When I awoke the next morning, Ken was gone, but all his gear was there, so I figured he had gone down for breakfast, or coffee. I got out of the bed, made my way to the bathroom, turned the water on, took a leak, and stepped into the shower.
I lathered myself up from head to toe, stepped out of the flow from the shower head, and was enjoying the feel of the spray from the shower head, and the feeling my hands were causing as I bathed my genitals. It was funny how I could become aroused so quickly even after a night of sexual bliss, but aroused I was, and I was into the feeling of my hand sliding up and down on my soapy cock.
Then I heard the door to the room open, and some noises from the room, then Ken came into the bath. There was some faint rustle of clothing and then he stepped into the shower with me, his cock already at mid-erection.
He took the soap from me, lathered his own cock, stroked it until it was erect, and turned around. His back was to me, and he moved the half step backward until his body was pressing against me.
There I was, standing in the shower with my dick pressing against Ken’s ass, his right hand guiding me while his left hand pressed against my hip, gently coaxing me as the head of my cock slipped inside of him. He would pull me in a little then stop, and I could feel him relaxing. Then he would pull me inside his ass a bit more and stop.
It felt as though it took hours until I was all the way contained by him, but suddenly, I was inside him, feeling the warmth of his body engulf my cock. I think I shivered from the pleasure, because it was pleasure, and an intimacy that was so real and so undeniably sensual and enjoyable. Ken leaned forward and then he was shoving his ass back against me, and pulling away, and I was enjoying all of it!
In all my life, I can count the number of times I came within a minute, on one hand, and that was one of those times. One moment I was enjoying the feeling of my cock slipping inside him, and then slipping out, and the next moment, I was shaking all over, trembling so hard I felt as though I could not stand, and then I exploded, shooting my cum deep inside Ken’s ass, and feeling each explosion of juice as it surged from my balls, through my cock, and into him. And then my cock was shrinking and slipped out of him.
We both rinsed off, and I think I asked him if he wanted to fuck me. As I recall, he smiled and said later, and stepped from the shower, leaving me alone in the last of the sexual aftermath.
After towelling off, I ventured out of the bathroom, nude. I found Ken seated on the bed, his cock erect and inviting, and I knew what I wanted. I knelt in front of him, and took his cock in my hand. I kissed his thighs and nestled my face in the soft hair of his pubis, enjoying its feel and fresh, clean scents.
I was about to give him a blow job when he gently pushed me away, and said that we would be late for the tour. We spent the day trekking around temples and gardens and museums. It was well after sundown when it was at last over. I was beat, so the last thing I expected to do when we finally made it back to the hotel room was as soon as the door was closed, drop to my knees, put my hand on his crotch and gently rub his cock through his navy white trousers.
Ken did not seem to mind even though we were just inside the door, and didn’t try to stop me when I undid the buckle, unbuttoned his trousers, pushed them down his legs, and just took the head of his cock into my mouth. I felt him tense up with pleasure as I took him in to the base of his erect cock.
There is an art to properly sucking a cock, and I will not claim to be an expert at it, not now, and certainly not then. But I knew what I wanted, and apparently from the way his cock grew even harder, Ken wanted the same thing.
So, kneeling there just inside the closed door of the hotel room, I sucked him off. No finesses and no imagination, just my mouth around his cock, and my head bobbing up and down a few times. I don’t even recall considering his sexual feelings, just my desire to quench the thirst for his cock and his juices.
Then I heard him take a deep breath, and I knew he was close to cumming. I cupped his balls with one hand, and went right on sucking his cock, moving the head in and out, taking all of him, then leaving only the tip; until my efforts achieved their goals, and his cock swelled and spurted his warm cum. My mouth was filled with his nectar. I slowed my efforts, but only slightly, and I kept sucking him until his cock was drained.
Our second day ended with slumber. No sex, just a deep, restful sleep.