

“Yes,” I whispered against his lips, “That feels so….” I got lost in his stroking. My clit was swollen and I was getting ready to explode again.

“Good,” he finished for me.

“Yes, don’t stop,” I sighed and reached out for his cock. It was fully hard, but I stroked it anyway. My soapy hand glided all the way up and down easily.

“Mmmm,” he moaned.

“I’d love to have…” I started trying to find the words to tell him I needed his cock, but I wanted him to have the control. Fuck this was harder than I thought. “You feel so hard…It would feel so good if…”

“Tell me,” he sighed, “Tell me what you want.” If he was asking then I wouldn’t be controlling, right? Did he want to hear me beg for his cock? That wasn’t taking control that was being sexy.

“Keep doing this,” I slid my fingers through his fingers to keep sliding them up and down my clit, and I turned around so my ass grazed his cock. “I need you inside me,” I requested and bent over a little so he’d have access to my pussy.

“Yes,” he held his cock and guided it into my pussy.

“Yes!” I screamed as I reached around to his hip. I wanted to pull him into me more so he could fill me up. His hand was still working my clit without my fingers. He knew exactly how to touch it.

Then I felt the fingers of his other hand tracing the remnants of the marks on my back from the whip.

“Oh,” Bradley said, “Are these scars?…From…” he seemed scared to ask.

“No,” I chuckled, “They’re from playing…” I left it open-ended for interpretation.

“Ohhhh,” he said understanding. Now his hand went down to caress my ass cheek. Then I heard a slap. The wetness made it sound loud, but it wasn’t a hard slap. No tingle, but it still excited me.

“This kind of playing?” he asked.

“Oohhhh, yes,” I confirmed, as he squeezed where he had slapped. I wanted more playful spanks, but I didn’t need more. I was going to cum.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Yes,” I panted, “Yes, I’m going to…I’m…” I didn’t need to finish the words. As I went over the edge, my body jerked back making his cock sink into me harder. That thrust and my pussy spasming with orgasm was enough to make him cum, and I felt him explode over and over.

“Oh! Oh!” he grunted, and I bit my lip through my own moans. He couldn’t even see me do it, but I knew he would have liked to see what he was doing to me. He slowed his thrusting and pulled me up by my shoulders so my back was against his chest, his cock still inside me. He kissed my neck.

“Mmmm,” I sighed. He didn’t even know how much I liked that. His hand slid down the front of my neck to cup one breast.

“Ohh…” I felt his breath against my ear. He turned me around, wrapped me up in his arms, and kissed me for a long time. The water ran over us. Our mouths and tongues were still hungry.

We finally finished showering and dried each other off. It was fun and funny. Bradley’s fingers traced the lines on my back again.

“Are you sure you wanted this?” Bradley asked.

“Yes, I really liked it, but I know I got too carried away,” I admitted. “Next time I’ll know to stop sooner.”

“Shit, next time?” Bradley said laughing, “You just keep on blowing my mind.”

“Well, I didn’t mean it like it’s going to happen today…” I said with a giggle, “I just meant I want to do that again sometime.”

“See, fuck,” he said with a huge grin on his face, “You get to me,” he said grabbing his cock. “Look, you’re already making me hard again.”

“Oh my!” I said feigning horror, “Whatever will you do about it?” We laughed together as he kissed me again.

“You know, this doesn’t have to end,” he said, trying to make me feel better.

“Yes it does,” I told him, “Not because of Terri. Because I’m leaving.”

“Leaving where?” he asked.

“Leaving here,” I said, “I found a job and I’m moving back home. I’ll be a thousand miles away.” I hadn’t made the final decision until that moment. I hadn’t even discussed the possibility with Terri or Tommy.

“No!” he said, sincerely upset, “Why?”

“It’s a good job and I’ll have the support of my whole family around me,” I continued to explain, “I’m sure it’s the right thing to do, but leaving all of you behind is going to be hard.”

“Yes,” he said, lifting my chin so I could look back into his eyes, “But you are strong. You can do anything you want. This will be good for you.” He kissed me. Wow, he was being so supportive, even though he didn’t need to be. He could have put his clothes on and walked out of my life forever, but instead he was giving me the most encouragement I had gotten in a long time.

“Yes, I guess…I-” my words got caught in my throat.

“It’s ok,” he said stroking my hair, “Sometimes we have to do what is right even if it’s not what is easy.” Gorgeous and wise. How had I not realized this about Bradley sooner? Actually I had known it, I just assumed he wouldn’t want me. It never even crossed my mind that he’d want anything other than friendship. I never gave him a chance. That was definitely a stupid mistake on my part, and now I’d never know what could have happened.

“Yes, true,” I said, enjoying being wrapped up in Bradley’s arms. I felt protected. Maybe if I closed my eyes I could will this to never end.

“What did Terri say about you leaving?” Bradley asked. I picked my head up and looked at him.

“Nothing….” I said, “I didn’t tell…I don’t know how…I don’t even know if we are really together anymore.”

“It will be ok,” he said, kissing me, “Tell him, just like you told me. He’ll understand. He’ll be ok.”

I kissed him again to thank him for being just what I needed. I continued down to bring my lips to his chest. I wanted to savor every second. He brought his hand to my cheek, caressed it and brought my face to his again to kiss my lips. He gently let his tongue explore mine.

If we didn’t ever get dressed how would we ever stop this marathon?

I lifted on my tippy toes to lean into his kiss harder, with every intention of falling back and breaking free to finally get dressed, but he wasn’t ready. He lifted me off my feet and kissed me more urgently. I felt his cock getting hard against me.

“I didn’t know…I wasn’t going to get to see you again,” he started in between kisses, “I…I don’t want to let go…I mean…Can I?… Can we?…” His breathing was getting harder and so was mine. I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too.

“Yes,” I said, taking him by the hand and bringing him to my bedroom, “Please…” I kissed him as we stood next to my bed. I caressed his chest and kissed him. I licked his nipple and sucked it. He took a sharp breath in and smiled. I brought my lips back up to his and put my hands on his hips. Shit even his hips were cut and so fucking hot. I’m glad I had a good hold of him because he leaned me back, supporting me with one arm and ran his finger down my neck and chest until he reached my nipple. His hand cupped my breast as he brought his lips to my nipple to suck it.

“Ohhhh,” I moaned, “Yesss…” and I bit my lip.

“Do that again,” he requested, looking into my eyes.

“Yes, if you do that again,” I teased. And he did. “Yes!” I screamed louder and this time I licked my lips slowly while looking into his eyes.

“Oh, yes,” he moaned, “Can you?…Will you?…One more time…that thing with your tongue…you know…” I did actually know. I answered by sinking to my knees, and taking his hard cock in my hand so my lips could slip around it so my tongue could swirl around the tip.

“Oh!” he moaned loudly and shuttered. “Yes…” he said, leaning his head back and gently putting his hand on the back of my head. My tongue teased the opening at the tip of his cock as his precum came out.

“Mmmm,” I moaned, enjoying tasting him.

“That’s so good…you’re so good at that…I wish I knew sooner…” he panted. Me too.

“Do you want me to finish?” I asked briefly, taking my mouth off his cock to stroke it.

“Yes…no….” he said unsure, “Come here,” he said, reaching for my shoulders to bring me up. I stood up and he brought me hard into his kiss. No hesitation, even with his juices on my lips.

“Mmmm,” I moaned against his lips.

“I want to taste you…I want to be inside you…I want too much at once,” he panted, trying to figure out how to squeeze everything into this one last time together. He laid me down on the bed. He spread my legs and leaned over my pussy to slide his tongue from my clit all the way down through my pussy lips, spreading them apart.

“Ohhhh,” I moaned, biting my lip. “Yessss….” He knelt on the bed next to me so he could lay on his side with his cock inches from my face. Nice, 69. I stroked and licked his cock the best I could, even though he was distracting me with every lick. His tongue danced over my swollen clit and I thought for sure I couldn’t cum again. But I soon realized he was awakening the previous orgasm, and this one was going to be harder, longer and more intense. He slipped a finger into my pussy and spread my juices up and down my clit.

I gasped each time he hit just the right spot on my clit. He realized which spot I really liked, and then wrapped his lips around it to suck. Fuck yes. Had he read my mind?

“Yes!” I screamed, “That…that feels so….fuck…yes…oh….if you don’t stop…I’m going to…”

“No,” he said, “Not yet,” and he stopped sucking. He swung his body around to kiss me with his lips soaked in my juices. “I need this,” he said, sliding his hard cock into my pussy. Slowly.

“Me too,” I said, licking my lips and kissing him. “Yes, just like that,” I said, closing my eyes and caressing his ass as he slowly pumped in and out. I squeezed his ass but he didn’t increase his speed, he just went in deeper which was perfect. The base of his cock was now sliding against my clit, lighting it up.

“Yes, this is good,” he said, leaning down for another long kiss. Even though he was pumping slowly, we were both out of breath with excitement. I felt his cock stiffen, and he paused with his cock deep inside me, while looking me in the eyes.

“Yes!” I said, feeling my own orgasm going over the edge.

“Yes,” he said, “This. This is what. You do. To me. This feels. So. Fucking. Good.” He was out of breath and pumped until he was spent. I closed my eyes and relished in his sweet release, as my pussy spasmed against his bursts.

“Mmmm,” I continued until we were both spent. He laid gently on top of me, and I had the overwhelming feeling I was going to cry. I had to get it together.

“Damn, you are fucking awesome!” he said still laying on me. He finally lifted up to kiss me and look at me. “You really should take more control during sex. You’re good at it when you let yourself. And it’s fucking hot!” I laughed. I definitely knew how to take control, but he didn’t know that. It was possibly the best thing he could have said to lighten my mood.

“I’ll try,” I said, trying to stifle my chuckle. We both got dressed and I walked Bradley to my door. 

We were standing at my apartment door and he said, “Thanks for an amazing…. 18 hours!?” We both laughed. It felt like it had been days.

“Thank you,” I said, “Especially last night when I drank too much. You really were a gentleman and you didn’t have to be.”

“You deserved me to be,” he said, “And I knew if I was ever going to find out if you wanted to be with me, you’d have to be at least somewhat sober,” he laughed.

“I’m totally sober now,” I said and kissed him.

“Me too,” he said with a chuckle, “I just don’t want to say goodbye though.”

“I know,” I agreed, “This sucks.”

“How about we say I’ll see you later,” he offered, “I’ll come visit!”

“Ok,” I agreed, but knew there was a slim chance. It did make it easier to part though.

“We’ll leave it at that then,” he said, and released me with his arms but continued kissing me.

“See you later,” I said.

“Yes,” and he started to walk away. After a few steps away from my door, he turned and came back for another kiss.

“Can you actually leave?” I said laughing.

“No,” he said.

“Yes,” I said and quickly wiped away a tear. He touched my cheek.

“Ok,” he said and he let go. I watched him walk to his car. He drove away. I was now alone. And ready to start the next chapter.

But first, I had to tell Terri and Tommy that I was moving. I wanted to tell them in person and together. When I called to tell them I had something important to talk about, they both told me they could come over the next morning. That would give me the rest of the day to pack. As I was packing up everything I owned, so many things brought back memories. I fell asleep remembering all the fun the three of us had together.

In the morning, Tommy arrived first, which surprised me. He liked to sleep in when he could. I was glad though because I knew he wouldn’t have to rush off since he didn’t have work until later. I opened the door.

“Hi, babe!” he said, picking me up and swinging me around. He set me down and saw the boxes. “What?” he asked as he walked further into my apartment and saw more boxes. “Oh, no…” he realized. “This is what you’ve wanted to talk to us about…”

“Yes, you’ve been busy,” I said trying not to sound accusing, but I was still mad they had both gotten too busy for me.

“I’m so sorry, babe,” he started, “I’ve been wrapped up in my music, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend time with you, it’s just…”

“I don’t need you to feel bad,” I said and meant it, “I found a job back home, and I’m happy.”

“Oh,” Tommy said, sitting on the couch. He didn’t say anything for a minute. We heard a knock at the door. Must be Terri.

“Hey!” Terri said as he walked in his arms full of bags. “You didn’t start without me again did you? I picked up some food so we could…” he saw the boxes and Tommy sitting somberly on the couch. “What?” he said, setting the bags down and looking at me.

“Hi Terri,” I said softly.

“Are you moving, babe?” he asked. Sometimes Terri was oblivious.

“Yea, she found a job back home and she’s leaving us,” Tommy said.

“Hey! Not fair,” I said louder than I meant to. “You guys have been leaving me for a while now. It was just my turn to make a life for myself.”

“You’re right, babe,” Tommy said, “I’m sorry, I just,” and his voice cracked.

Terri tried to lighten the mood. “That’s so good for you, babe,” he said, hugging me.

“No. Wait!” Tommy said, “You don’t have to go,” he continued and I could see him thinking. He stood up and walked over to Terri and I, still in our embrace. “Stay,” he said, putting one arm around each of us, “Move in with me!”

“Tommy…” I said, not taking him seriously.

“I’m not joking,” he started rambling, “I’ll kick Rob out. He’d never be able to keep his hands off of you, babe, but once he leaves that would be perfect. You both could move in. We can easily cover rent and be comfortable doing whatever we want. It’s perfect!” He was pleased with himself. Terri shook his head no.

“No,” I said, agreeing, “That’s sweet but, no.” A couple of months ago, I probably would have taken him up on that because I was blinded by doing whatever made me happy. Tommy and Terri had definitely made me happy. Now though, I knew there was more to consider than just fun. Life had lots of working parts, and I’d have to get them all in sync at the same time.

“Oh,” Tommy said sadly and dropped his arms from around us.

“No,” I said sweetly, “I love that you’re trying to keep us together. I do, babe.” I took his arm and put it back around me. “But we knew this wouldn’t last forever. Let’s not be sad that it’s ending. Let’s be happy that it happened.”

“I am definitely happy that this happened!” Tommy confirmed. “Sometimes I still don’t believe some of the stuff we did! You’re amazing!” He kissed me. It still excited me to have both of them touching me and kissing me. How was I ever going to be happy with one man? He’d have to be just the right guy. Bradley showed me it was possible.

“I agree, you’re amazing,” Terri said.

“I love you,” I said, hoping they would still say it back.

“I love you too,” Tommy said, kissing me again.

“I love you,” Terri said, cutting in to kiss me. We chatted for a few minutes and then Tommy had to leave to go to work, so I walked him to his car for a private goodbye.

“Everything good with you and Terri?” I asked Tommy.

“Totally,” he said, “but we just don’t see each other much anymore.”

“True, I hope you guys stay friends,” I said, “I’m glad you joined us; actually I can’t imagine what it would have been like without you. But I would never want what happened with all of us to come between a friendship.”

“Don’t worry, we’re cool,” he said, “And we have to stay friends…he’s the only one who would ever believe me about what we did!”

“True,” I laughed. Tommy laughed too and grabbed me by the shoulders, pushing me back up against the car.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to do this…” he said leaning in to kiss me, “You’re leaving so it doesn’t matter who sees.” True. His kiss was long and passionate; just the way he knew I liked kisses.

“Damn I don’t want to leave,” he said, “But I’m going to visit. I am. I’ll drag Terri with me too! You can be our tour guide. We’ll have fun.”

“I’m sure we will,” I said, but I wasn’t sure he was really going to visit. It did make it easier to say goodbye though, if I could believe it.

“Ok then,” he said, “I’ll see you soon, babe!” He kissed me one last time and got in the car.

“See you soon, babe!” I said throwing him a kiss. Ouch. My heart hurt. My eyes filled with tears. I turned to walk inside and realized Terri was still there.

Terri was waiting to say goodbye. I was already crushed. I didn’t think I could do another goodbye. He greeted me with a smile and slipped his arms gently around me. He looked into my eyes and they finally overflowed. Tears streamed down my face. I didn’t want to leave. I couldn’t do it. I felt paralyzed with fear.

“No, babe,” Terri said, and I heard his voice crack, “Don’t…” he couldn’t continue. I put my head in his chest and sobbed. Hard. He stood with his arms around me, until I was done. I needed that more than he could have imagined.

“You know it’s going to be fine, right?” Terri finally said when he thought it was safe to talk.

“Yes,” I said looking up at him, “Thank you.” My sweet Terri.

“I want to, no I need to, thank you,” Terri started, “I wouldn’t be where I am now without you. I don’t think you’ll ever know how important you’ve been to me. You are part of my path, and I’m so grateful you were.” It was definitely one of the sweetest, most insightful things, he had ever said to me.

“We’ve learned a lot…” I said, trying not to think about just sexual things, “I learned to surrender control and you learned to take control. In life and more…” I couldn’t help but think of the whip and smiled.

“Thank you for that,” Terri said, “Speaking of, how is your back?” He was sliding his fingers down my covered back. He had enjoyed the feel of the welts he made that night, but they were all gone now with only a few faint lines that would soon disappear.

“They’re almost all gone,” I confirmed.

“Don’t let anyone take too much control. Keep those Yankees in check,” he warned me.

“I will,” I laughed. I’d always want control, at least sometimes.

“Lucky them,” Terri said, smiling.

“You know, Tommy mentioned that you guys could come visit,” I offered, hoping that might make it easier to say goodbye.

“That would be great!” Terri agreed, “Definitely.” Even he must have realized there was little chance it would actually happen.

“So I’ll say see you soon,” I offered, hoping I could keep it together just enough until he got in his car.

“Yes, but I’ll see you in my dreams first,” he said, kissing me. So damn sweet.

As Terri drove away, I let the tears flow again. I was really going to miss him. I loved him. Bringing Tommy in only expanded our love. I hoped one day to find love like that again.

Published 2 years ago

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