Tim And Abbie 07: What Follows

"Abbie makes a surprising request of Tim"

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“Abbie, what is wrong?  What has upset you?  Tell me what I can do to make it right,” Tim begs of her.

Abbie finally calms herself enough to gasp out, “Take me home, Tim, I will explain there.”

Tim, with his arm around her, holding Abbie tight against him as he carries her laptop case on his other arm, they make their way down the blocks from the train station to Abbie’s flat.  Once there, Tim takes Abbie to the couch and actually sets her on his knees as he strokes her back and tells her whatever is the matter he will try to help her as much as he can.

Tears are in his eyes, knowing that he hates to think of his Abbie being distressed in any way.  It takes him back to Saturday night, and he does not ever want Abbie to be hurt that way ever again.

Finally, Abbie calms herself enough to start to try to explain, “Tim, I am going to ask something rather odd for you to do.  And tell me no if you feel uncomfortable about it.  But it is something I need in my life.  I make silly decisions about things without thinking it through too, too, much.  I need someone to take care of me and help discipline me to understand not to do such things.”

“During my last year in college in the US, I did have someone who helped me that way for a short period.  But then coming to the UK, I have let myself run wild, I guess you could say,” Abbie went on.

“I need an authority figure to take care of me, pamper me when I am good, but punish me when I go over the line,” Abbie said softly as she looks Tim in the eyes with little doe eyes of her own.

“What do you mean Abbie?” Tim questions her, “What could you ever do that would be wrong; to me, you are perfect.”

“Tim, let me finish what I am asking from you, and then I will tell you how bad I have been,” Abbie says.  “I have come to realize that I need a daddy to take care of his little girl when she is bad and misbehaves.  And shower her with attention when she has been his angel.  Not all the time.  But to know when that side of things is needed to keep me on the straight and narrow.”

“I want this to work with us so much, I need you to take a firm hand with me, so I don’t screw it up,” Abbie goes on.

“In what way do you mean, Abbie?” Tim, a little confused, asks.

“When I am bad, you need to give me a good spanking or other forms of punishment as you deem needed.  And pamper and dress me and get me ready at times to show I am underneath your angel girl,” Abbie explains.

“To spank you?  Oh, I can’t imagine you would ever do anything to warrant such punishment,” Tim replies, now wondering what happened today to bring this on.

“Tim, it is a side of me that needs that.  I can act all professional and suave on the outside, but inside I do have some insecurities, which makes me do things I shouldn’t.  That is when I need you to be firm with me and not let me get away with anything,” Abbie confessed.

“Baby, what possibly could you have done wrong today that you need a spanking for?”  Tim asks, not realizing he called her baby, causing a rush to flow through Abbie’s veins, hearing him call her that.

In a small voice, with her head hung down, Abbie says, “Daddy, I have been a bad girl today.  Instead of getting the train home at three as I planned, I let some of my old friends talk me into going out for drinks.”

“Well, baby, that can happen,” Tim tells her, holding her tight on his lap.

“No, daddy, I did not even text you to tell you I was going to… well, actually to ask your permission to do so,” Abbie whimpers.

Now Tim suddenly, fully realizes what Abbie is asking of him. He is to be her total caregiver and lover.  She wants him to set boundaries for her, and if she crosses them, then she must deal with the consequences that brings.  Tim could never really be considered an authority figure, and his mother never spanked him, but he sees his Abbie, in his arms, shivers, it is something that she somehow needs.

To have Abbie confident enough in him to be fair and firm in his control over her.  And hearing Abbie call him ‘daddy’ does warm his heart and helps him comprehend this is something Abbie needs, longs for, and should be acknowledged.

“Baby, tell me what you did wrong today, besides going out to have drinks without asking permission.  I can tell there is more to this,” Tim says suddenly in a firm voice.

Abbie feels her big clitty start to tremble, appreciating Tim is without saying, agreeing to play this role for her.  And sitting on his lap as she is right now, she can feel Tim stirring also.

“Daddy, besides me staying too late, not texting you, and I know I probably worried you not doing so; there was this guy who I played with a few times when I lived in London,” Abbie now falters in her words.  Tim imagines the worst as he rubs up and down Abbie’s spin trying to calm her.

“I’m sorry daddy, I didn’t stop him at first when he started to rub up and down my thigh.  It was a while feeling and enjoying that until I snapped out of it.  I told him to stop as there was someone I cared about, and what he was doing was wrong.  It was then that I hurried to the station to get the next train, and texted you,” Abbie winds down her confession.

“Well, baby, it seems you did stop it before anything really happened, but to have put yourself in such a position, and as you say, not asking permission to stay later there, I guess maybe you do need a paddling tonight,”  Tim tells her holding her chin, so she is looking him in the eye.  “We will deal with the spanking tonight, and tomorrow we will make some rules for you to follow so you will be my good girl.”

Abbie’s adrenaline is now on high gear.  ‘Oh my, Tim actually agrees to do this with me.’ Abbie is in seventh heaven.  She now knows Tim really, really, must care for her to agree to this.  And it is what Abbie has been longing to have for so long.  Someone who does care about, dare she think, loves her enough, to want to help her to be good and faithful.

Abbie, again in a small girlish voice, say, “Yes, daddy.  Should I lay over your knees now?”

Tim almost explodes himself hearing Abbie say this, and gruffly replies as he can’t really find his voice, “Yes, baby, I think you better.”

Abbie drapes herself over Tim’s knees, and he lifts her skirt up to the middle of her back.  Then lowers her panties as Abbie raises herself enough for them to be pulled down to her knees.  In doing so, her rock-hard cock is in between Tim’s thighs, rubbing against his also hard cock through his pants.

Tim just rubs Abbie’s ass cheeks over and over, trying to decide how he should do this.  After a few minutes of this Abbie feels precum dripping from her in anticipation, Tim raises his arm and brings his hand down firmly on her right cheek with a resounding SPANK.  He lifts his hand again and does the same to her left cheek, SPANK.

Abbie jumps in response to the sting she is feeling.  Oh, but it feels so good.  It is what she needs for being a bad girl today.

Tim paces his spanks back and forth over Abbie’s cheeks and thighs as she begins to squirm and cry out.  He holds her firmly in place and continues over and over to reign down swats on her ass.  Tears are now flowing continuously from Abbie’s eyes as she starts to cry out how sorry she was.

Tim seems just to know what is expected of him now.  He says, “Abbie, why are you being spanked?”

Abbie, rejoicing in Tim’s understanding of all this, through her sobs replies, “Because I made a bad decision today.”  SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK.  “And I did not ask permission from you to go out with my friends.” SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK.  “And I let that man touch me a while before I stopped him.”


“So, what are you going to do in the future, baby?” Tim prompts Abbie, between more spanks and swats to her cheeks, now a lovely rose color.

“I, sob, will, sob, ask, sob, daddy’s, sob, permission, before, sob sob, doing something like that again,” Abbie replies.

“And if daddy says no, what will you do?” Tim quizzes Abbie as he continues to spank back and forth over her reddening cheeks.

“I will do as daddy tells me to do,” Abbie sobs out.

“And what about others besides me, touching you?” Tim presses her, understanding that is the main reason he is spanking her.  And his swats become a bit harder to help her comprehend this.

“I will not, sob, sob, sob, let anyone, sob, touch me in any way that they shouldn’t,” Abbie promises.

Now Tim feels unsure if he has spanked Abbie enough, well as much as she wants for punishment, so asks her, “Does my little girl think she has had enough of a spanking?”

Abbie cries, “I do, but that is your decision as my daddy when you think I have been punished enough,”

With that, Tim continues spanking her for a minute or two more.  Then lifts her and hold her on his lap, comforting Abbie as her crying die down.  “Now tonight, as it is getting late, I will not make you, but if daddy has to spank you again, you will also have a timeout in the corner,” he tells her with parental authority.

Abbie sniffles and nods her head.  Tim carries her to her bedroom.  There stands her in front of him as he sits on the bed and begins to undress her.  Tim was taking his time.  When she is now naked, he pulls back the cover and tells Abbie to lay on her tummy on the bed.  She does what she is told meekly.

Tim goes to her bathroom and after a quick search return with a tube of lotion which he squirts on her burning ass cheeks and softly, slowly, gently rubs it in.  Once he finishes, he tells Abbie to roll over, and he pulls the covers up over her.  Her face is tear-stained, but Tim sees such a soft, contented look on her face.  He kisses her forehead and tells her to go to sleep.  He will see her tomorrow on the bus going to work.

“And Abbie, tomorrow night, I think we will spend some time writing down the rules you are to follow,” Tim tells her.

Abbie reaches her arms up and hugs his neck, “Thank you, daddy, you are just what I need, and I will try to be your good girl and accept all the rules you decide on.”  Tim kisses her forehead once more, turns out her light, but leaves her bedroom door somewhat ajar and a light on in the living room as he goes.

Walking home, he muddles over everything which just happened.  His feeling about accepting this role for Abbie. What rules he should put in place for her.  He now knows that Abbie is genuinely committed to wanting something to develop between them.  She wants him to be the authority figure in their relationship, at least for now, and blushing a little, realizing he does enjoy the role she has asked him to play.

It is approaching midnight, but Tim sees Leslie’s lights on when he approaches their houses.  Trying to wrap his head around this new facet of what his relationship with Abbie will be, he knocks on Leslie’s door calling out that it is him.

Les answers the door, and Tim asks if he could talk with her about something for a few minutes.  She invites him inside and goes and grabs a couple of ales for them as she had a feeling he might need one.  Tim tells her he had just come from Abbie’s.  ‘I wonder what is up now?’ she thinks as she opens the bottles.

Tim is hesitant to start, but he manages to outline what happened with Abbie and him this evening and Abbie’s request for going forward.  A sheepish grin forms on Les’ face as she remembers a time from her past.

“Well, Tim, to be honest, this does not surprise me about Abbie.  I could tell from meeting her and hearing her brief history that Abbie probably has made some wrong choices, well rather ones she would have been better not making in the past.  It sounds like she really does want this to work between you and is asking for structure and discipline if needed to conform to it,” Les begins.

“It does depend on how far she wants to take this, but it does not sound like it is something she wants 24/7.  Rather for you to help set some boundaries for her and to act accordingly when she breaks the rules,” Leslie goes on.  “To be honest, years and years ago, I was in a similar type of relationship for a couple of years.”

Leslie reminisces for a while:

I was a bit younger than you were at the time.  I met this wild, exotic, and erotic woman, and we hit it off.  She liked being the feminine one to me being the dominant one.  But she had a tendency at the start of our relationship to still run a little rampant, shall we say.

I confronted her about this saying I wanted someone faithful to me when in a relationship and not have to worry about what might happen when she would make bad choices.  That conversation led to crying on her part, flinging her arms around me sobbing in my neck, saying, ‘Mommy, I want to be your good girl.  You make the rules, and I will follow them, if I don’t you do what you tell me to do, I want you to do what you think is needed to keep your baby girl being good.’

Hearing such a request for the first time, I was taken aback for a moment.  Oh, I knew of these types of relationships where one party wants to feel they are still little, and their partner is their ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’ who will set limits for them and punish them when they misbehave.

Once she calmed enough for us to talk, we outlined parameters for her to follow along with the consequences of disobedience.  She did ask that to start, we had a set time once a week when I would spank her for ‘maintenance’ she called it.  As a reminder to her not to sway from the straight path.  During and after those times, usually two or three hours in all, she would call me mommy, and after her spanking and corner time, I would hold and rock her to make her feel she was safe and secure.

It actually added to our relationship.  She toned down how she dressed, stopped flirting all the time with anyone around her, and became more stable in her life.  To be honest, being the one responsible for her, and even the discipling became to be arousing for me as it was to her.  She would often begin to cum when being spanked, especially if I helped her along a little.  And after her punishment, she would make sure I came too.

That relationship flourished, and I wonder how long it would have lasted if she hadn’t got a position in Scotland after two years.  Boy, I haven’t thought of her in years. 

About nine months after she transferred, she sent me a letter saying she thought she had found someone to take care of her as I had.  She asked me to write to her ‘new mommy’ telling her the rules we had set together and how best to discipline her when needed.  I chuckled over that and did respond, wishing them both the best.

Maybe fifteen years ago, I did happen to see her and her mommy at a conference.  We had a drink together, and I could see how a few years of proper obedience had changed her.  She was softer, more girlish in her manner and dress, and did repeated check for permission from her partner for much of what she did.

“So Tim, you do need to be sure you want to take on this role for Abbie.  I think adding this between Abbie and you would be good for you.  But study up on it, make a set of rules to start with for Abbie.  They can be added to or altered the longer you keep this as part of your relationship together.  Check about different ways, besides just a spanking, to use for misbehavior,” Les concluded as she wrote down some terms on paper for Tim to research to find ideas and better information about this.

As Les walked Tim to the door, she confessed, “Actually, Tim, spanking my little girl was delightful.  Feeling her lay across my lap, raising her dress, taking her panties down, and feeling her privates rubbing against my bare legs as I spanked her.  Then checking her as seeing how wet and aroused she was getting and fingering her made me drip too.”

Tim tells Les, “I did get hard doing it when I felt Abbie growing between my legs.  And the nice sense of being in charge, at her request.  I do have to research this more if it is going to be part of who we are together.”

Going to his house, surprised it was almost one already, Tim thinks, ‘Tomorrow when I have a little time, I am going to have to read up a bit on these types of relationships and what limits I should invoke,’

In bed, Tim thinks about it a bit more, remembering how it felt having Abbie over his knee, spanking her lovely ass he feels himself hardening once again.  He reaches beneath the covers and begins to wank himself.  When Tim begins reaching the point where he feels he needs to spank his cock, he smiles some, realizing where he got the skill to spank Abbie’s lovely ass.  That spurs him on, and he cums in seconds.

‘Next time, perhaps I should hold on to Abbie’s big clitty when I spank her,’ Tim thinks as he nods off.

(And next door, Les was servicing herself also, remembering spanking her baby girl from so long ago).


Published 5 years ago

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