Three’s A Crowd

"Sophie’s last night with roommates Brian and Jonathan ends in a pleasant surprise."

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“Here’s to Sophie.” Brian raises his glass in salute to me. “And to her newly renovated flat.”

“Hear, hear,” Jonathan concurs as we clink our three glasses.

The bubbly tickles my nose when I sip it.

“Are you so ready to get rid of me?” I tease.

“Of course not, beautiful,” Brian says and envelops me in a bear hug, making my tiny frame disappear in his embrace.

“We’re just happy for you, that you’re getting your apartment back,” Jonathan says, soothingly kissing my cheek. “And you won’t have to sleep on our lumpy couch anymore.”

“It’s not as bad as that, and I will miss you guys.”

“We’ll miss you too, sweetie,” Jonathan says. “But, having our place back to ourselves has its advantages.” He pulls Brian close and kisses him deeply, squeezing his butt as he presses himself against him.

I watch them and groan inwardly. That is so amazingly hot. Seeing them together like that, Brian’s pale skin contrasting with Jonathan’s caramel complexion. Reddish blond hair against dark brown locks.

The kiss is long and passionate, encouraging me to think about things I should not think about concerning friends.

“See something you like?” Brian’s voice breaks through my erotic daydream. His aquamarine eyes twinkle with mirth.

Embarrassed at being caught staring, I mumble something before grabbing the salad bowl to carry it to the living room, my cheeks blushing scarlet.

From the corner of my eye I see them exchanging a look that I can’t decipher. They do that a lot, speaking without speaking, a form of communication where only they are privy to what is meant.

We sit down to eat and enjoy our last meal together as roommates. Watching them talk and laugh with the easy banter of a couple who’ve been together for some time, I realize how true is my earlier statement. I am going to miss them – a lot.

They have a way about them, both alone but especially, together. The warmth and love is so obvious between them, that it spreads to everyone in their vicinity. They are so completely at ease with each other and still they’ve managed to keep that spark alive. I don’t know how they do it, but they are one of the happiest couples I’ve ever met, and they make a striking duo as well.

Secretly, I’m crushing on both of them, having had unsavory thoughts about doing both this and that, with either, or both of them. Just thinking about it now makes me hot under the collar and I have to make an effort to focus on the conversation.

Brian smirks knowingly at me as if he can read my wandering mind. I blush, more or less confirming it. That only makes Brian smile wider, cocking his eyebrow at me.

“I bet you’re ready to have some adventures of your own. It’s been a while for you,” he says.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”

“I bet I could warm you right up.”

His statement rattles me and I think of only one thing to say. “But you’re gay,” I blurt out, feeling stupid and confused.

“Well, I’m more of an equal opportunities man,” Brian answers, rubbing his jaw while studying me intensely.

“Meaning he likes both dicks and pussies,” Jonathan adds. “And sometimes he needs to fuck some skank to get that need out of his system.”

“You cheat on him?” I’m astounded at what I’m hearing.

“No, it’s not cheating if it’s done with my permission,” Jonathan assures me. “But no other cocks for him.”

“Don’t need any. Yours,” he grabs Jonathan through his jeans, “satisfies me more than enough.”

I’m smiling to myself thinking about how Jonathan satisfies Brian with his cock. That would be a sight to see.

“Personally, I don’t get the appeal, but it’s something Brian needs to be fully fulfilled so I give him free reign with the ladies.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing babe,” Brian says giving Jonathan a peck on the lips. “Women are luscious and soft, and sinking into a wet pussy is just divine.”

“I’ve said it before and I will say it again. It. Will. Never. Happen. Period.”

“You’ve never been with a woman?” I ask astounded by this revelation. “Not once, even in your exploratory teenage years?”

“Nope, they never did it for me. Always been drawn to guys, from the beginning. Don’t get me wrong. I find women beautiful. But it’s more like they are works of art than something that turns me on.”

“But, just think about it John, you, me and some gorgeous female to share.”

Jonathan shakes his head at Brian’s persistence. I get the feeling this is a discussion they’ve had before and I see that Brian is getting nowhere in convincing Jonathan. But my mind is spinning with visions of me as the suggested female. Mmm, yes, please.

“I wish,” I sigh.

They both look at me and burst out laughing.

“What? Sophie, you are full of surprises, aren’t you?” Jonathan chortles.

“Did I say that out loud?” I blush scarlet, pushing my wine glass away trying to gain my equilibrium. “That’s enough wine for me.”

Brian has stopped laughing, studying me with his sharp gaze. “I bet you are a wild one in bed. All that repressed sexuality simmering just beneath the surface. ”

“Oh God, just stop it. I’m just a bit drunk and my mind slipped for a second. Just leave it be.”

I have no idea what game he is playing tonight but it makes me feel off kilter as if the rules of engagement have changed and no one has bothered telling me.

Jonathan saves me. “Stop harassing her Brian.”

“Okay, okay. I’m just trying to get you guys to broaden your scopes of vision, but alas I have to give it a rest.” Brian gives a great show of being the suffering martyr, which makes us a laugh, releasing any tension.

He still looks at me from time to time. I’m on edge not knowing what to do with this new information. Maybe, just maybe… I drive myself crazy with my spinning thoughts but can’t seem to stop myself.

I sip my wine to have something to occupy my hands but am careful not to drink too much, since it might get me into trouble, the way my mind is wired tonight. I can’t shrug off the image of me sandwiched between their strong bodies. ,

There’s an atmosphere of reckless sensuality in the air and I’m not the only one affected. Brian and Jonathan become more and more blatant in their advances towards each other. Their touches and kissing turning increasingly erotic and, eventually, they leave their seats to head for the bedroom. There is no question about what is going to happen once they are in private.

“Can I watch?” My words slip out before I’ve consciously formed the sentence. God, I’m such a klutz today, putting my foot in it over and over. I could just die from embarrassment right now.

It’s Brian who takes a lead on this, too, grinning victoriously at me. “You want to watch us little girl? Want to watch the big boys play?” His voice has a teasing tone to it, but underneath I hear the hint of excitement. He finds the thought of me watching them arousing. As far as I know, it might even been what he wanted all along.

“Yes.” My voice is an almost inaudible whisper. I’m so embarrassed and yet turned on at the same time, acting out of character, emboldened by the alcohol and the sexually charged atmosphere.

They look at each other: more of that silent, non-verbal communication and then they seem to agree on something.

Brian nods his head once to show their assent before they both head to the bedroom. I follow them, hesitantly, hoping I have not misunderstood. But they let me go with them to their private space. I sit in an armchair in the corner of the room. I have a perfect view of the bed.

They both look at me as I awkwardly try to make myself as invisible as possible.

“Relax pretty, just enjoy yourself.” It’s Jonathan speaking and it makes me more at ease knowing that this is not something he’s agreeing to simply to please Brian.

“Yeah, enjoy yourself girly.” Brian echoes with a chuckle. “We sure as hell will.”

Their lips meet in a hungry kiss, Brian fisting the hair at Jonathan’s neck, Jonathan’s hands stroking down Brian’s muscled back, landing on his buttocks, pulling him closer. Quickly, it gets heated, hands grabbing at flesh, tongues licking exposed skin, groins grinding.

It doesn’t take long for them to start undressing each other, pulling off t-shirts. The sight of their toned bodies clad only in jeans is spectacular, a girl’s wet dream. They’re both fit, but very different in build. Brian is buff, Jonathan is lean and sinewy. Both, however, are hot as hell and I imagine myself touching their ripped chests and abdomens.

When Brian pushes Jonathan to his knees in front of him I groan. This is the hottest thing I’ve seen and it’s about to get even hotter.

Jonathan gazes up at Brian as he nuzzles him trough the denim. Slowly he unbuttons the fly, revealing the hard dick concealed beneath. Brian is commando and his erection springs forward, almost smacking Jonathan’s face.

I manage to stifle my nervous giggle. The noise lodged in my throat turns into a moan when Brian’s head falls back in pleasure as Jonathan’s tongue strokes his hard flesh from base to tip.

With great expertise, Jonathan starts licking and sucking his partner’s erection. It’s easy to tell that he knows exactly how to get Brian going. Brian grabs Jonathan’s head and slowly starts moving his hips. This seems to be something that sets Jonathan off because he closes his eyes and hums in delight. He unbuttons the fly of his jeans to free his rock hard cock. He strokes himself while Brian fucks his mouth with slow shallow thrusts.

They are the image of carnal bliss. Unconsciously, I lean in towards the erotic scene, my mouth slightly open, my breath not more than shallow pants. I desperately want to touch myself, to ease some of the ache in my drenched sex. But something keeps me from taking that step. The view before me is so perfect: two prime specimens of the male gender, engaged in an erotic dance where I seem to be totally forgotten. I don’t want to intrude. Don’t want to break the spell. So I stay in place, not moving, watching this very private moment as a silent spectator.

That’s when Brian looks at me. His face portrays the pleasure he is experiencing, the naked ecstasy that he’s now sharing with me.

“You like what you see Soph?” His voice is hoarse, a groan of pure lust.

“Mmm.” It’s an affirmative moan. I can’t manage anything more eloquent than that.

“Getting you hot?”


The next word is uttered as a command, “Come.”

Hesitantly, I rise from my seat and approach them. Jonathan is on his knees bobbing his head at Brian’s groin. Getting closer, I see the rapture on his face.

I stop a few feet away, unsure of what is expected of me. Brian grabs me, pulling me to him, crushing his lips to mine.

Yes, yes, yes!

This feels so right. I lose all hesitancy and fall into the kiss, allowing myself to be swept away. Brian groans into my mouth when I respond with equal fervor and he deepens the kiss further. He tastes of sun and drink and something that must be just Brian. When we pull apart, I’m breathing heavily.

“Oh fuck Soph. Why haven’t we done that sooner?”

I giggle at his comment, but I completely understand what he means. The kiss was an explosion of sensation, an eruption of heat.

Feeling a caress on my thigh I’m reminded of Jonathan. I look down and see him gazing at us. His normally golden eyes are like molten chocolate, darkened by his arousal. His mouth is hovering at Brian’s erection while he has his own cock in hand.

“Oh God,” I groan. “That is so damned hot.”

“You want to join him?” Brian whispers in my ear, tickling the back of my neck as he plays with my hair.

I nod with a shy smile. I would like that very much. Gently, Brian turns the tickling to a firm grip and pushes me to my knees beside Jonathan. He smiles and moves to give me room.

Brian’s proud manhood stands to attention in front of me. A bead of pre-cum decorates the head. Brian holds his cock and steers it towards my mouth, the other hand at the back of my neck. That first taste of his salty musk makes me moan in delight. He tastes so good.

It’s been a while since I sucked a man, but what I lack in skills, I make up in enthusiasm. I gobble him down like a voracious animal, sucking him hard and deep, enjoying the feeling of his hard cock gliding along my tongue.

“Fuck,” Brian growls. “Slow down, Sophie. You’re going to make my cum too soon.”

I release him, feeling a little sheepish. I didn’t mean to lose it like that.

“Oh beautiful, I love your eagerness. I just want to last a bit longer, have time to enjoy a bit more of this.”

I giggle, self-consciously.

“Now, try it again, a bit slower this time.”

He feeds me his erection once more and this time, I take it slower.

“Yes, just like that, perfect.”

His praise makes me feel elated and proud. I gaze up at him with the veneration that is flooding me. He pulls out and lets Jonathan suck him while I look on in avid appreciation. Brian alternates, feeding his cock to Jonathan and then me, letting us each suck or watch the other.

“Now both of you, at the same time.”

We approach this next step cautiously, gazing at each other, my hazel eyes staring into his chocolate orbs.

Jonathan takes the first step, licking along one side of Brian’s dick. I follow, laving my tongue over the other side.

“Mmm, yes, so good,” Brian groans.

It eggs us both on, making us more daring, but we take care not to touch each other. However, when the tips of our tongues accidentally brush, Jonathan doesn’t pull away but increases our contact. With his free hand, he pulls me closer deepening our kiss, our tongues playing tag over the veins of Brian’s cock.

Emboldened by his initiative, I reach for his erection, wrapping my fingers around it. He lets go, allowing me to take over stroking his dick. He pulls me closer still, his hands feeling my flesh through my clothes.

“Bed! Now!” Brian’s commanding voice breaks the spell.

Jonathan looks bewildered as if he’s just realized that he’s been pawing me, a female, something he’d said he would never do. Brian pulls him close, kissing him, telling how much he loves him, how hot he found us two together. It seems to make Jonathan relax and he smiles shyly at me.

“Come.” Brian’s voice is softer now, moderated, as if he’s trying to avoid alarming his jumpy boyfriend, or me. I’m also a novice to this situation, after all. Brian takes us by our hands and leads us to the bed.

“I’m such a lucky guy being here with the two of you. My gorgeous, compassionate boyfriend.” He kisses Jonathan, a deep open-mouthed kiss that leaves them breathless. “And you, my beautiful, vivacious girl.” He kisses me with equal passion.

I’m lost to the kiss, my insides going up in flames. My mind is playing his words over and over. He actually called me his girl. I don’t know if that was conscious on his part but I realize I like it. I like it a lot. I want to be his girl. Belong to him, to him and Jonathan. Somewhere, I comprehend that this will complicate things but, at this moment, I don’t care. I want to be swept away in a fog of wanton, carnal bliss.

When Brian hints for Jonathan to kiss me, too, I tell him he doesn’t need to, if he doesn’t want.

“I want to, sweet thing,” he assures me before timidly placing his lips on mine. His kiss is softer than Brian’s, searching, surveying new territories.

When the tip of his tongue seek its way into my mouth I moan and press myself close. He envelops me in his arms, squeezing me tight before letting go of me.

Once again Brain takes the lead, guiding us into the next step of this exploratory journey. He pulls off his jeans and Jonathan follows suit. They stand before me in their naked glory, two gorgeous men now focused on me. Brian with unconcealed hunger in his eyes, Jonathan with an uncertain stance. Sensing Jonathan’s ambivalence, Brian steps up behind him, front to back. His hands roam his partner’s body.

“Feel me, Jon. I’m here with you.” Brian’s voice is a soft caress.

Jonathan lets out a shaky breath and leans back into Brian’s embrace.

“That’s good Jon. You okay?”

Jonathan nods his head.

“Good, don’t be scared. We’re doing this together.”

In their intimate moment, I almost feel like an intruder, to the point where I’m considering retreat. But that thought is quickly vanquished when Brian pushes forward, him and Jonathan moving as one. Brian slides his hands down Jonathan’s arms and grasps his hands.

“You seem to have us at a disadvantage, Soph.”

“Sorry, what?” I’m confused.

“Well, we’re in our birthday suits and you, my dear, are fully clothed.”

“Oh.” I blush, again embarrassed.

“Here, let us help you.” Brian steers Jonathan’s hands to the hem of my t-shirt, lifting it over my head.

It turns into a game, where Jonathan is the puppet touching me and Brian is the puppeteer holding the strings. My bra quickly follows the t-shirt to the floor.

“Look at those tits.”

Two sets of hands cup them, caress them, making the nipples stiffen. I moan, biting my lips, pressing my breasts further into their palms.

“Feel that Jon? Feel that supple softness, how they fill your hands?”

Jonathan is looking at me with curious wonderment – and lust.

“Now tweak the nipples… like this.”

I groan when I feel the pinch. It’s blissful torture, this slow soft exploration of my flesh. Brian leaves Jonathan to continue exploring my breasts while his hands wander down my sides, following the hem of my jeans, pulling me closer.

“Feel how hot this makes me, Jon?” he says, nuzzling Jonathan’s neck. “How hard this makes me?” He pushes his pelvis into Jonathan’s rump while still holding onto my jeans.

I’m pressed into Jonathan’s erection which Brian is now stroking.

“It makes you hot too. Admit it. Having her here with us like this.”

“Yes, it does. You make me hot Soph.” His voice is guttural and hoarse, filled with desire.

Hearing those words from Jonathan is like pouring gasoline on an open flame. I let go of the last vestiges of my hesitation, grab his face between my hands and crush my lips to his, kissing him passionately. He answers me in kind.

Brian is tugging at my zipper. We are frenzied, grinding, groping. I awkwardly kick off my jeans. One of them pulls down my panties, I don’t know which, but then we are skin on glorious skin, falling onto the bed, a tangle of arms and legs, hands grabbing, tongues licking, teeth nibbling.

A hand slides between my thighs, spreading them, probing my drenched sex. It’s Brian’s fingers slipping, sliding, teasing, making me arch, aching for more. Instead they’re taken away and I moan in protest.

A chuckle. “Patience dear. I want Jon to taste.” He slips his glistening fingers between Jonathan’s lips. He responds by grabbing the hand, sucking the fingers clean, moaning.

“Nice huh?” Brian says with a smug look.

“God, yes,” Jonathan breathes.

“Come, feel her with me, babe.”

Together they grope my cunt, fingers playing together through my wet folds. Two digits penetrate me, carefully pushing in and out.

“Feel that Jon? That slippery soft wetness. Feel her walls squeezing your fingers? Imagine those clenching around your cock.”

They examine my pussy like exploring a new toy together. It’s excruciating, slowly building my pleasure, making me tremble with want.

“I need more,” I pant.

“Shh, patience darling. All in due time.”

But lips close around my clit, a tongue flicking my sensitive bud. My hips buck as I cum hard, tumbling over the edge.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” I scream.

Dazed I hear Jonathan’s comment, “Oh fuck,” and Brian’s answering, “Yeah, right!”

I’m grabbed and pulled around, manhandled to straddle someone, my back to his face. Seeing Jonathan in front of me I know it’s Brian’s hands gripping my hips, positioning me above his cock.

All three of us groan when Brian enters me. Jonathan strokes himself, gazing at the point where Brian and I are joined.

Brian starts to move and it feels divine. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a man, and I’ve almost forgotten how good it feels. Brian’s dick is thick and hard, filling me with slow delicious strokes. I move with him, meeting his thrusts with my own grinding hips.

Jonathan seems entranced by the scene before him. When Brian pulls out of my wetness to offer his slick erection to him, he bends down and sucks it eagerly, cleaning off my juices.

Brian holds Jonathan’s head in place between our legs when he again enters me. Jonathan gets the idea and licks both of us while Brian pounds my pussy. All the time, Jonathan gazes up at me. The scene is so erotic. Brian’s cock, Jonathan’s tongue, the way he looks at me, it all becomes too much for me. Suddenly, my orgasm hits hard; my body shakes, my hips jerk.

“Fuck.” Brian’s voice is strained as he delays his orgasm, pulling out.

That’s when Jonathan surprises me by positioning himself between my legs, his cock hovering at my entrance. I see on his face how he’s battling with himself, not understanding his own actions.

Brian sits up behind me, taking Jonathan’s face in his hands, kissing him. “I’m here babe, we’re doing this together.”

Jonathan grips Brian’s hand, holding it firm enough for the knuckles to turn white.

I’m waiting in strained anticipation. Now that Brian has claimed me, I want Jonathan to do the same. Not wanting to scare him, but still showing him how much I want him, I slowly glide my outer lips along his hard shaft.

His gasping groan makes me bolder; I grind myself against him. He turns his gaze from his boyfriend to meet mine. He is beautiful, his face portraying the mixed feelings, naked vulnerability and burning lust.

“I want you Soph, but I can’t do it myself. Help me!” His dark stormy eyes are pleading.

At that, I gently push him onto his back and straddle him. With my hands on his chest, feeling his erratically beating heart, I sink on him.

Brian lies beside us, stroking himself, avidly watching. Jonathan’s face shows a surprised wonderment when I slowly move my hips, riding him. I see how his nervous hesitation ebbs and how lust takes over. Grabbing my hips, holding me in place, he takes over, setting a quicker pace. I throw my head back and laugh at the exuberant feeling of having Jonathan inside me, something I never thought I’d experience.

Brian moves, getting something from the bedside table. Seeing the lube my eyes widen in surprise. He grins wickedly at me, but also with a question in his eyes.

Both of them! At the same time!

I’m not sure I can handle that, but I want to. I want that badly. I nod and Brian looks like he’s just won the jackpot. He moves behind me, stroking his hands over my skin, gliding cross my back, caressing my stomach, fondling my breasts. I feel his erection against my rump and I shiver in apprehensive anticipation.

One hand between my shoulder blades pushes me forward. I’m eye to eye with Jonathan, who pulls me down to kiss me. His hips move in slow grinding circles while his boyfriend prepares me for an additional penetration. The glob of cold lube makes me flinch, but the finger entering shortly afterwards feels exquisite, making me moan in delight.

One finger becomes two, and then three, stretching my back passage. At the same time, I’m passionately sharing kisses with Jonathan, our tongues dancing together. When I feel the fingers removed and a hard cock nudging at me, ready to breach my rosebud, I tense.

Jonathan strokes my hair cooing, “Relax sweetheart, he will make you feel so good.”

Jonathan’s concern for my well-being does it for me. I manage to calm myself enough to press backwards, helping Brian to penetrate my tight ring. Slowly he glides forward, filling me.

“Oh fuuuck,” I gasp.

Jonathan pulls back to make room for Brian to push deeper. As Brian pulls back, Jonathan pushes deeper. Soon they find a slow rhythm that works for all of us.

“I can feel you Brian, ” Jonathan groans. “It’s so good.”

“Fuck yes,” Brian says, grabbing my hip in one hand and Jonathan’s in the other.

They increase their speed, thrusting into me, pounding me with frenzied fervor.

I’m all sensation, my attention centered on the cocks filling me to the limit. There’s a little pain mixed in with the pleasure, but it only adds an extra, thrilling dimension. It feels so good, so right, the three of us together lost in carnal bliss.

Again I build towards climax, hovering on the edge before abruptly toppling into ecstasy. Screaming, my back arches, my legs shake, the walls of my sex clench down on Jonathan, milking him. He spends himself inside me, groaning both Brian’s name and mine incoherently. For Brian, it’s just a few more erratic jerking pumps and he cums deep in my ass.

We collapse in a panting, exhausted heap.

“Oh. My. God,” I exhale. My mind is blown away. How can anything ever top that experience?

Eventually, Brian leans on his elbows looking down on us. He’s wearing the widest grin like he’s immensely proud of himself. “How’s that for expanding your horizons?” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

“You fucking planned this, you asshole,” Jonathan exclaims in mock horror, making a lunge at Brian, who dodges, laughing, and disappears out of the bedroom.

Left with only Jonathan I feel suddenly shy and awkward. This was something Brian pushed for in a way and maybe Jonathan in reality did not want it.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

He looks at me for what feels like forever. Jonathan is always thoughtful and honest. Taking his time to answer makes me anticipate the worst.

“I think so,” he answers, finally. “I did not expect… I mean… I’ve never.” He stops and takes a deep breath before trying once more. “Sophie, sweetheart. You know I adore you. I could not have done this with any woman other than you. Thank you for making me feel so… safe.”

He pulls me into his embrace, kissing the tip of my nose.

Brian enters with a couple of towels. “Hey, are you two all done with the psychobabble?” He smiles warmly at us, showing that he’s much more considerate than the impression he wants to give. I guess he’s probably been standing outside listening, giving us the time we needed.

They get a towel each and wipe me clean, before removing the covers on the bed. I’m unsure what is expected of me, if they want me to stay or leave them to their privacy. I decide to give them the space I figure they want. But when I start to move to get to the sofa in the living room, Jonathan holds my arm.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Brian takes it a step further, grabbing me around the waist and throwing me on the bed. “You’re staying with us.”

They snuggle up to me, pulling the covers over our naked bodies. I sigh in contentment. Yes, this feels good. I don’t know where it will take us. In my heart, I hope this is not the end of it. I’ve never had a place where I felt I belonged. But here, between the two of them, I feel it.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: My gratitude to JWren for time spent checking my English and editing.

Published 9 years ago

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