January 10th, 2021
My extraordinary wife represents the epitome of the adage; if you love what you do for a living, you never work a day in your life. Brenda, or Alexa Covetous as she goes by in her steamy romance novels, makes a nice income writing the most sensual erotica ever marketed. Or at least that’s what I gained from the checks she receives because she made me promise never to read her stories.
Yet, from over my coffee cup, the contradictions bring a smile. Brenda exhibits the innocent beauty of an angel paired with the body of a porn star and the mind of a nuclear physicist. Unfortunately, she also possesses the morals of Mother Superior. But we maintain a vibrant sex life if your tastes lean toward vanilla and every week or two in the dark is your thing.
The chirp of her phone interrupts our peaceful Sunday morning. Brenda puts aside her laptop, tucks her legs on the sofa, and says, “Good morning.”
Her head slowly tilts, and her lip quivers. She shoots me a pleading glance before squeezing her eyes closed. Finally, she listens a moment longer and asks, “What did he say?”
“Mom, I’ll call you back after I make airline reservations.”
She stands, drops the phone on the sofa, and says, “Mom’s in the hospital.”
I nod, reaching for the phone. “I’ll call Bob to let him know I’m taking some personal days.”
She shakes her head. “As much as I want you beside me,” she smiles through her tears.
“You’re not going through this alone.”
She hugs me. “Thank you. But we can’t afford you missing work for who knows how long.” A kiss and she says, “I’ll call you if things get too much for me.”
Two weeks of a long-distance marriage have me climbing the walls. Then, one night after our phone conversation, the idea hit me. I decide to surprise Brenda by remodeling her closet into the one she’s always wanted.
Within ten minutes, I take the stairs two at a time with a measuring tape and notepad. In the inner sanctuary of her closet, I take measurements and make my plans. If I extend the north wall three feet into the guest room, I can transform this modest space into the luxury closet of her dreams with all the bells and whistles.
Half her things are in the guestroom down the hall when I start emptying the drawers. I find a heavier-than-normal shoe box in the back of the closet, in a drawer full of documents. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I peek to see what treasures she’s hidden back here. Inside are three luxurious black books with gold inlay, a leather strap, and a lock.
Inquisitiveness is a terrible thing, I conclude, darting down the stairs. I locate her car keys and, as suspected, find four miniature gold keys on the ring.
On my third try, I open the first book and discover I’ve found the golden grail for information on the woman I married, a diary dating back to high school. I close the book and snap the lock, unable to broach her privacy.
Grinning like a Cheshire cat, I sip coffee in the kitchen, unable to stop thinking about what secrets her diary holds. Did she ever notice me before the summer we came together? Being a virgin when we married, I’m sure her high school years don’t include anything embarrassing.
I prop the pillow behind me and stretch out on the bed. She wrote on the first page that high school started, and I became a woman. My head tilts as I read Bobby Townson snuck into my room tonight. Still not convinced to lose my virginity, I only agree to suck his cock. But after he fills my mouth with his salty seed, I can’t stop. His thrusting into me like a toy dog wasn’t what I expected, and he only lasted a few minutes. But after he left, my dildo and imagination stayed the night.
So much for marrying a virgin, I muse, going downstairs to fix a drink.
She goes into such detail with the next boy she’s with; I stroke my cock as I read about her fucking him in the backseat of his mom’s car. By the end of her freshman year, Brenda’s four boyfriends ensured she had a vibrant sex life.
In her sophomore year, a relationship with Taylor lasted until he caught her fucking the Quarterback on the football team. After that, she got away with the other four guys she hooked up with.
Then, in her junior year, Brenda needs five pages to describe the party with the football team only because she is fascinated with Devon’s ten-inch dick. I stop reading after she tells Devon and his two friends to fill every hole. I need to clean the bed before going to sleep.
I had just finished reading how challenging Brenda found portraying the innocent virgin on the night we met when the phone rang.
“Good morning, babe,” she says in a cheerful tone.
“How’s your mother?”
“The doctors are still running tests.”
We continue talking, and I bite my tongue to prevent asking any of the questions on my mind. Then, finally, she says, “I better let you go before you’re late for work. Love you.”
“Love you too, babe.”
The contradictions in the woman I love run rampant as I take another sip and stare at the phone on the table. I took a deep breath and called work.
“Bob, this is Dex. I just tested positive for COVID.”
By lunchtime, I discover how bad she felt portraying the virgin saving herself for marriage with me while playing the fraternity party girl at UCLA. And what a party girl she was. She needed two diaries to list everything.
Two questions still need to be answered on closing the third diary. First, why did she stop writing just before our marriage, and are these stories true or a product of her imagination? The possibility of the answer concealed in our home sent chills through me.
My two-hour search for another diary draws a blank. I pour a scotch and return to the den, where I catch myself an instant before placing my drink on her sacred laptop and putting a coaster under the glass.
Twenty minutes pass before I give up and drain my glass. “Fuck it. I’m going to bed.”
Then, as I stand, the condensation in the groves of the coaster catches my attention at the exact moment a chill shoots down my back. Finally, after twenty minutes of trying every date of importance, pet name, and places she enjoys, I surrender to frustration and try the password, ‘size queen.’ Ten minutes pass before I locate dozens of files containing the videos that answer all my questions.
I randomly select a video and click play. The scene opens with the camera focused on a hotel room bed. In moments, Brenda enters the scene naked with two men. One is a stranger, and the other is Stan, my best friend and best man at our wedding.
Without pretext, the three climb onto the bed to spend the next hour engaged in every form of depravity imaginable. Brenda’s wedding dress displayed on the mannequin in the background removed any question about when and where this event transpired.
Alone and numb, I close the laptop as rays of the morning sun streaming through the window. I lost count of the videos I watched, but it didn’t matter. Something died inside me this night, and nothing mattered anymore.
My wife may be many things, but what she can’t hide is she’s a writer. And somewhere in this house is another diary I’ll read before she returns.
I set my cup down with a tilt of my head. The next instant, I’m taking the stairs two at a time. I ease the drawer from the nightstand on her side of the bed. Between the roller brackets, I find the fourth diary.
Sometimes being right is the worst thing that can happen to a man. It turns out my mother-in-law wasn’t all that sick after all. Brenda’s reunion with the high school football team proved the reason that kept her away for two weeks.
The chirp of my phone jars the dark visions from my mind. I draw a deep breath, clear my throat, and, in my best cheerful voice, say, “Hey, babe, how are you doing.”
“I’m sorry, honey.”
“For what?”
“I planned on surprising you for valentine’s day, but I can’t get a flight until Monday.”
I exhale a long breath as a lone tear rolls down my cheek. “You have no idea how much I wish you hadn’t told me.”
Linda asks, “Are you sure they’ll be here?”
“This is where she mentioned in her diary they were coming.”
“Did she mention what time they will be here?”
I shake my head. “Not that I can recall.”
The headlights of the car pulling into the parking lot illuminate us. “Isn’t that your husband’s car?”
She nods. “And unless I miss my guess, that’s Brenda beside him.”
Our spouses arranged their costumes, dawned masks, and walked inside.
“Shall we,” Linda asks, taking her eyes from the door her husband just passed through.
“You know what we’ll find.”
She nods. “Let’s get it over with.”
“What did you say they called this shindig?”
“The valentine’s day soiree.”
I slip on my mask and ask, “Who am I supposed to be?”
“Eros, the god of love,” Linda says as she adjusts her mask.
“Where did you learn of this place?”
“Stan brought me here, but it’s not my thing.”
Across the room, Brenda and Stan mingle among a large group. My concern about Linda and me painting outside the lines with our costumes was unfounded. Stan appears to have a leather fetish, while my wife, in her skimpy G-string and thigh highs, left little doubt about what she has in mind.
From the bar, a man in black approaches Brenda. His unashamed appraisal includes hefting a breast with his crop. A swat of the crop on her nipple draws her squeal, and, in reaction, he twirls his index finger. Next, he traces the leather flap of the crop over her derriere. The crack of leather against her skin echoes when he smacks her ass.
Brenda leans forward as he traces a finger over the fresh red welt. He smiles, and in the blink of an eye, a second welt joins the first.
Her body trembles as he points down the hall with the riding crop. Brenda shakes her head, and crack, a third welt appears. Again, he points the crop down the hallway. She recoils with a nod and leads the way.
Linda and I follow as Stan’s group files down the hall. We descend a circular staircase into a well-equipped dungeon. They strip Brenda naked, place a black mask over her head, and bind her hands.
“What the hell kind of scene is this,” I ask without diverting my eyes from Brenda.
“BDSM,” Linda says with arched eyebrows.
I slowly shake my head. “Who would have thought.”
Over the next hour, they flog Brenda and use the riding crop and hands to leave her body red and sore. I lost count of the number of cocks she sucked. But four men and two women with strap-on dildos fucked her. And from my vantage and Brenda’s orgasmic screams, she loved every second of the experience.
Linda runs her hand over my erection and asks, “Want some relief?”
“Yeah, but not here. Are you ready to go?”
With one longing glance at Stan’s car, I squeeze my eyes closed.
“Are you all right,” Linda asks.
I exhale a longing breath. “Any permanent change in life leaves a lot to lament about.”
“Are you having second thoughts?”
“Not in the least.”
Brenda’s tongue darts over her lip. “Why don’t we get a room and consummate our new life.”
We swing by the Holiday Express on Van Buren Street. The door closes behind us no sooner than Linda drops to her knees to pull on my belt.
“I thought you said this scene didn’t turn you on?”
She slips my dick out of her mouth and says, “It doesn’t. But using a riding crop on Brenda’s ass is another subject.”
“Get out of those close, and let’s find out if there’s any truth in the rumor about revenge sex.”
In moments, my ex-best friend’s wife is on her hands and knees, with me plowing into her with a vengeance. I hold her by the hips and, for the first time in my life, drive through an orgasm and continue pounding into a sloppy pussy.
Between her gasps, Linda says, “Don’t cum.”
“Excuse me?”
“I want to give you something I never gave Stan.”
I close my eyes and pull out.
With my cock twitching, Linda rummages through her purse and hands me a tube of lube. “Tear that virgin ass up, big boy.”
Sunday morning, my valentine’s day starts with the doorbell chime. First, I slip on a pair of slacks and run my fingers through my hair. Then, I descend the stairs to somebody pounding on the door. “Jesus, give me a break; I’m coming.”
Two Highway Patrolmen stand on my front steps. I glance from one to the other and ask, “Can I help you?”
“Would you mind if we come inside, sir?”
“What’s the problem?”
“Can we discuss it inside, please?”
I step back and lead the way to the den. “If one of those signal light cameras caught me doing something, it wasn’t me.”
With no trace of humor, the Sargent asks, “Sir, do you know a Brenda Cauldwell?”
“Brenda’s my wife, but she isn’t home now.”
“Do you know where she is, sir?”
“Of course. She’s in Connecticut, tending to her sick mother. But she should be home tomorrow if you want to return.”
“Your wife isn’t in Connecticut.”
“She damn sure is, and I don’t take kindly to somebody calling me a liar.”
“Sir, Brenda Cauldwell died in a traffic accident this morning.”
I flop onto the sofa. “Do you know what happened, or will I need to call the Connecticut Highway Patrol?”
“She died in an accident on Laguna Canyon Road.” The Sargent briefly studies me before asking, “do you know a Stan Frazier?”
“He’s my best friend.”
“Any idea why your wife and best friend were on Laguna Canyon Road at three AM this morning.”
“Her and Stan were together at three AM?”
On the third ring, Linda says, “I take it the Highway Patrol have left?”
“There pulling out of the drive as we speak.”
“Did they mention the brakes being tampered with?”
“Not a word.”
“Would you like to grab breakfast before we make funeral arrangements?”
“Sure.” I chuckle. “But I need to drop by my attorney’s office first. Life insurance and royalty checks don’t take care of themselves.”