“But …” I whined. I knew my word choice would anger you, and yet somehow I couldn’t help it. It had been almost a week since our last moments together. I desired nothing more than to be at home … sitting at your feet. Not there. Not in the midst of strangers. And not wearing a flimsy piece of cloth someone grossly mistook for clothing.
You glared at my misstep. Warning one. “I will forgive you this once. Not again. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” I lowered my head, wanting to disappear through the floor. I did so hate displeasing you.
“Now, we are going. And you will get dressed, promptly. You have ten minutes.”
“Yes, Sir …” I resigned, removing my jeans and folding them neatly.
“Good, girl.” You turned to leave, then as if remembering something, you spun on Your heel, facing me once again. Your eyes became soft and loving, that is until your eyes lit on my unshaven pussy. Warning two. “What is this?” You inquired, tugging my pubic growth.
“I am sorry, Sir. I have been rather busy this week.” I hung my head, blushing three shades of red.
“Excuses. Oh, how I hate excuses.” You flicked my clit with your forefinger and then plunged it inside my pussy, massaging my G-spot and making me weak in the knees. “Who does this belong to?”
“You, Sir.” I said, breathless.
“Yes, you are right.” You added another finger between my nether lips, massaging even more furiously. My arousal was growing exponentially, knowing you would not allow orgasm. Not this time. “So I imagine that you thought leaving hair upon My pussy would please Me, hmm?”
“Mmm n-no, Sir.” I stammered. I was truly having to fight for control, to remain upright. “I am sorry, Sir. I will shave immediately.”
“Yes, you will.” You said, as You hastily withdrew Your fingers from my now dripping pussy. You shoved Your fingers in my mouth, and I greedily lapped my juices from them. “Mmm yes. You’d better hurry … ten minutes isn’t long.”
I groaned inwardly, as you left me wanting, desiring. I so hated it when you deliberately increased my arousal and then left me aroused, and you knew it.
Slowly, I gathered my things and disappeared into the bathroom. I so didn’t want to go to your friend’s party, and I really didn’t want to shave. I would have to be particularly careful not to touch myself further, as I could potentially bring myself to an orgasm. Shaving was always arousing.
Running a little bit of water in the tub, I lathered my pussy up and took out my razor. Then, I passed the razor over my week’s growth, trying to achieve a very close shave. I was very careful not to rub my clit … until I had a nearly bald pussy again. I ran my fingers over my folds, feeling for any stubble. Oh, it had felt too good. My clit was so engorged and hard. Irresistible.
Gently, I massaged my clit, hoping for just a little relief … a small orgasm. Something. Anything.
It felt so good, I couldn’t stop. I was too close. Orgasmic bliss washed over my body, as I tossed my head backwards … just in time to see … You. I fell out of the tub, landing on my face. Shaving cream and water went everywhere. I hastily rose to my knees, head bowed. Warning three … game over.
“What are you doing?” You growled, tipping my head back and forcing me to look at you. I opened my mouth to try to explain myself, and as if you read my mind, you halted my words. “No, don’t answer that. I am so disappointed in you. I asked that you be ready in ten minutes, that time has passed. Hmm … rinse yourself off and find your way to the playroom. And wait for me there.”
Tears slipped from beneath my lashes. Oh how I hated displeasing you. Surely my desire to please was strong enough to overcome. I buried my face in my hands, hiding my shame, and wept.
It was then that I heard movement behind me. Soft movement. Footfalls. Then, strong arms wrapped themselves around my shaking body … and I knew. You let me cry for a few moments, stroking my hair all the while. “I know you desire to serve me, pet. I see it in your eyes. Sometimes it is good to be reminded, yes?” I nodded against Your chest, breathing in Your essence. You sat down behind me and gathered me into Your lap. “you are learning very well.”
As I settled into a comfy spot, I noticed a very evident bulge in Your jeans. Again, my arousal reared it’s head. “Sir?” I inquired, not really wanting to voice my question. My longing.
“Yes, you may, pet.” I joyously freed Your cock and hungrily took Your length into my mouth. “Mmm you know this has no bearing on your forthcoming punishment.”
“Yes, Sir. I know.” Everything was right in the world again, as you blessed me with your precious cum.