Threesome With Bestfriend And Her Boyfriend

"When my best friend asked if I wanted to have a threesome, I thought it was a joke."

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“They literally taste the same,” I said, handing Kayla back her glass of wine and reclaiming my own from her hand. We sprawled lazily on her bed, letting the credits of some show run in the background as we relaxed.

Kayla and I had been sipping wine for the better part of the evening. Well, mostly me sipping, and her gossiping about what woes had the audacity to plague her this day. She was my best friend though, so I didn’t mind listening—it came with wine anyways.

“It’s getting late,” I eventually said. “I won’t keep you from your boyfriend.” I checked my watch—less than an hour to midnight. Kayla silently sent a text, turning the glass of wine without drinking.

“About that,” she said, “I wanted to ask you something. Well, he did—or we did, feel free to say no, it was just an idea that we had. I mean, don’t feel awkward, it is a compliment really.”

“Awkward about—what?” I laughed.

Kayla sent another text. “Would you be interested in—a threesome with Bron and me?”

I nearly dropped the glass, smirking down another sip. “Good one,” I jested, “you got me. Yeah, yeah, I know it’s been a bit since I was intimate with someone, but you don’t need to tease. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

She stopped me as I started to get up. “I am being serious, Steph,” she said with a grin. “Just hear me out—Bron has this fantasy, okay, about having a threeway. And I kind of have a fantasy about watching him fuck someone else in front of me. So—he thought, since you’re my best friend—”

“That I’d fuck your boyfriend?” I asked, still wondering if it were a joke.

“While I watched—yes,” Kayla said, “and I’d be fucking him as well, of course—sounds fun, right?”

“I think you have had a bit too much wine,” I teased. I bit my lip at the thought. Bron was a good-looking guy. And Kayla, well I knew basically everything about her and their sex life. Well, I thought I did. I never thought I would have been invited into it.

I took another sip of wine.

“It’s just an idea we had,” she said, “if you’re not into it—”

“Okay,” I said.

“Okay?” she smiled. “You’re down for a three way?”

“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about Bron,” I whispered. “As long as you’re okay with—sharing your boyfriend with me. That sounds weird when I say it.”

Kayla sent a gleeful text. “Nah, I was the one who suggested it in the first place.”

“So,” I asked, “when did you plan on having it?”

“Right now,” Kayla said.

“Right now?” I gasped. “But I—I am don’t look sexy in this romper.”

“You look fine, Steph. Besides, I’ll help you out of that romper soon enough.”

I started to say something when Bron opened the bedroom door with his phone in his hand and a grin on his face. He had a thick stubble that made him look rugged. I blushed when he looked at me.

“So—how should we start this?” he asked nervously, laying half off the bed between Kayla and me.

“By thanking Stephanie for saying yes and not immediately running away,” Kayla said, pulling back her hair and tying it into a ponytail.

“Really, Steph, don’t feel pressured—if you aren’t into this—”

“I am into it,” I said almost too eagerly. “I mean, feels good that you asked me to join you.”

“So—start us off Bron,” Kayla said. “It’s your fantasy. What is first?”

“I—uh—I don’t know, exactly,” he whispered anxiously, eyes shifting between Kayla and me.

I giggled. Glad to know he is just as nervous as I am.

Kayla shook her head and smiled. “Alright, I’ll help you out. Bron. Lie back in the middle of the bed. And Steph, get on your knees with me here at the end.” I set down the glass of wine, then got on my knees on the end of the bed, me on one side of Bron and Kayla on the other.

Bron propped up his head with a pillow. Kayla ran a finger along my jaw, then kissed me slowly. We had kissed before when we were younger, mostly just for the practice, but not like this.

She slipped her tongue against mine, intentionally sloppy as Bron watched eagerly. I liked the idea that it was turning him on, and so I played along. I cupped her boob and she moaned, biting my lip and then looking at Bron.

“Is that what you want to see?” Kayla whispered with hot breaths.

“Mmhmm,” Bron replied

Kayla cupped my breasts back, pushing into my lips with a fury.

“Do you like it?” she asked Bron.

“Yes,” he whispered.

“How much?” Kayla asked, sliding onto all fours, and crawling up his legs. I watched with thundering heartbeats as Kayla laid down on one side of him, stopping at his waist, and waving for me to lay down on the opposite side.

She slowly undid the belt, unzipping his jeans and pulling at the band. I bit my lip as his cock popped out, my mouth watering with anticipation. Kayla gripped his shaft with both hands, and I leaned in a little closer.

Kayla put her feet in the air, and she stroked him, shooting me a glance. I did the same, pulling slowly at my sock to show my soles before tossing them off with a tease. Bron watched with wide eyes and heavy breaths.

She waved my with her eyebrows, and I grabbed his cock around the base of his shaft while Kayla still held the top. We both moved in rhythm until a dribble of precum dripped down our fingers.

Kayla repositioned, then put the tip of his cock in her mouth. I kept stroking as she sucked, feeling her wet lips against my hand with each thrust. She moaned, pulling back, and leaving him slick.

I started to stroke his entire shaft, looking from his cock to him. “Do you want me to suck your cock,” I whispered, almost surprised to hear myself saying it. I want to suck your cock, I thought. I grabbed his balls with my other hand as I kept stroking.

“Yes,” he whispered.

I scootched up a bit, then took his cock in my mouth. It could barely fit my lips around it, swirling my tongue around the edge of the tip. When I tasted his precum, I moaned.

Kayla pulled at the shoulder straps of my romper as I suck him, pushing the romper down until it slumped to the side of the bed. She held the arch of my foot against her face, then started to lick my soles. Bron’s eyes shifted between Kayla and I, his cock throbbing in my mouth.

I kissed my way down to his balls, running my tongue beneath his sack. I teased his balls, sucking one softly while stroking his shaft. I wanted to taste every corner—wrap my tongue around every edge, Kayla sucking on my toes.

She stopped, sitting beside me, and watching as I took her boyfriend’s cock deeper into my mouth. She pushed on the back of my head, forcing him down my throat. I coughed and gasped for air, spittle dripping from my mouth and down his cock.

I had been so focused on sucking him off that I hadn’t noticed Kayla had slid off her shorts. She put one leg over my back and the other over Bron’s stomach, leaning back and fingering her pussy as she watched.

I traced the inside of her leg with my hand, then slid a finger into her. Bron moaned and I felt his cock pulse in my mouth. Kayla moaned and moved more onto his lap so that her pussy was right next to his cock.

Holding his cock, I teased her pussy, licking along his shaft and her lips at the same time. I switched off slowly, in one moment taking Bron down my throat, and the next my tongue deep in Kayla.

She straddled him and took him. I slid around, scooting up to kiss Bron while Kayla rode him. His scruff was rough against my cheeks. I bit at his lip, then watched his cock. Kayla leaned forward and undid my bra. As I slid it off, Bron licked at my breasts. He pulled at my nipple piercing with his tongue.

Kayla pushed my legs open and slid off my panties. I was nervous at first, watching Bron’s reaction as my transgirl cock fell out. I started to tuck it back when Kayla started to stroke me. I was still a little limp, but it felt so good.

I leaned down and pulled his cock out of her and put it in my mouth. Kayla grabbed my hips, pulling me forward and moving my legs so that I was straddling Bron’s face. He grabbed my butt with both hands as I continued to suck his cock, then started to eat my ass.

I moaned uncontrollably as I felt his tongue inside of me, swirling around my asshole. Kayla lay between his legs, sucking his balls while I licked his shaft. “Do you want him in your ass?” she whispered, pulling on his balls with her lips.

“Yes,” I whispered. She spun me again so that I was sitting on his lap, my legs on either shoulder. I grabbed the tip of his cock and pushed it into my ass. It was so tight that I had to pull out a few times. I arched back, pushing his cock deeper and deeper until he was fully in me. He was so big I could almost feel his cock throbbing in my stomach.

He pulled out and I gasped with pleasure. Kayla grabbed his cock and mine, holding them together and stroking them at the same time. Then she sat between us, her back to me, and shoved both our cocks inside of her. I liked the way that Bron’s cock felt against mine in her pussy.

She moaned as I put a finger in her asshole. She slid out my transcock, then pressed in against her ass. I pushed the tip into her asshole as it tensed around me. It was so tight I could hardly push more.

She got up, and I grabbed his cock, guiding it back into my ass. I slowly took him in and out, savoring the pain and pleasure. Kayla put her head between us and took my transgirl cock in her mouth. I moaned, Bron thrusting harder and harder. I closed my eyes, feeling Bron’s cock inside of me, pulsating and warm. And then I felt my breathing pick up.

“I—I think I am going to—to cum—” I whispered. Bron stopped thrusting and pushed his cock deep inside of me. I could feel his balls against my thighs.

Kayla squealed with a laugh as I cummed, my transgirl cock still half limp and fully in her mouth. I could feel my ass tensing against his cock as I quivered. Nothing had ever felt so good—so much so that I had to hold onto Bron’s shoulders so that I would not topple.

She opened her mouth, twirling my cum with her cum so that Bron could see. I pulled her in and kissed her. We swapped the cum back and forth, letting it fall into each other’s mouths. I held my mouth open for Bron, then swallowed it down. It was not the first time I had eaten my own cum.

“Get on all fours,” he groaned as he pulled his cock out of me and started to get on his knees. I did as he wanted, getting down on all fours with my ass toward him. Kayla moved to the end of the bed; her legs spread in front of me.

Bron bent down and ate my ass again briefly, then slammed his cock into me. I bounced forward from the force. Kayla grabbed my head and pulled me toward her pussy. I licked her as her husband fucked me from behind. His balls slapped against me as he thrust.

He leaned down and grabbed my breasts, pulling my body against his chest. His breathing slowed, and I knew what was about to happen.

“I am going to cum,” he whispered.

I spun around still on all fours, taking his cock in my mouth. I sucked the tip quickly, waiting for it to start. I pulled at his balls, driving him further down my throat.

Cum filled my mouth. His cock pulsed over and over against my tongue. I kept him in my mouth the entire time, keeping every last drop. He gave out a sigh of pleasure, then fell backwards against the bed.

I got down on my stomach, putting my feet up and licking the last bit of cum from his cock. I opened my mouth so that he could see, Kayla laying down next to me and watching. I held the cum in my mouth, then let it slowly drip down his cock, continuing to suck it up.

It took two gulps to swallow it all.

Kayla curled up next to him and closed her eyes, exhausted. Bron laid back and watched as I held his cock lazily in my hand. I rested my head in his lap, licking the tip of his cock. I closed my eyes for a minute, suddenly tired.

And then I fell asleep, his cock in my hand, and the taste of his cum still in my throat.

Published 2 years ago

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